Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1317 ? Why

Chapter 1317 Why "Bad Retribution"

The frosty white cloak fluttered in the air like a banner.

So fierce, so ostentatious.

All the words in the world are not enough to describe the splendor of this moment.

Jiang Wang, on the other hand, was surrounded by fire, with calm eyes.

Now is far from the time to relax.

On the edge of life and death, he just took a step back.

This body is still on the edge of the cliff!

The moment the extremely evil hungry ghost, which was more than two feet tall, fell to the ground, Yan Zi, Zheng Fei, Li Shou, and even Lin Xian who was watching the battle.

Everyone was stunned!

Although from the very beginning, Jiang Wang showed a very strong desire to attack, he was actively attacking from the beginning to the end, creating opportunities for combat.

But before Huan Tao really fell down, no one thought he could do it!

These are four notoriously vicious human demons, extremely evil people who grew up in countless fights. Has done the worst thing, killed countless people, whose hands are not covered with blood?

Who was not wanted by all parties, but was safe and sound in the end, so he became a monster?

This is not the kind of Xiong Wen and Fang Heling, who are almost only used as a screening threshold and have been changed for countless rounds.

All kinds of evil, flesh-cutting, uncovering, and beheading are all demons among people who have been evil for a long time and have a bad reputation all over the place.

Momen's pursuit failed to eliminate Huan Tao, but today he died at the hands of Jiang Wang in Duanhun Gorge?

However, the body of the extremely evil hungry ghost that had already collapsed, and Huan Tao, who was still staring wide-eyed in disbelief until his death, were describing the facts!

He still seemed unwilling, and seemed to want to say something, but he could never speak again.

Life and death are sometimes just a result without any meaning!

Lin Xian quickly reviewed the match in his mind, only feeling that Jiang Wang's every choice in the battle was impeccable.

Obviously every opponent he faces has the strength to fight with him to the death, but he turns left and right, fights and avoids, pointing east and west, controlling the rhythm of the battle from beginning to end. These powerful humans and monsters actually became his barrier in the battle, and became his weapon to deceive the opponent.

If it wasn't for the presence of Jiemian Human Devil, if Zheng Fei and Li Shou were not present, how could Huan Tao dare to swallow the Fire Realm, and how could he be killed by a sword?

But Lin Xian didn't think he could do better when he replaced the Four Great Demons. The four giants are not without cooperation, and it can even be said that the cooperation is extremely tacit, but Jiang Wang is really good at creating opportunities in battle. A turn, a collision, can be used to the extreme.

Viewers can only admire in admiration!

Only Jiang Wang himself is calm.

In the eyes of others, it is almost a miraculous feat, but it is the end of his resolute progress.

Getting here is not luck, but courage, wisdom and strength.

From the moment they met on a narrow road and suddenly bumped into the four demons, he knew what kind of crisis he was in. And immediately decided to challenge the legend.

This is far from being achieved at this point.

Among the four monsters, Huan Tao ranked the lowest and was the weakest. The death of Huan Tao will only usher in a more crazy counterattack.

The ensuing battle was even more dangerous.

In particular, he also knew that Zheng Fei and Li Shou boiled and killed the blood of Feng Chi's two surnames in Qingyun Pavilion, and obtained the blood of balance. The current strength of the two will only be stronger and more terrifying than then.

So the first time the sword slaughtered the hungry ghost, he had already turned around with his sword.

The long sword whined softly, thirsty to drink the devil's blood!

But the one who exploded first was not Zheng Fei or Li Shou, whom he was more afraid of, but Swallow, who revealed the demon.

Witnessing Huan Tao's death, the swallow behind the iron wall was first stunned, then furious.

She realized that her timidity was being fooled by Jiang Wang. Jiang Wang regarded her as a weak person and used her pursuit to create a fighting opportunity... But if she hadn't blocked the iron wall just now, how would she know that Jiang Wang was hiding behind her? Wouldn't the sword behind him really hit her? Even in the Fire Realm, this sword was probably prepared for her.

She was angry for the former and shocked by the latter.

It is also difficult to advance, and it is also difficult to retreat, but Huan Tao died in the end.

