Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1384 ?

Chapter 1384 Make the dragon coil and the tiger crouch

Leaving the morgue, stepping on the bare floor tiles, passing through the Beiya Prison, I happened to meet Zheng Shangming.

In other words, Zheng Shangming counted the time and happened to be waiting here.

"Has the inspection been completed?" Zheng Shangming asked.

At the same time, his voice transmission sounded in his ears: "Brother Jiang must decide on the matter of the captain of the Beiya as soon as possible."

Jiang Wang's heart skipped a beat.

Understand that Zheng Shangming probably grasped some clues.

Of course, it is inconvenient to discuss publicly about the matter of the captain of the North Yamen. After experiencing the strange behavior of the green card policeman in the morgue, Jiang Wang didn't trust the safety of the Beiya anymore.

Said on the face: "It has been checked, and there is nothing wrong with the body."

The sound transmission replied: "I understand."

Zheng Shangming nodded: "Brother Jiang, go slowly, and pick you up at your house tomorrow."

Jiang Wang refused: "Don't bother, I'll meet Brother Zheng outside the Longevity Palace tomorrow morning."

At the same time, the voice transmission said: "Check the policeman who accompanied me into the morgue just now. There is something wrong with this person. At the same time, check Feng Gu's body. I suspect what he did just now."

Zheng Shangming smiled: "It's not that it's not troublesome, it's the rule of handling cases. We have to get in the carriage of Beiya when we go out, and we can't touch other people."

In the voice transmission, he replied: "Don't worry, as long as there is a problem with this person, he will definitely not be able to hide it. I will find a new clue at night, and then I will go to the autopsy again. If there is any news, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"Since it is the rule, then act according to the rule." Jiang Wang arched his hands: "I will leave first."

"Go slowly."

Zheng Shangming watched him leave, turned around and walked back to the iron room.

The two of them had a long-standing friendship, which was well known to the Beiya, and even a few pleasantries would not arouse suspicion.

Jiang Wang did not go to Lin Youxie, but left Beiya alone.

Beiya's carriage was still waiting outside the door, waiting to take him back home.

Although Linzi is prosperous, not many people are willing to come to a place like Beiya.

A sugar peddler pushed a wheelbarrow and hawked, and several pedestrians looked anxious.

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking...

In Jiang Wuqi's mural of all living beings, where should he be?

The world is like a net, how many people can break free?

Bending down and sitting in the carriage, amidst the sound of gently turning wheels, Jiang Wang quietly played with the red makeup mirror in his hand.

When he achieved the Wailou in the depths of the universe earlier, thanks to the photo of the red makeup mirror, the dragon god was temporarily fixed, which created an opportunity for Master Guanyan to completely strip the dragon god.

He once thought that the red makeup mirror had awakened some kind of power.

But after careful inspection, no new changes were found in the red makeup mirror.

One should function as before.

The physical body enters the world in the mirror, and is still in that white space. As for the Divine Soul Response Tribulation, I don't dare to try it for the time being...

Jiang Wang speculated that maybe the red makeup mirror just had a special reaction to the Dragon Clan.

In fact, there were many signs early in the morning.

The red makeup mirror was obtained from Hu Shaomeng of Diaohailou. Judging from the later situation, the secret of the red makeup mirror should be exclusively shared by Hu Shaomeng and his master Hai Zongming...

The red makeup mirror itself, of course, also comes from overseas.

And in the catastrophe of overturning the sea, the name of the female voice who traversed all the catastrophes of the soul, gnashing her teeth and cursing, is also "overseas".

In the end, it was a big sun that dried up the ocean.

So much information is related to "sea".

The biggest threat to the human race overseas is the sea race.

In ancient times, the Dragon Clan and nearly half of the Aquarium Clan retreated to the sea. After a long period of time, they evolved into today's Sea Clan.

Jiang Wang inevitably wondered whether the existence named "Fu Hai" had some kind of relationship with the Dragon Clan.

It can also be found from the battle in the depths of the universe that Sen Hailong Shen obviously has a certain understanding of the red makeup mirror. But now is not the time to dig out some news from him...

With the cunning of that old dragon, the more Jiang Wang expressed interest in the origin of the red makeup mirror, the more he would be manipulated.

The red makeup mirror should have even greater potential, but until it is able to survive the next round of divine soul robbery, it should not be able to discover anything.

But Jiang Wang rubbed the red makeup mirror, but what he was thinking of was not the red makeup mirror itself, but what the Dragon God said in the Yuheng Xinglou.

He said that he had managed the Senhaiyuan world for thousands of years, but in the end he had nothing to do with it... He said that there is no discernment between the holy and the evil, and that virtue and blessings will not be repaid.

Of course this is bullshit.

The dragon god only knows how to use plunder and do too much evil. After the true face is revealed, of course it is unpopular and there is nothing to follow.

