Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1375 ?

Chapter 1375 Consecration

Speaking of which, there was a "relationship" between Guojiu's Mansion and Jiang Wang.

There is an honorary elder of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, named Cao Xing, who belongs to He Fu, the uncle of Daqi Kingdom.

To put it bluntly, it is to represent He Fu to eat filial piety at the Jubao Chamber of Commerce.

Xu Fang confessed his guilt outside the Qingshi Palace, which opened the prelude to the collapse of the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, and directly cut off He Fu's source of income.

Later, Chong Xuansheng dismantled the Jubao Chamber of Commerce, and Jiang Wang killed Su She, completely sending this once prominent Chamber of Commerce organization into the dust.

From this point of view, although Jiang Wang did not have any direct conflicts with the uncle's mansion, after careful investigation, there were still conflicts.

But He Zhen really didn't intend to trouble Jiang Wang today, or he had an idea before, but Jiang Wang's speed of leaping was much faster than his idea.

So much so that when he made up his mind, that so-called opponent was already the third-rank golden melon warrior of Daqi, who was named Qingyangzi!

He is more than a notch above him in every aspect.

It can be said that apart from his royal relationship, there is nothing he can praise in front of Jiang Wang.

Met in Changsheng Palace today, he really wanted to make friends.

Not long after that, he was caught by Zheng Shangming, the son of the captain of the Beiya, because he was driving a car in the busy city, and he was killed to make an example to others. Daqi State Uncle's Mansion sounds glamorous, but because the prince and queen don't give much support, there's nothing to do with the Beiya. That matter can only be accepted by pinching the nose, admitting punishment and accepting responsibility.

But in detail, Jiang Wang and Zheng Shangming have always been friends. Moreover, according to the rumors, Zheng Shi intends to leave his post as the captain of the Beiya, and Jiang Qingyang, who showed the charm of the outer building in Xingyueyuan, is very hopeful to take up this powerful position.

If he made friends with Jiang Wang, would Zheng Shangming trouble him again in the future?

Isn't Beiya walking sideways?

Not to mention that Jiang Wang is already recognized as a peerless figure, and his future is limitless.

If he recruited this person for the crown prince, his father would scold him for being unlearned and incompetent, and would the queen not look at him as a nephew?

He knew that he had no weight at all, but the crown prince was the prince of the country, the future emperor of Daqi. No matter how arrogant Jiang Qingyang is, how can he not give face to the future Emperor Qi?

Making friends is not that complicated.

He is really sincere in making friends, and even has already figured out where to ask Jiang Wang to play after the funeral. Although there is a rule that the lord of the Longevity Palace does not have fun during the funeral, He Zhen is also a well-connected person. If you can't go to the four famous museums, you can find your dream elsewhere.

Who would have thought that Palace Master Huaying would get angry when she said she was angry?

Since he entered the palace, he has been well-mannered and never neglected His Highness. What happened to him for no reason?

His grandma's, those surnamed Jiang, are all moody!

He Zhen cursed angrily in his heart, trying to dilute the drowning-like fear, while burrowing out of the hall in desperation,

"He Zhen, what are you doing sneaking around here?" A graceful voice sounded at the right time.

He Zhen felt that his head was supported by a gentle force, and then his whole body was "lifted", and he stood there with his head held high.

Of course he recognized his aunt the queen, as well as the prince's cousin and the princess's cousin.

But his mind is still chaotic.

Until the old eunuch in Changsheng Palace knelt down and saluted: "I pay my respects to Your Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess."

He came to his senses and saluted honestly.

After he saluted as expected, Empress Daqi asked again: "What's going on?"

At this time, Jiang Wang in the palace had already stood up to show his respect for the empress. Subconsciously glanced at Jiang Wuyou from the corner of his eye, Jiang Wuyou was still standing there with no expression on his face.

With the power of such a short distance, with Empress Daqi's cultivation, of course, she would not be unaware of what happened in the palace, so this question now has a lot of meaning.

"Uh..." He Zhen hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's nothing, I have already offered incense to His Highness the Eleventh, and I am about to leave because of something at home."

He was not so stupid that he didn't think of taking the opportunity to sue the Queen's aunt.

Jiang Wuhua at the side said warmly: "Then you should slow down on the way back."

Obviously, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince intends to calm down the matter.

But Empress He disagreed.

She looked at Jiang Wuyou who was standing beside the coffin, and asked softly, "Wuyou, is that so?"

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for the Tian family to have family affection.

As the Empress of Daqi, she has always held down her elder brother and nephew and prevented them from causing trouble. Even if He Zhen was arrested by Beiya last time for driving a car in a busy city, she refused to come forward to save people.

Because she knew very well that even if she didn't do anything, the blood relationship between her and He Zhen was there. At most, Beiya is following the rules and never dares to go too far. Those methods of cannibalism did not fall on He Zhen's head.

