Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1395 Autopsy

Today's Metropolitan Inspection Office is unusually quiet.

Even if there are many people in front of the gate.

All kinds of people stood silently at the gate of the inspection house.

There are blue cards hanging around their waists.

When Jiang Wang went out today, he also hung up his fourth-grade green card, next to the white jade that his sister gave him.

The green card is slightly larger, and the white jade is slightly smaller.

Stacked together, the blue and white colors are distinct.

Jiang Wang saw Lin Youxie wearing a blue square scarf at a glance.

Still wearing men's clothing, she stood alone in the corner of the crowd.

Someone also tried to comfort her, but she remained expressionless and didn't even move her eyeballs.

More people silently kept their distance from her.

The four big green card families are certainly an indelible history of the green card system, and they have made indelible contributions to the establishment and development of the green card system.

But it eventually disappeared.

Zooming in to the entire history of Qingpai, the contributions of the four Qingpai families deserve the respect of all Qingpai headhunters. But when it comes to the green card system, in the distribution of immediate interests, of course struggle is indispensable.

How could Lin Youxie be able to easily take the position of deputy patrol envoy? Of course, it is Yu Yin of the four big green card families. Even if he doesn't grasp too much real power, after all, he is already at the same level as Yang Wei in terms of rank.

The disintegration of the Qingpai family objectively released more positions and gave others more opportunities.

Therefore, from Li Yougui who was tortured to death a few days ago to Uriel's death today, it is difficult for many people to say whether they are happy or sad.

Lin Youxie just stood there, motionless.

She didn't see Jiang Wang, or rather, she didn't see anyone.

Uriel's death, for the people in the Qingpai system, is missing a symbolic existence. It is the curtain call of a legend in the green card system.

Only for Lin Youxie, she lost her last relative.

Jiang Wang and Zheng Shangming walked into the crowd.

This is the crowd welcoming the coffin.

Of course, Zheng Shi, the captain of the Beiya, stood at the front, leading the entire Beiya without anger and prestige.

As soon as Jiang Wang walked over, the crowd moved silently, giving way to the position next to Zheng Shi - this is the default position where Jiang Wang should be in today's Beiya.

Zheng Shangming, the son of Bei Ya Duwei, could only stand behind them.

Jiang Wang walked to that position, but did not stop, but continued to move forward.

He said in his mouth, "Vice Envoy Lin, why don't you stand up?"

The crowd parted ways, the starting point of this road was Jiang Wang, and the end point was Lin Youxie.

Lin Youxie, who was in a daze, only realized something at this moment, and turned his head.

I only saw Jiang Wang striding in, and the hand that was stretched out.

She gave way subconsciously, but naturally she couldn't.

Jiang Wang had already grabbed her forearm, and just pulled her to the front of the crowd,

Wherever you go, there is a way.

By the time she realized it, she was already standing in the forefront with Jiang Wang, side by side.

Zheng Shi did not express any opinion on this, and the crowd was silent.

Jiang Wang's hand had already been released, but Lin Youxie still seemed to be able to feel the force clamped on his arm.

The scene of him walking towards her through the crowd was imprinted in her trance.

Although her first reaction at the time was to avoid, her eyes clearly remembered... This was the only hand stretched out to her in the cold and collapsing world.

Uriel's body was sent back to Linzi as soon as it was discovered.

The cause of his death has not been determined until now.

Uriel has resigned from Qingpai. He has no job or title, and he died overseas...

In what name can the Metropolitan Inspection Office file a case? With what qualifications?

Even... who wants to check?

Uriel took off the blue card, and while gaining freedom, he also lost his asylum.

To put it bluntly, he privately investigated the Dazetian family, a famous family in the Qi state, which was the way to kill him.

Tian really thought of a way to kill him, who can say anything?

Earlier, Tian Huanwen attacked Wulie overseas, but Ulie could only avoid the edge and fled back to Qi. I also didn't see anyone coming out of the Capital Inspection Office to make a beating.

Of course, if you say a thousand words and ten thousand, Uriel is, after all, a famous arrester who has left a strong mark in the history of Qingpai.

Just look at how many people welcome the coffin today, you can see its weight.

If the murderer is really Osawada, it will inevitably arouse the hostility of the entire Qingpai system. Maybe we can't directly do something about Uriel's death. The days to come are still long, and some targeting is inevitable.

Thinking about it, the reason why Uriel was able to investigate the Osawatian clan by himself for so many years, but he was always safe and sound, was not only his own caution, but also the Osawatian clan's anti-mouse weapon.

All in all, for the Osawatian family, killing Uriel without authorization is something that will not have serious consequences immediately, but will definitely have a profound negative impact. It is not in line with Osawada's low-key strategy in recent years. (Apart from Tian Anping, Osawa Tian has indeed been very low-key in recent years.)

