Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1332 ? Error

Chapter 1332 Error

The teacher of the Emperor, Bu Lian, one of the eight virtuous ministers in ancient times, was finally killed by the Emperor Suiren?

Such secrets made Jiang Wang speechless for a while.

How great are the emperors of the past dynasties?

The Suiren family is the first in history, and is the first generation of human emperors in the human race.

This great being. Leading the human race to rise out of difficulties, breaking through the boundless darkness, and announcing the end of the ancient era.

Such a great man, naturally there cannot be a trace of stain passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, "the emperor killed the emperor's teacher" has never been passed down through the ages, and it is not seen in any history books. Only a few words were heard in Yu Beidou's mouth today.

"Why?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

The historical secrets lost in the long river of time have their own thrilling charm, which makes people want to find out.

The world has developed to this day, those glorious, great, bright, and those dark, painful, tragic... are all mixed in the long river of history.

How the human race came out of the dark age is a great epic.

Looking back at history, people today are fascinated by it.

The heroes of ancient times are the lofty mountains of today.

Want to know how greatness makes greatness, want to know how everything we take for granted today has become a reality.

Who can resist a thirst for knowledge about history?

"The Emperor Renhuang killed Bu Lian, but it will not be passed on to the world. Among all kinds of secret information, there are many reasons why the Emperor Renhuang killed Bu Lian, and there is no conclusion. My lineage, the technique of fortune-telling, The information I saw in the River of Destiny is like this—”

Yu Beidou said: "In that dark era, the human race continued to grow under the leadership of the Emperor, and began to fight for more power in this sky, and the conflict with the monster race became increasingly serious...

Patriarch Bu Lian, who was divination for the future of the human race, exhausted his efforts at that time, even counting nine hexagrams, the hexagrams and hexagrams were the same, and the destiny was all in the Yaozu.

He firmly believed in the future he saw, and urged the Emperor to hibernate.

But obviously, the future he saw and believed in did not belong to the future expected by the Human Sovereign.

And as the teacher of the Human Emperor, the sage who once enlightened the Human Emperor and gave guidance to the human race, the first human being to spy on the long river of fate... Bu Lian's influence in the human race is beyond doubt.

So the Emperor Ren killed Bu Lian, made up his own hexagrams, assumed that Bu Lian used death as a hexagram, figured out that man's destiny was in his hands, and initiated a great war with the monster clan..."

Yu Beidou finished this paragraph slowly and shook his head: "Of course, the final result is already known to everyone."

As a result of the great battle in ancient times, the human race was naturally the only one in the world, and the monster race was driven out of the world.

Since then, the ancient times have begun.

In the middle of the ancient times, the Human Emperor Youxiong teamed up with three Taoist priests to build the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, completely cutting off the monster race's hope of returning to the present world.

Since then until now, the former master of the world is still blocked behind the gate of ten thousand monsters, and has no real threat to the human race. It is even regarded as a "resource", and there are constant armies of human beings going to plunder it.

It can be said that man can conquer nature.

Speaking of Bu Lian's death, Yu Beidou did not express any complaints in his tone. Although he inherited the art of fate divination, he was reborn as a human being, so he cannot deny the great achievements of the Renhuang Suiren family.

The great battle in ancient times finally proved Suiren's right.

Jiang Wang was silent.

History has proved that the Renhuang Suiren clan certainly led the human race to the right path. But in that ancient era, Bu Lian also devoted himself to divination for the human race. He also saw what he thought was the real future, and insisted on what he believed in to be correct...

And the determination of this sage just guided his death.

After listening to this story, Jiang Wang suddenly understood what Yu Beidou said——

"The farther you go on this road, the more you can't escape your fate."

It's a poor way for... divination.

Gua Shi was like this, Bu Lian was like this in ancient times, and Yu Beidou is like this now, why not?

Yu Beidou's voice continued: "A sage like Bu Lian can die, so why is there any reason for the technique of fortune-telling to continue?"

"Aren't you still there?" Jiang Wang asked.

