Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1349 ?

Chapter 1349 The Sea of ​​Swords on the Sky

Let's talk about Jiang Wang's sword hitting the world with a sword against the mountain, destroying all the ghost fog surrounding the swallow, breaking the bloody face and breaking the bat's wings.

The sharpness of this sword shines in front of thousands of troops.

The 100,000 troops from both camps of Qi and Jing could see them clearly.

This sword divides the east and west, runs through the north and south, and kills the monsters who can definitely be regarded as strong in the outer building environment on the spot.

Everyone was shocked.

On the side of the Qi camp. People finally understood more intuitively what Lin Xian said, the so-called "the most powerful inner court combat power ever seen". Understand what is beyond the limit of the inner palace of imagination.

This is how you kill Jiemian today, but what kind of demeanor should you be when you kill all evil, cut flesh, and behead one day?

Lin Xian was so lucky to be able to witness that battle!

Xie Baoshu had no expression on his face, but his heart was sour and very uncomfortable. Although his uncle Xie Huaian urged him to reconcile with Jiang Wang as early as when he was in Linzi, but he still had arrogance and a lot of grievances in his heart. The beloved Wen Tinglan and Yan Fu made a marriage, he went to bully Jiang Wang by the way, but was bullied several times...

Lying in Tai Hospital, he was asked to greet him. Blocked in the street, being ridiculed in the face...

He is a majestic outsider, not as famous as Jiang Wang, not as noble as Jiang Wang, as an official not as good as Jiang Wang...There are various reasons for this. He was angry with Jiang Wang, but he couldn't do anything recklessly.

I was so angry that I lost seven or eight catties!

Coming to Xingyueyuan this time is also a formal meritorious service.

He has even thought about it, when he gets his great achievements and becomes famous, when he meets Jiang Wang on Linzi Street again, he will provoke him in the street and give him a violent beating, which will make the city full of storms...

Let the world know. There is also Xie Baoshu in Linzi!

But today, I suddenly discovered... It seems that if I really fight, I may not be able to win.

It's really suffocating.

I feel itchy all over.

But can only hold back.

In the Jingguo camp, a young Tianjiao with a green gourd hanging on his waist said: "If there is a war, you must kill this person first!"

This voice rang in the ears of several Tianjiao at the same time.

The person who said this was Xu San who "must be accompanied by peach blossoms and green plums" and who is famous for his flair.

He is purely considering the issue from the perspective of winning or losing the war. Jiang Wang, who has an invincible posture, is too easy to create an advantage on a local battlefield. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will be difficult to grasp the variables of this kind of arrogance.

Wang Kun, who was temporarily employed at Jingshitai, responded immediately: "Brother Xu is right. The two armies will fight together. To kill the most famous Jiang Qingyang first is to cut the flag and seize power!"

The sword that fell on Xingyueyuan caused ripples not only in the front army.

Even if the East and West general platforms are far away at the two ends of Xingyueyuan, they cannot ignore this brilliant sword.

Although it is the power of the inner palace, it has already seen a peerless appearance.

"Did you see it?" Xiangguo Dazhu Guolian Jingzhi asked.

Standing not far behind him is his daughter Lian Yuchan, who is also the most talented monk of the younger generation in Xiangguo. Now there is only one post of personal soldier, guarding the general's platform.

Lian Jingzhi brought her this time just to let her observe.

"I see." Lian Yuchan, who had an oval face and a very delicate face, said.

Added another sentence: "It is very clear."

She looks like the person in the painting, but with her armor on, she looks murderous and cold.

Lian Jingzhi said softly: "Whenever you can stab this sword, I can take off my armor with peace of mind."

Lian Yuchan pursed her lips slightly and said nothing, but the two swords hanging from her waist... Both swords were screaming.

Things are far from each other, each has its own waves.

Fang You, who was in command of Xu Guo's soldiers and horses on the east side of the platform, couldn't help leaning his upper body slightly: "Is this Jiang Wang?"

"This is Jiang Wang." Mrs. Xidu said in a cold voice: "If you have this strength, you should enjoy a great name. I, the young people of Xu Country, can't match it."

"He is already recognized as the No. 1 inner palace in ancient and modern times, and his opponents will no longer be limited to the same generation." Fang You shook his head and said with deep meaning: "I am afraid that in a few years, we old guys will be compared with him."

"The years you said..." Mrs. Xidu said halfway, she suddenly turned her head and looked at the front of the battlefield with a look of horror!

Fang You also suddenly lost color.

They all sensed that a terrifying power... had descended!

