Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1426 ?

Chapter 1426

"You said they had completely lost their breath, so why couldn't it be that they were killed by Kui Niu?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

Zen Master Yue glanced at him and said meaningfully: "Death cannot erase all traces."

Jiang Wang really had a deep understanding of Zen Master Yue's words.

But it was obviously too difficult for Zuo Guangshu, who didn't have much life and death experience, to understand.

Even though he is so smart.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and asked aloud: "Can the Zen master judge the outcome of the battle between Kui Niu and that man from the traces at the scene?"

Zen Master Yue's tone was flat: "Winning or losing depends on how you define it. Kui Niu obviously had an overwhelming advantage, but that person also managed to get away."

Qu Shunhua was also very curious: "I don't know what that person did to make Kui Niu pursue and kill him so persistently?"

"I'm afraid only that person knows." Chan Master Yue said.

Jiang Wang silently analyzed the details reflected by the red makeup mirror. He seemed to have captured a little familiar feeling, but there was no definite evidence.

While thinking, a strong sense of crisis came to my heart.

He was about to speak.

Zen Master Yue had already shouted: "There is an unknown danger approaching, let's get out of here quickly!"

A group of people turned around immediately, followed Zen Master Yue, and flew towards the direction where the traces of Kui Niu were the weakest.

They are all the pride of heaven, even Zuo Guangshu, the youngest, just lacks some experience of life and death. Just getting along for a short time, a tacit understanding of fighting was formed naturally.

Chan Master Yue is at the front to guide the way, Zuo Guangshu Qu Shunhua one left and one right, Jiang Wang lifts the sword and cuts the back.

Such a team should be able to last for a few rounds even if it is facing a beast of the divine level like the giant fish.

And if they are simply avoiding danger, they all have considerable confidence.

But the powerful team composed of four people only flew less than three miles before stopping.

had to stop.

In the field of vision, a group of black-haired canine beasts appeared.

They only look at the appearance, and they are not even different from ordinary dogs. Only the hair has some special luster, but it is not very obvious, and it can only be seen if you look closely.

Even in groups, they don't look very aggressive. But that indifferent gaze made people's hearts a little cold.

Obviously, even with Qu Shunhua's strongest ability to capture information in the mountain and sea team this time, Zen Master Yue failed to lead them to avoid this "hunting".

These alien beasts are intelligent.

Both Zen Master Yue and Qu Shunhua put on a full alert posture at the first time, obviously knowing the origin of these strange beasts very well. Zuo Guangshu reminded Jiang Wang in a low voice: "This is a disaster, an ominous beast."

One can imagine the horror of a strange beast that can bear an ominous name.

But the scariest part is...

They actually gathered more and more.

The sky, the sea surface, and even the bottom of the sea... were densely packed, they didn't know when they approached or gathered, and at the moment when they fully appeared, they had already completely surrounded the four of them.

And there are always new scourges joining the fray.

This is a group of strange beasts with tactics, cooperation, and ambushes!

This is far more daunting than powerful combat power and brutal habits.

Zen Master Yue stretched out his brassy hand and pressed it forward.

The golden light shines, like the phantom of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, disappearing in a flash.

A crouched figure stretched out in the golden light, turning into a guardian general of more than two feet.

Coming with a bang!

This god will have the head of a horse and a human body with a single horn on top of his head.

The golden light in the knotted muscles is dark, holding a poker, there is an unspeakable majesty.

Opening his mouth and shouting, the beautiful rhyme flows in the air.

But there was no sound of blood rushing, nor was there any spirit breath.

Obviously another organ puppet.

The mechanism is tight!

The god of music in Buddhist legend.

In Jiang Wang's ears, this voice had an almost Taoist beauty.

If you can often hear it, it must be able to benefit the way of the sravaka.

And in the ears of the group of evil fighting beasts, this voice was obviously very powerful and oppressive. The group of wranglers who were just in front of Naluo, under the scolding, all retreated a few steps in unison.

But soon regained his footing.

The speed of this whole team can already be compared to an elite army.

Obviously, in this group of troubles, there is still a king. The king of disasters must have considerable wisdom and firmly control the herd of beasts. Also very good at concealment.

At least at this moment, Jiang Wang couldn't see where it was hiding.

They were also in groups, and compared to the group of Huangbei that Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu encountered earlier, this group of disasters was obviously much stronger, and the situation at this time was also much more dangerous than then.

Qu Shunhua held up the formula in front of him.

The cyan wind swirled around his body, and the whirlwind expanded in the blink of an eye, expanding violently and viciously.

At this moment, noble and beautiful as her, became the eye of the storm.

The terrifying storm enveloped and protected the four people inwards, and raged outwards to the entire group of woe-fighters.

In the inner circle of the storm.

Zuo Guangshu raised his hands, and instantly summoned nine water dragons to swim around the crowd.

Dragon chant is everywhere, extremely deterrent.

