Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1477 Black Snow Like a Waterfall

The well-known Ge family was frozen in the wind and snow.

The corpse fell extremely fast, but before it fell into the sea, it had already disappeared.

Hoo hoo...

The wind is more sudden.

The snow is also bigger.

The snowflakes looked like cattail fans one by one.

Floating in the sky, there is a strange terror.

Especially the color of snow.

It was pure and white at the beginning, but it seemed to be shining in this dark and gloomy doomsday. Now it is grayish-brown, and the color is getting darker and darker, gradually turning into pitch black, as if it has been contaminated with too much filth during the fall.

The cold wave is rolling, making people shiver.

How can there be an innocent world? How can there be a pure heaven?

The shadows of the world are behind the sun, every day after dawn, it will be dark.

Zhu Weiwo raised his salary and shot, and flew in the black snow.

Every snowflake that fell towards him was crushed by the silent gun force.

Kuishan's rock-like figure is almost sticking to his side. There is only a fist distance between his arms. If you don't pay attention, you will bump into——

Of course, they all pay attention.

The two pieces of jade, Aiying and Huaisha, silently emit a glimmer of light, creating a corner of stability in the collapsed order,

Zhu Wei, I don't want to be squeezed together with such a big group of muscles, it feels like being crushed by a huge rock in the corner of the cage, very uncomfortable.

Kuishan, who is terribly majestic in stature, also needs some space to stretch out, his thick eyebrows are tightly frowned, and he is also unwilling to squeeze with Zhu Weiwo.

But there is no way.

At this time when the sky was falling, the energy of the heavens and the earth had completely collapsed. Without the protection of the nine chapters of jade, it would be difficult for them to reach the central mountain-Kuishan might be able to do it with the terrifying physique of a martial artist, but the consumption is too much, obviously It does not meet the consideration of the final competition.

I also want to know, what kind of existences will be able to meet at the Central Mountain in the end.

In the beginning, the two of them walked on their own side, they were cool and unrestrained, rumbling and rampaging all the way. Later, as the natural disasters intensified, they got closer and closer.

It's not that two pieces of jade are not enough to open up a larger area.

It's just that they are taking turns to open the way now, one person fights against natural disasters, and the other recuperates the state, so as to maintain the peak. In order to reduce the scope of confrontation and save energy, of course we should get as close as possible...

The distance of one fist is already the limit, no one can bear it no matter how close it is.

"According to the list given by your majesty, which ones do you think will make it to the central mountain?" Kuishan asked without words, as if he was afraid that he would not show his embarrassment.

Although the list of Tianjiao who participated in the Mountain Sea Territory in Chu Land and the information on the help they each invited, although it is not a secret information, it is not an easy matter for the City of Unredeemed in the Western Territory to get a clear understanding.

Kuishan and Zhu Weiwo knew all kinds of people and horses before they came here. The City of Unredemption, a sinful city located in the gap between Zhuang Yongluo and the Three Kingdoms, is obviously more complicated and more complicated than it appears. Some strength.

"The newly built building in the city has been confirmed by the Sanfenxiang Building as their headquarters in the western region?" Zhu Weiwo answered irrelevantly.

"Of course." Kuishan said with a weird expression, "Are you interested?"

Zhu Wei and I glanced at him: "I don't know if others can rush to the Central Mountain, you and I..."

He suddenly stopped and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid we may not be able to arrive!"

Zhu Weiwo's sudden stop seemed to have shaken the entire dynamic picture scroll.

Flying like an arrow off the string, fixed like a proud pine.

Even if it stops in the picture scroll, it is the most eye-catching stroke.

Not to mention he is still exercising.

The Xingzhi gun was spinning lightly in the air, and when it was lifted up, the tip of the gun seemed to have cut through the space, bringing out a ray of cold light.

Just at this moment——

Boom boom boom!

Above the sky, the black snow is no longer falling, but rushing.

It was as if above the high dome, there was a huge black snow mountain that completely collapsed in the drastic changes in the world, and an avalanche occurred, and then roared and collapsed.

Overlooking the feet, there are huge waves rising from the sea.

And right in front of him, countless black tides of resentment and dead souls surged from nowhere... as if filling the gap between the sky and the sea!

Kuishan didn't care about chatting any more, he just clenched his fists, and his knuckles twitched layer by layer. One more push and one sound.

The blue veins on the muscles, like the bulges of an angry dragon.

The bloody smoke rushed out of Tianling, and crashed directly into the black snow waterfall, burning a huge gap, making the black snow like black rain.

And Kuishan waved his fist.

His movements are extremely concise and crisp.

Just make a fist and punch it.

But just like a craftsman hammering an iron tool thousands of times, the last hammer that falls sets the knife embryo.