It was at the place where the two camps of Qi Jing and Tianjiao were facing each other, and at the place where Jiang Wang slashed to expose the vitality of demons...

On that clear so-called boundary line.

The face of the mask disintegrated, the bat's wings broke, and the entire body began to shrink...

At the position of her heart, there was a silver-white bullet, which suddenly jumped out.

In an instant, the silver light shines brightly, and the light shines brightly!

All the people who watched here were stabbed hard and had to close their eyes.

Many soldiers even had blood in their eyes.

In the eyes of the extraordinary monks, this silver-white bullet leaped up, and in the sudden strong light, it turned into a silver dragon. When it circled on the ground, it rolled up the unmasked monster and shot straight into the sky!

In the end, all I could see was a silver-white light shining in the sky. It is the brightest high sky, even overwhelming the sun, but getting smaller and farther away...


The silver-white light gradually became clear again, and it got closer and closer.

First go to the high sky, and then return from the sky!

Until... in people's sight, the light is clear enough to see the specific image——

It was a handleless long sword that had already been formed, the tip of the sword was facing down, facing Jiang Wang's direction... falling.

There is a sword cry in the sky.

It's like thunder in nine days.

The bright white sword light soared, centering on the flying long sword, spreading across the entire sky.

It looks like a flurry of silver and lightning.

The sky is a piece of paper that can be smeared at will, and the sword energy is the ever-changing book marks that never stop.

The sword energy is bursting, like a power grid spreading all over the sky.

Amidst the terrifying screams, they became denser and louder.

Thus the Sea of ​​Sword Light was formed.

There is a sea of ​​swords above the sky.

Just fall into the world!

The bright white sea of ​​sword light occupied the sky, pouring down mercilessly.

The soldiers produced by the confrontation between the 100,000 troops were all suppressed by several feet!

Only endless sword lights are falling.

It's just like……

The sky is falling!

The sky collapsed, and the entire sky was crushed.

A gap was opened in the sky, and the sea of ​​swords was like the water of the Milky Way, pouring down centered on Jiang Wang! By the way, it covered the battlefield of nearly 100,000 people.

What kind of strong man would fall here and kill him without saying a word?

Immediately, Jiang Wang thought of what Yu Beidou had said, the number one person, Mo Yanchun Hui.

Even Yu Beidou, one of the most powerful real people in the world, can only use his life blood to resurrect when he really faces Yan Chunhui's Feijian. What's more, he Jiang Wang? !

When he killed the beheading demon, Yan Chunhui never made a move. Yan Chunhui never made a move when he killed the devil and the flesh-cutting devil.

Presumably, the sight of the first human monster did not fall on these lower-ranked human monsters.

That's why he came alone to chase Jiemian.

Unexpectedly, I poked a hornet's nest!

It can only be said that time is also luck, and fate sometimes likes to make some nasty jokes.

What kind of spectacle is this?

Dumping the sea of ​​swords from the sky, the bright white sword light is like waves and tides, hanging upside down like a waterfall.

"It is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen for nine days!"

Who is doing this?

Isn't it a god?

This is such a terrifying sword!

Just now, Jiang Wang's sword that fell from the top of the mountain was soft and powerless like a water plant under this sea of ​​swords.

Weak in comparison.

Anyone who is on the battlefield here, can see the sea of ​​sword energy, and there is nowhere to escape.

No matter which country's arrogance, no matter which country's soldiers.

Under such a sea of ​​swords, one can only feel deep despair.

This is a gap that cannot be bridged, and a moat that cannot be overcome.

Who can fill in the chasm?

When the sky falls, who can survive?

At the moment of life and death, who can be fearless?

At this moment, Jiang Wang was standing in mid-air, he had just cut through the demon who revealed his face, and before he had time to calm down, he encountered this sword.

Although his cloak is bathed in flames and the five mansions shine together, but like everyone covered by this sea of ​​swords, he has no strength to deal with it at all.

Under the sea, there is nothing wrong with ants.

Thousands are worthless, tens of thousands are worthless, and hundreds of thousands are still just ants!

There is nothing wrong with it!

Those in charge must die!

But Jiang looked up.

He didn't say a word, he just raised his sword upwards. Towards the sea of ​​sword light, advance alone.

This is a matter of life and death, his only choice.

He never had another choice!

The frost cloak behind her is hunting, the flames around her are swaggering, and the immortal red gold light in her eyes seems to have solidified into a divine sculpture.

The blue clouds dispersed one by one, and five groups of bright light sources were embedded on his body.

He knew he couldn't escape, but he didn't wait to die.

If death is a fixed ending, if you are really facing Tianqing. He will also call this fallen "heaven"...see his sword!

