Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1439 Long Breath

With the help of the soul trap ambushed in Tongtian Palace, Tai Yin finally got to see Jiang Wang's fourth magical power besides Samadhi True Fire, Bu Zhou Feng, and Sword Immortal.

Understand what the immortal red gold light represents.

But at the same time, he also felt Jiang Wang's determined killing intent.

Just as he regarded Jiang Wang as an opponent who must be expelled from the beginning, Jiang Wang also undoubtedly regarded him as an enemy.

Even Jiang Wang was more ruthless and asked for more.

What Jiang Wang wanted was not just the outcome of fighting him in the mountains and seas. Thirty percent of the origin of the soul is not enough for Jiang Wang to spend such a lot of effort. He has a ready-made disaster king and beast, so he drags his seriously injured body to fight fiercely in person.

What this person wants is to completely erase him from this world.

Let Xia Guo lose a day of pride!

Even this idea was not born after the exposure of the fourth door's supernatural power, but has already existed.

Choosing to let the Huo Dou Wang Beast cull Xiang Bei instead of him who is more threatening has already shown his murderous intention.

Because even if he did find a way to circumvent the rules of the mountain and sea realm, Jiang Wang would not be able to completely kill Xiang Bei.

Otherwise, the moment he left the mountain and sea environment would be the moment when he was buried with Xiang Bei.

As for him who came from Xia Kingdom and was born in the Tai family, even if he really disappeared in the mountains and seas, no one could stand up for him.

Tai's hand can't reach Chu State, let alone Qi State.

Even Emperor Xia has no face in front of Emperor Qi.

He is dead, he is dead.

Like a wild flower fading away, like a dead leaf shaking off.

that is it.

nothing will happen...

The exposure of the fourth supernatural power only made Jiang Wang more determined to kill him.

Tai Yin is very deeply aware of this.

At this moment, his mind turned a thousand times, and countless ways to deal with it flashed through.

But in the end it was just a sudden turn of the head——

With this turn, his neck turned three times, and he wrung his own head off!

No struggling, no trying, no trying harder.

Tai Yin directly chose to commit suicide.

Jiang Wang once had a deed of killing a genius from the inner palace in front of a real person in the world, making him unable to revive. The real person in the world built the altar with his own hands, but there was nothing he could do.

Although Diaohailou tried its best to cover it up, Xia Guo still found out about it.

It also left a very deep impression on him.

He didn't know if Jiang Wang could really skip the rules and kill him completely in the mountain and sea realm.

But he doesn't want to try.

I don't want to give Jiang Wang a chance to try.

Especially don't want to use your own life as a bet!

Tai Yin's head turned several times in the air, and finally the light in his eyes was extinguished, but he grinned, as if to say——

You can never really kill me.

Since Jiang Wang made sure that he started the war, he has never confided in him the idea of ​​bypassing the rules of the mountains and seas and completely obliterating Tai Yin.

But Tai Yin seemed to see it.

Not only that, but the trap he set in Tongtian Palace also made him sweat coldly.

If it weren't for Chixin's supernatural powers that just restrained the map of the heavens and demons, he might not have been able to win favor at that time.

This Tai Yin gave him too many "surprises".

Any existence that can be called the pride of the country should not be underestimated.

It is conceivable that if Xiang Bei hadn't been directly culled by Sancha, he would definitely have his hole cards revealed.

Today's battle is completely broken by force.

There is really nothing to praise.

Seeing Tai Yin's body disappear in front of his eyes, the killing intent towards this person settled down in his heart and became more determined.

He strangled his own neck.

What a painful thing this is, and what a firm will is required to carry it out.

Jiang Wang has already seen it.

An existence that lacks talent, means, and will, and regards itself as an enemy is really unsettling.

But even if he still wanted to do something, it would be after leaving the mountain and sea realm.

Xiang Bei and Tai Yin are already out, and probably the only thing they took away was the information about his utter supernatural powers.

Jiang Wang considered it silently for a while, and felt that it was not a big loss.

It is impossible not to use Chi Xin's supernatural power.

Even in the future, I will use it more, explore more, and develop more.

It is impossible to completely hide it from others.

Exposure is nothing more than a matter of time.

Just now he actually had the idea of ​​preventing Taiyin from committing suicide by going astray, but he was really not sure that he could bypass the rules of the Mountain and Sea Realm, and if he really wanted to kill Taiyin... he had no choice but to give up.

If the erroneous path is exposed, it will be called the loss outweighs the gain.

In this way, while replaying the battle, while trying to treat the wound, he subconsciously looked at Sancha.

Sancha was tilting his head, as if he was thinking about what his cook did, how could he make his opponent commit suicide in such a cruel way?