"But the river of fate is already rejecting me." Yu Beidou still had a smile on his face: "Otherwise, why do you think I can't prove the Tao of Yan?"

He said with a smile like this: "It's not me that can't regenerate the Tao, it's just that the fate of the heavens won't make me succeed! Otherwise, what about Yan Chunhui, and what about Jiang Mengxiong?"

This shameless old liar is really crazy when he gets mad.

But Jiang Wang had to admit that he did have the capital of arrogance.

"I think..." Jiang Wang said: "Even if the art of astrology has become orthodox now, the art of fate can still exist. The road of practice should be full of flowers."

"You are so cute and silly." Yu Beidou smiled and said, "This is different from ordinary practice. Regarding the future, there is and can only be one authoritative explanation. Whoever explains the will of heaven will occupy the orthodoxy. This is the cruelty of divination. place."

"So those inheritors of astrology have been chasing you? Want to drive out the art of life astrology?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yu Beidou let out a 'huh': "What's the use of killing me, Yu Beidou alone? They only do one thing, to expel the technique of fate divination from the river of fate. And this thing... has been done ten thousand years ago. It worked."

Jiang Wang couldn't suppress his shocked heart: "Then you..."

If the art of fate divination has been expelled from the river of fate, and fate cannot be glimpsed, then why is the art of fate divination still there? Why is Yu Beidou still there? Why can ghosts be counted?

"I am a fish that slipped through the net, an amphibious frog, swimming between the water and the shore." Yu Beidou said: "I am a mistake, and it is also an end."

I was a mistake and an end...

This is too cold a sentence.

When Yu Beidou said this, he was too calm.

What happened when he accepted this sentence?

He kept saying that Jiang Wang was too young, that it was good to be young, that it was like this when people were young...

What about when he was younger?

The Yu Beidou who said "What about Yan Chunhui, what about Jiang Mengxiong" seems to be just a silhouette of Yu Beidou in the past.

Only a glimpse.

The current Yu Beidou is a little old man who can lie down on the ground at any time and extort a knife or two.

Jiang Wang said earnestly: "You are an expert born in the world. You are credited to the human race for suppressing the Gorefiend alone. I think you are not a mistake, you are the one who corrects mistakes."

Yu Beidou laughed: "I don't need you to comfort me. Besides, I'm not wholeheartedly serving the public when it comes to suppressing the blood demon. I want to erase the mistakes of my lineage by suppressing the blood demon. We must use the source of the blood demon to resist Yan Chunhui's sword."

Jiang Wang asked: "The mistake you mentioned refers to..."

"It's okay to talk about it." Yu Beidou looked at the place where the hexagram master disappeared, and his eyes were in a trance for a moment.

"My senior brother is a genius, a true peerless genius, since he was a child, he is much more dazzling than me..."

"He realized the dead end of the art of fate earlier than me, and knew that the road ahead was irreversible. And he and I are just our master's last struggle."

"I stick to the tradition and accept the reality, but my brother is not willing to do this."

"He has been looking for a way to break the fate and reinterpret the river of fate. Finally, with his peerless talent, he created the blood divination technique on the basis of the fate divination technique."

"This technique of blood divination is the biggest mistake of my lineage."





(Pre-ordered last night.

Although we got off to a bad start.

But from the book opening to the present, the average subscription has been rising every day. It didn't grow fast, especially after a few million words, and the full subscription cost was high...but it never stopped.

More and more readers join us and explore the world with us.

From 60 to 10,000, and it is 3 million words, who is like us?

The Heartless Reader is really awesome.

I won’t say much thanks, please see my update performance in August.

I will work hard.

In addition, everyone pays attention to the thank-you activities of Qidian Book Friends Circle. There will be Chixin gifts, mugs, protagonist stand cards, etc., as well as my physical autograph book "Journey to the West", which is equivalent to reading more than 100,000 words~ all Genuine readers can participate. )

Thank you book friend Qi Xiuxue for becoming the leader of this book!

It's for the 173rd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

O, O I was so excited today that I couldn't calm down and type.

Because I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Come on and write after lunch! !

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