Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1369 Yanju

Although Linzi "living in a big place is not easy", it is also indispensable for the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers.

Xiufu is located in the core area of ​​Jinxianfang. It was built under the supervision of famous craftsmen of the dynasty, and it is majestic and majestic.

After Cui Zhu's assassination of the Emperor, Xiu Yuan, commander of the Prisoner Army, was dismissed on the same day as the direct promoter of Cui Zhu's participation in the Yellow River Meeting.

Although he was not locked in the sky prison, he was also confined to his home and was not allowed to go out a step.

Different from Cao Jun's house arrest in which Chen Cang was secretly repaired on the plank road, Xiuyuan is a real prisoner, and his whole body is locked up. It was only because of the majesty of the commander of the nine soldiers that he was not sent to prison.

However, several months have passed since the assassination of the Emperor. There has been no breakthrough in the investigation of Xiuyuan. The emperor also did not appoint a new commander of the Prisoner Army, and the number one general of the Prisoner Army under Xiuyuan's command is still temporarily leading this powerful army.

It was so delayed for a while.

On this day, Xiu's family had a distinguished guest.

The one who came was Yan Tu, who was the commander of the Nine Soldiers with Xiu Yuan and who was in charge of the Rain Slashing Army.

This person and Xiuyuan are close friends, known to both the government and the public. The two of them came from the same ordinary background, they both climbed up from the bottom of the army and went all the way to the position of commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers.

When the madman Xu Fang was still high-spirited, he wrote in an article-"A man must travel a long way." What a long trip.

Among the nine commanders, he admired these two the most. Of course, these two may not know who Xu Fang is.

When Xiuyuan was just dismissed pending investigation, it was also Yan Tu who wrote nine letters one after another, urging Chen Xiuyuan to be innocent, and begging the emperor to learn from him. Later, they even went to Donghua Pavilion to remonstrate with the emperor!

The emperor was grateful for Yan Tu's love and righteousness, kicked him out of the Donghua Pavilion himself, and fined him ten years...

In a quiet room furnished very simply.

Yan Tu, who was wearing armor, sat opposite Xiu Yuan, who was dressed in home swallow clothes.

A bow and knife hung on the front wall, which set off Xiu Yuan's curly hair very neatly. He sat upright, with a straight back, and although he was imprisoned at home, he still did not lose his aura.

At this time, tea is being brewed slowly. Gentle and sharp, these two temperaments were perfectly unified in him.

Yan Tu, who was sitting opposite him, had a completely different style. With thick eyebrows and wide eyes, big nose bridge, thick lips, he has a somewhat domineering temperament. The sitting posture is also very casual, one foot is half erected, and the other is paralyzed at will.

"I said, don't cook it." Yan Tu glanced at the pot of tea, and said impatiently: "No matter how well you cook the tea, you won't be able to integrate into the old Qi people's circle and won't gain their trust. What's the matter?" mean?"

Xiu Yuan remained unmoved, continued with the work in hand, and said slowly: "Why don't you gain trust?"

"How many months?" Seeing him like this, Yan Tu became furious: "If they believe you, why are you still living at home, the commander in chief of the Dian Jun?"

Xiu Yuan smiled: "I haven't found out the matter yet, so of course I can't leave."

"Just relying on the trash of the Capital Inspection Office!? If you can't find it in ten years, you Xiuyuan will be imprisoned for ten years? If you can't find it in a lifetime, will you be locked up at home for the rest of your life?"

The water was already boiling, Xiu Yuan lifted the teapot from the small stove, warmed the teacup slowly, and said casually, "It's better than being locked up in prison, isn't it?"

Yan Tu sneered: "General Xiu can comfort himself like this, I didn't know it before!"

Xiu Yuan sighed: "It is true that I was negligent in recommending Cui Zhu. Disturbing the holy car and endangering the emperor's name... I can still sit here and make tea with you, Brother Yan, I am already satisfied."

"If you have committed the crime of negligence, you should be dismissed and await investigation. We have nothing to say, but when we want to investigate, there must be a regulation?!" Yan Tu said dissatisfiedly: "There is no movement at the Beiya, and Zheng Shi every day Avoid me and walk away. And you Xiuyuan, a real person in the world, the commander of the nine soldiers, can't get out of this house! Day after day, day in and day out! You have made countless contributions to our Daqi, and An Neng will accept this! humiliation?"

Xiu Yuan shook his head: "In Zhang Yong's weeping temple, the eleven princes fell out of favor. Cui Zhu stabbed the emperor, how can I be an exception?"

Yan Tu said angrily: "What is the same thing between you and the eleventh prince? How can these two things be confused?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Xiuyuan opened the green bamboo pot, took out the Cubi tea leaves stored in it with bamboo tweezers, put them carefully into the teacup, and said: "I believe that everything has a price. The mistake I made, I need to take responsibility. Your Majesty will remember the achievements I have made... It is not a bad idea to rest for a few years."

"Your Majesty is naturally wise and powerful." Yan Tu said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid someone will deceive the Holy Spirit!"