Only Jiang Wang stood still, holding a red makeup mirror in his hand, his eyes turned red, and he wanted to find out the leader of this group of disasters as soon as possible.

There are too many fights, and the current response alone is definitely not enough. Only by killing the leader of the fights immediately can there be a possibility of escape.

Under Qu Shunhua's control, the violent hurricane first came into contact with the Huo Dou herd. It was the team's first attempt to attack.

A frightening thing happened——

The black hair of this group of scourges was curled up like weeds in the hurricane, clinging tightly to the skeleton, but the group of scourges themselves did not move at all!

The special, insidious and flowing luster on the hair seems to gather the strength of the wretched gang under the leadership of a certain will.

Let them withstand the storm.

All of them looked at the prey in their circle with cold eyes.

Qu Shunhua's powerful first-class high-grade Taoism has no effect at all!

Zen Master Yue immediately followed the attack.

The organ Jinnara jumped up directly, and rushed into the group of Fudou beasts fearlessly. The poker in his hand almost smashed the air, and smashed the heads of a row of Fudou beasts with ease.

But none of the dead Fudou screamed, all of them died on the way of biting and biting the tight Naluo.

And after blood and bones...

It was more and more violent Huo Dou who rushed forward, and within the time of less than three breaths, they covered the mechanism that was more than two feet high.

You can still see the golden light squeezed out of the group of wretches, you can also hear the rhyme of the sound, feel the majesty of the poker swinging, and clearly understand the struggle of the tight-knit Naro——

But it was obviously impossible to do anything else.

The nine water dragons controlled by Zuo Guangshu also charged in all directions. However, only dozens of Fudou were killed, and they were already shredded and returned to the water.

It is obvious that this group of Fudou has a strong ability to restrain Taoism. On this basis, they have such an exquisite coordination and such a terrifying number... It is simply a nightmare for those who are strong in magic arts!

Chan Master Yue, covered in a gray robe, opened his mouth and recited: "Ah, Ah, Xia, Sa, Ma, Ha!"

Every sound resonates with heaven and earth.

This is the Six Paths Vajra Mantra, the mantra that can save all living beings.

The organ that was trapped in the group of scourges was tight, and the golden light on his body soared tens of feet, almost overturning all the scourges covering it!

But it was immediately overwritten again.

There are too many scourges, densely packed, almost covering the place that can be seen.

I don't know where they gathered from, and how they managed to surround them quietly!

Zen Master Yue's emergency blessing mechanism Kinnaruo failed, so he folded his palms together and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the veil was blown away by the wind, revealing a serious female face with the same brass luster.

It's not beautiful, and it can't be called ugly.

Normal, ordinary, with a shameful dignity.

The voice said: "When I am a Buddha, I will kill all demons!"


There was no lightning in the sky, but the roar was like thunder.

Thousands of golden lights seemed to tear through the sky, and a huge god wheel with a diameter of hundreds of feet descended from the sky, like a mountain, and fell heavily into the group of disasters.

Daoism, Babao Zhu magic!

This is one of the treasures, and the god wheel is the town.

There is also a huge gap in the densely packed woe group.

Instant casualties are hard to count.

This kind of power... This is a super level Taoism!

As a senior disciple of Xiyue Temple, Zen Master Yue has always demonstrated the puppet technique combined with Shimo. In fact, it is still based on the power of Mohism, but it is the first time to show the combat power of Buddhism alone.

It really is extraordinary.

But also... that's all.

There are too many disasters, and even further away, there are continuous disasters rushing in, as if the disasters of the entire mountain and sea realm have gathered here.

The blank space created by the Babaozhu magic was instantly filled.

There are even countless disasters rushing towards the sky, biting at the dazzling golden light, blocking the remaining attacks of the Eight Treasures Execution Magic in the sky!

The corpses of Fudou kept falling.

However, there was not a scream of Fu Dou, and there was no retreat of a Fu Dou.

They are like the most elite iron army, blood and death will only make them more manic and fierce.

Whether it is death, injury or charge, they are always silent, but they are enough to make people feel their determination to bring pain.

This is……

Will it bring ominous alien beasts?

All of a sudden, black misfortunes rushed in all directions——

As strong as the arrogance of Buddhism, after the Duke of Chu, the first arrogance of Daqi is also like a candle in the wind, which can be extinguished in this almost endless black tide.

But Tianjiao has always been better than strength, and no one will hold hands in front of these strange beasts.


Haibo shook.

The whole sea seemed to shake.

The majestic Lilong appeared in the world pulling a luxurious chariot. Zuo Guangshu manifested the body of Hebo, standing on the sacred chariot of Hebo with the top of the green lotus.

Covered in battle armor, the battle robe flutters, and his hands are wide open, as if embracing the ocean.


With the four people present as the center of the circle, a circle of water flow barriers rose directly.