This also made her realize that in the face of Jiang Wang, who dared to challenge the legendary peerless arrogance, even if the outside tower overwhelmed the inner palace, even if it was four against one, she was not qualified to retain her strength!

So the face changed.

The man's face with thick eyebrows and wide nose disappeared like water lines, and the bridge of the nose was raised, the eyebrows and eyes were softened, and the cheeks were flushed.

The facial features flowed, revealing a woman's face, delicate and pretty, as if she was elegant in the 28th.

Of course, the core magical power that supports Jiemian Demon is not the iron wall, but this face.

To be more precise, it is the magical "human face"!

Thousands of people have thousands of faces, ten thousand people have thousands of voices.

However, she can wear thousands of masks when she exposes human demons, which is different every time.

Over the years, every time Yanzi killed a strong man, he would expose his face. And the effect of the supernatural power of the human face allows her to inherit the supernatural power of the dead strong man for her own use.

This is the origin of the name "Jiemian".

It means that she will kill people when she takes off her mask, but it also means that she will really take off her opponent's face!

Each human face can use supernatural powers three times, and after three times, the power will be exhausted.

The magical defense of the iron wall is amazing, but it is not rare. It is one of the collections that can be selected and consumed at will.

And the "face" she is wearing at the moment is her treasure at the bottom of the box. It took a lot of trouble to peel it off. It is one of the most precious and most cared about collections in this life. There is only the last effect left, and I have been reluctant to use it for many years.

This face is delicate and pretty, and this supernatural power is rare in the world.

The name is Juexian.

Throwing the strings of the piano, there will be no such sound in the world!

The effect is...

Randomly ban a certain magic power of the opponent!

Swallow put on this pretty face, matched with her familiar and graceful figure, she was so beautiful. Just look at Jiang Wang——

Ding dong!

It's like a string sound and it stops.

Jiang Wang clearly felt that there seemed to be a shadow covering Wufuhai.

He hesitated for a while.

Finally, it fell quietly, covering a black and white supernatural power seed.

In the dark, it seems that a certain string is broken.

Astray is dimmed!

The Sword Immortal who is independent from the five mansions sea dome, although he has no influence, still shines with the five mansions.

But Jiang Wang already understood that the magical powers of going astray can no longer be used. At least until the effect of Yanzi's supernatural power ends at this time, he can no longer lead his opponent astray.

This supernatural power, picked up in the Second Inner Palace, has always been his trump card existence. He does not show it to others easily, but if he uses it, he will definitely kill his opponent.

In this dangerous killing situation, he was banned!

Like a tiger breaking its fangs and an eagle breaking its claws.

"Which supernatural power has been sealed for you?" Yanzi asked with a smile, but his eyes were full of coldness.

"Your luck is very good. It probably delayed your death." Jiang Wang raised his sword and jumped towards her: "But it was only a delay."

It was never the wrong way that gave him courage, but his courage and tenacity that allowed the wrong way to be swayed.

Without going astray, he is still strong!

"Hateful, hateful, hateful!"

At this moment, Zheng's fat body bumped into him, and he roared angrily, "I'm going to tear your head off! I won't play with you anymore!"

Jiang Wang only replied: "Fat pig, who is playing with you!?"

Anger instantly boiled his eyes, and flames jumped out of Zheng Fei's eyes! That is the appearance after the anger has boiled to a certain level under the effect of the anger secret technique. If it was another person who was so angry, he could be killed on the spot with only the secret technique of anger.

Although the rank of this technique is not as high as that of the Five Consciousness Hell, it has many wonderful advantages when used. Of course, this is also because Zheng Fei didn't think about defense at all, so it was so easy to succeed.

It's a pity that Zheng Fei couldn't be killed, at least not like this.

With evil retribution magical powers to protect the body, as long as you don't want to die with Zheng Fei, you can probably just go around him.

Therefore, among the Nine Human Demons, he ranks third, and under the hexagram master, he is the most vicious of all evils.

He can be unscrupulous, because whoever kills others is suicide.

Although some are simple-minded and act upside down, they are even more frightening.

Even Jiang Wang, in this life and death situation, had no choice but to leave him alone.

