Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1329 Although the mountains are silent, they hide a lot

"Yanchun back?"

This name is actually very warm, it really doesn't look like the name of a demon.

But what Jiang Wang thought of was another thing.

Among the three peaks of Feijian, Qianqian inherited Xiang Fengqi's solitaire swordsmanship, which he knew. Yu Beidou said just now that the selfless sword is mastered by the number one person, Mo Yanchunhui. In addition, there is a superb flying swordsmanship called "No Self".

And the martial art of Jiang Mengxiong, the military god Jiang Mengxiong, is famous all over the world. The name is "No Self Killing Fist". Wang Yiwu once used it to confront Jiang Wang.

The names of this sword technique and boxing technique are so similar, it is hard to say that there is no connection between the two.

Reminiscent of what Xiangqian once described, his master tried his sword to Feng Qi, and he was truly invincible, only one battle away from the extraordinary peak.

In this battle, he chose to challenge his lifelong enemy.

In the end, he was punched and shattered the flying sword that had intervened in his life... and died.

Xiangqian was also shattered because of witnessing this battle, and has been in a daze ever since.

Of all boxers in the world, who can beat Xiang Fengqi, who is really invincible, to death with one punch?

In Jiang Wang's limited cognitive scope, only Jiang Mengxiong can definitely do it, and the great martial artist Wang Ao he met in the fan world may also be possible.

Could it be that the one who challenged Feng Qi back then was Jiang Mengxiong, the military god of the Great Qi?

If it is such a character that he will face in the future, the word "despair" is not uncommon. even reasonable...

"Are there any descendants of Feijian Sanjue in this world?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

Yu Beidou glanced at him: "You seem to be very concerned about this?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "If you want to collect money, I won't ask."

Yu Beidou: ...

"The way of the selfless sword is mastered by Yan Chunhui, as I have already said. The successor of the way of the only self is Xiang Fengqi, who was once invincible and invincible. I don't know if it is still passed on now. There is no way for such a superb technique. Guessing. As for Wuwu swordsmanship..."

He looked at Jiang Wang: "You really don't know?"

Jiang Wangban asked tentatively: "Is it related to the Wuwu Killing Fist of the military god Jiang Mengxiong?"

"You still have to ask me about this. It seems that you are not really a high-level person in Qi." Yu Beidou smiled: "The news you can know depends on your real level... Our number one inner palace in the world , although he has a third-rank position in Qi, he is still just a small headhunter!"

"I have been an official in Qi State for a short time, and it is normal to not know some things." Jiang Wang was not motivated, but said: "But I have never heard of the God of War who uses flying swords..."

"Such a peerless swordsmanship that overwhelms an era is naturally radiant. Some people inherit its way and inherit its name, and it is considered brilliant. Some people continue to carry forward the way, and people and swordsmanship complement each other, which is dazzling. And there is another This kind of person, with a strong light, can overwhelm its existence..." Yu Beidou said: "Jiang Mengxiong is this kind of person."

He sighed: "In front of Jiang Mengxiong, how many excellent skills can be praised?"

Jiang Wang never expected that Yu Beidou's evaluation of Daqi Military God was so high. Although he also recognized Jiang Mengxiong's strength very much, he couldn't help asking: "Isn't the ultimate skill worthy of praise?"

"In the early years, Jiang Mengxiong also traversed the world with a flying sword. He traveled around the world with swords and never lost a single defeat. When he was famous in the world, he thought that the flying sword technique had been eliminated by the times, and he would have nothing to lose when he came to the end. There is no way to go. So I broke the sword into a fist and started from the beginning. Abandon the Wuwo sword way, and cultivate the Wuwo Killing Fist..."

Yu Beidou did not continue to talk about Jiang Mengxiong's legend, but changed the subject at this point: "So, the flying swords have been handed down to the present, and only one or two swords are left, and there is no self in the sword."

The selfless kendo of the Feijian Sanjue was indeed mastered by Jiang Mengxiong!

Jiang Wang is now almost certain that Xiang Fengqi's opponent who challenged back then was undoubtedly Jiang Mengxiong.

In the era of flying swords, the three peaks of flying swords that overwhelmed an era originally had the meaning of tit for tat, and one or two can be seen from their kendo temperament.

Especially the solitaire swordsmanship, known as solipsism. Judging from the few sword moves forward, it is really sharp and invincible to those who block it. From it, you can probably get a glimpse of Feng Qi.

But Jiang Mengxiong directly denied the technique of flying swords, and even personally cut off the selfless kendo, which is also the top three of flying swords.

