Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1345 Who is he

Eight positions for the ten battalion commanders have already been decided, and everyone knows this well.

The remaining two positions, only Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu, and Lei Zhanqian can compete with Gao Zhe. As for Tianjiao outside of Qi, they are not within his consideration at all.

This sudden war may seem vigorous, but in essence, it is just a collision between the younger generations of Qi and Jing. Both parties need to test the quality of the other party, but they are unwilling to intensify the intensity.

If a country of hegemony fights with all its strength, countries like Xiang and Xu will probably be smashed into ruins.

Therefore, from the perspective of Xiang and Xu, they would rather act out this battle themselves, at least there will be compensation from the hegemony after the war.

There are two evils in power, and we have to choose.

That's why there is the current situation, the young talents of Qi, Jing and Jing went to Xingyueyuan together, which can be called a star competition.

Therefore, Yu Que, the commander of the Dou'e Army, only observed the phenomena in the Wanhe Temple, but did not come to the Xingyueyuan battlefield, which is the embodiment of this attitude. In fact, it is to exert power over the world, not to exert power over Qi.

On the Xingyue Plain, all the countries except Qi Jing are just playing the role of side drums.

With Bao Bozhao and other eight people sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, Gao Zhe thought that the first to speak up was likely to let everyone sell him face and lock a spot.

After all, he, Gao Zhe, is one of the few famous sons who have already established the position of heir, and his social circle is very important. Yan Fu, Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan...all often go to drink and have fun. Although there were some small conflicts yesterday, it did not affect the overall situation. The Gao family and the Chongxuan family have interests involved, and Gao Zhe is also extremely valuable as an investment!

But as soon as Gao Zhe finished speaking, Lei Zhangan, who was sitting diagonally across from him, immediately raised his eyes and looked at him.

He sits like a tiger.

Those eyes are like the raging sea.

"Wen or Wu is your choice." Lei Zhan said dryly.

Gao Zhe: ...

Are you fucking sick? ?

There are still two places left. As soon as I open my mouth, you are going to compete with me?

I talked about my advantages, and you can also talk about yours. Can we discuss it together?

Damn, let's see who is competing for the next spot, can't you just pick the softest persimmon?

There is no reason for this, it is too deceiving!

But under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to show weakness when he comes up, otherwise "contributing to Da Qi" will become a joke.

So he sneered and said, "What about the literary comparison? What about the martial comparison?"

In fact, upon hearing Gao Zhe's speech, Wen Lianmu originally wanted to say something—"I'm not sleepy when it comes to the art of war."

Hearing Gao Zhe's stiff mouth at this time, he became even more energetic, and pricked up his ears happily.

Gao Zhe's biggest problem is that he can't figure it out. In this point, he is exactly the same as the abolished Gao Qing. In the entire Jinghai Gao family, the most outstanding figure of the younger generation may be Gao Jing, but it is a pity that he has been lost in the secret realm of Tianfu.

Moreover, Gao Jing also has the same problem—this is probably the problem of the entire Jinghai Gao family—they regard Qi Tianzi’s love for Jing Guifei as the authority of the Jinghai Gao family that will not fade, so they actually regard themselves as the top family of Daqi .

They were able to get two places in Tianfu Secret Realm last time, and Gao Shaoling was able to secure the position of Chiwei Governor easily... These things gave them an illusion.

But this foundation is extremely weak.

Jiang Wuqi's own flesh and blood, and the appearance of a monarch and father will fall out of favor one day. Can Concubine Jing really be favored forever?

Not to mention a fatal weakness - Concubine Jing has no children.

Gao Zhe's value is not as great as he imagined.

Yan Fu, Li Longchuan and the others kept playing with him because he was quite clear before, not because of how great his Gao family was.

Even a foreigner like Lin Xian can see the rift between him and Chong Xuansheng at a glance, but he himself only thinks it is a trivial matter.

Of course there are many people in the world who are willing to give Jinghai Gao some face, but unfortunately there are not many in this military camp right now.

Lei Zhan didn't want to slap his face, Wen Lianmu also went up.

Don't you see that even Tian Chang is eager to try?

As for a person like Lei Zhanqian, since he raised his hand, he would naturally not stay strong in his slap, and said without hesitation: "Wen is the two of us fighting against each other. Wu is the two of us leading the army to hedge. Life and death are fate, don't complain to each other .You just choose one, I can do it all!"

