Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1470 Jade Thread

The mountains and seas have withered to the south at this point, which is to wither Nanyuan.

The mountains and seas are also withering at this time, it is the end!

Tianqing descended in a way that no one could have imagined beforehand.

So suddenly, so intensely!

Looking at Jiang Wang at this time, Zuo Guangshu thought to himself, Big Brother Jiang said that they were just passers-by in the Mountain and Sea Realm, but he was actually very unwilling to be used and calculated, right?

The thunder and lightning that destroyed the world ravaged the sky. It seems that thousands of Kui Niu are bursting out with all their strength at the same time, manipulating the thunder and lightning.

The sky is falling, and the earth is sinking.

Floating mountains continue to collapse and islands sink.

A tsunami occurred, a hurricane rolled wildly, and the Kuroshio surged.

Only the Withering Tower, still emitting a cold, pale light, stood there.

At such a dark moment, the distant sky actually faintly reflected a little bit of starlight. Although it swayed like a firefly, although it was looming, although it was soon covered by thick clouds...but it appeared after all.

Jiang Wang finally understood why it was said that when the sky was tilted, he could know the direction of the mountains and seas.

Because at such a moment, the shading of the stars by the mountains and seas was broken.

The mysterious connection between the distant stars and practitioners has been re-established.

At this moment when the sky is collapsing and the world is turning upside down. The person's perception of the orientation becomes clearer instead.

"Let's go!" Jiang Wang quickly cut off the useless emotions and made the most rational decision: "Go to the central mountain!"

At this time, there is no need to tell Zhu Jiuyin anything...

Chaos has set off a war, and everything is on the bright side.

The changes in the mountains and seas will be handled by the mountains and seas themselves.

Go to Central Hill...

Jiang Wang emphasized another sentence in his heart.

From the very beginning until now, the three of them have never stopped running away. At this time, they just confirmed the location of the so-called central mountain.

The three turned almost simultaneously, and no one was behind.

Should I say it or not, after reuniting with Jiang Wang, although the goal of sweeping the mountains and seas is still far away. But the tacit understanding of running away together has been tempered...

Yue Tiannu looked at Jiang Wang, who was flying fast, with some surprise in his eyes.

Of course she knew there was a problem with Chaos, but at the same time, she also felt that it might not be what Jiang Wang thought.

What kind of person is Huang Weizhen? Even if he has been dead for more than nine hundred years, can his remaining will be reversed by chaos?

Jiang Wang may not be able to accurately judge the strength of Chaos, but she has enough vision to know that Chaos is infinitely close to the level of the truth, but has not yet been able to understand it. You can spit out the Tao, but it is not enough to truly grasp the "Tao" in this world.

How can we shake the fundamental rules of the mountain and sea realm?

But at this moment, Chaos took advantage of the withering tower that they sent out of Withering Nanyuan to directly break through the sky of the mountain and sea realm, causing the sky to collapse and destroy the world in advance.

This is tantamount to tampering with the rules of the world and shaking the foundation of the world!

After entering the Mountain and Sea Realm, she has reminded herself more than once about the Tianjiao and incidents she met, not to be limited by the vision of the past.

The road she used to walk was not the limit, and she did not go to a higher place in the end.

Even if it is only at the level of the outer building environment, there are too many people who can surpass her imagination!

The same is true of Dou Zhao, the same is true of Jiang Wang, and the same is true of Jiang Wang's friend.

But she even underestimated Chaos.

Even the original existence in the mountains and seas cannot be easily measured.

In this vast world, there are living souls!

At this time, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, withering the malice in Nanyuan, flooding the mountain and sea realm.

Everything Jiang Wang said just now, at least the core part...has been verified.

"I've heard many rumors about Jiang's benefactor for a long time, and thought that Jiang's benefactor is someone who doesn't understand the world and only knows how to kill. I was also wronged by the rumors!" Yue Tiannu said: "Today I know how big the world is. His wisdom is extraordinary!"

She recalled that Yu Zhen once said—"Jiang Wang, don't look like he is always dizzy and struggling in front of all kinds of big figures who turn his hands around and overwhelm his hands. In fact, he has always been sober."

Or Yuzhen is right and sees through.

How can an unintelligent person be sober?

It is in vain that I have practiced for so many years, but I still judge him based on a few words, how absurd!

"What kind of wisdom am I?" Jiang Wang said a little lowly: "It's just that I have more contact with information than you, and I am more sensitive to danger, and I have suffered a lot... I have some experience."

If Chong Xuansheng is here, where will it be designed by Chaos?

Not to mention deceiving Chaos in turn, at least there will be no possibility of losing money.

A truly wise man would never be entangled in such a disaster.