Therefore, it is not yet known who the murderer is, and it may not necessarily be the Tian family.

Then the question comes back again... who will investigate?

Jiang Wang stood silently in front of the people, and suddenly remembered something, and asked Zheng Shangming through voice transmission: "How long until Tian Anping breaks the seal?"

Zheng Shangming hesitated and said: "He killed Liu Shentong in the forty-sixth year of Yuanfeng... Counting it, it will only be ten years next year."

Apparently, Mr. Zheng also had similar thoughts. Uriel was killed suddenly, and a generation of famous people caught floating corpses in the sea. This kind of disregarding style is too much like that lunatic...

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

He wasn't sure if Tian Anping saw himself in the Seven Star Valley last time. But such a dangerous figure is always disturbing.

However, this uneasiness only passed by lightly, and then he started to practice again.

When it's time to face it...

He will face it.

A group of people with names and surnames in the Qingpai system waited silently in front of the gate of the inspectorate.

This scene made several streets near Beiya very tense. For a long time, even the cries of the shopkeepers did not resound.

Zheng Shi, the captain of Beiya, couldn't help but glance at Jiang Wang who was next to him.

There are so many coffin-welcoming people present, waiting with different moods.

There is anxiety, there is sadness, there is anger.

All suppressed.

Only the most dazzling young arrogance at the moment is actually practicing.

What others see is diligence, what he sees is sobriety.

Keep yourself awake in the crowd.

Jiang Wang is obviously a person who has a clear goal and knows what he wants very well.

Before this, Zheng Shi still couldn't figure out why this young man would reject the position of Captain of the Northern Yamen, but now he will be able to understand a little bit...

In the end, the road is different.

It was already late at night when Yang Weitong drove over in his own carriage.

"I picked up Wu Lao at sea, and asked for a thin coffin in Tianfu City to bury him temporarily, and the whole journey was non-stop..." The disciple of Yi Xingchen, the court councilor, explained in this way with a dusty body.

Zheng Shi just walked to the coffin in silence, gently pushed the lid of the coffin away, and looked down at the people in the coffin.

"Old Wu..." He sighed, "Go home."

The Yamen of the Inspection Office was full of people.

Almost all the green card headhunters looked sad.

Speaking of which, among those who have struggled in the Qingpai system for several years, who has not received Uriel's guidance?

Some even couldn't help weeping, and some wept silently.

Of course there are people who are happy to see the building collapse.

There are many people who secretly swear that one day they will find out the truth and avenge Wu Lao.

But in this sad atmosphere, there was a peaceful voice——

"I want an autopsy."

Among the crowd, Lin Youxie was the only one with an expressionless face.

Yang Weitong looked at her and said: "Of course an autopsy is required. There must be an explanation for Wulao's death. That's what we do, but..."

According to the customary rules, people who were close to the deceased are generally not allowed to be in charge of the autopsy. Because the mood swings are too large, it is easy to cause deviations in the results... At least not the first test, lest the results are not objective and some clues are destroyed.

Of course Lin Youxie knew the rules. But she just repeated: "I want an autopsy."

Her eyes were too determined, too stubborn.

There were quite a few people present, and it could be said that they had watched her grow up. Watch how the little girl grew up step by step into what she is today.

She doesn't trust anyone in the whole Beiya now.

But who can not understand it?

Yang Weitong was silent.

Zheng Shi sighed: "Let her test it."

Lin Youxie then walked closer, looked down at the corpse for a moment, then reached out and closed the coffin lid.

There was still no expression on his face.

No sorrow, no tears.

Jiang Wang walked forward silently, lifted the coffin, turned around and walked into the Beiya: "I will help you."

Lin Youxie didn't speak, but followed behind him silently.

The crowd made way for them.

The two of them shared a coffin and went straight to the morgue.

To go to the morgue, you have to pass through the Beiya Prison. This is not the first time Jiang Wang has come this way.

Holding the coffin, he walked through the bare iron house.

Not long after, Zheng Shangming followed.

It is only natural to have someone watching during the autopsy.

Given that Jiang Wang and Lin Youxie were in the same position, a third person was definitely needed to supervise them.

Zheng Shangming, who was in charge of Feng Gu's case with them, was obviously the best choice.

It is not for a person like Zheng Shi that the measure of this cannot be determined accurately.

Although the three of them can be regarded as the backbone of the green card system, the head catcher of the rotating morgue carefully recorded the state of Uriel's body, and asked the three of them to sign and pledge, and then opened a separate room for them. morgue.

Coincidentally, this morgue is just opposite the one Jiang Wang visited last time.

If it hadn't been locked and the doors on both sides were wide open, Feng Gu's coffin should be visible from here.

