Red Heart Survey

Chapter 149 Cursed Paper Man (add 2/3 for leader Uriel 123)

Chapter 149 Cursed Paper Man

Jumping over the high wall and swooping down, Dao Yuan surged, flames bloomed, and a half-squatting woman in the corner suddenly turned her head in horror.

Jiang Wangsheng stopped the sudden momentum, grasped the flame-extinguishing flower, and landed in front of her.

Because he noticed at that moment that there was no fluctuation of Dao Yuan in this woman's body, and her eyes were foggy, she didn't seem to be fully awake.

Looking at the burning paper figurine in front of the woman, the strange feeling obviously came from here.

Jiang Wang crushed the paper figurine with a palm from the air.

The woman's eyes were clear, and she looked at Jiang Wang, who was wearing a cloak and holding a long sword, and said anxiously: "Who are you? Don't come closer, I'm going to call someone!"

Jiang Wang lifted his cloak to reveal his young face, frowning and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I'm here..." This woman has a gentle and pleasant face, and at the moment her expression is panicked, which is even more charming.

She turned her hands away to grab the paper figurine, probably trying to hide the evidence.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered something, and said very hard: "This is my home! What do you care about me?"

She only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the boy in the cloak seemed to move a little, but he didn't seem to move.

The only difference is...he held a paper figurine with a burning corner in his hand.

"Give it back to me!" she shouted.

Jiang Wang looked at this paper figurine over and over for a long time, and confirmed that it was indeed a bit strange.

But what puzzled him was that this paper figurine only had two characters written on the chest - "Curse".

Other than that, nothing was written, not even simple incantations such as falling down and falling into a pit, let alone the corresponding foreign language that conforms to the ritual.

The word curse is easy to say, but in order to implement it, it usually has a more specific direction, such as shortening one's lifespan or something.

The scene in front of him was completely inconsistent with Jiang Wang's cognition.

He couldn't help asking, "What are you cursing?"

Probably seeing Jiang Wang's speed and knowing that she had no room to resist, the woman replied angrily, "It's a curse!"

Jiang Wang: "..."

Jiang Wang realized that he had met a little girl who didn't understand anything.

Even if this paper man does have some effect, it doesn't write anything. It is a ghost that this can be successful. Unless the woman in front of her is the daughter of some evil god.

"Then let me ask another question." Jiang Wang said, "Why do you use this to curse the paper figurine?"

The woman was silent for a while, and tears suddenly flowed down.

"My cousin is going to die." She choked and said, "I'm going to be eaten by that monster outside the city."

It was the first time Jiang Wang heard someone from Youguo call that giant tortoise a monster, and most of them respected it like a god. Because that is the holy beast protecting the country.

At the same time, he remembered what the Confucian uniformed man Xu Xianggan said—"Look, those bastards are all obscene and cautious. If they rank the worst in the evaluation, they will be dismissed and eaten!"

Being deposed and eaten, at first he thought being eaten was just a description of being deprived of power. But if you contact the woman in front of you, you should really be eaten...

This matter would have aroused Jiang Wang's disgust and resentment, but after the fall of Fenglin City, his thoughts changed.

If it weren't for those in charge of the Zhuang Ting who neglected their duties and didn't take the wealth and lives of the common people seriously, how could the Fenglin city area have suffered such a calamity?

Although Youguo's measures are a bit harsh, they may be able to achieve miraculous results. After all, the starting point is for ordinary people.

"Being an official is not a good job, you can't protect the country and the people, you only know how to do things well, you deserve to die!" Jiang Wang said.

"You nonsense! My cousin is a good official!"

"How can a good official fail the examination?"

"This...I..." The woman choked for a moment, but repeated with tears: "No, my cousin is fine, he is fine. He said it had nothing to do with the evaluation, he was framed. No matter how he Do it, and you'll be eaten in the end."

"Who framed him?"

"I... I don't know."

Jiang Wang didn't want to listen to the woman's defense to her sweetheart anymore, he didn't think it was true and objective, so he asked, "Where did you come from, this cursed paper figurine?"

It was also his original goal to trace the source of the cursed paper figurine and find out the hidden cultists.

Heresy in the world, when you kill, you kill.

"It's my wet nurse. Since Brother Qing's death, her condition has gotten worse and worse. I occasionally take her home to live with her for a few days, but she always refuses to stay for a long time. After hearing about my cousin, She said this can help me, as long as I curse them, they will get retribution..."

Perhaps it was because she had just escaped from the state of being affected by the cursed paper figurine, she seemed to be thinking a lot and talking a lot.

"Who is Brother Qing?" Jiang Wang interrupted her.

"It's the nurse's son..."

"Where does your nurse live?"

After she said the address in a daze, she asked again, "Why are you asking this?"

"Do good to accumulate virtue." Jiang Wang said.

She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly begged Jiang Wang: "Then help me! Save my cousin, okay?"

"I'm not interested in helping you. I can't help you either." Jiang Wang refused directly: "Getting rid of the cultists who bewitch you is the only good thing I can do for you."

Living in this kind of place, this woman's status must not be simple, and she will not invite monks. But now she is bewitched by others, so she can only hide here secretly and burn the paper figurine.

It shows how complicated it is.

He, Jiang Wang, was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't have the strength to sweep everything, so of course he would not rashly intervene.

Moreover, since dereliction of duty and being devoured by turtles and beasts is the political environment of Youguo, he has no reason to interfere.

The woman just begged: "He's a good man, he's really a good man! You trust me. You help me!"

If it's Linghe... definitely try to help.

Thinking of Linghe, Jiang Wang felt a pain in his heart.

He stopped talking, picked up a stone with his toe, and volleyed.

The stone accelerated sharply, made a screaming sound, and directly pierced a hole in a rockery in the courtyard!


"what sound?"

Someone in the courtyard was alarmed, and they will probably come over soon to keep this woman under guard so that she won't do stupid things again.

Jiang Wang stepped on his feet, turned over the courtyard wall, and went straight to Beicheng.


The woman's wet nurse lived in a low-rise civilian house in Beicheng District.

This house is easy to find, because the family is obviously better than the neighbors,

Jiang Wang pressed the sword with one hand, and gently knocked open the door with the tip of his toe.

Squeak~ Yeah.

It was noon, but the room was surprisingly dark.

A white-haired old woman, who was doing something in front of the vanity mirror, slowly turned her head when she heard the sound.

Her voice was hoarse: "Mu Qing is dead?"

Mu Qing?

Jiang Wang thought of the woman in the courtyard.

The name is elegant, but the person is a bit stupid.

"You really are hurting her." Jiang Wang said coldly.


The old woman was crying at first, but then burst into laughter again.

The sound was piercing and heart-shattering, extremely unpleasant.

"You... all deserve to die!"

She said viciously: "I curse you, with my flesh and blood, my hair, my life, my everything, I curse you! I would like to walk through the hell of the mountain of knives and the hell of the sea of ​​fire. As long as you... suffer the same pain as me suffering!"

Jiang Wang made a wrong step, and before he could make a move, he retreated first, outside the room, and into the street.

Because he felt a sudden burst of evil power.

Right in front of his eyes, the old woman was covered by a layer of black flames and instantly burned to ashes!

Not a single hair remained.

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