Like Wang Changji, who has never been in contact with chaos, but has seen problems in this world early on.

Even Dou Zhao, who seems to be reckless and brainless, just wants to challenge himself. After Zhu Yan disappeared, he immediately chose to eliminate the others, collect the jade biscuits, and wait for the opening of the central mountain. Didn't he notice some unknown change in this world?

But he doesn't get involved at all. Only take what you want, and only go the way you want to go. Isn't this a kind of wisdom?

Only he, Jiang Wang, thought a lot and cared a lot. He stepped into the Withering South Abyss with one foot, and even helped Chaos bring out the Withering Tower, which directly led to the advance of the sky this time.

It can be said that everyone in the mountain and sea realm was cheated.

Those who have already gained something are okay, and those who have harvested halfway...

"Brother Jiang is already amazing!" Although Zuo Guangshu was ill, Jiang Wang still let Jiang Wang see his seriousness: "This trip to the mountains and seas, I think I saw a clearer and more specific picture." Brother Jiang, let me... reverence and respect!"

Looking at this young man who was still flying under the strong wind and thunder.

I don't know if his words are mostly comforting.

But Jiang Wang suddenly had infinite confidence.

Although the front is stormy and turbulent, the heaven and the earth will be united...

But he believes that he can do what he wants to do.



Behind him is a ferocious beast roar, which can be heard for hundreds of miles. Overhead is the completely darkened sky, and from a very high place, something is falling.

What I see in my eyes is a thunderstorm, a tsunami, a howling world, and the end of the world.

"Ah bah!" Kuishan's tall figure flew in the thunderstorm, and he said angrily, "Why did the sky suddenly fall? It's about to succeed!"

Beside him, Zhu Weiwo, holding the spear upside down, didn't say a word, only a pair of eyes as bright as cold stars, as if piercing the gloom of the doomsday.

The more Kuishan thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He looked at Zhu Weiwo and said, "Have you counted the time? Your Majesty said that the time of the sky this time should not be now, right? I remember there should be more time." A long time!"

"Since Tianqing is happening now, it is now. As for when it should happen, it doesn't matter." Zhu Weiwo said calmly: "There is no 'should' that will definitely come true in this world."

"Hey, no!" Kuishan looked puzzled: "It's obvious that what you got is gone, why are you not in a hurry? Before, you wanted to work hard, but now you are indifferent?"

"I've tried my best, and if I don't get it, I have nothing to regret." Zhu Wei glanced at the direction and continued to walk like lightning: "If I get it, I can't reach the sky in one step. If I lose it, I won't be obliterated by everyone." .”

"I just feel sorry for you, it's better if it's a little later." Kuishan couldn't help cursing: "You son of a bitch, what kind of luck is this, what a fucking failure!"

"It has passed."

Zhu Wei Wo raised his salary and stepped on the end of the piercing thunder: "Don't look back too many times."

The corners of his clothes were raised slightly, and his bundle of hair was hanging in the strong wind.

Leaping up with one step, the thunder light under his feet has been crushed out.

You have to admit.

Some people, even in the moment of doomsday, are a sight to behold.



All kinds of people have thousands of worries.

Looking at the floating mountain in front of you, which is full of gold and jade, and luxuriant trees.

Watching it shaking, gradually shrouded in a layer of gray light.

Ge Fei, who was dressed in a Confucian uniform, let out a long sigh.

In an instant, the whole person seemed to be ten years older.

The Ge family has reached the moment when they have to change. Both the Ge family and himself are in urgent need of Fei's blood. This is the fundamental purpose of his coming to the mountain and sea realm.

He was alone, and after getting rid of Jiang Wang's pursuit, he went through untold hardships and escaped several times before finally finding Taishan.

As long as you get Fei's blood essence and make a deal with anyone who holds the jade bi, the trip will not be considered a failure.


When he finally found this place, before he had time to do anything, this trip to the mountains and seas was coming to an end.

The sky began to tilt, and Mount Tai was closed.

"That's all. Anyway, I don't have much hope..."

He comforted himself like this.

Gritting his teeth, he turned and flew into the wind and thunder.

In any case, I still want to go to the central mountain.

Make even one last effort.



The sky was already falling, and the nine chapters jade disc radiated a jade light, creating a relatively independent space, covering the three people who were flying fast.

At the moment when the energy of heaven and earth has collapsed, the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, which represents the "will of heaven" in the mountains and seas, can still stabilize the rules of heaven and earth in a small area, allowing the holder to mobilize the energy of heaven and earth to resist the disaster of annihilation.

Those who don't have the Nine Chapters Jade Bi will naturally have to cross with their physical bodies, relying on their own Dao Yuan to hold on. It is also necessary to maintain the internal environment at all times, stabilize the order of the physical body, and prevent myself from collapsing with the world... the difficulty can be imagined.

