Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1371 ?

Chapter 1371

Standing in the clouds and fog, the white fox fur is piled up like snow.

There was a gleam of radiance on Jiang Wuqi's face that was rarely seen in the past, and his noble and cold eyes swept across the four directions lightly, as if looking around at his mountains, rivers and land.

"Pealing the country's conspiracy against the solitary, the solitary should be punished!"

Words are like a silver bottle suddenly broken, like knives and guns.

He shouted in a long voice, "Who else is coming?"

He was talking about this time, not just this time.

Zhang Yong's weeping temple is a conspiracy by Pingguo to slander the emperor's name. He was implicated in it, unable to recover from a setback. His foundation lies in the court, but more in the favor of the emperor, losing the emperor's heart is almost equal to losing everything.

And today is Jiang Wuqi's counterattack!

At this time, there was no sound in the surrounding fields, and the wind stopped and the clouds stopped.

He turned his palms to suppress the majesty of the two gods, as if even this Yunwu Mountain was intimidated.

"Your Highness, you hurt me too!" Li Yougui's voice sounded in his palm.

Without saying a word, Jiang Wuqi turned around and walked down the mountain, stepping on the clouds and mist.

How could Li Yougui, who "just happened" to be on duty in the nearby area, be innocent when the strongman of the equal country chose to assassinate today?

Even Li Yougui's record of adjusting the rotation area was already in Jiang Wuqi's hands.

Of course, Li Yougui could have many reasonable explanations...

But he doesn't listen.

He, Jiang Wuqi, used his body as bait, and of course he wanted to catch more people than these. This line will spread across the entire territory of Qi State... The Longevity Palace is fully prepared for today!

It's just that here in Yunwu Mountain at this time, there are only these harvests.

After all, what he has been revealing is only the cultivation of the inner palace. Even if you are the lord of the Longevity Palace, the fish you can catch directly can only be at this level. The bigger the hook, the bigger the fish.

So he turns around.

The plank road under their feet was empty, and Qiao Er from Shenlinjing and Li Yougui from Shenlinjing were both suppressed.

At that time, the morning sun was rising, and the rays of the sun were haloing in the sky, making him ashamed to look at the beautiful young man in the world.

The nobleman in white fox fur walked away through the air, and the clouds and mists shunted away for him.

It's hard to see each other in heaven and earth.

The extraordinary monks who witnessed this scene on Yunwu Mountain were all speechless!

Everyone knows that Jiang Wuqi, the eleventh prince of Da Qi, is a peerless figure. With perseverance and talent unimaginable by ordinary people, he has come to the current position of the Lord of the Longevity Palace under the innate restriction of cold poison.

But the world doesn't know that Jiang Wuqi is a genius so far!

One step from the inner mansion to God's Landing, and once entering God's Landing, you can easily suppress two God's Landing powerhouses with one enemy and two with your palms!

Is this really within human reach?



The same morning light falls on different places in Linzi.

It awakened some people's shallow dreams and comforted some lost hearts.

The background is similar, but the people are different.

Xiu's house is the most magnificent house in Jinxianfang.

Still the quiet room, still the pot of tea.

It was still Yan Tu and Xiu Yuan sitting opposite each other.

The same ordinary background, the same stunning talent, the same joining the army, the same rising to the top.

These two commanders of the Bingshitang, whose life experiences are so similar, established an enviable friendship early on. Counting with your fingers, the years and months are hard to count.

Their tacit understanding is incomparable, and they are more open to talking in private than with others.

But today there was a long silence.

Until a cry from two blocks away——


Even though it was so far away, this sound was naturally heard by Yan Tu.

He picked up the teacup and drank it down.


The teacup is on the table.

"Stop drinking, you'll be full of wimps!"

Yan Tao got up by himself: "Let's go!"

And Xiu Yuan still sat there upright, looking down at the teacup. In the white cloud-patterned teacup, a standing tea leaf seems to bloom like a branch, floating and sinking in the boiling water like dancing.

He seemed to be staring at it as it sank, but the tea was never there.

"The operation failed, right?" Xiu Yuan asked.

Yan Tu, who had already reached the door, suddenly turned around: "What do you mean?"