Jiang Wang originally planned to express his gratitude to the king of disasters, and took advantage of this opportunity to join forces against the enemy to get closer to each other. Maybe in the future, I can take the three-pronged knife to kill Dou Zhao or something...

But the moment he saw the trident, he changed his mind.

The hand covering the wound on his abdomen was instantly released and dropped.

The whole person is like a bird with broken wings, falling headlong.

He said nothing, but said everything—


help me!

I need rescue!

Need more fire lotus! Or any other natural treasures will do!

Sancha stared blankly at the cook, who fell headfirst into the magma pool, causing the magma to splash... for a while, he didn't react.

Why was the cook injured so badly just now?

Then why did he have to kill the other Twoleg himself?

Still confused in his heart, he pulled out the cook who had fallen upside down in the magma with a random move of his paws—if he was seriously injured, if he buried him like this again, he might really suffocate to death.

Take a few steps forward and take a closer look.

Watching the cook's closed eyes and pale face after the magma faded away.

Look at the huge wound on his abdomen...

The still unstoppable blood dyed the nearby magma red.

This situation is so miserable.

As a generation of kings, Trident certainly doesn't have any sympathy for Twolegs.

The king's heart is as cold as ice and as hard as iron!

But the death of the cook, after all, means the disappearance of the Samadhi real fire feast...

Sancha thought about it for a while, and felt that "The Heart of the King" might be a bit longer-term sometimes.

Finally, a paw landed on the wound on the cook's abdomen, mobilized the power of disaster fighting, and quickly repaired the injury.

It was the first time for Jiang Wang to experience the "rescue" of Huo Dou Wang Beast in a sober state.

The last time he was beaten into a coma, he had no idea how his body recovered.

This time, he could clearly feel how the Trident's Misfortune Fighting Divine Power delicately stimulated the wound and stimulated vitality. And how to gently turn it into pure energy and replenish it into this seriously injured body.

In the gentle but majestic power of disaster fighting, the ominous power has been carefully isolated...

Jiang Wang actually wanted to analyze or even simulate that ominous power, but he also knew that he could not bear it now, let alone simulate it successfully.

At best, he can only secretly learn about the control of power by this king of disasters——

Very old, but very straightforward way of using it. It's not refined at all, but it has a back-to-basics feel.

Quite an inspiration to him.

Feeling the speed at which the abdominal wound healed, Jiang Wang wanted Sancha to stop.

Just eat some natural materials and earthly treasures for this injury, why bother the noble king of disasters to do it himself?

But this cannot be said directly after all...

I can't understand even when I say three-pointed.

I understand worse things.

He wanted to stimulate the wound himself, but he was afraid of being discovered by Sancha—this vicious dog was very deep-minded, and he would never be fooled easily.

After thinking and thinking, I finally lay down obediently...

It is not easy to build trust, but it is very easy to want to be slapped to death.

Or don't take the risk.

After the wound grew new flesh and quickly healed, Fu Dou stopped sending divine power.

At this time, it has returned to its normal size, squatting next to Jiang Wang, and at first glance, it looks a bit... well-behaved?

The surface of the magma lake is still boiling slowly, and the sound of bubbling and bursting occasionally sounds very peaceful.

Sancha tilted his head and poked Jiang Wang's abdomen with his claws, as if he wanted to see if the newly grown flesh was firm. In order to take care of the wounded, the tip of the claw is hidden in the flesh pad, and the feeling of touching the flesh pad and the abdominal muscles is very wonderful.

The soft feeling at this moment made Jiang Wang raise his hand involuntarily, wanting to rub the "dog's head"—facing Sancha's suddenly wary eyes, his hand awkwardly drew an arc in the air, and rubbed himself forehead.

With a smile on his face: "We! Good friends! Haha!"

Sancha let out a soft growl, raised his head, and left arrogantly.

"Stingy dog, walk carefully, don't fall to your death!" Jiang Wang said goodbye enthusiastically and waved vigorously.

Huo Dou around the magma lake was also screaming, but I don't know what they were shouting, maybe they were cheering for the friendship of this person, Huo Dou Wang, and Beast.

Not long after, the little leader of Class A rushed over with a fire lotus in his mouth.

Lord Jiang accepted it with dissatisfaction, and flicked a flame casually, sending the little boss away.

Then he lay down again, leaning against the volcanic stone pillow, while carefully reviewing the battle with Xiang Bei Taiyin, while lazily eating fire lotus.

Trident is a bit stingy, but something is better than nothing.

Of course, this time in the bath, I didn't forget to arrange some small means of warning.

The bath of magma, the treasure of fire.

The sea breeze is free and the sky is bright.

Another brilliant day!