He scolded him, stirred up his anger, and continued to chase the swallow.

Zheng Fei has the advantage of being undefended because of his magical powers of retribution. A burst of anger can pin it down.

The red-eyed Zheng Fei chased after Jiang Wangfei, despite his momentum and speed, he was at a loss under the flames of anger.

Jiang Wang turned easily, and under his pursuit, chased the unmasked demon.

The swallow left many afterimages in the sky, and there were blue clouds, which then disappeared.

And Zheng Fei smashed through the air, making a terrifying explosion.

The three of them flew separately, chasing and killing each other in this innately chaotic formation, every collision was full of murderous intentions, extremely dangerous.

But there are more than two people.

Just when Zheng Fei rushed over the head again, Jiang Wang felt a sudden pain in his heart, and couldn't help but slow down a bit.

There is no need to look back, and I know that Li Shou must be hurting himself. Tonggui supernatural power allows him to influence Jiang Wang without getting close.

With just this slowness, Yanzi has already slipped out of the attack range, and flung out the dagger with his backhand!

Like a scorpion wagging its tail!

The scorpion is petite, and the most poisonous thing on its body is the tail needle. A swing of the tail is a sure kill.

In an instant, the cold light turned to electricity, just like a thunderbolt sweeping across the sky.

Even the light and shadow are shattered on this sword, which shows its speed.


The short sword was nailed to the blade of Sauvignon Blanc.

Jiang Wang swung his sword horizontally, using offense instead of defense. With the sword of famous scholars, cut off this dagger.

The precision of this sword is exquisite, which proves that Jiang Wang's swordsmanship has stepped up again, and has infinitely approached the pinnacle of this realm.

But this sword alone is obviously not enough, because a tyrannical breath is approaching. Zheng Fei bumped in front of him, opened his big hands like a cage of heaven and earth, and closed his big hands like a bear hugging a tree!

Jiang Wang's face remained unchanged, Sauvignon Blanc continued to pull out, the famous scholar's down-and-out sword was pulled horizontally to the end, and the short sword was chopped off. At the same time, the real fire of samadhi flew around the body, and the flaming creatures rushed directly at the fat figure of the evil people and demons.

In order to cooperate with the supernatural power of retribution, what Zheng Fei needs to improve most is his defensive ability. Otherwise, within a few times of "evil retribution", he would have no bones left.

And he really is the most focused on it.

This body of fat is cultivated by secret methods, and is called "meat armor". The ability to defend is far beyond conventional means. It's hard to hurt the skin with a knife and axe.

Jiang Wang suddenly had supernatural powers at this time, and the true fire of samadhi, which is indestructible, rushed up, which made him feel a little bit of pain.

The raging fire almost scorched the grease, making a sizzling sound.

The fiery snake bit his body, Zheng Fei couldn't help taking a few steps back, groaned in pain, but immediately laughed again.

"I don't hurt! I'm not afraid of pain at all!"

It's crazy and brutal.

He rushed towards Jiang Wang with flames all over his body, wrapped in the aroma of barbecue, and Jiang Wang had already stood up in this empty space and rushed towards the swallow.

When Zheng Fei was burned by the true fire of samadhi, he also felt severe pain as expected, and the flesh and flesh on the corresponding parts of his body began to wither, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

It turns out that this is the feeling of being attacked by the true fire of samadhi...

This attack was to drive away Zheng Fei, and it was also to test the effect of Zheng Fei's evil retribution.

He found that Zheng Fei's supernatural power of retribution is the same as Li Shou's supernatural power of returning home, and the effect of counterattack on him at this time is not as terrifying as it was at Qing Yunting.

It's not an "equal" or "exceeding" counterattack, but a weaker one than the original attack.

It may be because Jiang Wang is stronger than those in Qingyunting Mountain Gate, and there may be reasons why "bad reward" and "same return" did not meet the corresponding conditions.

At the same time, Zheng Fei's Evil Retribution Magic Ability's counterattack rate against damage is a bit higher than Li Shou's same return.

It is not difficult to find the reason for the replay of the battle - in this battle, Jiang Wang and Zheng Fei fought far more than they fought against Li Shou.

