Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1320 Asgard Warrior

"Warrior of Immortal Palace!" Boy Baiyun blurted out.

Jiang Wang frowned: "Asgard warrior?"

"Yeah!" Boyun Baiyun nodded confidently, and flicked his chubby face: "Warrior of the Immortal Palace!"

"..." Jiang Wang could only ask, "And then?"

Baiyun Boy blinked his innocent eyes: "Then it's amazing!"

Jiang Wang smiled and raised his hand: "Don't worry, you can speak slowly."

"Asgard warriors are warriors from fairy palaces. Every fairy palace is different. Our warriors from Yunding fairy palace claim to be immortal and the blood of balance is the core of their creation..." Baiyun boy spoke quickly, and said in one breath.

There was no pause at all, but Jiang Wang understood it.

"So, do you know how to shape an Asgard warrior?" Jiang Wang asked.

Baiyun Boy smiled triumphantly: "I remember all the materials!"

The expression on your face that you are coming to praise me.

Jiang Wang raised his chin, his posture was very proud: "Write it down."

After all, history has just been created and the legend of Old Man Tianfu has been broken. Although few people know about it, it is inevitable that they will look forward to it.

Of course he didn't know, at this moment, his appearance with one leg and one ear is really unspeakably majestic...

I am in the valley of rocks, I have just been lame not long ago, and I haven't gotten used to it yet.

Boy Baiyun let out an oh, and when Xiaopang grasped it in the air, it became a cloud pen, and when he stretched out his left hand, it became a piece of white paper.

After writing, he took out the piece of paper, held it above his head, and respectfully said, "My lord, please have a look."

Jiang Wang Shi Shiran took it, and said in a relaxed tone: "Quick sand wood, Shen Yun bone..."

I read it, but I couldn't go on.

Because he found these materials, he didn't know any of them. Never heard of it, let alone where to find it.

Can't help but ask: "What the hell is this?"

Boy Baiyun looked at him with puzzled eyes—you ask me, who should I ask?

"You only know the name?" Jiang Wang said dissatisfied: "Where can I find these materials, how much are they worth... I don't know all of them? Besides, the past and present are different. Many things may no longer exist, so you don't know how to keep pace with the times." ?”

"I'm still a doll!" Baiyun boy said confidently.

Jiang Wang just stared at him, his aura faltered, and he said aggrievedly: "That's what Xiangong told me!"

The so-called "Asgard told him" probably refers to memory fragments such as Asgard's inheritance.

It is normal to omit something, after all, this fairy palace is broken like this.

Jiang Wang resisted the urge to beat the child, looked at Zheng Fei's body not far away, and said, "Then, do you know how to extract this balanced blood?"

"I'll think about it." In order to show that he attaches great importance to the question of the fairy master, Baiyun Boy sat down cross-legged, frowning like a little adult, thinking hard: "I have to think about it."

Jiang Wang then continued to recuperate the injury while waiting for the boy to think.

The most serious injuries on the body were broken legs, broken ears, and a shattered heart, followed by the isolated island of heaven and earth with cracks, wounds in the abdomen, and tendons in the limbs...

Among them, the broken legs and ears can only be preserved first, and then find a good doctor to continue, or use powerful healing techniques, or take some natural treasures to reconnect the broken limbs... In short, it is not so easy to repair .

As the first organ, the heart is even more important. It is the source of blood and power. Fortunately, the Tongtian Palace and the Inner Palace of the extraordinary monks can temporarily replace them. He is now forcibly pulling together with Dao Yuan to maintain the flow of blood. But for the specific recovery, we still have to wait for the help of a skilled doctor to sort it out.

The gap in the isolated island of heaven and earth can only be healed slowly and carefully bridged. I have never heard of a medicine that can repair the isolated island of heaven and earth...

Under the light of the five supernatural powers, the wounds and broken tendons of the physical body can be rejuvenated and the speed of self-healing can be improved, but the efficiency is hard to say.

In general, although he has completed the feat of challenging legends, he is almost half useless.

The only good thing is probably...he is already very used to recuperating from injuries.

After serious thinking for a long time, Boy Baiyun jumped up: "I know how to get the blood of balance!"

Jiang Wang looked at him expectantly.

"Use the Lingkong Palace!" Baiyun boy said excitedly: "The Lingkong Palace can automatically transform power, extract the blood of balance, and use it as source blood to cultivate new blood of balance! This is how it was done before. !"

"That's really good! It's worth you thinking about it for so long!" Jiang Wang smiled brightly: "But the Lingkong Temple has been destroyed."

"That's right..." Boy Baiyun squatted down again.

Holding his head in his hands, he looked very afraid of being beaten.

Jiang Wang looked up to the sky and sighed, he didn't have any hope for this little boy.

"The matter of Asgard's warriors...let's talk about it after the restoration of the Lingkong Temple."

Leaving the ruins of Yunding Asgard, he lost his vision again.

Find a wine jar in the storage box, pour out all the wine in it, and use it to hold the blood of Zheng Fei and Li Shou. Only after the restoration of the Lingkong Temple is completed, will the blood of balance be extracted from it .

Of course, before pouring the wine, I took a few gulps because I felt it was too wasteful.

The harvest this time... that's it.

After regaining some strength, Jiang Wang got up and planned to ask Yu Beidou for debt.

But looking left and right, I couldn't help being stunned——

How can I get out of this rocky valley?

North, south, east, and west seem to be the same.

What kind of broken formation is this?

Jiang Wang looked at the bodies of Zheng Fei, Li Shou, and Huan Tao, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Could it be that I am the most dignified inner palace in ancient and modern times, and I want to spend my whole life in this broken formation? With these corpses?

Don't be nervous, don't be impatient.

Jiang Wang silently told himself that the big wind and the big waves have come over, so he won't collapse over such a trivial matter. All four of them killed three of them, so what is this? It's nothing more than spending a few years to raise the level of cultivation, or to study this formation well, I can't think of three to five or seven years... What a fart!

He couldn't help but turned to the sky and cursed angrily: "Yu Beidou, you old liar!!"

Suddenly, there was a "swoosh".

Something passed in front of him.

He took a look, but it was the Qi Dao Qian that had been "playing dead" for a long time.

Turning around in front of him, it looks like a dragon and a tiger.

Jiang Wang restrained his anger, resisted the urge to cut it off with Sauvignon Blanc, and said softly, "Lead the way."

If you can't bear it a little, you will make a big conspiracy. If there is any conflict, let's talk about it when you come out.

I probably knew that I was wrong with the money, so I didn't make any fuss, so I honestly led the way.

After going around a few times, he came to a square boulder first. In a place full of strange rocks, this square boulder seemed a bit abrupt.

No need for its introduction, Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment and understood that this was the "disgusting point" of this formation. As Yu Beidou said, it is a place that can help wipe out the Gorefiend.

Silently buried the cassock wrapped in life blood under the boulder, and the knife coin turned to lead the way again.

After walking for a while, I saw the Blood Creek again, and saw the hole on the cliff.

Jiang Wang reached out and wiped his face, making the blood stains even more messy. Ruyi Xianyi has the ability to clean clothes, but it was also suspended by him.

Taking out the staff of walking thoughts, supporting himself, he limped and walked into the cave.

While walking, he said: "Your old man is not very authentic, you can fool me with a small profit..."

"Come and do me a favor!"

A simultaneous voice interrupted him.

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