And if she came forward to rescue He Zhen and indulged him to violate Qi Lv, it would be like opening the devil's cage. It will only release the endless greed of He Zhen and his son. Her sympathy here can be inflated into a hundred times of support by He Fu outside.

She has always been a very sober person, and understands that the reason why the He family can replace the Yin family, apart from Jiang Wuhua, is largely because the He family has no foundation and can reassure the emperor.

She has also always restrained the expansion of the He family's power, and made it clear that Jiang Wuhua himself is the only foundation. How famous was Jiang Wuliang's mother family, the Yin family, now?


As her only elder brother, He Fu, in order not to cause trouble to the prince, dared not ask for an official, dared not ask for a title, and even made a little extra money, he would stop as soon as there was a turmoil.

As the only son of her elder brother, He Zhen is still doing nothing in his thirties, and can only hang around Goulan all day long. Although He Zhen has no skills, there are many people in the world who have no skills but occupy fat positions. He can't get involved in anything, isn't he also suffering for the prince?

Empress He didn't say anything, how could she be merciless every time she looked at her aging elder brother?

It would be fine if He Zhen committed any crime, but today he just said a few words, the voice was a little louder, Jiang Wuyou chased him away like a pig and dog, it was too much!

She didn't pay much attention to her, Empress Da Qi!

She refused to reveal it lightly today because firstly, she wanted to establish her dignity as the Empress of Daqi, secondly, she really had dissatisfaction in her heart, and thirdly, she wanted to test Jiang Wuyou's confidence.

She would like to ask, what does this Jiang Wuyou want to do.

Having been called by name, Jiang Wuyou finally couldn't turn a deaf ear to it, turned around, and saluted Empress He politely: "Mother."

"The etiquette will be avoided." Empress He raised her hand to stop her, but she refused to skip the question: "Talk to the queen mother, what happened just now, worry-free?"

Although the voice was not harsh, the atmosphere in the mourning hall suddenly became serious.

"Okay, Queen Mother." Jiang Wuhua smoothed things over: "Today is Little Eleven..."

"Did I ask you, prince?" Empress He didn't turn her head, but told the prince to shut up.

He Zhen's mood at this time was both apprehensive and excited.

How many years?

The queen's aunt finally gave him a head start!

Still in front of Palace Master Huaying!

Is this the beginning of the pinnacle of life?

Looking at Linzi City, who would dare to provoke him, Uncle He?

But this kind of mood mixed with apprehension and excitement was quickly poured with a basin of cold water.

Jiang Wuyou just glanced at him indifferently: "Then don't get lost, just stay here and wait to get in the way of the emperor's eyes."

Kneeling outside the hall, Feng Gu, the chief eunuch of the Changsheng Palace, remained motionless like a sculpture.

Jiang Wuhua was silent, He Zhen froze.

Even Jiang Wuyong, who had been kneeling beside the coffin and sobbing softly, forgot to shed tears at this moment.

Jiang Wang's eyes twitched.

The third princess said that she just had a bad temper before, which is really too modest...

"Worriless, you have really grown up."

After Empress He finished speaking coldly, she turned her head and looked at He Zhen: "What are you still doing in a daze?"

"Ah?" He Zhen didn't react at all.

There was no anger on the queen's face at all, she just said in a low voice: "Palace Master Huaying told you to go, didn't you hear?"

Jiang Wuhua reached out and stroked He Zhen's back to show comfort: "Ah Zhen, you should go back first."

He Zhen lowered his head.


He walked out in a daze, and saw a few big figures stopped halfway, namely Cao Jie, Commander of the Spring Death Army, Xiu Yuan, Commander of the Prisoner Army, and Chen Fu, the court official.

These big shots are obviously aware of what's going on in the mourning hall, and they don't want to get involved in the Tian family's troubles, so they stop here for the time being.

He Zhen felt more and more embarrassed.

He even felt that everyone sitting at the banquet was secretly laughing at him...

Who would not find it ridiculous?

But what can he do?

He can only bury his head lower.



Inside the mourning hall, Jiang Wang remained silent.

He realized that he seemed to have come a little earlier. At this time, almost all the royal family were in the mourning hall. He was the only outsider, and he was extremely restrained and awkward.

Perhaps he shouldn't have ridiculed Chongxuan Fatty, and deliberately took the first step, but it didn't do him any favors...

It's really hard to watch their royal family stare and stare, saying nothing is bad, and not saying anything is bad.

When Jiang Wuhua walked in, he cast a relieved look.

The princess Song Ning'er next to him is a dignified woman, with her face up to the sky, and her actions are full of temperament. But the character should not be rigid. Looking at the eyes of Jiang Wang, a man of the younger generation in Daqi, he was a little curious.

Jiang Wang was not curious about the Crown Princess, but felt that there seemed to be a difference between the plain noodles of the Crown Princess and Jiang Wuyou's plain noodles, but he couldn't tell the difference.