Jiang Wang didn't even bother to listen to those demagogic words.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of...

What about Jiang Wuqi?

After Jiang Wuqi's death, the huge power of Changsheng Palace seemed to be silent, and there was no movement at all.

The Senhai Dragon God acted in such a perverse way, so it was inevitable that everyone would betray their relatives. But how could Jiang Wuqi, such an extremely charismatic nobleman, "have nothing to do with him"?

Even a peerless genius like Jiang Wang has only been in contact with him a few times, and he already admires him very much.

What about his cronies?

Where have they all gone?

Even if the tree falls and the monkeys disperse, there will not be only one old eunuch Feng Gucai.

Perhaps before Jiang Wuqi made such a decision, he had cut off from his lineage long ago, let Da Qi belong to Da Qi, fully opened up his political resources, and let his brothers and sisters divide them...

But there are still some people, it is impossible to cut. No matter how you cut it, you can't cut off the mark of the Longevity Palace.

For example, Feng Gu.

For example... Lei Zhanqian.

The entire Lei family is Jiang Wuqi's mother clan. How to cut this kind of blood relationship?

Of course, neither Feng Gu nor the Lei family remained silent.

Feng Gu cooperated with Wen Yanyu in organizing Jiang Wuqi's funeral, and died after the funeral.

The Lei family also mourned for Jiang Wuqi. On the day Jiang Wuqi was buried, it was Lei Zhanqian who carried the coffin...

But Jiang Wuqi's confidantes who have deeply branded the Longevity Palace are not limited to these few people.

For example... Gongsun Yu, a famous disciple.

Jiang Wang still remembers that when he first met Jiang Wuqi in Yunwu Mountain, there were several important people who followed Jiang Wuqi.

One Lei Yikun, born in Lei's family. One Zhang Yong, needless to say. There is another... Gongsun Yu.

Because he is a descendant of Gongsunye who wrote "Push a cup for a cup of wine to rest, rest on his own and say goodbye to the guests", so he was very impressed by him at one time.

Later, he also heard from Chong Xuansheng and the others that Gongsun Yu was Jiang Wuqi's confidant and one of the most trusted people.

Since when did this Gongsun Yu stop appearing?

what's going on?

Including Jiang Wuqi's funeral, this person didn't seem to come...

The carriage stopped in Jiang Wang's churning thoughts.

"Here we are, Lord Jiang." The coachman said.

"It's troublesome." Jiang Wang thanked him, got out of the carriage, and walked to his house.

"Someone asked me to bring you a message." The driver suddenly said behind him.

Jiang Wang stopped, but didn't look back.

The coachman continued: "As a new Qi person with no roots and bottomless, it's not easy for you to get where you are today. You'd better not take care of the things you shouldn't take care of."

After saying that, he flicked the reins and was about to drive away.

Jiang Wang turned around suddenly!

The steed driving the car was stopped by an invisible force, raised its hooves and neighed, but the sound could not come out at all.

Then he fell to his knees, motionless.

The coachman tried his best to struggle, but he couldn't move!

The whole sky-high sea seems to be raging, and the entire spine of the dragon seems to be held by an invisible big hand, and even the head and limbs are trapped in the wind of various shapes!

Super grade Taoism, dragon and tiger!

Make the dragon coil, make the tiger crouch, so people become prisoners.

It was so desperate, there was no room for resistance at all!

And that world-famous Tianjiao walked over slowly in such despair.

"Am I too short-tempered?" He asked softly.

"Any cat or dog can give me a message, right?"

The driver's tongue was not silenced, but he remained silent.

He gritted his teeth, saw a pair of clear eyes, and then boiling killing intent swept through his mind!

So murderous, so sharp!

He felt terrified, his body was shaking, he was sweating profusely, and he almost knelt down, but he was pinned to death, unable to move!

Jiang Wang had reason to be angry.

From the arrest of the morgue to the driver of the car, the inspection office has been infiltrated and riddled with holes. This is also unavoidable. The Beiya is a yamen that controls the security of the capital and holds real power. If there is some strength in the government and the opposition, who would not build a few lines in it?

Even Zheng Shi, the captain of Beiya, acquiesced to this. The yamen is too big, with too many people, it is absolutely impossible to be too clean. He only fully controls some key positions to ensure the core strength of Qingpai, and he can only be lenient in other parts.

But never, never, never, the people behind that should not just let a coachman pass the message so carelessly.

The other party just wanted to prove that he had infiltrated the Beiya. It is nothing more than to emphasize that they are powerful in Qi.

Look, there are our people everywhere, if you offend us, you have to be very careful when riding in a carriage.

This is not a reminder at all, but a naked threat.

Jiang Wang has traveled all the way, going through the battle of life and death without knowing the odds, defeating the strong with the weak, not knowing the odds, turning the world around.

Kill powerful enemies, win battles, and prove legends.

