Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1303 The Five Hells Are Empty, But Misfortune Comes

Jiang Wang summoned such a hell of five senses to give full play to his superiority in spirit and soul, which was instantly unknown.

But just after the Hell of the Five Consciousnesses fell, he saw a sacred and splendid ancient palace descending brilliantly from an unknowable place. Towering and thick, inviolable.

A kind of realization arose in Jiang Wang's heart, this is Chen Siwu's Yun Temple! Projected from the Yuanshen Sea.

The prison of the Five Consciousness Hell, falling on this ancient sacred hall, is like binding a tiger with a few straws, which is an extravagant wish! Powerless and ridiculous.

Not even a ripple appeared.

The five prisons are all fallen, and the five prisons are all empty.

Then Jiang Wang saw at the level of the soul that there was a straight and bright arrow flying towards him.

He remembers this arrow because he is facing it!

This is an arrow fired by Chen Siwu outside the body, unexpectedly imprinted into the level of spirit and soul at the same time, body and soul are together.

Of course, Jiang Wang knew that he could not be Chen Siwu's opponent, but he still had to put in his best efforts at the level of spirit and soul, to feel the strength of this worldly god who is on the scene.

With the rest of his spirit and soul, he opened the single-rider formation map, but the goal was not Chen Siwu's Tongtian Palace or Yunshen Temple, but to pull the arrow at the level of the soul into the single-rider formation map.

Using an offensive spirit array map for defense is just to delay the battle a little bit, so that he can experience more Tianjiao methods in a safe environment.

But only to hear—

Stab it!

The half of the picture of riding alone into the formation was directly pierced, and the feather arrow flew unhindered, hitting Jiang Wang's heart in this state of spiritual manifestation.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the feathered arrow outside his body had also been nailed into his heart.

Then whoosh!

Three more feathered arrows, as if flying from the sky, were nailed to his forehead and two shoulders respectively.

It is for the "joint company" of five shots!

Jiang Wang's figure disintegrated and disappeared in the Sword Discourse Arena.

Chen Siwu frowned, and shot five shots at the beginning. Of course, he was facing the opponent in this blessed land challenge with a very upright attitude. He came up to each round of challenges, knowing that there are also strong people like clouds in the illusory realm.

But the opponent just now seemed to be too weak.

He has only come into contact with the opponent's soul means, and this level of soul power is still some distance away from the threshold of God's Realm... How did this person occupy this blessed land forty-seven?

Is it showing real strength now?

Or was it injured? Or was it broken?



Not to mention Chen Siwu's doubts.

Jiang Wang once again lost the challenge of Fudi neatly and fell to Zhanglong Mountain, which was ranked forty-eighth in Fudi.

This was expected, but there is nothing to say.

Only the appearance of Chen Siwu finally gave Jiang Wang some understanding of the level of power challenged by the blessed land of the illusory realm. Because he was beaten every time, he really didn't know how strong each opponent was.

Chen Siwu, who was able to participate in the Yellow River Tournament's unlimited field under the age of 30, and won the place in the main match, is already one of the best in the world. He occupies the forty-eighth place in the blessed land ranking. From this, we can roughly know that the ones that rank higher are all monsters.

Chen Siwu's strength should be inferior to Zhao Xuanyang's.

Also facing Jiang Wang's spirit offensive, Zhao Xuanyang's response was obviously more relaxed and natural. Although there are reasons why Jiang Wang is stronger today than yesterday, and Chen Siwu may be more cautious when facing Fudi's opponents, but from Jiang Wang's own feelings, Zhao Xuanyang is still more dominant.

From this, he couldn't help thinking that he fell all the way from the blessed land of Dongzhen Ruins to Zhanglong Mountain, did he meet Zhao Xuanyang before? Did the person participate in the illusory realm? Was it a pseudonym to hide his means, or was it in the few challenges he missed?

As for the other... The possibility that the ranking is higher than Dongzhenxu, Jiang Wang does not hold water here.

Especially after studying Fireworks and Burning City assiduously, I can better understand Zuo Guanglie's genius and strength.

When he died at that time, he already had the strength that people should look up to at the level of God's presence.

After finishing the blessed land challenge, Jiang Wang thought about it, and wrote a letter with Zuo Guangshu to inform him of safety, and asked the other party to keep it secret temporarily so that no one would know about it.

Now that I have returned to the Eastern Region, it is considered safe, so I can take care of these things.

As for Swordsman Ning, who often contacts in the Illusory Realm, there is nothing to talk about. They only have friendship with each other on swords, without that kind of trust.

After Qi Jing's negotiation is over, he is still willing to spar with Swordsman Ning often. He is really an excellent swordsmanship opponent, an outstanding swordsman genius...

And that's all.

Finally, a cloud crane flew out, briefly talked about his situation, and flew to Yunguo. Because Yunhe is relatively not safe enough, the wording is deliberately vague. But Daoist Ye thought it was clear.

The following days will continue to be spent in practice.

I also tasted some delicacies of Zhaoguo, but unfortunately there are very few with local characteristics. The most respected food here is Qidi cuisine.

Even the food is worshipped!

The source of all this is the method of Yan Pingchun, the former Prime Minister of Qi State, to turn wind into rain, just like the strategy of "peace and destruction" against Yang State.

When he was in Qi State, because Yan Ping had already resigned, he lived in seclusion in Bei County, and no longer interfered with state affairs... It didn't make people feel too much. I know he's a great old man, but I don't know how good he is.

But in these countries that have been influenced by Yan Ping, they can deeply understand the horror of Yan Ping, the former Prime Minister of the Great Qi. Under his strategy, Qi is a friend of time. The longer the time, the more stable the dominance in the Eastern Territory will be.

It's no wonder that to this day, whenever anyone criticizes Jiang Rumo, they will inevitably come up with a sentence, what happened when the former prime minister was in power...

Brother Yan Fuxian is really rich and powerful, which is enviable!

After the envy passed, he still buried himself in practice.

Although he has become the Heavenly Mansion, he is already the well-deserved No. 1 in the inner mansion in this world, Jiang Wang still has not stopped working hard, and keeps moving towards a stronger position.

Tianfu should also have limits, but that limit... who should define it?

The predecessors were certain, how can today's people not be certain?

The present will win the past!

After spending a full seven days in the practice, that is, September 23, 3919 in the Dao calendar.

On this day, Jiang Wang had just finished evening class, and his bed collapsed.

There was no sign, no power fluctuation, and it fell apart very naturally.

This makes it even more weird.

Of course Jiang Wang would not fall, but he also felt something bad.

Because when he jumped out of bed and landed on the floor, the floor gave way.

The guest room he lived in was on the second floor, and the board broke, and he fell directly into the room on the first floor.

Startled a pair of white-fleshed mandarin ducks on the bed, screaming loudly.

Jiang Wang casually picked up the falling boards, tables and chairs...all the falling objects in the room on the second floor and placed them in a corner of the room. He raised his hand again and lowered the curtain to cover the spring for the pair of mandarin ducks.

Then he stepped out and put his hand on the door——

The door fell into disrepair for a long time, but it also collapsed!

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