Empress Da Qi walked forward expressionlessly, with a graceful demeanor and majestic phoenix eyes.

The accompanying ladies and eunuchs all stayed outside the hall.

No one spoke in the hall, and there was no other voice.

This made the queen's light footsteps seem heavy.

Jiang Wuyou silently moved away from the seat next to the coffin, without saying a word, walked straight to Jiang Wang's side, but did not sit down immediately. He only glanced at the chair that He Zhen sat on.

Jiang Wang reacted, got up quickly, and switched the chair with the one next to it.

Only then did Jiang Wuyou sit down in Fuyi, but he still didn't speak.

Where Jiang Wang was sitting was at the outermost edge of the mourning hall. From here, you can see Feng Gu who is kneeling outside the hall... He is almost declining three times a day, so old that people can't bear to look at him.

Jiang Wang couldn't stare at Feng Gu, and it was inconvenient to talk to Jiang Wuyou, and of course he couldn't stare at the princess, so he had to fix his eyes on the coffin in the palace.

No matter how brilliant the characters are, no matter how gorgeous and exquisite the coffin is, under the eternal meaning of death, there is no wave.

The queen's hand rested on the edge of the coffin.

And her voice, with a touch of sorrow: "Little Shishi, you have suffered. You have been in poor health since you were young, and you have finally grown to this age, but... the queen mother failed to take good care of you. ashamed."

The Crown Princess Song Ning'er supported her, and comforted her softly: "My mother, I would like to express my condolences. The eleventh brother has a spirit in heaven, and even if I think about it, I don't want you to be sad."

The prince walked alone on the other side of the coffin, and walked to Jiang Wuyong's side.

Jiang Wuyong wanted to get up to avoid it, but he stretched out his hand to hold him down.

He directly knelt down beside Jiang Wuyong, put one hand on his shoulder, and held his hand with the other: "Wuyong, you have lost your loving brother, I have lost your virtuous brother, let's..."

The sound was choked up and it was difficult to continue. He just held Jiang Wuyong's hand tighter and tighter.

Jiang Wuyong also only called out "brother", and burst into tears.

There are actually no futons or straw mats for kneeling on the ground, so they kneel directly on the cold ground.

And lying in the coffin is a person who will never hear the cry or see the tears.

Cao Jie, Xiu Yuan, and Chen Fu, the three high-ranking figures of the Qi State came together at this time.

They didn't talk too much, according to the rules, they gave the queen and the prince a gift, and then they offered incense in front of the altar.

The queen asked them to sit first, and they found their own seats to sit down.

Jiang Wuyou sat next to Jiang Wang, the order was already disrupted, so they sat casually.

Chen Fu seemed to be a very intelligent man, with deep eyes and slightly frosted hair on his temples. After offering incense, he chose a seat behind the prince.

Xiu Yuan, who has both gentle and sharp temperament, found a chair on Jiang Wang's side and sat down in silence.

The high military and political leaders in Linzi, others may not come, but he has to. After all, it was Jiang Wuqi, who was lying in the coffin at the moment, who cleared him of the suspicion.

Cao Jie still had that bitter look, and sat beside Chen Fu silently.

Among the three, Jiang Wang only knew Cao Jie. Chen Fu had photographed him several times, but it was the first time for Xiu Yuan.

In response to Jiang Wang's gaze, the three big men all behaved kindly. They turned a blind eye to the undercurrent between Empress Daqi and Palace Master Huaying.

"Born in winter, the city is full of snow after death."

A chant-like voice resounded outside the hall.

Jiang Wuxie, the Ninth Prince of Great Qi, stepped into the mourning hall in such an atmosphere.

He looked at the coffin placed in the hall, and sighed: "There is a real person buried with him, and God's sorrowful blood, how can he be worthy of you, Jiang Wuqi?"

Goodbye to Jiang Wuxie today, he is wearing mourning clothes, his long hair is tied up with a wooden hairpin, his slightly sinister and dissolute temperament has suddenly restrained a lot.

He walked slowly to the coffin, put a drop-shaped piece of white jade into the coffin, and stuck it on the sole of Jiang Wuqi's foot.

Then he saluted the queen next to the coffin: "My mother, please mourn, don't hurt your spirit too much."

"Wuxie..." The empress looked at the prince who was exceptionally good-looking, and said kindly, "What did you give to Wuqi?"

"Requiem Jade." Jiang Wuxie said softly, "Although I know it's's just a sustenance."

Requiem Jade is a treasure suitable for spiritual cultivation, Jiang Wuxie didn't know where to find it, but he just buried it with Jiang Wuqi, it can be said that he is not affectionate.

So far, the heirs of the Daqi royal family who are qualified to fight for the dragon have all come here.

A co-sacrifice to Jiang Wuqi.

Two in one, see you tomorrow.

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