Of course, holding the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi doesn't mean everything will be fine in the sky.

The disasters in the mountains and seas still need to be faced.

Thunderstorms, hurricanes, tsunamis along the way...all the scenes of the end of the world may bury the walkers.

You must rush to the central mountain to grab the final harvest.

Although natural disasters are fierce, none of the three is weak. Together, with the support of Jiuzhang Yubi, there will be no danger of overturning for a while.

Zuo Guangshu is a talent of the sky, he is unparalleled in controlling water, and he is able to master all kinds of mysterious Taoism in water, and he can use it freely.

On the other hand, Yue Tiannu has a high vision and a profound background. The Taoism techniques used are not complicated, but each technique is used properly.

Although Jiang Wang's Taoism is not weak, it is all about killing. It is not so easy to use when fighting against the power of heaven and earth... You can't throw fireworks everywhere to burn the city.

It's not completely impossible to deal with it, but compared to Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu, in this case, there is some suspicion of wasting Dao Yuan. It is extraordinarily relaxed and unrestrained to simply rely on the false.

The three of them now have two pieces of jade in their hands, one for Tangerine Ode and the other for Fangsi.

The two pieces of jade are combined in brilliance, and the supporting space is relatively generous.

Like a lonely lamp, fluttering at the moment when the sky is tilted by the tsunami.

The more thunderous and dangerous the outside world is, the more it highlights the tranquility here.

Watching the world turn upside down, watch the wind and thunder.

If Xu Xiang was doing this, at least he would have to recite eight or ten poems.

Zuo Guangshu felt the piece of Mingkong jade in his arms, and the Taoism in his hands was still there, but at this moment, he also thought of Qu Shunhua...

"It is said that the boat of salvation that travels in the age of the Dharma is similar to this." Yue Tiannu said with emotion.

The faint starlight has long been invisible.

The sky began to snow.

The sky and the sea are dark, and the sky is full of snow.

The cold wave came silently.

Jiang Wang swiped lightly with his index finger, and suddenly the flames ignited in the void, and a line of fire surrounded the area covered by the jade light, firmly resisting the cold wave.

At this point, the falling snow melted like rain.

Under the control of Zuo Guangshu, the rainwater turned into flowing beads and danced wildly, hitting the strong wind upwards, hitting the waves downward, and occasionally smashing rocks.

This tacit cooperation is like poetry and picturesque.

"Is there really a boat to save the world?" Jiang Wang asked curiously.

"Why not?" Yue Tiannu said, "It's on Mount Sumeru."

Jiang Wangdao: "The Western Holy Land of Buddhism, I have heard its name for a long time..."

At this moment, he suddenly stopped talking.

A fishing line, hanging from an unknown height, hung right in front of him.

From Gao Qiong to this point, the thunder, wind, and snow all the way can't affect it in the slightest. It seems to be hanging down in an unrelated world.

Although here, it is elsewhere.

But if it is elsewhere, it is so truly reflected in front of you.

"The time has come, come find me."

A familiar voice also fell along with the fishing line.

Wang Changji's voice.

Jiang Wang suddenly remembered what Wang Changji said earlier——

"I'm fighting for the right to fish."

Did he... win it?

Use the mountains and seas as a pool to fight against chaos? Compete with Zhu Jiuyin?

Without hesitation, Jiang Wang stretched out his hand to hold the fishing line directly, and only said to Zuo Guangshu and the other two: "Don't go to the Central Mountain, go and meet a friend with me first."

The fishing line began to be retrieved rapidly.

The jade light covering the three of them also ascended to the sky.

The sky is full of wind and snow, thunder and lightning snakes... All natural disasters seem to be floating outside this fishing line.

Amidst the surprise, there was a strange sense of rationality.

Holding the fishing line tightly in his hand, Jiang Wang felt it more and more familiarly.

Looking at Yu Guang around him, he suddenly understood something.

Nine Chapters of Jade Bi!

Wang Changji's fishing line is made of nine chapters jade.

He was only focused on studying the fishing rod before, but he didn't know that the fishing line was the key point.

It's just... Who doesn't offer the Nine Chapters Jade Bi as a treasure to those who enter the mountain and sea realm for trials? I'm afraid that it will be broken, and I can't protect myself to go to the central mountain, and I can't let myself leave this place with a harvest.

Wang Changji directly made it into a fishing line!

Think of what others have not thought of, and what capable people have failed to do.

It's not true that you have a certain insight into this other world, and you can't do it for this.

Tomorrow will be a little longer.


How is Shubao's exam preparation? If you chase updates, you are a puppy.

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