Speaking of which, he, Lei Zhanqian, was still qualified to secure a position as the chief general. Although the Lei family is not a top family, he is the cousin of Jiang Wuqi, the lord of the Longevity Palace.

There is no abandonment in success, and there is no abandonment in failure. He and Jiang Wuqi are destined to win and lose together.

The turmoil of Zhang Yong's crying temple case seems to have ended in the early morning in front of Ziji Hall.

But the ripples from this have never stopped in Qi.

At least for the Longevity Palace, this is the case...

Compared with Changle Palace, Huaying Palace, and Yangxin Palace, the influence of Changsheng Palace has obviously plummeted.

Although the emperor forgave Jiang Wuqi, he treated the eleventh prince no longer as close as before.

In the past, he was summoned to the palace to accompany him for dinner every now and then, but since the ancestral temple case, he has never been called again.

Due to this, Lei Zhanqian had to fight again on the Xingyue Plain.


What a shame for Lei Zhanqian to compete for the spot with a nouveau riche like Gao Zhe!

So when he opened his mouth, he meant life and death, and he didn't save any face for Gao Zhe.

Gao Zhe: ...

Fuck you mother. Where is the word "Wen" in the choice between Wen and Wu? In addition to desperately or desperately!

But how dare he fight Lei Zhangan?

Don't look at Jiang Wang's beating Lei Zhangan like beating a child, he is also qualified to fight for Guanhetai!

Gao Zhe was so embarrassed that his face began to turn sour, but fortunately, he was embarrassed once yesterday, and he is no longer so unfamiliar with this feeling.

Resisting, he twitched the corners of his mouth and said reluctantly: "It's a joke that people are more civil than military than life and death. There are still two positions of commander-in-chief, and we can have one for each of us. There is no need to make a mess of both sides. You must not look good. .”

Speaking of this, he is already giving in, and can only barely hold on to a layer of skin.

Ridiculous, in fact, is a little pitiful.

But he split the position neatly, how could Wen Lianmu and Tian Chang agree?

"Whether Brother Lei can get a position, I don't know." Tian Chang said in a calm tone: "But Brother Gao, you completely exclude me, this is still open to discussion. Otherwise... If you compare literature with martial arts, you Choose one with me too?"

This low-key, even somewhat dull person occasionally bared his fangs, but he was so cold!

Wen Lianmu said with a smile: "If you lead the army to hedge, I don't mind confronting anyone."

No one will give in!

Gao Zhe quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and said decisively: "Since Brother Tian said so, I will compete with you for a spot. Brother Lei and Brother Wen compete for a spot. Everyone is working for Daqi, and the outcome is irrelevant." Resentment!"

He is not a complete idiot, he has some cleverness, otherwise he would not have thought of pulling Jiang Wanghu's skin to suppress Lin Xian.

These remarks seem fair, but in fact they changed the form of four people competing for two places into a form of two people competing for one place.

He asked himself that his cultivation is not as good as Lei Zhanqian, and his leadership is not as good as Wen Lianmu's. If he fights for two, there is a high probability that he won't get anything.

But two fights are different, because the "persimmon" that looks the best among the four has been naturally classified into a group by him.

This is the most beneficial choice he can think of in a short time.

Lei Zhangan didn't express his opinion, because he didn't care who he met. Wen Lianmu didn't say a word, when it came to leading the army into the battle, he was arrogant, and he thought he would not lose against Lei Zhanqian.

Tian Chang was even more silent, Gao Zhe treated him like a persimmon, he couldn't be more satisfied.

But Chong Xuansheng's voice sounded at this moment: "No, you actually only have one position of chief general left."

Gao Zhe looked over in surprise and anger.

Chong Xuansheng didn't look at him, leaned on a special big chair, looked left and right, Shi Shiran said: "I believe Jiang Wang, everyone already knows about it. I originally advised him to cultivate with peace of mind. But since the world knows about it now, it should come to Xingyueyuan to return a gift to the people of Jingguo..."

"I have sent someone to invite him, and he should be here within two days."

Speaking of this, he smiled: "Qingshi's No. 1 Inner Palace is here to occupy a battalion. I don't think there will be any objection?"