Does "evil retribution" and "same return" also require knowledge and insight, just like wrong paths?

Need more exposure and documentation?

Jiang Wang silently analyzed the information obtained in exchange for pain, but his figure was graceful and unrestrained. He stepped on the chopped dagger, breaking the last link between it and Swallow, and he flew down in front of Swallow.

The imprint of Qingyun is scattered behind him, and he strikes a sword head-on, like the setting sun falling straight down, and the boundless sunset is like blood-stained, it is the sword of the old general.

At this moment in this rocky valley, the sky is an irregular "circle", and the scorching sun hangs in the corner of the sky, just behind Jiang Wang at this time.

He faces the monster with his back against the setting sun, and the sword light is as dazzling as the scorching sun.

This sword is brave, tragic and unstoppable.


Jiemian Renmo wanted to scold his mother in his heart, and he did curse: "You bastard, you don't know how to be romantic, and you don't know how to touch each other. Every time you draw your sword, you are the first to look for this girl! Could it be that there is some hidden disease?"

"Probably there are." Jiang Wang only said in a low voice: "I heard you pretending to be a girl, and I was sick. What kind of disease do you think this is?"

He replied in his mouth, but his hands didn't rest for half a minute.

The sharper the sword, the closer the person is. The murderous intent is getting stronger!

A straight sword pierces, really has the potential to separate life and death.

Although she has been evil for many years, how could anyone dare to humiliate her like this in person? At most, some people go crazy before they are about to die, but she just sees it as a barking dog.

However, Jiang Wang is different.

Jiang Wang's disgust and contempt were undisguised. Turn a blind eye to her charm and treat her charm as dross.

In her opinion, this is a denial of her identity as a woman other than a demon!

She can keep her little boy by her side, can be intimate and cuddly, can play with men wantonly, and can enjoy short-lived so-called "love", precisely because she cares about these things very much.

So she was very angry.

His eyes were red with anger.

He wanted to bite Jiang Wang's throat with hatred!

But when the anger surged in her heart, she immediately suppressed it.

She is not an idiot like Zheng Fei, she will not let herself be swayed by small Taoist tricks, and she will not let her emotions affect her decision.

She has already used the magical power at the bottom of the box to break Jiang Wang's string of a certain magical power. As long as they fight steadily, the balance of victory and defeat is still on their side.

And Jiang Wang provoked his anger, nothing more than wanting to get rid of her as soon as possible.

The state of this Sword Immortal can't last long, and the state of Wufu Tongyao also has its limit.

I will not do what the enemy wants.

The more Jiang Wang wants to make a quick decision, the more she should delay. Time is Jiang Wang's biggest opponent!

So the swallow backed away.

She backed away with one step, and three afterimages appeared. Taking another step back, it is already Jiudao.

Fly in different directions.

It's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

The flying and escaping movement technique of exposing the human demon can be called wonderful.

But Jiang Wang just glanced at it, raised his sword and stepped on the cloud, and turned to Li Shou.

Although Wrong Way is banned, he can still influence the opponent's choice in battle.

A charge of mystical anger is enough.

He didn't reveal his face for quick killing, so why should he tell the truth from the false? All you want is for the swallows to escape!

Although the magical powers of going astray are banned, it is not necessarily impossible to see the going astray!

Let her escape in full bloom, I slash my sword at Li Shou.

"Haha!" Li Shou yelled strangely: "What are you looking for me for? Looking for Zheng Laosan, looking for Zheng Laosan!"

While screaming strangely, while drifting away like a ghost.

He made strange noises and bared his teeth and claws, as if he was very afraid of Jiang Wang's pursuit. But there was a smile on his thin face.

"Hey hey hey, I'm going to make many pictures of you..." He said with a strange smile.

The supernatural power of the same return, in order to complete the influence, one must first ignite the heart fire and ignite the soul lamp.

Only when the fate and soul are in the same line, life and death have no distinction, can they self-mutilate and injure the enemy, so as to achieve "same return".

Not only the confrontation with Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang's pursuit of him is also the fuel of the heart fire. The hotter the heart fire, the stronger the effect of the same return, and in the end self-mutilation and death of the enemy is just a trivial matter.