It is not difficult to understand that Xiang Fengqi, who masters the way of swordsmanship, regards him as a lifelong enemy.

But for Xiangqian who watched that battle back then...

For the rest of my life, I want to aim at Jiang Mengxiong, how can I not despair?

In terms of strength, Jiang Mengxiong is extraordinary, and among the true kings, he is also at the top level. Not long ago on Jianfeng Mountain, Xia Guo was beaten to silence.

In terms of power, Jiang Mengxiong is the God of the Great Qi Army, the Grand Marshal of the Zhenguo, and the leader of the military affairs hall. In the overlord country of Qi State, it is only under Qi Emperor.

Personal force, power in this world, and even the ability to use soldiers are all at the top level.

Moreover, such an extremely strong man will never stop, never be satisfied, dare to abolish the swordsmanship that overwhelmed an era at the peak, create his own selfless killing fist, and climb to a higher peak.

Having such courage is already terrifying, but he still has the ability to truly walk a new path.

This is unquestionably the strongest in the world.

It is a high mountain with no end in sight!

Where can I get there?

How can you not despair?

So Xiangqian got drunk and spent the day in a daze, without any hope in sight!


Such a forward escaping from life, such a decadent forward. Even if he regards himself as a waste, even if he seems to have given up on himself, he has been wandering in the Eastern Region, not far from Qi State...

So, is the obsession in his heart really completely dead?

Exactly no.

It is precisely because he has always regarded Jiang Mengxiong as his goal that he will despair!

If you really give up the challenge to Jiang Mengxiong, you can move forward with a short sword by setting up a sword formation, where is there no glory? Going to a small country at random, it is not difficult to be the number one of the younger generation.

It is the attachment that causes suffering.

And being obsessed with an opponent like Jiang Mengxiong just shows the pride in Xiangqian's heart.

Even if he is as low as the dust, he still lives in a high mountain in his heart.

Although the high mountain is silent, it hides a thousand things.

Until Jiang Wang walked by, leaving behind a ray of light, lighting up a ray of fire, and igniting the resurgent heart.

So Long Guang dared to pass on the name of She Dou.

From now on, try the sword world, until one day——

"Dong Lai sword slashes the gate of life and death!"

"Then..." Jiang Wang calmed down, raised his eyes to look at the hole on the top of the cave, and asked, "Is this the power of Yan Dao?"

If the number one person, Mo Yanchunhui, had the strength of a real monarch, it would also explain why Yong Kingdom's attack on the reefs failed in vain. If it weren't for the deterrence of the strong in the Yan Dao realm, with the weakness of the Jiao country, how could it block the Yong country's soldiers backed by the Momen?

Although the Mo Sect supported Han Xu's reform of the government and made a large-scale contribution to the Yong Kingdom, it was certainly not to the point of casually investing in Yan Dao powerhouses for the Yong Kingdom.

After all, the Yong Kingdom is only Momen's first attempt at a national system, no matter how willing they are, their investment is limited.

Yu Beidou changed from a squatting position to a sitting position, and just sat down next to Jiang Wang, without the image of a superior person: "If he is just honest, how dare he strike a sword at me, Yu Beidou?"

This is very arrogant.

But Jiang Wang was just silent, neither agreeing nor mocking, and it seemed that he didn't intend to start the topic again.

After a while, Yu Beidou took the initiative to ask, "Aren't you going to ask what happened?"

"A senior told me before." Jiang Wang said: "Before my sword is not enough to protect my truth, I'd better learn to shut up."

Yu Beidou said meaningfully: "It seems that you have listened."

Jiang Wang's tone was ordinary, and he couldn't see any resentment: "How can I not listen?"

Yu Beidou smiled: "You are really a young man who is very good at learning lessons."

"But in order not to be remembered by you in this way like the senior you mentioned, I think I still have to explain one or two things."

He looked at Jiang Wang and said, "Yanchun returns to that sword. The gods and ghosts will not stay, and all life will be cut off. I can't catch it, let alone protect you. So I decided to 'kill' you first, change your fate, and wipe away all life. fuck your vitality...

You can probably understand it this way——

If you are a small fish in the river of fate, when you jump out of the river, you have already left the river of fate. The state at this moment is indistinguishable from death.

All I did was make you jump out of the river briefly. When that sword falls, you are already dead in the sense of fate. So when the sword that erases vitality falls, it will not affect you. And now, I just sent you back to the River of Destiny. You are not resurrection, but return. You didn't die, you just jumped out briefly during this journey in the river of fate.

tell me now-

When you jumped out, what did you see? "

Thanks to the book friend "Manxi's younger brother" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 172nd alliance!

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