"Of course not!" Someone responded immediately: "With Jiang Wang here, what is Xu San? What about Wang Kun? What is Pei Hongjiu afraid of?"

The person who spoke was Lin Jie, the Tianjiao of Yi Kingdom.

Chong Xuansheng glanced at him, surprised that he praised him so accurately.

Yi Country is a small country in the south of Chang Country, not far from Tian Xing Ya, and is deeply influenced by Legalism. People in this country admire the quality of being upright and upright, and generally have a true spirit.

The names mentioned by Lin Jie were all well-known talents in the inner palace of Jingguo.

Speaking of arrogance is not considered arrogance, after all, Jiang Wang has achieved the name of the number one inner palace in ancient and modern times, and there is indeed no need for modesty in the inner palace.

If Lin Jie mentioned Jingguo and Chen Suan's arrogance from outside the building, he would be suspected of killing him. Now this kind of scale is very is a talent.

Chong Xuansheng was in the mood to comment on the characters here, but Gao Zhe was ruined by one sentence.

Looking at Chong Xuansheng, he forced a smile and said, "Ah Sheng, don't be joking. Jiang Wangren hasn't come yet."

Chong Xuansheng looked at him with a smile: "I never joke with people I don't know well."

As soon as this sentence came out, the position was clear and the boundaries were clear. From then on, Gao Zhe was no longer played with.

Gao Zhe was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't react for a moment.

"Although Jiang Wang is well-known, it is inappropriate to occupy the main force of a battalion without anyone present, right? This is a battlefield, not a place where you can play. We are here to divide life and death, to decide the outcome, not to draw a sand table, to lose Chess piece. He wants to take a seat... don't you know come earlier?" A voice suddenly said in the rows of seats behind.

"Who is this person?" Chong Xuansheng asked the people on the left and right.

"Zhaoguo Gu Yan!" The young man with a stubborn expression said loudly.

He stared at Chong Xuansheng very forcefully, not willing to show any weakness.

Among the countries in the Eastern Region, if one were to rank the small countries that admired Qi the most, Zhao would definitely be at the top of the list. Compared with the Yang country back then, it is even closer to the Qi country. Regardless of those in power, most of the people of Zhao State are eager to merge into Qi State.

Unexpectedly, in such a country, there can be such a tempered person who dares to question the famous Tianjiao from Qi.

Li Longchuan got up directly, walked in front of this person, raised his chin: "Go out, let's chat."

Too straightforward, too aggressive.

Gu Yan was obviously stunned for a moment, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Mrs. Xidu.

Mrs. Xidu, who had the highest cultivation level in the tent and the highest status in name, just sat quietly beside the commander-in-chief, indifferent to this.

Obviously she is very clear-headed and knows who is in charge of this war.

And those who are not sober, seeing her attitude, should also be sober.

Gu Yan's face turned green and pale, but finally he gritted his teeth, got up and walked outside the military tent.

"Then I'll chat with you!" He said harshly.

The two left the military tent one after the other.

No one commented on the account.

It has to be said that Gu Yan's question is logically correct.

But the essence of this matter is to question Qi Tianjiao's dominance in this battlefield.

So Li Longchuan didn't reason with him at all, and directly used his power to overwhelm him and take him out of the tent. It is to point directly at the bull's-eye and break through the enemy's situation.

Either Gu Yan wants to fight for the rights of the small country, or he wants to win merit...

Li Longchuan didn't bother to care. As the son of the Li family of Shimen, he also has the qualifications not to care.

The position of the Ten Battalions released by Fang You is definitely more important than its current value. Otherwise, Chong Xuansheng wouldn't have to open his mouth to fight for Jiang Wang.

Needless to say, Jiang Wang, who has achieved the No. 1 inner palace in ancient and modern times, has a bright future. Returning to the state of Qi, don't say what you can ask for, and the emperor's favor is also indispensable.

Ordinarily, general interests should not be taken too seriously.

But now Gao Zhe, Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu and the others are fighting red-faced. Lei Zhanqian, who didn't seem to plan to participate in the Xingyueyuan battlefield, hastily arrived before tonight...

Thinking about it, I also received a little wind.

Based on the news he had heard, Li Longchuan made up his mind about seven or eight points, and decisively cooperated, not even meeting Chong Xuansheng's eyes.