Xiuyuan gently turned the rim of the cup with his thumb and forefinger: "I've been thinking, why do I value Cui Zhu so much? Before the ceremony of the master, why was he able to please me in every way? Obviously he is not such a person, But it seems to have cast such a person exactly according to the mold I admire."

He didn't look up, but asked, "Can you tell me the answer, Brother Yan?"

Yan Tu's face darkened: "We have been friends for so many years, do you doubt me?"

"Yes...we have been friends for so many years." Xiu Yuan sighed: "With your help, Cui Zhu will certainly be able to fall in love with me. Because of my friendship, no one can give you advice. What are you thinking about. It just so happens that the Zhanyu Army is on duty in Gyeonggi, so even if Xia Guo sends high-level figures from Pingguo, the clues will be cut off quickly. Painful character..."

"Breaking around like this, don't you think it's far-fetched that I can break out hundreds of different people?" Yan Tu was furious: "Xiu Yuan, is your brain shut down?"

"Far-fetched?" Xiu Yuan finally looked up at him, his eyes were very strange: "I just feel sad. We have been friends for so many years, do you always wear a mask to me? Even now that I have been imprisoned, you still have to Come and use me to clear up the suspicion. Although Zhan Yujun is on duty in Gyeonggi, but when His Highness had an accident, the commander of Zhan Yujun was drinking tea at my house! Do you think it is appropriate, Brother Yan?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't know who you've been bewitched by. But Xiuyuan, you've let me down so much today! Is our decades of friendship used to make you suspicious?" Yan Tu was heartbroken Turning around calmly: "Calm down for me!"

"I am calm, but you are not calm enough." Xiu Yuan said coldly, "You have lost your sense of proportion."

Yan Tu stood still, took a deep breath, and swiped his finger, and a corner of the sturdy skirt was cut off by him.


It hit the ground and made a sound of gold and iron.

"Since you never trusted me, it's fine if this friend doesn't do it!"

Looking at his extraordinarily heavy back, Xiu Yuan couldn't help shaking his head, and laughed at himself again: "Your Majesty said that you are thick and thin, but you are more than thick and thin. It's like 'the face is like an iron tower, and all living beings are carved inside. Bulls and horses." Even at this moment, when I saw your performance, I doubted myself for a moment. Yan Tu, Yan Tu, if it wasn't for His Highness reminding me, I really wouldn't be able to notice it. My Xiuyuan lost to you Yan Tu is more than one step away !"

During the years when they got along well with each other, whether it was drinking, performing soldiers, or fighting, Xiuyuan was never willing to lose, and always had to fight for priority.

One of the things he said the most was——

For long and long distances, the word "far" comes first, and the word "tu" comes after.

Today, he is not as good as he is, and what is not as good is naturally his disposition of using decades of friendship as a bargaining chip.

So his laugh, so bleak.

"Unreasonable!" Yan Tu's face sank like water, and he was about to leave immediately.


Xiuyuan suddenly shouted behind him, every word, every tone was exactly the same as the voice two blocks away.

In other words, Xiuyuan also heard it.

In other words, the seal on Xiuyuan's body...has already been released.

This is a round, a round specifically aimed at him!

A dangerous signal exploded in his heart, and Yan Tu quickly realized what the problem was.

Xiuyuan said that it was the Eleventh Prince who reminded him that he began to notice something was wrong.

That means that everything that happened today is under Jiang Wuqi's control. This opportunity to assassinate Jiang Wuqi was given by Jiang Wuqi himself.

They had the idea of ​​assassinating Jiang Wuqi, and they were already caught in the trap.

Grasp Jiang Wuqi's whereabouts, understand the defense situation of Changsheng Palace, mobilize forces to make a seemingly natural cooperation for this operation, from Qingpai's head arrest to the army's rotation in Gyeonggi to respond accordingly...all these actions, They can indeed be very stealthy. Organizations have always acted cautiously and without leaving traces.

But if this process is closely watched by a pair of eyes, there will be flaws everywhere!

Such a ruthless person.

Pingguo implicated Jiang Wuqi in Zhang Yong's crying temple case, and Jiang Wuqi used himself as bait to uproot Pingguo's arrangement in Qi!

