Red Heart Survey

Chapter 136 I See the World of Geniuses

boom! rumble!

The disaster is still going on, and the fog is getting heavier.

The hand of the Snake Bone Mask holding the Snake Xinjian was tight and tight.

Facing Wei Yan who had killed two bone-faced men in a row, he finally turned around, picked up the body of the dog-bone-faced man, and fled away.

She had to admit that she was timid when facing Wei Yan who had just entered the Tenglong Realm.

To be precise, she was frightened by the madness of the Fenglin City Guards.

Words like cowardice shouldn't have appeared in her world.

She has always regarded human life as insignificant, not only did she not care about her opponent's life, but she never cared about her own.

The few people who saw death as home encountered today are not an excuse.

The opponent in front of her who is not sure about it, who is like a god of death, is not a reason.

The reason for the real cowardice was after she saw the dog bone's eyes.

She found herself, for the first time in her life, feeling fear.

She was terrified of death.

She actually began to miss this world.


Wei Yan watched the snake-faced man leave without pursuing him.

The battle is over.

Facing the dying Zhao Lang and the snake-faced man, he chose to kill the opponent first without hesitation.

Facing the furious snake-faced man and Zhao Lang, who was already weak, he turned into the battlefield without hesitation.

Facing the bearded Fang and the mouse-bone face who were hugging each other, he did not hesitate to stir up the knife light.

Yes. He didn't hesitate.

He didn't hesitate.

Every step he takes is the best, most appropriate, and most accurate choice.

In other words, it is precisely because they know that he can make such a choice, so whether it is Zhao Lang or Fang Dabeard, they pin their chances of victory on him.

This is an exquisite cooperation!

In the name of their years of military friendship and tacit understanding in robes.

The three fight each other, but stand shoulder to shoulder with death.

The price is the death of Zhao Lang and the death of Fang Dabeard.

At this time, the souls of those vicious dogs have dispersed with their owners, and the ghost dogs have also disappeared. The cracks in the ground are still expanding, and the fog is still spreading.

All of this in the city guard barracks happened suddenly and ended abruptly.

The disaster in Fenglin City is far from over, and those who fought for Fenglin City in the city guard barracks have died.

Wei Yan walked up to Zhao Lang, and half hugged Zhao Lang, who had lost a thigh, had his heart pierced, and his Dao Yuan was exhausted.

He clumsily covered Zhao Lang's heart with his hand that encased Mu Xing's vitality.

He focused on long swords and golden Taoism, but he was really not good at healing methods. And he also understood very clearly - there is no way to save it.

That's what's scary about things like sanity sometimes.

Because you know the result so clearly, your futile efforts can't comfort yourself at all.

"Zhoutian Realm kills Tenglong Realm, I am crossing the border to kill the enemy, right? Only a very powerful genius can do this kind of thing." Zhao Lang panted with difficulty, and said: "So this is the world of geniuses .I saw..."

"You lied to me." Wei Yan's face was covered with blood, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, but he said, "You said my choice was right. You said you would choose that way too."

He repeated: "You lied to me."

When the three bone-faced men appeared, no one paid attention to this little cultivator at the Heaven-reaching Realm. Zhao Langben has left. But he chose to come back and choose to fight.

Choosing to fight is almost equivalent to choosing to die. But he still chose to do so.

"Everyone knows what the best choice is, but not everyone can do it, Wei Yan." Zhao Lang laughed, looked at Wei Yan with those powerless eyes and said: "You are a real genius, your life More important than me. Live and avenge Fenglin City."

It turned out that his judgment on the ending of Fenglin City was also consistent with Wei Yan's, but he still supported Fang Dabeard's stupid choice before.

Maybe, that can't be called "stupid"?

Wei Yan grabbed his hand and moved his lips a few times, probably wanting to say something.

But Zhao Lang has closed his eyes and will never hear it again.


After an unknown amount of time, the sound of cracks in the ground broke the silence.

Wei Yan picked up Zhao Lang's body and threw him into the surging magma under the crack in the ground.

Watch as boiling lava devours it.

People say that it is safe to bury.

Maybe you can, maybe you can't.

Wei Yan lifted Kuaixue upside down, turned and walked towards Fenglin City.



At the foot of the West Mountain, Jiang Wang held Jiang An'an with one hand and Song Qingzhi with the other, looking back at Fenglin City, feeling both sad and angry, angry and painful.

Where is Dong A?

As early as the time at Niutoushan, he had already reported the matter of the Bone Road to Dong A.

Why is Fenglin City still not prepared for today's disaster?