In Chong Xuansheng's heart...the only word is "peace of mind".

As expected of a family of generals, he has learned the art of war since childhood. Much less worry than Jiang Wangke!

Chong Xuansheng and Li Longchuan easily took control of the situation here, and there was Yan Fu who was watching from the sidelines.

Gao Zhe was caught in a rage and couldn't break free for a long time.

It is absolutely impossible to compete with Lei Zhanqian, and he is very clear about this. If Jiang Wang wants to occupy a place as the chief general, then he will not be able to take charge of the battalion this time.

He came to the Xingyueyuan battlefield this time just to be gilded, glamorous, and famous.

How can it stop here?

If he just gave up in disgrace like this, then why should he suffer this hardship. Isn't it cool enough to be the emperor of the land in Jinghai County?

He knew that when he took advantage of Jiang Wang's absence and used Jiang Wang as a tiger's skin to oppress others, he had already done evil to Xuan Sheng. But I didn't expect that the other party would be so heartless!

Is this really necessary?

Do you have to push Gao Zhe to the opposite side?

Isn't the interest relationship between the Gao family and the Chongxuan family not considered?

But Chong Xuansheng couldn't make sense at all, he could only turn his head to look at Yan Fu: "Brother Yan, Jiang Wang is already the number one in ancient and modern times, and he has created a legend. , it can be arranged in any camp. We are all friends, is it necessary?"

Yan Fu took a deep look at him, and finally said in a gentle voice: "You know Jiang Wang's character. If you open your mouth and enter his camp, you can hold the position of a lieutenant general."

There are many hurtful things to say, but Yan Fu finally saved him face.

But Gao Zhe didn't feel relieved at all, he just thought it was absurd.

I am the heir of the dignified Jinghai Gao family, where can I not win the lieutenant general? Does this still require Jiang Wang?

"Are you going to force me?" He gritted his teeth.

Yan Fu shook his head and laughed, but stopped talking.

He is gentle with others, but it does not mean that he is shy. How can a person who once said that he would cut all gossip with a knife, regardless of the other party's background, be afraid of trouble?

Just keep the last bit of sympathy and don't care about it.

This is similar to the tolerance of adults to children.

Realizing this, Gao Zhe almost gritted his teeth.

What he hates the most is that he feels that he doesn't get enough respect from this group of people, and now even Yan Fu treats him like this!

But it wasn't until Chong Xuansheng opened his mouth that he knew what it meant to be truly "disrespected".

"You seem to think that if Jiang Wang doesn't occupy this battalion, you have a position." Chong Xuansheng, who had held back his anger for a long time, looked coldly at Gao Zhe who was gnashing his teeth: "Are you better than Wen Lianmu, or Tian Chang? Self-knowledge, but I think you don’t seem to know your own weight at all! Tian Chang can’t kill you more than killing a chicken, you think you picked a soft persimmon?”

Tian Chang smiled and said nothing, although he was surprised by Chong Xuansheng's sensitivity, he didn't show it on his face.

And Chong Xuansheng's words immediately ignited Gao Zhe, and the resentment that had accumulated for a long time exploded: "So what about Jiang Wang!? Does he have three heads and six arms? I ate and drank with him, but I didn't even look at him. I don’t know what’s different about him! I don’t know if his legendary record is true!”

"Challenge the legend of the old man of Tianfu? Don't you think it's ridiculous? All evil, flesh-cutting, uncovering, and beheading, which one is not a strong and evil existence in the outer building? Jiang Wang can fight four with one? Those three demons When Jiang Wang killed him, was he really in his prime? Or was it after he was suppressed by Yu Beidou? From Linzi to overseas, Jiang Wang used to create momentum, so are you also lying to yourself?"

"Your hostility towards Jiang Wang is really inexplicable and incomprehensible." Yan Fu frowned and said, "Has he ever offended you?"

Gao Zhe had had enough of these people's contempt, and he was ready to smash the pot and tear his face completely. Chong Xuansheng and the others didn't show him any face. As he is the heir of a great family, does he have to continue coaxing them?

"I can't justify myself, so this is it?" He sneered and said, "What we want to talk about is not whether he offended me, but because he is not present, and he will win the position of general with just one name! He is Who? Is he good enough?!"

