Red Heart Survey

Chapter 138 Old Heart

Zhang Linchuan attacked and killed Wei Quji suddenly.

Lu Yan was not surprised, but just smiled strangely: "Good boy."

Mingyan turned, palming the formation again.

But Fang Zehou and others who witnessed this scene were deeply shocked.

Not only shocked by Zhang Linchuan's actions, but also shocked by his strength.

At this time, he stepped into the air and stood still, with a leisurely breath, so how can he be just a cultivation base of the Tongtian Realm?

It is clear that the gate of heaven and earth has been pushed open, Dao Mai Tenglong, and even...knocked open the inner palace.

If it wasn't for a strong person in the inner palace, even if it was a sneak attack, even if Wei Quji was seriously injured, he would not be killed by a single blow.

all fake.

The Three Cities Discussed the Dao and was defeated in a fierce battle. Waiting for a year, waiting for the Three Cities to discuss the Dao next year, and going straight to the National Dao Academy...

all fake.

He simply wanted to stay in Fenglin City to prepare for today.

He is a man of bones!

Fang Heling finally understood why Zhang Linchuan asked where Dong A was before and didn't care about other things.

Because at the moment when his identity was exposed, attacking and killing Dong A was the best choice.

Either Dong A or Wei Quji.

"Go!" Fang Zehou hurried two steps, grabbed Fang Heling and said, "Go!"

"No, Dad." Fang Heling broke free again, and he laughed: "I bet right! My chance has come!"

He strode forward and greeted: "Brother Zhang! It turns out that you have also joined the Tao of Bones! Is there any brother who can help?"

Zhang Linchuan didn't look at Wei Quji's body, let alone Fang Heling, but looked up at Lu Yan, and said calmly, "Elder, do things with peace of mind."

While speaking, he took out a mask and gently pressed it on his face.

That mask was actually made of white bones.

And he turned around suddenly!

In the direction of the south gate, stood a monk with a long knife upside down.

The black hair is like ink dye, and the long knife is like snow casting.

It was Wei Yan.

Judging from the time, he should have just seen the scene of Wei Quji being attacked and killed.

The expression is very strange.

There seems to be no anger.

It was like, only anger.

Wei Yan has never been a talkative person.

So his feet started to move and he started to rush forward.

Charge in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, in the direction of Zhang Linchuan!


"Bone Messenger!" Seeing Zhang Linchuan put on the bone mask with his own eyes, Fang Heling became excited: "So you are the Bone Messenger! So it was Zhang Shixiong who dragged me into the sect!"

He had maintained a good personal relationship with Zhang Linchuan long before he came into contact with the Bone Path. At this time, knowing that this person is the messenger of bones, he felt even closer in his heart.

Fang Zehou stopped in front of him and shouted in a low voice, "Stop talking! It's too dangerous here, let's follow you, Uncle Li."

"What's the danger? Here, the Bone Road is the master!" Fang Heling felt impatient for his father's cowardice, but it was his father after all, and he shouted to Zhang Linchuan again: "Brother Zhang Shi, my father is here, and the city is so chaotic now. , I’m afraid that fellow believers will hurt him by mistake. Can you think of a way? Help?”

"Do you have any identification..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

All I saw was a cloud of thunder blasting on Fang Zehou's body.

But Fang Zehou only had time to take a heavy step back, right in front of his son's eyes, twitching and coking, no more sound.

No one knows how an ordinary person without cultivation can move this step in the powerful thunder method.

No one knew what was supporting him, and the moment before his death, he reacted away from his son.

Most of the transcendent cultivators below the Heaven-reaching Realm will be instantly killed under this lightning strike.

I can't even blink my eyes, it's too late.

But Fang Zehou struggled a step away.

This is just an ordinary mortal.

An ordinary father.

And he died.


Zhang Linchuan shook Qingyan's still hand, turned around, and rushed towards Wei Yan who was holding a knife!

There is no pre-war speech, let alone confrontation and stalemate.

Only at the moment when the two sides approached, a fierce battle broke out.


Fang Heling opened his mouth wide, trying to shout something, but no sound came out.

Zhang Linchuan did help him solve his father's safety problem, but in a way he was absolutely unwilling to accept.

His father was killed casually in front of him, more casually than killing a chicken. But because the thunder light was still roaring on the corpse, he didn't even dare to reach out and touch it.

He couldn't figure out why.

He is also a member of the White Bone Taoism? He has done a lot for Bone Road!

Could it be that the Tao of Bone Bone caused a disaster of this magnitude today, and launched such a powerful and thorough operation, without the cover of the Fang family's full help?

How many times has he been interrogated by the Criminal Investigation Department for the sake of bones? How much risk is he taking? How much did he sacrifice?

Doesn't anyone care?




Li Gongfeng grabbed Fang Heling, turned around and ran out of the city.

He was angry in his heart, but firmly suppressed it.

In any case, Fang Zehou was kind to him. If Fang Zehou cannot be kept, at least his son must be kept.

Even this kid, such a fool!

Fang Zehou could tell it at a glance, but Fang Heling couldn't understand it at all. From the beginning to the end, he was completely out of Zhang Linchuan's eyes.

His acts of loyalty, determination, and meritorious service will yield nothing but annoyance.

Maybe until today, until this very moment.

Only then did he recognize himself, but it was so late.


Zhang Linchuan and Wei Yan touched each other like lightning.