Yan Tu was very sure that there was no ambush over Yunwu Mountain. As a high-level executive of the Daqi Military Hall, and in charge of the garrison of the entire Gyeonggi region, what big move can be hidden from him?

Jiang Wuqi really threw himself into a deadlock, so that he could really catch a big fish.

Otherwise, he would not agree to this action, and King Zhao, who is temporarily in charge of Eastern Region affairs, would not approve of it either.

On the side of Yunwu did it fail?

Qiao Er, who is on the scene, is in charge of attacking and killing, and Li Yougui, who is on the scene, helps to control the field and block the rescue as a green card. It is very difficult to capture Jiang Wuqi and leave alive. Killing an inner palace should be foolproof.

Could it be that there is a real person who was not in Linzi before lurking to make a move? Maybe there is even a real king watching there?

Why, as the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers stationed in Gyeonggi, did he not receive any rumors?

Is it true that as Xiu Yuan said, he was already suspected in advance?

These are all questions that Yan Tu must think about. Only when he thinks clearly can he make fewer mistakes in the next response.

Of course, up to now, there are not many choices in front of him.

Yan Tu stepped out of the door calmly, did not respond to Xiu Yuan's voice, and only said: "My surname is Xiu, you and I are righteous today, so we can do it ourselves in the future!"

But his military boots stopped after taking a single step.

Because right in front of him, a white lantern pierced the space and was about to come out.

"General Yan, please stop." The blind old man standing in front of him said so.

He is obviously hunched, but he seems to be full of heaven and earth. It is obviously trembling, but it is like an abyss like an ocean.

A watchman who directly obeys the emperor's orders!

The function of inspecting the night, punishing all evil and sycophants.

Faced with this blind old man suddenly, few people in the entire Qi Kingdom could not be frightened.

But Yan Tu took a step forward instead, full of momentum: "I am the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, I have fought for the country all my life, and I am ranked in the military hall of Daqi! Do you dare to take me for no reason?"

The old man holding a white paper lantern said slowly: "Then I will tell you the truth."

"The man who grinds the scissors is normal. He just had a dream last night. That dream affected him. When he passed by the fried dough sticks stand, he saw three fried dough sticks or five fried dough sticks. The cries were different. Speed ​​and focus.

The person selling fried dough sticks is also normal, but at that time, a person happened to pass by and bought a lot of fried dough sticks, leaving only three left on his shelf.

The person who bought fried dough sticks was also very normal. Someone gave her a knife and asked her to buy just that much. And when she bought the fritters, she went to find the person who asked her to help, but the person had disappeared.

Our clues are also broken at this link, and we haven't found the person who gave her the knife... What a very cautious organization. "

"Sounds complicated." Yan Tudao: "But what does this have to do with me?"

The blind old man asked: "You said that it took so much trouble, what kind of message do they want to convey? What does that cry represent?"

Yan Tufu said, "How do I know?"

"We don't know what it represents, but what is certain is that it must have its meaning, and it is by no means ordinary."

The blind old man said unhurriedly: "Centering on the man who grinds the scissors, we surveyed all the people in the three nearby blocks. In order of cultivation level, only those who can hear that voice at that time period Four hundred and seventy-one people..."

Yan Tu looked at the blind old man holding a white paper lantern in his hand, and felt that it was like a fluttering, evocative streamer, dangling in his eyes.

And the voice of the old man in the ear is still ringing——

"As you can imagine, we have thoroughly investigated all 471 people. So far, only three people have not been ruled out as suspects, and you, General Yan, are one of them."

Yan Tu shook his head and expressed his admiration: "What a wonderful process."

"Your Highness the Eleventh has a saying that I take for granted--'In the face of the most stupid methods, even the smartest people can't hide. Because smart people are only used to dealing with smart people.'" The blind old man said: "So we use With such a stupid way, I came to find you, a smart person."

"To be honest, your conjecture is wonderful, and His Royal Highness the Eleventh is also very smart. But don't you take it for granted?" Yan Tu sullenly said: "A man who grinds scissors had a strange dream, which changed slightly. Just because this general has extraordinary cultivation and can hear it from such a long distance, a majestic commander of nine soldiers is suspected of colluding with the Pingping Kingdom? It's unbelievable and makes people laugh!"