"It seems that you have had a grudge against Jiang Qingyang for a long time." Chong Xuansheng said quietly: "When he comes, should I ask him to apologize to you and ask him why he made you unhappy?"

"Then let's talk about it when he comes!" Gao Zhe said coldly.

At this time, behind Wang Yiwu, a voice said: "Wan evil, cut the flesh, uncover the face, and behead the head. When the four demons besieged Jiang Wang, they were all in their prime. This is absolutely true."

Everyone followed the sound, but it was Lin Xian, the pride of the country.

Gao Zhe will explode now, he has the momentum to fight against the Confucianists, he laughed: "You know again?"

Facing Lin Xian, he didn't spare any space: "You lick Jiang Qingyang like this here, does he know? Will he touch your head and reward you with bones?"

"Of course I know."

Regarding Gao Zhe's insult, Lin Xian was neither humble nor overbearing, looked directly at him, and said clearly: "Because when the four great demons besieged Jiang Wang, I was at the scene and could see clearly! I, Lin Xian, practiced swordsmanship at the age of three. , Fifteen crowns of peers from the Jurong Kingdom, seventeenth sword on Guanhetai, and confrontation with the heroes of the world. Although I failed to win the title, no one can underestimate me. Gao Zhe, ask yourself, may you take my sword? Today What are you relying on to insult me ​​so much? Relying on the power of the Qi State? The power of the Jinghai Gao family? Wait until you can be like Jiang Wang, relying on yourself, and then question Jiang Wang's record!"

"You said..." Mrs. Xidu, who had been silent all this time, was also a little moved: "When Jiang Wang was fighting the four big demons alone, were you there?"

"The battlefield is in the Chaotic Stone Valley of Duanhun Gorge. At that time, I hid in the Xiantian Liran Formation and witnessed the battle with my own eyes!"

Lin Xian said categorically: "The supernatural power of repaying all evil, the supernatural power of cutting flesh, the supernatural power of uncovering the face, and the extremely evil hungry ghost body of beheading human demons, all of them are extremely tyrannical. Jiang Wang fought in that battle. The strength shown here completely broke the limit of my imagination of the inner mansion, and I have never seen such a character in the history books! I, Lin Xian, have been dissatisfied all my life, but for Jiang Qingyang, I am convinced and can only look up!"

There was no sound.

Even Gao Zhe had to cool down. As Chong Xuansheng said, he can weigh himself carefully.

It is only now that people finally understand why such a persevering and tenacious character like Lin Xian can say the phrase "willing to be Jiang Qingyang's lackey".

Putting themselves in their shoes, if they could witness the legend with their own eyes, they would probably be much more fanatical than Lin Xian.

"I think I know who Jiang Wang is." Mrs. Xidu said quietly.

This sentence is in response to Gao Zhe's previous question. Of course she has always known who Jiang Wang is, but she still has some doubts about that terrible record, after all, there are many rumors in the world. It was confirmed by Lin Xian until this moment, so he really "knows who Jiang Wang is".

"If Jiang Wang is coming..." Tian Chang smiled and said, "He should have a position as a general. I have no objection."

Wen Lianmu shrugged: "In the same realm, who can compare with Jiang Qingyang?"

After saying this, he glanced at Wang Yiwu with some guilt from the corner of his eye, but Wang Yiwu was expressionless.

Lei Zhanqian said: "Then don't waste time. I will take charge of the remaining battalion. Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu, Gao Zhe..."

His eyes swept over one by one: "If you are not convinced, then go together!"

The atmosphere in the military tent suddenly boiled.

And Chong Xuansheng sat lazily, grinning a little proudly.

Speaking of which, the two most arrogant people in the tent today were both defeated by Jiang Wang himself. Presumably, for them, it is one of the deepest memories in this life——

The defiant Wang Yiwu acquiesced that Jiang Wangtong was unmatched in the territory.

Lei Zhanqian, who is one against three, acquiesced that if Jiang Wangren was not present, he would have to occupy a battalion.

Three in one, one of the chapters is for Yan Shaofei of the Great League. 7/78.

Thanks to the leader 20210731092542058 for rewarding the new alliance! Pick a nickname, brother leader! Make me familiar.

Not tonight.

Tomorrow, I will continue to kill Brother Yan.

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