Dong A said, "I have made my own arrangements for this matter."

Dong A said, "I will personally communicate with Wei Quji."

Dong A said, "I will contact Zhuang Ting."

But now.

Where is the arrangement?

Where is the backhand?

Ah Dong! Where?

When escaping from Fenglin City, he had been waiting for what Dong A said would be the next mover.

Two warnings, he has always been convinced that Dong A has paid enough attention to this matter,

But... no response! The people all over the city were about to die, but the Zhuang Ting still didn't respond!

Where is Dong A?

The most painful thing is not that the disaster is so ruthless, but that all this could have been avoided!

What the hell is Dong A doing?

Suddenly, a violent fluctuation of water element force was perceived by him.

Jiang Wang didn't have time to restrain his emotions, and moved the two girls behind him, with the fireworks in his hands.

A ball of water vapor fell from the sky, and appeared in front of Jiang Wang again.

This is an old man with a wretched face and a stooped figure.

"Old Gui?" Jiang Wang relaxed, knowing that he was here to pick up Song Qingzhi.

"Grandpa Gui!" Song Qingzhi jumped over and said in a panic, "What's wrong with Fenglin City? It's so scary!"

Old Gui still arched his back, and the anxiety on his face finally dissipated.

He stroked Qingzhi's forehead, and said to Jiang Wang: "I went a step late, and I couldn't find any trace of the princess in Mingde Hall, so I was so anxious. I followed all the way to this point, but I didn't expect it to be Xiaoyou who saved her. On behalf of Qinghe Shuifu, the old man is very grateful !"

Qinghe Water Mansion?

It turns out that this girl with braids is the daughter of Lord Qinghe!

Jiang Wang became excited, and immediately said: "Old Gui, can you please contact the Fujun immediately? Fenglin City is in dire straits and needs his help!"

Looking at Jiang Wang's longing eyes, Old Gui was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

Song Hengjiang is indeed very strong, but he is old and frail, and he can't afford to fight a few battles.

In particular, he knew very well in his heart that Song Hengjiang would no longer work hard for Zhuang Ting.

"Qinghe Water Mansion can protect you and your sister. But Fenglin City...forgive me for being helpless."

"Old Gui, Zhuangguo and Shuifu have been covenanted for hundreds of years." Jiang Wang said anxiously: "Human and Shui are as close as one family!"

"Little friend, there are some things you don't know. Zhuang Ting is not worthy of the blood shed by my Qinghe Shuifu." Gui Lao said: "Not to mention, Zhuang Ting knew that the princess was in Fenglin City. Before this drastic change, there was no one Someone let us know. It almost caused the princess to suffer! Is the family so close to France?"

Jiang Wang also wanted to talk about today's catastrophe, but the Zhuang Ting might not know about it. However, it was his own report to Dong A, and he couldn't even lie to himself.

"The Zhuangting is the Zhuangting, Fenglin City is Fenglin City, please keep watching..."

"It's not that the old man doesn't help. The Water Mansion also has problems with the Water Mansion." Old Gui interrupted him, and said very sincerely: "Little friend, come back to Qingjiang with me. The old man will find a job for you in the Water Mansion. on a business trip."

"...No need."

Jiang Wang understood that it was impossible to seek help from Qinghe Shuifu, so he led Jiang Anan around.

"You take Qing Zhi back."

"Where are you going, little friend?"

Jiang Wang didn't look back. "The Shui people don't help the human race. The human race will always help the human race."

Gui Lao didn't speak, his eyes were complicated.

"An'an!" Song Qingzhi shouted.

When An An turned her head, she ran over to take off her necklace, and wanted to hang it around Jiang An'an's neck.

"This one will protect you!" she said.

This pendant is in the shape of a water drop, its brilliance flows, and its shape is extraordinary. You can tell at a glance that it is definitely not a vulgar thing.

But Gui Lao didn't intend to stop him at all.

Jiang An'an looked up at Jiang Wang, and seeing that his brother did not refuse, he lowered his head and asked Song Qingzhi to put on the necklace for him.

"Goodbye, Qingzhi!"

"Goodbye, Ann!"

The eyes of the two little girls were red, and then they separated.

One goes west, close to the Qichang Mountains, and turns to Qingjiang.

One goes south, close to the periphery of Fenglin City, and goes to Sanshan City.

If anyone else could save Fenglin City, what Jiang Wang could think of was Dou Yuemei, who possessed the magical power of pulling mountains.

Suddenly, I found out that I have updated almost 6,000 words today. If the sections are divided well... it will be three chapters.

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