"Since your majesty is wise and powerful, how can you be deceived by others?" Xiu Yuan finished the last process, and then stretched out his hand to lead: "Brother Yan, please use tea."

The night was blocked outside the door, Yan Tu looked at the heat in the teacup, and before drinking, he suddenly thought of a question——

At this moment, is the eleventh prince free to drink tea?



"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..."

The sound of violent coughing, wandering back and forth in the palace, penetrated this long night.

Feng Gu, the chief eunuch of the Longevity Palace with deep wrinkles, looked ahead worriedly. The dark color in the eyes, suddenly far and near.

On the desk in front of him was a sheet of snow-white rice paper, on which was an unfinished picture.

The young prince in white fox fur is sitting in front of the desk. Clenching a fist with his left hand, he covered his lips lightly with the back of his fist, coughing until his face turned red with frost. He is holding a wolf hair in his right hand, hanging against the inkstone. A drop of ink hung on the tip of the hair, trembling with his cough, but it never fell down.

After the coughing gradually subsided, Feng Gucai persuaded softly: "Your Highness, let's drink a bowl of medicine."

In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a white jade bowl, in which the black liquid medicine is still, and there are still wisps of hot air lingering around it.

"I don't want to drink anymore." Jiang Wuqi said with some difficulty.

He coughed a few more times before he stopped.

He held the wolf hair in one hand, turned his head and looked out the window.

At some point, the faint light of the sky pierced through the night.

"There should be news from Xingyueyuan." He said softly.

As if in response to his words, footsteps happened to be heard outside the hall, and the sound was very rapid.

Feng Gu slightly turned sideways, and he was already standing in front of the palace gate.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps disappeared, and Feng Gu returned to the desk, but there was an extra letter in his hand.

"Your Highness, there is an urgent military situation."


Feng Gu opened the letter, read while reading: "The victory of Xingyueyuan has already been divided. Jiang Qingyang returned from the sky, and he decided the universe with a single sword. Military God and Dou'e Commander Yu Que signed the "Xingyueyuan" in the Wanhe Temple. The Covenant of the Moon."

After reading the urgent letter, although Feng Gu had no expression on his face, there was both respect and admiration in his eyes.

In his early years, he was Concubine Lei's confidant, serving as her saddle. After Concubine Lei Gui was assassinated and died, she took the initiative to ask for an order to serve Jiang Wuqi.

For so many years, it can be said that he watched Jiang Wuqi grow up day by day.

This much-anticipated aristocrat has suffered unimaginable pains and possesses talents beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Just like now.

He knew as much information about Xingyueyuan as Jiang Wuqi, but he had no idea about the direction of the war, but Jiang Wuqi could accurately judge the end time of the war.

It is not enough to have such a clear deduction of the battle situation without having a deep understanding of the two camps and the entire battlefield situation.

"Gu thought that it would be Chen Suan or Chong Xuansheng who would shine in this battle, but I didn't expect Jiang Qingyang to come back again." Jiang Wuqi paused and said, "It seems that Yuheng The Xing's change is also related to him... Speaking of which, how did the military hall deal with him leaving the camp before the battle?"

"Repay it with merit." Feng Gu said.

Jiang Wuqi was silent for a moment, and said: "Presumably in "The Covenant of the Stars and the Moon", the punishment of Zhuang Guo was emphasized."

Hearing this, Feng Gu flipped through the detailed provisions on the "Star-Moon Covenant" on the back page of the letter - he knew the earlier treaty, so he didn't read it carefully before.

This time, I was a little stunned. The treaty between the two overlords, and the treaty signed after such a war, has to be carefully considered every word, and now it has been adjusted for Jiang Wang?

How terrifying is this person's performance on the battlefield?

"It's really..." Feng Gu couldn't say it for a while.

"This lord is going to be on the rocks!" Jiang Wuqi sighed, smiled again, and turned his gaze back to the rice paper.

The drop of ink on the tip of the brush finally fell, causing ripples in the inkstone pool.

He wrote the last few words with one stroke of his pen.

Then he put down his pen, got up, and walked out alone.

Feng Gu stepped up to keep up, but was stopped by his palm: "It's been so hard for you for so many years. You have to walk this road alone."

"Your Highness..." Feng Gu stood there, his voice trembling.

Wrapped in white fox fur, the noble man of Tianhuang asked with a smile as he walked: "Your Majesty is the son of Shengtian, the God of War is the current golden beam, and Jiang Qingyang is the future jade pillar of the sky... The prince is generous and benevolent." Sincerely, there is someone who looks like a king; the third sister is a master of Taoism and martial arts, and the atmosphere is majestic; the nine brothers are smart and handsome, and the noble spirit is like a star... so lonely? Who is lonely?"

He asked like this and walked out without waiting for anyone's answer.

No need to answer at all.

Feng Gujing stood in front of the desk with a sad expression.

Who is the eleventh prince of Daqi?

Originally the lord of the Longevity Palace, the most favored son of today's emperor, his actions are majestic and well-received by everyone. He is recognized by the government and the public as "the most worthy emperor today", and he is also the most powerful contender for the crown prince.