He had already used his supernatural powers once to decipher Jiang Wang's savanna state and help Yanzi regain his sense of hearing. More fuel is being stored now, in order to reach a level that can kill Jiang Wang.

Being chased is so exciting and fun!

In the sky, he was like a ghost, screaming incessantly.

"Come on! Come and chase me!"

At this moment, Jiang Wang's figure suddenly flickered, and two Jiang Wang came out on the spot. Holding their swords, they flew towards Li Shou from two angles, compressing his evasion space to the greatest extent.

The phantom body of the red makeup mirror!

The breath of the real body and the phantom body are exactly the same, at least Li Shou can't tell the difference at all.

But that didn't bother him.

With a swipe of the curved claw on the left arm, three bloodstains were pulled out immediately. At the same time as the blood splashed, on Jiang Wang's real body, blood also flew up on the left arm!

No matter how realistic your phantom body is, it will never be the same as your true self.

Li Shou was very proud of his wit, smiled and flew to the left, which was the direction Jiang Wang was encircling. Gently brushing over the phantom body, with a casual swipe, it seemed as if a bubble had been pierced, and all traces disappeared immediately.

He grinned happily.

Jiang Wang's eyes were still calm. He never felt that Zheng Fei and Li Shou looked topsy-turvy, so they didn't have fighting wisdom. To be able to grow to the current strength, at least killing is an expert. It is not incomprehensible for the phantom body to be broken, especially if the other party possesses such powerful supernatural powers.

He has the awareness of not being able to make meritorious deeds, and the courage to die here after doing his best.

He was as calm as his sword, with a posture that was so calm that it was almost ice-cold, he continued to chase Li Shou, and suddenly turned around and struck a sword!

There is a thin line between the sky and the earth, as chic as a famous celebrity, but with a sense of desolation!

See also ten years of poverty, life and death.

Only this time it's a little different.

On the blade of the sauvignon blanc, there is an unfavorable frost color swirling slightly.

This makes the sword even colder and more murderous.

Facing this sword, it is the unmasking demon who pounces quietly!

When the sneak attack failed, she was startled in horror, and she didn't care to leave a mark on Jiang Wang's body, and retreated again, exiting the nine afterimages.

Jiang Wang forced her back with a sword, but still ignored Zheng Fei who was chasing him, turned around gracefully, and chased Li Shou again.

The Immortal Technique of Pingbu Qingyun is indeed the secret of the fairy palace in the ancient times. Jiang Wang used this technique to turn at a high altitude, which is better than strolling in a courtyard, suddenly left and right, without any hesitation.

Fortunately, when the Immortal Palace and Wufuhai were damaged together, the magic gun was unable to catch it, so Qing Yunting was able to survive. Otherwise, it is really impossible to find a replacement in a short period of time.

The outstanding body technique is the main reason why he was able to keep moving in group battles without being surrounded to death in the first place. At this time, with the momentum of beheading and beheading demons, it is even more chic, the sword moves east, west, north, south, and fighting and chasing are only between thoughts.

Always allow yourself to face as few opponents as possible at the same time.

But the opponent is not a clay puppet, and it is impossible to follow his design completely.

Facing Jiang Wang who was chasing closer and closer, Li Shou suddenly grinned: "You are so fierce! Xiao Jiang!"

He seemed to be really happy, he bent down in the air with a smile, and then punched hard, hitting his left knee!


He exerted such force that the entire kneecap was directly smashed, and the entire calf was bent back in a strange way, which was shocking to see.

" hurts, it hurts!" His smiling face turned into a crying face, and he cried out.

And under the supernatural power of the same return...

Jiang Wang, who was chasing Li Shou and walking in the sky calmly, had a bang on his left knee and broke half of it in an instant.

Tonggui Divine Ability has not yet met the conditions, so it cannot counterattack equally. Jiang Wang's injury wasn't as serious as Li Shou's, but it was enough to slow him down. There is this obstacle -

"Haha! Got you!"

Zheng Fei had already caught up with him, and the fourth floor of the five mansions shook together, he slapped away the air waves with his left hand, and pointed the knife at the back of Jiang Wang's head with his right hand, and slashed!