Xiang Bei opened his eyes and saw the layout of the Xiang family mansion.

After being stunned for a while, he finally accepted the reality that he was out of the game.

He touched his forehead lightly to confirm that his head was still there. The slap of Huo Dou Wang Beast really made people... endless aftertaste.

The soul is still lively and agile, and there is no pain as imagined.

However, this feeling of obvious weakness surpassed all the pain in the world.

Thirty percent of the source of the soul has been cut off...

What this means, Xiang Bei is very clear.

Worse... not only he knows.

Tuk tuk tuk!

After the knock on the door, the voice of Xiang's chief family elder——

"it's over?"

"It's over." Xiang Bei heard his own voice say, so dry and powerless. Surprised himself.

So the door was pushed open.

An old man with a broad face walked in.

He is tall and tall, and he was also a fierce player when he was young.

Looking at Xiang Bei, he didn't say much, just took out a jade bottle and put it on the small square table next to Xiang Bei.

"This soul pill can repair the loss of your soul."

Then he turned and walked out.

No word disappointed, no place not disappointed.

"Everyone!" Xiang Bei called out.

Xiang Yuanji, the current acting head of the Xiang family, the head of the family, stopped and waited for his next words.

"I still need one more." Xiang Bei said.

When the Huo Dou Wang beast obeyed Jiang Wang's call, the result of their raid on the volcanic island was already doomed.

It was only a matter of time before Tae-in left.

The secret medicine related to spirit and soul has always been very expensive, and there is no market for it. When you need it urgently, you often have to pay more than double the price to ensure that you can get it.

If Taiyin's 30% spirit source is to be completed, that kind of price... the current Taishi may not be willing to pay.

So even though he knew that the current situation of the Xiang family was not easy, Xiang Bei gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

As proud as he is, it is not easy to open this mouth.

"The Xiang family is not what it used to be." Xiang Yuanji sighed, and then said, "There is only one."

Without saying anything, he left the room.

Xiang Bei was silent.

With Ge Shiji across his knees, he sat alone on the futon.

No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

Lonely lamp, quiet room, silent loneliness.

After an unknown amount of time, without any power fluctuations, the pale-faced Tai Yin appeared on the futon next to him.

He maintained the sitting posture he had before entering the mountain and sea realm.

It was as if nothing had happened.

So far, the journey of the two of them to the mountain and sea realm has ended, and Huaisha Yubi will not appear here until the mountain and sea realm is closed.

Tai Yin, who had been cut off by 30% of his soul, was weak and couldn't hide it, but he said with a smile: "It's been a long time!"

Xiang Bei curled his lips: "I really didn't wait long."

"Jiang Wang's fourth magic power should be related to the will. At least it has the ability to resist the invasion of the will. It just restrains your map of the heavens and demons. He stepped into the trap, but stepped on the trap.

His fifth supernatural power should be related to foreseeing danger. My Hundred Soldiers Killing Formation has clearly wiped out the movement, but he got away at the last moment of activation...

But his supernatural power is not as strong as the legendary whim.

If it came on a whim, he should have been touched when we were planning in the shuttle, and he wouldn't hit your halberd.

It's just a warning of this level at present, if we knew it in advance, as long as we made a little arrangement, it would be completely impossible for him to react in time.

I think his secret fifth magic power should have other abilities besides warning of danger. "

Tai Yin analyzed this point, smiled and shook his head: "Speaking of this now, it is suspected of being an afterthought. Although I don't want to admit it, I still underestimated him... You are right, maybe we shouldn't trouble him. "

"I chose the road together with you. If you are right, you are together, and if you are wrong, of course you are together. If I am so sure that I am right, how can I take risks with you?"

When Xiang Bei said this, he raised his chin facing the small table next to him: "Here is a Yuanpo Pill, which can make up for your lack of spiritual origin."

Tai Yin paused for a moment before reluctantly said: "I told you before I came here, I take the risk at my own risk. And this time it's mainly because I made a wrong decision..."

Xiang Bei waved his hand and stopped his words: "Brother, don't say too much, this is my responsibility."

Tai Yin intends to be tough in front of his friends, but the 30% of his spirit that has been erased is indeed a shadow that hangs over his heart.

He tried his best to be calm, but how could he not think about it?

For a treasure of Yuanpo Pill's level, the Tai family might still be able to afford the price. But even he himself is not sure that Taishi will pay such a price for such a repeated failure.

Xiang Shi, Xiang Shi is different after all.

As long as Xiang Bei is willing to speak, Yuanpo Pill is not a problem...

Thinking this way, the words came out: "Then I will be ashamed."

When the voice fell, Tai Yin seemed to hear a sigh...

But he wasn't sure if the person who sighed was himself.

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