Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1347 ? Before the Ten Thousand Armies (addition for Yan Shaofei, 8/78)

Chapter 1347 Ten Thousand Armies Front

Xingyueyuan, sandwiched between Xiangxu and Xu, has always been a treasure land.

The top resources in the world are, of course, cultivation resources.

Xingyueyuan is one of the "closest" places to the star dome in this world. This "nearest" does not mean distance. It does not mean that this place has the highest terrain and is closest to the sky... but that this place is the easiest to form with the distant star dome. connect.

Relatively speaking, it is easier to build the Starlight Holy Building here than in other places.

There may be other places in this world that are more closely connected with the distant star dome... but it is not likely to be wider than Xingyueyuan.

Both Qi and Jing regard it as a taboo, and they are at a stalemate with each other, and they do not allow other forces to get involved.

Therefore, although Xiang Xu is close, he cannot have a stronghold here. Although Zheng Guo was not far to the north of Xingyueyuan, he couldn't take half a step south.

This has created a unique strange phenomenon here——

On Xingyue Plain, only a few small forces are active. The basis for their survival is the specialty trade between several countries. Because Xingyueyuan, the most direct commercial channel, is not open to these countries...

Qi Jing's hegemony can also be seen from this.

Of course, apart from the habit of sending monks to Xingyueyuan Xingyueyuan's Xingyueyuan on a regular basis, the great monks also often come here to the Hanging Temple in the south of Xingyueyuan.

In addition, these small forces on Xingyueyuan may not necessarily be really unowned forces.

Don't you see that there will be a big war together, and the various forces on Xingyueyuan will make a roll, and those who enter Zheng will enter Zheng, those who enter Xiang will enter Xiang, and those who enter Xu will enter Xu?

It's all as natural as coming home.

Those who really only look for a foothold when things come to an end are actually a minority...

This is also tacit.

The preciousness of Xingyueyuan lies in "Xingyue", and its beauty comes from this.

How many beautiful dreams have been weaved in the night where the stars seem to be within reach.

The daytime here is also blue and cloudy, and the surrounding fields are vast...

But now, banners are flying.

The banners gather like heavy clouds, and thousands of troops stand in the field!

The two general towers, which are tens of feet high, face each other far away across the crowded battle formation and the battlefield full of soldiers.

On the west side of the platform, the leader is Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi of Xiangguo, who is standing with his sword, looking at the battlefield. A giant elephant with a height of three feet and a body length of more than four feet stood in front of the general's platform, wearing heavy armor, which was truly majestic. Even the elephant's trunk is covered with leather armor with spikes.

On the east general platform, Fang You, Generalissimo of the Xu Kingdom, sat firmly on the big chair with no expression on his face.

For many years, Lian Jingzhi and Fang You seem to have been confronting each other like this. They have heard about each other's reputation, and imagined each other as opponents countless times. Of course, there were some secret confrontations, but when it came time to lead the army to fight, they were still just confronting each other.

Because this is not their battlefield, this is not their war...

The real battlefield was before the general's platform, between the east and west general's platforms, covering nearly half of Xingyueyuan's vast battlefield.

Or to put it more directly, it is the nearly 100,000 people commanded by the young Tianjiao of the Qi and Jing forces.

It seems that Lian Jingzhi made the same decision as Fang You, and also took out 50,000 main forces to let the young Tianjiao of the Jingguo camp rule...

But how could the will of the two leaders be so identical?

So this is still implementing the will of both Qi and Jing.

Tearing away the fog of disputes between Xiang Xu and piercing through the illusion of confrontation between Lian Jingzhi and Fang You.

The truth of this war is that the young arrogance of the two overlords, the soldiers who command the Xiangxu and Xu countries, use the lives of these soldiers to temper themselves and prove themselves... How cruel is this for the Xiangxu and Xu countries!

Those soldiers who are in it, don't know the truth, and think that they are fighting for the country, really don't know if they are lucky or unfortunate.