The air waves are almost like a strong wind, colliding in all directions. The light of the knife is more like a horse training, sharp and drooping.

Covering the cage up and down, there is no room for Jiang Wang to escape.

With the magical power of evil retribution, he doesn't need to think about defense, so the attack is more wild and fierce.

How many people who were stronger than him died under his knife.

The terrifying potential energy formed by the light of the knife and the wind of the palm is like an invisible and huge hood, covering him and Jiang Wang together in it, and then crushing inward.

The situation is very dangerous!

With his shattered knee, Li Shou sent Jiang Wang to a dead end in an instant.

At this moment, it is impossible to chase Li Shou, and it is even worse to counterattack Zheng Fei.

Any damage done to Zheng Fei will also fall on himself.

How would Jiang Wang deal with this extremely fierce palm and knife?

Lin Xian, who was watching the battle, had no answer, and neither did Yan Zi and Li Shou in the battle.

They have seen too many times where Zheng Fei crushed his opponent to death.

No one who was really caught by Zheng Fei has been able to escape!

But at the next moment, Jiang Wang gave his answer.

He turned back and returned the sword.

Dragging an injured leg with a shattered knee, he slammed into Zheng Fei's body, slashed obliquely with the long sword, and cut off Zheng Fei's left leg with one blow!

Of course, correspondingly, Jiang Wang's left leg, which had been smashed by Li Shou, also broke silently!

Who could have imagined that Jiang Wang, who had been unwilling to fight Zheng Fei head-on since the beginning of the war, would attack Zheng Fei brazenly. And so direct, so brutal!

Even Zheng Fei himself couldn't believe it.

In the pain, he looked at the left leg that both of them had broken at the same time, he was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of pain! It doesn't hurt at all!"

But Jiang Wang, who also had a broken leg, had no expression on his face, and ran into Zheng Fei's "embrace" with the opportunity, almost face to face with Zheng Fei!

Zheng Fei never defended himself, flesh armor was his first line of defense, evil retribution was the second.

The damage enough to kill him will definitely kill the opponent himself first.

Therefore, his sword light and palm style are more about "confinement", locking Jiang Wang within the attack range, and preventing this extremely fast toy from slipping away.

Like a tornado, in the eye of the storm, it became calmer.

At this time, Jiang Wang had already crashed into the eye of the wind. The pain of the broken leg made him frown, but his hand holding the long sword was still as firm as a rock.

The light of the five supernatural powers flowed on the sword body, and the long sword moved forward, smashing through the flesh armor neatly, and piercing into Zheng Fei's abdomen!

Zheng Fei's eyes widened in bewilderment and pain, and the palm wind and sword glow that chained Jiang Wang disappeared for a moment.

The imprisonment has been lifted!

But Jiang Wang didn't take the opportunity to escape, he didn't choose to get away, but held the long sword and leaned towards everything!

Zheng Fei's chubby face immediately twisted into a ball, and the blood in his abdomen was rushing, and he couldn't stop it for a while!

Under the magic power of evil retribution, Jiang Wang's own abdomen also ruptured suddenly, his internal organs were exposed, and blood flowed wantonly.

If he cut off Zheng Fei's left knee, or maximized the use of his own left leg that had been crippled by Li Shou, it was an overall consideration for the battle situation, and it was not a big loss at all.

Then the next sword piercing through the abdomen, followed by the oblique cutting with the sword, seems to have completely ignored the existence of the magical power of evil retribution.

He actually took out the posture of dying together, vowing to kill Zheng Fei on the spot!

Who would have thought? !

People only saw that, in the confinement of palm wind and sword light, the young man in blue shirt and sword was almost standing face to face with the tyrannical and ferocious demons.

Zheng Fei, who was usually insane and tyrannical, had a distorted face, both frightened and terrified. Jiang Wang, who is usually gentle and calm, has no expression on his face, and his sword is as fierce as a sword, and he is bleeding himself.

I don't know who is more crazy!

The three chapters were merged, and one of them was an update for Yan Shaofei of the Great League. 4/78.

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