In the barrier, there is still water flowing like a knife, cutting crazily.

This sea area has built a thick and fierce city wall for its current ruler!

No foreign enemies are allowed!

But in the next moment...


This city wall of water suffered tens of thousands of attacks in an instant, and instantly dispersed into the water.

Countless people died under this terrifying water wall, and their bodies fell into the sea.

But more trouble looms.

Qu Shunhua was standing on the left side of Zuo Guangshu, with crescent eyebrows and red lips, in beautiful clothes. After the hurricane Taoism failed, she silently observed the battlefield for a long time, and suddenly, her body glowed brilliantly.

There seemed to be endless rays of light shining in her body.

That gorgeous brilliance covered her, and gradually condensed into a huge phantom of a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes——

Although it is a phantom, it has a real and powerful momentum.

She is beautiful, majestic, powerful, holy.

She has compassion in her heart, but she practices majesty.

It is supernatural powers, celestial maiden!

"Yunxiang's clothes are beautiful and beautiful, and the spring breeze is blowing on the threshold of Revlon. If we don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, we will meet at Yaotai under the moon!"

It is not the stunning beauty in the world, but the natural perfection of supernatural powers.

Qu Shunhua's eyes were slightly closed, hanging over the heart of the goddess.

It is not clear whether she reflects the goddess or whether the goddess describes her.

Beauty and beauty complement each other.

"Where?" she asked.

With a stroke of Chan Master Yue's hand, a line of golden light shot out quickly, encircling a large area.

Like Jiang Wang, she has been looking for the position of the leader of Fudou, but the other party is very cunning and never shows up. Even she can only lock the approximate range.

At this moment, Qu Shunhua's eyes suddenly opened, and the huge celestial girl also opened her eyes. His eyes are like a river, full of brilliance.

The phantom condenses into reality in an instant.

Such as gold casting, such as light coagulation.


The goddess split her hands, holding a thin sword in each, and leaped out with a vigorous and graceful posture, throwing herself at the crowd of evildoers head-on.

This celestial girl is more than seven feet tall, and the rapier to her is also a great sword that is three feet long.

Futo's body size is not bigger than ordinary dogs.

In comparison, it looks so weak.

The goddess slays the herd of beasts, like a giant attacking a herd of puppies.

When the two thin swords crossed each other, the huge sword light had already cut two huge gullies in the disaster group, causing countless casualties.

At this moment, the goddess is like a god.

Qu Shunhua drove this phantom of a celestial maiden into the crowd of disasters!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Almost all the fights roared at the same time.

This is the first sound they have made since the start of the war, and it is obvious that Qu Shunhua has indeed found the location of the Huo Dou Wang Beast!

But at the same time, those battles to besiege Qu Shunhua became obviously more agile and coordinated more delicately. One bite at a time, crushing the radiance of the goddess.

Here, Qu Shunhua had just manipulated the goddess to slash out with a sword, causing casualties, and the next moment, densely packed disasters rushed to him, holding the sword tightly.

Sword Qi roared out, breaking them down.

Immediately there was a new disaster biting Jianfeng.

In less than five breaths, the golden holy goddess was already bitten by the black-haired scourge.

Seeing that he was about to follow in the footsteps of that Gujinnaruo—after the six Golden Light Curses were bitten through, that Gujinnaruo had been completely bitten into pieces by the Huo Dou beasts.

At this moment, a green shirt flashed by!

Jiang Wang stepped on the Qingyun, surrounded by the light of five supernatural powers, and walked calmly among the dense crowd of disasters.

The Huo Dou King Beast is indeed cunning, and the emergency command was also mixed with the roar of the Huo Dou group.

But under the fairy state of the sound and hearing, all voices come to court!

And its sound is no exception.

It was so clear and clear, pointing Jiang Wang to the location of the Huo Dou Wang Beast.

So Jiang Wang opened the Tianfu, stepped on the fairy art Qingyun to come, a sword veteran Chi Mu ran into life and death, and went straight to the ordinary-looking disaster king beast in the herd.


This King Beast, which seems to be indistinguishable from other disaster fights, before the tip of the sword comes to him, it strikes Jiang Wang with lightning like a peerless swordsman!


Seeing that it can no longer hide, it will not hide anymore. The stature skyrocketed, about two feet long, far exceeding the size of the same kind. With a flick of the tip of the tail, three forks came out.

And also at this moment——

A fire flower blooms high in the sky.

It's like describing a beginning.

Amidst the brilliant flames, countless flames fluttered and fell down.

All the fireworks gathered in one place.

Stack tall buildings, burn cornices, burn pillars, burn pedestrians...

Bring it all together.

Everything comes to life.

Everything is majestic.

Everyone, all the troubles, couldn't help but look up.

Be attracted by its beauty, by its majesty.

It was a huge, burning city, as if it had fallen from the nine heavens, as if it had come to destroy the world.

It's because the flames burn the city!

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