Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1342 ?

Chapter 1342

On the wide bed, Liang Jiu was lying on his back panting slightly, his face flushed.

The upper body is naked, showing in the air, below the waist, hidden in the bedding.

A slender white finger moved across his chest, carving meaningless symbols.

The woman wearing a faceless mask propped her forehead with her other hand, half curled up beside her...

Greasy sherbet and red dotted cherries, all tastes will disappear on their own.

The curves are exquisite, such as the outline of a wonderful pen.

Thick and thin, like a delicacy...and the quilt holding her is the dish.

Liang Jiu was already full.

I was so full that I didn't want to move a finger.

But the slender jade finger walking on the chest seemed to have some kind of magical power.

He couldn't help but look to the side, and also fell into it.

"What are you looking at?" the woman asked charmingly.

Liang Jiu looked at her obsessively, couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple, swallowed, and murmured: "Can I see you under the mask? I want to see you, I want to see you more, I want to see you remember everything about..."

"No way." Swallow refused without hesitation.

Facing Liang Jiu's disappointed eyes, he scratched his nose again and explained: "Fool. I'm protecting you, have you forgotten my nickname?"

Human and devil fifth, revealing the face of human and devil will kill people.

Like cold water pouring through, Liang Jiu suddenly woke up from the drunken lust, fear appeared in his eyes.

Yanzi gently touched his face, bringing out the softness and charm like smoke and dream: "Be good, don't be afraid, my sister is reluctant to hurt you."

"I understand." With tears in Liang Jiu's eyes, he murmured, "I don't know how to live without you..."

"Silly boy." Yanzi leaned against his chest, listening to his heartbeat: "Without me, you have to live well, because I hope you can live well..."

Yanzi closed her eyes: "Because I really like you, I really miss you..."

The mask was pressed against his chest without any discomfort, just like... a human face.

Liang Jiu has long been used to this touch, feeling that she is trapped in a certain kind of happiness, and said softly: "Sister, we want to be together forever..."

"How far is forever? Can we have what we want?" Swallow leaned against his chest and asked softly, "If someone wants to kill me, what will you do?"

Liang Jiu gritted his teeth: "I will kill him!"

The swallow asked again: "What if I can't beat that man?"

"Then I will die before you." Liang Jiu said.

"It's so kind of you……"

The swallow whispered!


The door was kicked open.

Jiang Wang, who was dressed in a green shirt, came in, and took off the cloak casually, revealing the face with increasingly sharp edges and corners. Put away the faucet staff, pull out the Sauvignon Blanc, and politely said: "Excuse me."

Liang Jiu, who turned his head in shock and anger, was stunned for a moment!

How could he forget Yu Songhai?

He will always remember Yu Songhai!

In that bloody night, this man stepped out of the dark clouds, rescued Feng Ming from the hands of the four monsters, and broke the lock mountain formation...

How much he had hoped that Yu Songhai was the one who rescued him!

He thought that he would be very grateful, and he would repay him for the rest of his life.

But the hero's shot was only for a moment, and the ray of dawn did not shine on him.

At the beginning, he could only run away after saving someone, but today he is able to chase and kill people with a sword?

This is genius?

This is the hero?

Is this the real protagonist of this world?

And he is as humble as a reptile, desperate to hug... what is it?

Liang Jiu jumped up from the bed, naked all over, opened his arms and threw himself at Jiang Wang, shouting angrily: "Swallow, go!"

A cold light flashed by.

He hugged his neck with both hands, and fell directly from the air, with blood continuously rushing out of his fingers.

He fell to the ground in a kneeling position, his head hit the floor, his eyes were dazed, looking over his shoulders, just looking in the direction of the window.

The world is turned upside down...

He only saw an afterimage, which disappeared out of the window.

Then there was the back of Yu Songhai chasing him with his sword.

No one left a word for him.

No one looked at him more.

This is the way the world is.



"Jiang! We meet on a narrow road, life and death are divided! Isn't it enough to kill the three of them? Why are you still chasing my mother so hard!"

The masked demon flew in the air, startled and angry.

Since she escaped from Duanhun Gorge, from Shen Country to Rong Country and then to Zheng Country, she has made countless detours along the way.

The hexagram master is not here, she knows that she can no longer run around as before without fear of leaving marks, so she is extra cautious. When it was necessary to show up, Liang Jiu was asked to do it for him.

Unexpectedly, he was found in Zheng Guo!

Jiang Wang stepped on Qingyun, his steps were calm, and his voice was also calm: "One is against four, so naturally we have to kill four to finish. Otherwise, people in the world will think that my name is not worthy of my name!"

This is a city in the territory of Zheng State, Jiang Wang followed the instructions of the memory, and did not pay attention to its name.

But they flew straight at high altitude in the city one after the other, and naturally there were strong local fighters who quickly rose into the air to intercept them.

"Who is coming! Sign up..."

"Da Qi Jiang wants to arrest the demons who reveal their faces, and fly directly to the noble land with Zhu He's alliance, no one can interfere!"

At this moment, Jiang Wang didn't care about revealing his identity, anyway, Xingyueyuan had already started a war, so it didn't matter whether he disappeared or not.

He directly showed his identity and used Zhu He's alliance to suppress people.

What he didn't expect was that those monks flying high into the sky, as if seeing some legendary figure, shouted loudly: "Come and see, come and see, it's Jiang Wang!"

From all over the city, monks kept flying up, shouting again and again: "Is the No. 1 Inner Palace in Qing History here?"

"Where is it, which one is Jiang Wang?"

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

Whatever happens to it, use it if you can. He shouted directly: "Help me stop her!"

Thinking of the viciousness of humans and devils, in order not to hurt the innocent, he said the first sentence, and immediately added the next sentence: "Do not send to death those below the outer building level!"

But he obviously thought too much.

There were indeed a lot of figures in the sky, but none of them dared to stop the masked monster, and they all watched from a distance.

"This is Jiang Wang? He really has temperament! The figure is also good!"

"You idiot, Jiang Wang is the one behind!"

After all, it is only a small town in the Zheng Kingdom, and it is basically difficult to find a strong man who can rival the unmasked demon.

Hearing that Jiang Wang was hunting down demons, they all came out to watch a show... and they were all just watching a show.

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say, so he could only continue to chase with his sword in his hand.

Little did he know that Yanzi was also heartbroken. I wanted to create a commotion and take the opportunity to escape, but I didn't expect that there was no commotion in this city, and those people all watched the show calmly...

Humans and demons are no longer afraid!

But I also don't think about it, the ancient and modern number one inner palace that broke the historical legend is present, what kind of demons are afraid of?

The swallow exploded in the air, split into three afterimages, and flew in three directions.

If it had been changed before, Jiang Wang would have lost it this time.

But at this moment, only a wisp of green smoke ignited from his fingertips, and he resolutely chased south.

Thank you book friend Vain Tan Cangsheng for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 181st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend Yu Cu for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 182nd league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord Longtao No. 18!

I thought about it again, it was too difficult to wait until twelve o'clock at noon.

So now that it's fixed, let's post a chapter at this time.

Then the next chapter is twelve o'clock at noon.

In addition, the word "stupid" is very unconventional, and I am afraid that the readers will play a trick.

But I feel that changing any word is not funny enough...

So that's it.

Then Liang Jiu...

At noon, the leader group was still discussing, saying that Liang Jiu is a hero, so he shouldn't die too soon...

Um. I am ruthless, I am cold, I am cruel!

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