Just like the water dripping from the cornice countless times, the last time, people can see the dents on the stone.

The easiest thing in the world is to throw a fist.

But all the hardest and most complicated tempering is also in this punch.

He punched out.

Within the shimmering range of the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, the situation has not moved.

And the oncoming "black tide". It was like being pushed by an invisible wall of air, and it was blown back by more than twenty feet!

Boom is low tide!

For a moment, the grievance collapsed without calculation, and the soul was broken and destroyed.

But this seems to have angered the "Kuroshio" even more.

Countless chaotic and tyrannical thoughts seem to be unified under the control of a certain will.


The tide goes and the tide returns.

They surged back, invaded the sky and covered the sea, and directly annihilated the strength of the fist!

Kuishan flew back.

He even knocked himself out of the wind as he sprinted back.

"The wind is blowing!"

The martial artist with a 20-fold spine did not see the possibility of defeating the Kuroshio with all his might.

And the huge gap burned by the bloody smoke was just a small dent in the black snowfall falling from the sky, and it was completely filled in an instant.

In this mountain and sea environment, the accidents one after another seem to be to inform people of the insignificance of practitioners.

How can manpower be able to shake a tree with a mayfly?

The prestige of destroying the world is so great.

For a moment, the sky was covered with black snow, the black tide surged forward, and the roaring waves below were, at some point, soaked in darkness!

Darkness has been dyed.

The heaven and the earth are like a coincidence.

In this superposition of darkness and darkness, in this confusion of gloomy and gloomy, a little bit of coldness exploded!

It's brilliant, lonely, sharp.

It seems that since the beginning of the world, it has been silent here.

It seems that from ancient times to the present, eternity has not changed.

That is the direction the hopeless see, that is the echo that the lonely feel.

It is a lonely star in the endless night.

It shines there, it shines in the meaning of sight. At the same time, it also focuses on the turbulent current of this collapsing world.

The raging "black tide" almost exploded in an instant.

There was a muffled groan of pain.

The Kuroshio surged!

There is indeed a higher will in this black tide, and it is undoubtedly angry.

More majestic resentment, more ferocious ghosts... It seems like an endless dark side force!

Zhu Weiwo turned around directly, dragged the spear backwards, and walked away without delay.

If Kuishan is a boulder rolling down from the top of the mountain, it is aggressive and rolling faster and faster.

Zhu Weiwo was like a lightning bolt sweeping across the sky.

In the desperate sprint, there was also the sound of hurried conversation.

"Can you stop always saying that the wind is tight? Those who don't know think you are a bandit!"

"...I am."



Central Mountain.

Limbs and arms were broken, and blood was flying all over the sky.

As the last oil-painted head rolled down, Dou Zhao, who held a knife in one arm, turned around.

The red military uniform on his body, it is not known whether it is the color of blood or the color of clothes.

And Chu Yuzhi, who was facing him, leaned on the ground with a long knife, barely supporting himself, panting.

"No way, Chu Yuzhi." Walking in the blood-colored winding road in front of the mountain, Dou Zhao flicked the Tianxiao knife lightly, but there was no blood on it: "Can you also see the way of using soldiers like this?" Have you ever seen it? If Wu Ling or Xiang Bei were to control this Maomin army, it would definitely not be limited to this level."

There are many objective reasons for the use of Maomin troops.

For example, although Mao Minguo was persuaded by Xiao Shu's three-inch tongue, he was willing to send troops to join the war, but he would never surrender his military power and let outsiders command him.

For example, only Xiao Shu understands Maomin's language and can communicate with Maomin, but Xiao Shu himself is a disciple of Zongheng, and he is not familiar with the military formation...

But Chu Yuzhi didn't say anything.

All problems are problems, and all problems can be solved, but he and Xiao Shu failed to do their best. This is the greatest truth.

He doesn't hide his weakness.

He was just accumulating the last strength in this panting——

Although it might not work at all.

Xiao Shu is dead, and the Maomin army has been slaughtered. The only one left, his eyes were fixed on Dou Zhao's neck.

He still wants to fight Dou Zhao as his goal.

Dou Zhao suddenly made up his mind, wiped the blood that suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said, "Dan Kingdom Xiao Shu, I remember."

Of course Xiao Shu should be remembered. He is a very good character.

Chu Yuzhi thought so. But still nothing was said.

His breathing was slow and gentle, feeling the power slowly flowing back from his limbs, feeling a new life after exhausting everything.

He only has one chance.

It's in his hands now.

Seeing Chu Yuzhi like this, Dou Zhao carefully wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, slowly lowered his single arm holding the knife, and said, "You frequently surprise me."

He asked directly: "Would you like to enter my Dou family's gate? I can still pass on that type of heavenly punishment to you."

Chu Yuzhi looked at Dou Zhao, but didn't speak.