The real battle is ahead, and the young talents of the two forces are confronting each other.

And the Chinese army behind the front line, the soldiers and horses guarding the platform... are actually just supplementing the positions of the frontline soldiers.

This is the weird part of this war, and it is also the embarrassing part of the two famous generals...

Of course, their embarrassment doesn't matter. Even if they are Lian Jingzhi and Fang You.

Under the iron hoof of the hegemony, everyone is an ant.

The Qi State camp has ten battalions, with 5,000 people as one battalion. Among these 5,000 people, there are about 50 extraordinary monks, who are the core of all the military formations, and their cultivation bases are all below the heaven-reaching state. Xu country's army, even if it is the main force, is nothing more than that...

The tenth battalion was divided into two cavalry and eight steps, and the two cavalry troops were led by Bao Bozhao and Chaoyu. I don't know how they "persuaded" Xie Baoshu.

In short, Xie Baoshu is also the same as the "brothers" in the inner mansion, who received the step battalion.

Time was tight, and the soldiers and horses were all from Xu Country, and they were not familiar with them in the past, so they used the formations commonly used by Xu Country's army.

The cavalry formation is called "Front Arrow", and the infantry formation is called "Fish Scale", both of which are offensive formations.

Neither Chaoyu, who was regarded as a veteran general in the army, nor Wang Yiwu, who had been in the army since childhood, nor Li Longchuan and Chong Xuansheng, who came from famous families, tried to reform the army formation.

This is exactly the performance of Zhibing. On a real battlefield, "stability" may be the most important thing.

Lin Xian led the army on behalf of Jiang Wang, who had not yet arrived, and the army formation was next to Chongxuansheng's army formation.

"This battle is about to break out, when will Jiang Qingyang arrive?" He couldn't help but asked through a voice.

"Already on the way." Chong Xuansheng said without any haste: "You will lead the army and kill first, which is also an opportunity for you."

He was on the battlefield, so he couldn't contact Jiang Wang immediately, but he had someone pass through the Taixu turret in Tianfu City as quickly as possible to inform Jiang Wang.

Presumably Jiang Wang should already be on his way.

Lin Xian pressed the knife and looked forward, no longer speaking. Chong Xuansheng was right, being able to lead the army in Xingyueyuan alone was an opportunity for him. What he was worried about was that Jiang Wang came too late and was not familiar with the army so that he could not take advantage of the battle.

In a frontal battle like this, the fight is all-round strength.

When the wind blows the banner, one hundred thousand people are silent.

The Jingguo camp, which is opposite to the Qi state camp, is divided into twenty teams, which are equal to the one battalion here.

The two sides opened up on the Xingyue Plain, each forming an army formation.

While the flags are fluttering, soldiers are surging.

Just wait for a charging horn to sound, and then the most tragic fight will begin.

But at this tense moment of tension...

Bao Bozhao turned his head first, followed by Chaoyu, Xie Baoshu, Wang Yiwu...

They were surprised to see that in the north direction, there were two figures one in front and one behind, coming from north to south at high speed, approaching the battlefield!

Who actually crossed the battlefield?

Can you lose your mind and become insane?

The two camps of Jing and Qi are fighting with each other, will anyone dare to trespass?

If the battle was in full swing, the unidentified intruder would be strangled by both sides immediately.

But it is precisely at this moment that the war is about to break out.

Therefore, this belongs to the 100,000 troops in front of Qi Jing's camp, as well as the pride of the nations in the army.

Watching those two people flying in a straight line and approaching, there is a huge sense of absurdity——

The first person is a woman. Wearing a faceless mask on his face, and only covering his body with thin clothes, it is difficult to hide the endless spring, leaking more than three points.

The one flying behind, but with a green shirt and a sword, is proud and confident, has a chic posture, and is on the blue sky!

Thank you book friend Half Drunk Grapefruit for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 185th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

help me up...

I feel like I can still kill Brother Yan tomorrow.

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