Jiang Wangteng is in the air, a capitalized "person".

The herringbone stands between heaven and earth.

Sauvignon Blanc trembled endlessly.

He thrust his sword into the sky!

Facing the sea of ​​swords alone.

This is a young man less than twenty years old, charging towards an unmatched force.

This is a monk from the inner palace, who bravely challenged the might of the sky.

On the battlefield where all horses are silent.

In the silence of the 100,000 troops.

He was the only one who recoiled against Gao Qiong, so resolute and so dazzling.

This scene will not be forgotten by those present after ten or a hundred years.

Those who still hold the sword in the face of hopelessness are the true heroes of the world.

Suddenly, a roar resounded throughout the world: "Jiang Qingyang! Where do you want to go? Chong Xuansheng will go with you!"

In the army formation of the Qi State camp, a fat body suddenly swelled up and turned into a giant with a height of fifteen or sixty feet, shaking the world and roaring like thunder. Leaping high into the sky in one step, heading straight for the sea of ​​swords.

This sea of ​​swords appeared too accidentally, and it appeared too powerful.

Facing life and death on a narrow road, suddenly seeing the power of the sky falling... This is a natural moat of strength that cannot be overcome by wisdom.

Everything that can be used at this time is unable to deal with this sea of ​​sword energy.

Chong Xuansheng is extremely smart, so he understands what can't be done.

Simply give up all thinking, and give up the choice to the impulse of your own heart, showing the law of heaven and earth, and lifting up to the sky.

Jiang Wang went to die, and I also went to die!

A figure in black armor, holding an epee, followed him silently.

Wherever Chongxuansheng went, she would go there.

Don't ask why, don't care about life or death.

If you cut the mountain, you will cut the mountain, if you cut the sea of ​​swords, you will cut the sea of ​​swords.

Even if it doesn't help, even if... there are no bones left.

Together with Chung Hyun Seung!

"The whole army is in formation! Listen to my orders! Gather at the nearest place where the arrows will fall!" Li Longchuan, who had a jade belt wrapped around his forehead, turned his hand, and the Qiushan bow had already been stretched to the full moon. The ten different positions corresponded exactly to the ten battalions on Qi Fang's side.

"I will fight to the death with you all!"

He wanted to unify the strength of the army in the shortest possible time and make that desperate fight.

Take the reputation of the Marquis after Destroying the City as evidence!

Almost all the Tianjiao of the Qi camp gave up their grasp of the army formation, and handed over all of them to Li Longchuan for unification.

"Everyone knows Shimen Li!"

This sentence is never empty talk!

And Yan Fu didn't say any impassioned words, even in this fierce and dangerous battlefield, he still looked like a gentle and calm noble son.

With just a flick of his left hand, eight four-winged black ink warriors raised their knives and flew into the air. Grabbing with his right hand, it was already full of talismans.

Taking time out, he also threw a storage box into the hand of Lin Jie next to him, leaving only a sentence of "use it as you like", and flew into the sky.

Yi Kingdom Tianjiao Lin Jie was stunned for a moment, a little dizzy by the box full of talismans. But for some reason, he already held the long knife in his hand, and he couldn't help but flew into the sky.

He has learned countless legalist rules, but none of them can explain his impulse at the moment.

Maybe people who are about to die must do stupid things?

There was a voice, which sounded very unpleasant——

"How can you let the younger generation specialize in beauty!"

But seeing Shuo Fangbo's eldest son Bob Zhaoxu standing in mid-air, pointing to wipe the center of his eyebrows, he immediately opened his "Tianmu"!

The third eye is opened twice. One eye can see clearly, and the other for heaven's punishment.

From the vertical eyes between the brows, a divine light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the sea of ​​swords for "Heaven's Punishment"!

Of course, it is impossible for Heaven's Punishment to pierce such a terrifying sea of ​​sword energy, but how can he, Bob Zhao, let all the younger generations of Tianjiao die before him?

Pass it back to Linzi, I don't know how that younger brother who is used to disgusting people will laugh at it!

Chongxuanzun didn't look down on this battlefield, he, Bob Zhao, came here, he should be a role model for the young arrogance of the Eastern Region!

She was already one step slower than Jiang Wang, and she couldn't be slower than others.

Chaoyu, who was born in the military, was even more straightforward, flicking his ponytail like a knife's edge. The man had already risen into the sky, the red-eyed and blue-faced ghost jumped in front of him, and the extremely sharp long knife was hidden behind him...

She charged towards the sea of ​​swords, and when she drew the sword, she opened the thief's sky by a line!