Step by step by himself, he has reached the position of today's third-rank gold melon warrior, fourth-rank Qingpai headhunter, and noble Qingyangzi, but there are still people who don't know what to say and send a random minion to threaten him!

Looking at the immobile coachman, Jiang Wang said indifferently: "If I kill you now, no one will speak for you. No one would dare to come to me because of you. No one would even admit that you have spoken .You died today without a name or surname, without a sound, without even hearing a sound...So you can understand, what are you, and what are the people behind you?"

The coachman was already rolling his eyes.

Jiang Wang untied Longhu.

The horse stood up immediately, and the coachman almost went limp, but managed to hold on.

"Your luck is very good. I don't want to kill people at the door of my house." Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "You also bring a sentence back for me-if you want to teach me how to do things, at least Stand upright in front of me. You don't even have the guts to face me, so how can you give me any advice?"

The coachman nodded reluctantly.

Jiang Wang looked into his eyes, confirmed that he had listened, and then turned and walked into the mansion.

The location of Jiang's Mansion is not a remote place, and it is also the core location in Yaoguangfang.

Pedestrians on the road have noticed this scene, but they only saw——

A carriage from Beiya was parked there, the horses pulling the carriage seemed to be tired, kneeling on the ground, the driver pulled the reins helplessly... and Lord Jiang stood in front of the carriage, as if talking about something.

Although there is no sound, but the appearance is very friendly.

After saying a few words, Lord Jiang turned and went back to the house, and the coachman drove away.

A very harmonious picture.

This is an ordinary day for Shake Light Workshop, no different from the past.

Except for the fact that Jiang's disciples looked at their master with more and more awe, everything was as usual.

Walking into the house, Jiang Wang first went to the courtyard where Chongxuansheng lived.

Because the footsteps were aggravated in advance, the courtyard door was already opened when they got outside.

At this time, Chong Xuansheng was half lying on an extra-large recliner, his eyes were half-closed, and he was really enjoying himself.

Deck chairs stand by the small pool.

This small pond was dug by Chong Xuansheng after he moved in. Some aquatic plants were planted in it and a few small turtles were raised.

On his left side, there is a bamboo stand, on which several pots of unusually beautiful fruits are piled up. Fourteen has removed his armour, and is slowly peeling the skins for him.

The fat man's recent life seems to be a little closer to Jiang Wuxie, it's really leisurely.

When Jiang Wang walked in, the lump of fat on the recliner moved and glanced lazily.

"You seem to have gained something?" He asked with a funny tone.

I don't know who a monk with two mansions and one supernatural power looks down upon!

Jiang Wang didn't care about it at this time, he just said: "Help me check on Gongsun Yu and see what he is doing now, and his actions must be more secretive, so that no one will find out."

Chong Xuansheng didn't ask why, seeing Jiang Wang was so serious, he also said seriously: "I'll let the shadow guard do it right away."

With a turn of the fourteenth knife, the fruit in his hand was peeled off, the black peel was connected into a strip, and it was clustered on the fruit plate, and the white and tender flesh was put into Chong Xuansheng's mouth.

Then she put on her armor and walked out without saying a word. To the shadow guard, her orders were no different from Chong Xuansheng's.

Jiang Wang couldn't help asking: "You were drinking porridge when you went out, and you were eating fruit when you came back. Have you not practiced these days?"

"Isn't this waiting for you?" Chong Xuansheng muttered, chewing his mouth full of fruit, "If I don't keep an eye on it, what will you do if you run out of the country again without making a sound?"

Which pot is not opened and which pot is not to be beaten!

With a backhand move, Jiang Wang closed the courtyard door after Shisi left.

"Cough." Chong Xuansheng's expression became more serious: "Tell me, what makes you so embarrassed?"

Jiang Wang walked to the side of the small pond, looked at the lines on the back of one of the little turtles, and said, "Zheng Shangming told me about the captain of Beiya."

"Oh..." Chong Xuansheng picked up a green fruit with his fat hand, casually took a bite, and said while eating, "It seems that Feng Gu's death is not simple, it will involve a lot..."

He glanced at Jiang Wang and asked, "Does Zheng Shangming want you to take the lead in this case, and then his father will be promoted and leave a place for you?"

Jiang Wang had long been accustomed to the fat man's wisdom, and could only nod his head: "Indeed."

Chong Xuansheng took another bite of the fruit, and the juice splashed all over the mouth: "Lin Youxie should have some demands, and there is a conflict with Zheng Shangming. Otherwise, such a good thing, you don't have to make things difficult..."

"What embarrassment do you have with Lin Youxie..." He ate the fruit and said vaguely, "Uh...Lin Kuang?"

Shocked, he swallowed the fruit, sat up and said, "The case of Concubine Lei?!"

2 in 1.

I looked at the calendar, it's time to start work today.

There is at night.

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