But because of the case of Zhang Yong crying at the ancestral temple, overnight, the government and the public were hopeless.

The Zhang family of Fengxian was the honorary minister of the restoration of the country, and Jiang Wuqi took in Zhang Yong for the sake of the country's reputation. All the resources of the cultivation method have never shorted the person... In the end, this is the result.

How can Feng Gu not be sad?

The noble man who would say "To Daqi is to me." Now he asks himself-"Who is alone?"

The sadness in Jiang Wuqi's words, how can an old man like him not feel sad?

But looking at Jiang Wuqi's back, he could only remain silent.

Silently watching Jiang Wuqi walk out of the palace, silently rolling up the words Jiang Wuqi finished writing, silently like a lonely ghost floating in the huge palace...

From the thirty-ninth year of Yuanfeng, wandering to the present.



The highest mountain in Linzi City should be Yunwu Mountain.

On the plank road covered with clouds and mist, a figure wrapped in white fox fur approached slowly.

At that time, the sky was so light that even though the mountain was so high, it couldn't see through.

The thin figure walked in the clouds and fog, although it was getting closer, it still felt far away.

Although Tianxiangyun Pavilion, one of the four famous pavilions in Linzi, is located here, Jiang Wuqi did not come here for the beauty.

Every time I come here in the morning light, I climb to the top of Yunwu Mountain and sit alone in the stone pavilion on the top of the mountain.

A pot of scented tea hides in the clouds, sitting from sunrise to noon.

Since the time when he was naked in front of the Ziji Hall and held the jade, he spent many days developing this habit.

It is not so much a kind of enjoyment as it is a kind of self-punishment.

For Jiang Wuqi, who has suffered from cold and poison since he was a baby, being in this high and cold place is almost like being tortured.

If he needed to use these behaviors to show in the past, the cold poison would not have any effect on him at all, to build up the confidence of the people in the Changsheng Palace. So now that he has fallen out of favor, what's the point of him coming here?

Could it be that the heart of the emperor and the position of the crown prince can be obtained by selling misery?

A person like Jiang Wuqi should not do meaningless things.

Many people can’t help but think——

Did the eleventh prince of the Great Qi Empire use this cold place to cultivate?

Or, did you come here to find some clues?

After careful study, this place of Yunwu Mountain was the first time Zhang Yong played for Jiang Wuqi in front of people after he joined the Longevity Palace. His opponent at that time was none other than Jiang Qingyang, who is now famous all over the world.

At that time, Jiang Qingyang won the victory with an eight-tone flame bird, and Jiang Wuqi forgave Zhang Yong's defeat, did not change his trust, and won the hearts of the people.

Speaking of which, both Jiang Wang and Jiang Wuqi handled it well at that time, and achieved a win-win result.

Who would have thought that it was Zhang Yong who made Jiang Wang suspected of treason. Was it also Zhang Yong who blocked Jiang Wuqi's path to heaven?

The world is unpredictable, as for Sri Lanka.

Whether it was Cui Zhu's Assassin Emperor, or Zhang Yong's Crying Temple, it all happened too suddenly, without any warning, and the location was extremely precise. Although the troubles created by Qi Tianzi were easily wiped away, but one thing I have to say is that the power of the equal country, in this eastern hegemony country, is lurking deep enough and concealed enough, so that these things can be done event.

It's a pity that the people who were stirred into it were already muddy.

Now Jiang Wang has been cleansed of his stigma and shines in the world. And what about Jiang Wuqi, the lord of the Longevity Palace?

In the battle of Xingyueyuan, Qi Tianjiao defeated Jing Tianjiao, and Qi Zhifu won Jing Tianjiao's future.

How does Jiang Wuqi feel when he is walking on the plank road of Yunwu Mountain in this early morning when the flowers of the Great Qi Empire are blooming?

Feng Gu is not here today, and he has no other followers.

There are many strong people in Linzi City, but no one will monitor every place all the time.

So when a rickety old man approached with a stick, it didn't seem to be surprising.

The old man walked very slowly, which can be called hobbling.

But staggering like him, being able to walk on this rickety plank road is a very awkward thing.

Jiang Wuqi didn't seem to feel awkward, and continued to walk forward.

It was too early, and there was no third person on the plank road.

Those who spend the night on Yunwu Mountain will all be on soft couches in Tianxiangyun Pavilion.

For a while, there was only the mountain wind, the unstoppable cough, and the sound of the crutches hitting the plank road——

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

"Cough cough cough..."

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

The title of the volume is "I Come Like a God", and everyone should already be able to imagine the excitement.

In order to meet your expectations, I will continue to work hard.

Work hard and write hard.

After thinking about opening the volume for a long time, I finally decided to start the story of this volume with the eleventh prince of Daqi.

This chapter is two in one.

As usual, I need to spend a few days to get into the writing mode, accumulate manuscripts for adjustments, and then start paying off the debt.

See you tomorrow.



Thanks to Dameng YangerSun for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend "Yangtze River Ferry" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 196th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Tu Shan Shaoyan" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 197th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Zi Jinling is the Panda King" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 198th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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