Also the pride of the Outer Building Realm, Xie Baoshu swayed like a giant pen, disheveled his hair, and sang wild songs——

"Heaven never stops my suffering in this world, and this suffering should also be known by God!"

When things are coming to an end, how can the surname Jiang steal the limelight! ?

He used the bright mirror to control the wild song and displayed the strongest Taoism. Shake the giant pen, from bottom to top, stroke the sky with one stroke, and face the sea of ​​swords...

Write your own ending!

No one wants to be left behind.

Especially Lei Zhanqian's insolent temper.

Lost to Jiang Wang in strength, lost to Jiang Wang in cultivation, could it be that courage can lose again?

At the moment of life and death, who dares to punch!

Then he punched the sea of ​​thunder and smashed into the sea of ​​sword energy with the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

Although the gap is huge, it is like a pool of water facing the ocean.

But his punches are majestic, not weak at all.

Nine days of thunder Yanjue, replacing sky punishment with thunder punishment. After completely controlling the power of the Thunder World, his punch is the real one... "Murderous intentions are sent out, and the sky and the earth are reversed!"

Lin Xian, Tian Chang, Wen Lianmu...even Gao Zhe.

All the arrogances of the Qi camp, at the critical moment of life and death, were all aroused by Jiang Qingyang's single-handed recoil figure, and rushed to the sky one after another.

No one hesitates, no one backs down.

Wanting to come to the battlefield to make meritorious deeds, wanting to compete with Jing Guo Tianjiao, there is something in his heart.


The pride of nations collided with the sea of ​​swords!

The cockroach dares to hold up the sky with its vertical arms!

Among all the Tianjiao who charged after Jiang Wang.

The only king, Yiwu, is the most arrogant.

He clenched his fists at the sea of ​​swords, he couldn't even see the face of the sword master, and he didn't know who it was. But with a punch, the soldiers boiled in the air, and there were countless soldiers and horses, and the patterns on the armor blades were all specific...

Then thousands of troops went to the blue sky!

One man becomes an army.

He only said: "If you don't die today, you will be killed tomorrow!"

A sword that can unleash such heaven-shattering majesty, and can directly overwhelm the world with a sea of ​​sword energy, must be an existence standing on the top of the extraordinary.

Although the Tianjiao are fighting bravely, everyone is only desperate for death.

The only one, Wang Yiwu, actually spoke such wild words to the strong behind this sea of ​​swords!

It's crazy to the extreme.

It's different from Tianjiao's behavior in the Qi camp.

On the side of the Jingguo camp, as soon as the bright white sword light turned around, a calm voice came to the ears of the Tianjiao—"Listen to my orders now."

When the sea of ​​sword energy poured down.

The voice also said almost at the same time: "The power of the true king does not need to be brave. Yu Shuai is in the Wanhe Temple, and he can get here in a moment. What we have to do is to delay the time as much as possible!"

"Every department listens to the order! Let's go with the formation that was rehearsed last night. Xu San led the army to the fifth, Wang Kun led the army to the fourth, and Pei Hongjiu led the army..."

But in an instant, everyone's positions were clearly arranged without any omissions.

The situation of the entire battlefield, the army of nearly 50,000 people, seems to be all in this person's mind.

And once his order came out, no one objected.

Because the person who spoke at this time was Chen Suan, who was born in Penglai Island and was recognized by Jing Guo as the strongest foreign building!

Following his command, Jing Guo's twenty teams moved quickly, and each team rushed to the designated position, forming a simple and stable defensive formation in an instant.

With the joint strength of 50,000 people, I hope that I can fall in the sea of ​​swords and survive for a while.

Even if one more breath of time is gained, it is likely to be the difference between life and death.

The sea of ​​sword energy poured down from the nine heavens. These young Tianjiao, regardless of camp or nationality, did not give up. It can be said that they all showed the demeanor that Tianjiao should have.

However, whether it is the attack chosen by Tianjiao from the Qi camp, or the defense chosen by Tianjiao from the Jing country...

In the face of this majestic and vast sea of ​​swords, in fact, they are equally powerless!

Thousands of people are ants, ten thousand people are ants.

Waiting to die is an ant, so how is struggling not an ant?

It is said that if you meet, you will die, if you avoid it, you will die, if you flee, you will die, and if you fight, you will die.

Only the real king can control the real king, and all the dust is flying under the Tao!

The sea of ​​thousands of miles of sword energy roared endlessly, and the bright white sword energy was like the waves of the Milky Way, pouring down from the nine heavens into the world.

Seeing that this "Tianhe" is about to "douse" the ants.