Jiang Wang took a few glances at the head catcher before putting down the coffin he was holding in his hand.

Speaking of which, the two corpses in the morgue both died because of the same case. They all struggled from that year to the present, and they all died at the same time.

Feng Gu's coffin and Uriel's coffin are facing each other, as if there is some kind of tacit understanding in the dark.

After the head catcher in the morgue left, Zheng Shangming explained casually: "The rules are stricter and normal, and they are not aimed at anyone. Brother Jiang, please don't mind."

"What's the point?" Jiang Wang twitched his mouth: "I'm just curious, it's so strict here, how did that person get in last time?"

Zheng Shangming was silent for a moment, and had no choice but to say: "The man who sneaked in last time is called Qi Song, and he has an uncle named Qi Huaichang."

When talking about this matter before, he only vaguely mentioned it under the name of Yangxin Palace, and didn't say who it was.

I didn't expect Jiang Wang to hold grudges so much, and he asked when he found an opportunity.

Although he and Jiang Wang have different paths and are destined not to be close friends, they don't want to destroy the existing friendship. In comparison, throwing out Qi Song's news is not a big deal.

Qi Huaichang is also one of the deputy inspectors with real power, and his status in the Beiya is no lower than that of Yang Weitong. It is really easy to arrange for someone to enter the morgue.

"Oh, Deputy Envoy Qi!" Jiang Wang nodded, expressing his understanding, and stopped talking.

At this time, Lin Youxie had opened the coffin lid again, completely exposing Uriel's body to the air.

It was a face she was very familiar with.

Because it is so familiar, it seems strange at the moment.

As long as she could remember, Grandpa Wu looked like an old man. This shows that he was no longer young when he achieved God's presence.

But the "oldness" and hale and hearty spirit of the past cannot conceal the majestic power and the persistence that breaks everything.

Now it is dry, like a ring of bark wrapped around a rotten log.

God comes to die and die.

There are special tools for autopsy in the morgue, which are placed next to the stone platform.

But Lin Youxie just silently took out his small black wooden box from the storage box.

Pull out the first drawer, choose a pair of gloves, and put them on slowly.

Then he pulled out the third layer, and among the various knives, he chose a two-inch long pointed knife.

Close the wooden box again.

The whole process was very peaceful.

Now, she held the knife in her right hand, and her left hand slowly untied the old man's clothes, gently pressing on the hollow of her left shoulder.

The emaciated corpse in front of her, and the coldness she could still feel through the gloves, silently described the facts to her——

The person who said, "I follow my 'law' and walk my way. I don't care about everything, and people and ghosts don't shy away from it" no longer exists.

Your "law" is in the Qingpai, and your "Tao" is in the Sanxing Palace.

If it is really "disregarding everything", why did you give up everything you had in Beiya and pursue it alone for so many years because of the death of your friend?

If you are "people and ghosts do not avoid", how come you treat me as your own and take care of me for so many years?

There are so many questions that can only be kept in the heart, and there will never be answers.

Lin Youxie was silent.

So what is the point of chasing the truth?

What is the purpose of pursuing the truth?

For the wrong of one loved one, to lose another?

Facing the corpse in front of her eyes, she doubted for the first time the path she had traveled for so many years.

Jiang Wang and Zheng Shangming were also silent, just waiting for her action.

Lin Youxie fell silently for the first time, and the tip of the knife pierced into the hollow of his shoulder, an inch or two deep. She skillfully pulled it down obliquely, drawing a half-arc.

With a slight pick of the knife, the edge of the knife was opened, and the texture of the muscles and muscles was distinct.

She looked at it carefully, remembered it in her heart, and pushed back the cut flesh.

After a brief cleaning, he put away the small knife and took out a translucent thin cone, only slightly thicker than an iron nail, but five inches long.

The index finger and middle finger of the left hand walked a few steps on the side of the corpse, then pressed it, and naturally pierced it...

Jiang Wang and Zheng Shangming watched Lin Youxie silently and completed all the autopsy work.

From the scalp to the toes, from the skin to the internal organs, no possible clues were missed.

She is so calm.

The movement is clean and precise, without delay.

Even with the most critical eyes, there is nothing wrong with it.

Zheng Shangming, who silently recorded all aspects of the corpse in his heart, had to marvel at this superb skill. Compared with Jiang Wang, he is better able to understand "skills" because of his family background.

And he looked at Lin Youxie who was already putting away the wooden box, and was actually even more surprised by her calmness during the process.

"Have you taken your medicine today?" Jiang Wang asked suddenly after sniffing gently.

Lin Youxie froze for a moment, and the hand that retracted the knife stopped there.

It turned out that she had forgotten her fear.

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