Gather up the momentum with the sword, and see the ambition with the sword.

He came from a mediocre background and started as a soldier. If he really wants to join any family, he already has a future. Why wait until today?

Both the Qu family and the Zuo family can be good choices.

But taking the country as his surname is his ambition.

"Understood." Dou Zhao nodded his head, then stepped on the ground with his combat boots, and the knife was close when he bounced.


In an instant, the sword shined all over the world.

The blazing white, lightning-like light flickered once and then dissipated.

There was only one sound of the knife, and there was no sound after that.

A drop of blood dripped along the edge of Tianxiao Dao.

And Chu Yuzhi disappeared here even with a knife.

In front of the central mountain, only one person has been independent since then.

The mountain wind is hunting, and the military uniform cannot be blown.

He fights Zhao, since he entered the mountain and sea realm, he has a clear goal and is invincible.

Tired of looking for Zhu, he turned around and swept away his competitors.

Discovering the trap, stepping into the trap on purpose, killing Qu Shunhua with one against three, seriously injuring Yue Tiannu and Zuo Guangshu. With a wounded body. Jiang Wang was killed so badly that he left with a wound.

After multiple injuries, Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu alone, at the price of a left arm, won two ranks.

Xiao Shu and Chu Yu took advantage of the situation horizontally and horizontally to attract one thousand and two Maomin soldiers. He fought with one arm and cut them off.

Holding nine chapters of jade to enter the mountains and seas, the people of Chu held seven pieces in total, and he held only one hand to cherish chant, wade across the river, think of beauties, and cherish the past.

Already occupied the biggest opportunity in the Central Mountain.

But not enough.

Since Zhu Yan was lost, the only thing he wanted was the second way.

If there are seven pieces of nine-chapter jade, he should get seven pieces, and if there are eight pieces, he should get eight pieces.

Only in this way can he be worthy of his reputation as Dou Zhao, and only then can he be worthy of Tianxiao's sword.

At this time, he was standing at the intersection of the mountain, and beside him was the square stone tablet.

The monument is nearly seven feet high, and there are no redundant carvings. The mottled marks on it are the years that have passed by.

The inscription on the front reads "Central Mountain".

Dao characters have their own rhymes, and the breath is majestic and correct.

The back of the stele is different.

At the top are two lines of characters, saying——

"Gods have their gods, and ghosts have their ghosts."

"The song has nine chapters, and the embedded jade is true."

Below the two lines of characters, there is a row of grooves, going down one by one.

There are nine in total, and each groove fits exactly the size of the Nine Chapters Jade Bi.

And next to each groove, small characters are engraved.

From top to bottom, they are: "Cherishment", "Shejiang", "Sorrow", "Thinking", "Huaisha", "Thinking of Beauty", "Cherish the Past", "Ode to Orange", "Sadness" Return air".

Anyone who wants to come here can hold a piece of jade to verify it here, and then get the right to enter the central mountain.

It was also the first time for Dou Zhao to come to the Central Mountain, and he didn't know what would happen after entering the mountain. He also didn't want to try early.

He stood quietly beside the stone tablet, with his red clothes illuminating the mountain road, watching the sudden wind and snow in the distance.

Waiting for an opponent who might come.

I don't know who that person is, and I don't know how powerful it is...

But he and his knife, are looking forward to it.

Changes seem to happen suddenly.

When he raised his eyes, he saw black snow falling from the sky like a waterfall.

And look in front of you——

All kinds of evil, showing their teeth and claws. The billowing black tide has covered the field of vision, as if surrounding the entire central mountain.

This is obviously a change beyond what Dou Zhao expected.

It's not that he didn't notice the unusualness of this world, but he didn't want to ignore it. He just wanted to hone his sword skills, walk his own path, and see his own scenery.

But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Some things cannot be avoided after all.

Dou Zhao raised his eyebrows lightly, the majestic saber force had already exploded, and a gap in the sky opened in the "black tide\

,"Swallowed up a lot of grievances and stirred up the black tide.

But like a small whirlpool in the lake and sea, the ripples were smoothed out in an instant.

How wide is this dark tide of resentful spirits and ghosts with many evil thoughts? Is there really infinite power?

Dou Zhao's hand holding the knife tightened.

A long and narrow rift in the sky opened vertically in the Kuroshio——

It was submerged again in an instant, and there was still no end in sight.

This is the power of mountains and seas.

Even his Dou Zhao looks small in comparison.

In moments like this...

All those lying on the ground are the corpses of Maomin. Behind him is the unknown of the Central Mountain.

The black snow in the sky is like a waterfall, and the black current is surging in front of him.

He stood alone in front of this winding mountain road, as if he was the only one in the world.

Maybe no one will come again... he thought.

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