One touch and instant.

Wei Yan vomited blood and retreated, while Zhang Linchuan was wrapped in lightning, like a god.

Zhang Linchuan's expression could not be seen under the bone mask, but his voice was indifferent: "How dare you draw a knife at me. It seems that I have misunderstood you for too long. Do you really think Zhu Boss, your second child?"

The Dao Honor List of Fenglin City Taoist Academy has always been ranked like Zhu Weiwo, Wei Yan, and Zhang Linchuan.

Even if the top three have squandered a lot of Taoist honors, the monks behind them will consciously control the number of Taoist honors and drop their rankings accordingly. This is respect for the strong.

But no one thought that the real strongest was Zhang Linchuan.

Not only is he stronger than all the students of Fenglin City Taoist Academy, but he is also stronger by a huge margin, making a world of difference.

He is so strong, but it seems to have no effect on Wei Yan.

Kuaixue wants to drink blood, no matter how strong the opponent is.

Wei Yan didn't wipe off the blood, but stepped on the broken bricks, raised the knife and touched them again.

The fast snow was like a startling rainbow in the sky, starting from Wei Yan and falling to Zhang Linchuan.


Zhang Linchuan flicked his fingers, and was fast snowing the blade.

Lei Guang rose from his fingertips and went up the fast snow.

Wei Yan quickly let go of his hand and then clenched it tightly again. After avoiding the thunder and lightning, he drew his knife and turned back!

He cut into a cloud of thunder.

He is fast, but Zhang Linchuan is faster.


Lightning exploded.

Wei Yan held back the numbness and clenched the knife tightly, but he was blown back again.

Zhang Linchuan stepped in one step, reached out, and retreated abruptly!

The almost endless golden light drowned him in an instant.

It was the first-class low-grade Taoism that Wei Yan used himself as a guide to deploy on the spot, the Golden Light Killing Formation.

This set of tactics is similar to Zhang Linchuan's tactic of facing Lin Zhengren in the Three Cities Discussion.

It's all predictions.

At the same time as the golden light killing formation erupted, countless golden light arrows suddenly appeared in midair, roaring and shooting into the golden light killing formation.

The target of all the golden light arrows is Zhang Linchuan.

At this moment in Fenglin City, there is only one person who can use the Golden Light Arrow to achieve such an effect. Shen Nanqi was the fifth in the previous honor list!

He didn't know when he arrived on the battlefield, but this attack was clearly prepared for a long time.

The two strikes overlapped, and suddenly became a lore.


The golden light dissipated, and a huge skeleton slowly stood up on the spot.

A pair of hand bones spread out, and Zhang Linchuan walked off the hand bones unscathed.

He walked in the air and walked down step by step, the huge skeleton dissipated little by little.

Lei Fa was just a cover for him when he was at the Castle Daoyuan. What he is truly most powerful is the Nether Dao of the Bone Dao.

"That's right, Shen Nanqi. You finally opened the gate of heaven and earth."

He expressed his relief, but Zhang Linchuan's eyes under the mask were not smiling.

With both hands pulled outward suddenly, a door of bones chichi formed in the sky.

There is something faintly roaring, roaring in the empty space.

"Go away! You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

Wei Yan grabbed Shen Nanqi, threw him back, and rushed forward with a knife.

He really did not expect Shen Nanqi to appear.

It didn't even occur to Shen Nanqi to help him.

When he chose to give up the mutual friend of the two, it was equivalent to giving up the friendship between the three of them.

He has no regrets.

If the person who was in danger at the beginning was Shen Nanqi, he would have made the same choice.

Because that's right.

It is better to die one less than to die together.

He didn't regret his choice at all, so he also had the consciousness of being hated to death by Shen Nanqi.

Therefore, if Shen Nanqi saw this scene today and chose to turn around and leave, he would not be surprised. And never disappointed.

Regarding giving up and being given up, he can fully understand such things.

After all, Zhang Linchuan like this is too strong.

Needless to say, the gap between Tenglong Realm and Neifu Realm, he didn't even know if Zhang Linchuan had his own supernatural power seeds, and he failed to push Zhang Linchuan to that point.

Therefore, in fact, the moment Wei Quji was attacked and killed, he should turn around and run away. That is the most correct choice.

Because with Wei Quji's death in battle, the last chance of the entire Fenglin City has been wiped out.

He should have made that choice.

He has always chosen that way.

He hated Wei Quji deeply, but unconsciously, he was influenced by him.

He hated him and seemed to be becoming him again.

But today he actually drew his sword.

He didn't understand why either.

Dying is not something he would do.

But if he didn't draw his sword this time, Kuaixue seemed to be unable to get out of the sheath again.

If he doesn't die this time, he seems to be more uncomfortable than death.

He knew exactly what to do in his heart, but he couldn't control himself.

He slanted down the fast snow, dragged his knife and charged forward.

He said silently in his heart:

sorry. Maybe my choices are always too cold.

But that's how I've learned to choose.

I was chosen this way, and my mother died of this choice.

Finally this time, I made a ridiculous choice.

But weirdly, I didn't laugh.

I didn't laugh.

he thinks.

He suddenly pulled up the saber light, like a streak of horses, like a crescent moon, hanging across the sky!

At this time, he heard a voice, coming from behind, chasing after his ears.

"You can control me?"

Shen Nanqi's voice.

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