"Don't you understand? It's not because of this incident that you became suspicious. It's because His Royal Highness the Eleventh has suspected you for a long time, and today's incident has verified your suspicion! I'm not afraid to tell you what to do, I will cry After the case, His Highness the Eleventh has been investigating your organization, and you are just one of the objects of suspicion. General Yan, I am not in charge of answering the questions. If you have any questions, you might as well ask them in the prison.”

The blind old man said, turned and walked forward: "Come with me, don't waste any more time."

There was a wall in front of him, but he just walked into the wall.

It's like stepping from one world to another. It seems that he is not afraid of Yan Tu's escape at all.

Yan Tu also did not choose to escape, but he finally couldn't say anything to justify.

At least at this moment, there is no point in arguing with this blind old man. It's better to think about how to sue yourself in front of the emperor.

Escaping is impossible. Since the blind old man appeared in person, it is useless to resist. Although the Zhanyu Army under his command is currently on duty in Gyeonggi, it is not enough to rely on at such a moment.

Qi Ting allows each family to establish clan soldiers within a certain range, each county guard has a lot of autonomy, and the sects in the territory also have freedom under the constraints of Qi Law.

Only the supreme power of the nine soldiers was firmly grasped by Qi Ting.

The elite of the nine soldiers is the nine soldiers of Qi, not the nine soldiers of a certain family and surname.

For example, Chongxuan and Chuliang mobilized the Autumn Killing Army, and the imperial court also needed to issue a tiger talisman.

Ruchun's death army was personally controlled by Cao Jie. In the earlier battle at Jianfeng Mountain, Jiang Mengxiong also said to be transferred, so he was transferred.

After all, the nine soldiers are loyal to Qi. rather than a commander in chief.

In the absence of Qi Ting's order, he, the commander of the Zhanyu Army, could mobilize no more than a thousand soldiers.

Yan Tu never thought that he would be identified because of an extremely clever message delivery. In order to confirm his suspicion, the watchman actually investigated everyone in the three nearby blocks at once!

Originally, regardless of the success or failure of the Yunwu Mountain operation, it would not affect him.

When was it discovered by Jiang Wuqi?

Yan Tu thought for a while, then stopped thinking and walked forward.

The past has been stormy, but he has no regrets in his heart.

It's just that he didn't know why, at this moment, the first image that popped up in his mind turned out to be the rainy night seventy-six years ago.

The thick and sad rain...

At that time, Qi State was not yet the overlord of the Eastern Region, and even Jiang Shu hadn't ascended the throne yet. He was just fighting on the battlefield as the prince, but he had already shown his majesty. And as a core member of Pingguo, he joined Qi's iron hoof to conquer the Eastern Region.

It was a difficult rainy night, he was beaten to pieces and separated from the army. In a cave, he met Xiu Yuan who was also described as being in a mess.

When two very nervous people met for the first time, they greeted each other with swords and guns, and each dragged their wounded bodies to fight. In the process of fighting to the death, they learned each other's identities and turned the fighting into friendship.

The two hid in that cave for five days, and the rain never stopped for five days.

Until one day, they heard a very bright bird cry, and when they walked out of the cave, it was raining and sunny.

It was a long time later that he knew the bird was called "Negative Rain".

According to the records of Yishou, there is a bird named "Negative Rain", with three-color feathers and nine feet long wings. The wind rises, and the rain flies. When the bird crows, the clouds disperse and the rain gathers.

He also told Xiu Yuan about this matter, but Xiu Yuan didn't say that it was just a sparrow that yelled outside the cave that day...

The wall in front of him seemed to block everything. I can't see the way forward, and I can't find memories.

Before stepping in, Yan Tu sighed: "It's raining in the empty valley, can you hear it again?"

Then he stepped out and disappeared in Xiu's house.

And behind him, there was no response.

Ever since the leader of the watchmen appeared, Xiu Yuan didn't say anything, but slowly turned the teacup in his hand, watching the confrontation between the two silently.