Especially Jiang Wang, who was holding the sword at the front, was almost only less than a hundred feet away from the sea of ​​swords, and he could go there in an instant.

Suddenly there was a figure standing in front of everyone.

Short beard, hairpin, a military uniform of invisible material.

It is not particularly tall, but standing high in the sky, it is like a pillar supporting the sky.

The gust of wind suppressed by the sea of ​​swords couldn't lift the corner of his clothes!

Behind him is a group of Tianjiao charging forward, and in front of him is the roaring and falling sea of ​​sword energy.

His voice was flat, but there was endless majesty, and there was an undercurrent in it: "Today I can see my Eastern Region Tianjiao fighting. My heart is very relieved. I will use this fist to cheer you up!"

So he punched the sky.

At this moment, in this situation, of course, this person can only be Jiang Mengxiong, the Great Qi Army God!

His fists are simple, with well-proportioned fist peaks and distinct ups and downs.

Lift up like a dragon, like a towering mountain, rising above the vast land, pulling out the veins of the ground! There is a tendency to hit the gate of heaven proudly.

As soon as the fist moves, the terrifying wind of the fist has already swept across the sky one step ahead, and the clouds of thousands of miles are lifted up!

The howling fist wind expanded rapidly, stretching like a mountain range, facing... half of the sea of ​​swords.

With Jiang Wang as the boundary, the sky within the Qi camp was supported by Jiang Mengxiong's fist.

On the other side of the Jingguo camp, the sea of ​​sword energy is still falling...

"Oh... you are too stingy!"

Amidst helpless sighs, Yu Que, who was wearing a Liangyi military uniform, suddenly appeared and drew his sword with his backhand!

He spoke casually, appeared casually, and drew his sword casually.

But a sword light shot up into the sky immediately, and evolved into a long rainbow, which traversed the sky! The sword qi continued to soar, and then rose into a cloud of sword qi, and the layers of clouds were connected one after another, raising the sword qi to form a sea of ​​clouds, and the sea of ​​clouds rushed to the sky!

This sea of ​​clouds... firmly resisted the other half of the sea of ​​sword energy that fell down.

Still taking Jiang Wang as the division, the one facing the majestic sea of ​​sword energy is half Jiang Mengxiong and the other half is Yu Que.

Jiang Mengxiong deliberately controlled his strength, and only accurately blocked half of the sea of ​​sword energy. In fact, it took more effort and effort than facing the entire sea of ​​sword energy with one punch. But he obviously never gets tired of it, and would rather expend more energy than give Yu Que a chance to sit idle and watch a play.

Whoever belongs to them will take care of themselves!

Seeing that Yu Que had finally made a move at this time, his fist suddenly went up.

Looking up at the sea of ​​sword energy, he shouted angrily: "Dare to attack me Da Qi Tianjiao, Yan Chunhui, are you looking for death today?!"

boom! ! !

The Fist Wind Mountain Range collided with the Sword Qi Sea.

The whole world is darkened!

At that scene, it was as if the heaven and the earth had merged, and the chaos suddenly returned.

At least on this Xingyueyuan, there is a feeling of the end of the world!

Indescribable, indescribable.

The power of terror swept over everything, including people's perception.



Hear the loud bang like a drum again.

The brief bleakness is torn apart.

People then saw that the entire bright white, surging ocean of sword energy, which was visible to the naked eye, moved up a few distances...

The fallen "sky" was beaten back!

This is Yan Dao Zhenjun Jiang Mengxiong, and this is Jiang Mengxiong's fist!

Who can not be moved?

"……Who are you?"

An old voice fell.

"Yan Chunhui... who is it?"

These two questions fall one after the other.

Like an old man who has not woken up, babbling foolishly.

The sea of ​​sword energy covering the sky suddenly dissipated.

It seems that the fabulous scene of the sky falling and the Milky Way flowing backward is just an illusion.

The sky is clear and the clouds are clear, and the miles are peaceful.

No matter how far people looked, they could only see a silvery-white light spot, which flashed in the air and then disappeared.


Two of the chapters are added for Yan Shaofei of the Great League.



Today, Taiwan contacted Chixin for a follow-up publication. It is said that it is selling well... Traditional Chinese has already released six episodes, and now there are seven to twelve episodes...

I remember there are Taiwanese book friends, can you tell me about the situation?

Because of the epidemic, I didn't get the sample booklet in traditional Chinese...

Our lord Taiwan junior brother, do you have any information? Send some photos and ask about sales...

In addition, someone must ask about the simplified book...

The cover is being designed and the manuscript is being submitted for review.

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