It wasn't until this moment that he turned his gaze away, looked at the piece of skirt armor lying on the ground, and remained silent for a long time.

Others cut off their robes, while Yan Tu cut off his armor.

Xiu Yuan shook his head.

He didn't know how many times he had disliked Yan Tu's cattle chewing peonies, but at this moment he also raised his glass and drank this excellent tea in one gulp.



Ziji Hall.

The court meeting has been dispersed, and all civil and military officials have retreated.

Emperor Qi is still in the palace.

On top of the tall Danbi is a huge and gorgeous dragon chair.

In the majestic hall, it was empty.

Emperor Daqi rarely reviewed the memorial today, nor did he do anything else, just sat there.

After a long time, he sighed: "Did I sit too high?"

Of course, Han Ling could only be serving at the side at this moment.

He didn't answer, because the emperor didn't need any answer.

Pat, clack.

The sound of footsteps resounded outside Ziji Hall and on the huge Baishi Square.

In fact, it is not heavy, but in their ears, it is very clear.

The emperor supported the handrail, stood up, and walked towards His Majesty Dan.

The dragon boots touch the ground and are firm and powerful.

The emperor walked very slowly, because every step carried the weight of the country.

But the footsteps outside the hall were very gentle and regular.

Within the scope of "rituals", do not slow down.

When Emperor Qi finally stepped down from His Majesty Dan, he stood in the hall of Ziji Hall, standing at the forefront of the usual courtiers.

The thin figure wrapped in white fox fur also stood in the huge door of Ziji Hall.

The huge portal like a celestial palace made him thinner and thinner more and more.

In the morning light falling behind him, he is like snow, and his fur is like snow.

Bring a chill that freezes people's hearts.

"Son, please meet the emperor!"

Jiang Wuqi pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and bowed down in the majestic Ziji Hall.

He could have gone to the emperor's bedroom to meet him, but today is the son meeting his father, and he is also the minister facing the king.

So I chose Ziji Hall.

Qi Tianzi did not stop his big gift, the bead hanging down from the flat crown covered the emotions of the Great Qi Supreme.

But the swaying bead curtain clearly said that his mood was not calm.

In the end, the emperor only asked, "Why bother?"

Jiang Wuqi stood up neatly, and now he was standing in front of Emperor Daqi. Finally, he can look up to his father as a son.

This is the grace granted by Emperor Qi.

But he kept his courtiers' etiquette, eyes drooping, and said very seriously: "Father's great cause is imminent, and there must be no hidden dangers in the army."

The emperor said: "We have plenty of time..."

Jiang Wuqi said: "Time waits for me."

"Wuqi." The emperor only called out, and then fell silent.

Standing behind the emperor, Han Ling did not say a word, standing himself like a silent sculpture, but with a sad face and tears in his eyes.

Only Jiang Wuqi was smiling.

He smiled like a snowflake blooming in Ziji Palace.

Rarely in his life had he had such a bright, radiant smile.

Because when he was born, he already carried too much. She was still in her infancy, and she was already doomed.

In the frozen soil of life, how can there be flowers blooming?

"Father, do you trust my son?" Jiang Wuqi asked.

The emperor was silent for a long time, and finally said: "The emperor must not be suspicious."

Jiang Wuqi still had a bright smile on his pale handsome face: "Now you can trust my son."

He seemed to be determined to let Emperor Qi remember his splendid appearance.

That's why he smiled so brightly.

"I just want you to trust me."

"Father, my son has never been against his will!"

"Please return the piece of white jade that was taken away to my son."

"My son has never felt that he is so healthy. This very good..."

And his smile froze like this.

In the early morning of October, it becomes autumn frost.

Three in one, one of the chapters is still an addition to Brother Yan. 26/78.

Another day with no manuscripts saved.

The more important thing is... I don't know if my post involving spoilers yesterday has affected readers' reading experience.

Emphasizing that Jiang Wuqi will not tell the truth is basically implying his ending.

Under such circumstances, the tension of the plot will inevitably be affected.

I'm a little apprehensive.

I don't know how the readers will feel.


Thanks to the book friend "Shimeng Benmeng" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 203rd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Xianke" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 204th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Psuchhe" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 205th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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