Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1494 The number one in the world likes you


Jiang jumped directly outside the courtyard gate, and landed next to the young couple who were whispering affectionately.

It actually surprised the two of them.

Zuo Guangshu looked at Jiang Wang, then looked back at Ye Lan'er on the second floor in the distance who was leaning against the window...

"Just chatting, can I still jump out of the window now?"

Brother Jiang's voice was still in his ears.

Why did you jump on it?

"Brother Jiang, you are..."

Jiang Wang clapped his hands as if nothing had happened: "It's okay, let's discuss casually. Let's go home."

Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua looked at each other.

Between the intertwined eyes, they have conveyed emotion to each other.

"You see what I said is right!"

"Brother Jiang is really a maverick character!"

Anyway, the feast is over.

Just outside the building where I met me, the young couple broke up after all difficulties.



"See you tomorrow."

There were three or five rounds of farewell.

The hands have been separated.

The line of sight is still entangled.

As expected of a minister of many generations, a top-notch family, at such a young age, he understands the weight of sight!

Jiang Wang grabbed Zuo Guangshu's collar and dragged it out in big strides: "Are you still going?"

Qu Shunhua was standing outside the gate of the small courtyard, luxurious and elegant like a goddess, but facing Zuo Guangshu, he was extraordinarily charming. She raised her jade hand to the side of her face, and her slender fingers trembled lightly like the ears of a little white rabbit, as a farewell.

Zuo Guangshu was dragged backwards to go out, but he still looked at Qu Shunhua with a smirk, and waved vigorously in response.

It wasn't until the two people in front and back, one in green and one in blue, walked away that Qu Shunhua turned around, moved his lotus steps slightly, and had already stepped onto the meeting building.

The wind blows the clouds, and the beauty stands beside the beauty.

"What happened to you in the building just now?" Qu Shunhua asked with a smile, "Why are you still doing it?"

Ye Lan'er's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth: "He said that among the beauties he has seen in his life, I can only rank fifth in appearance!"

Qu Shunhua remembered that Brother Jiang once said that he very much recognized Zuo Guangshu's vision...

I couldn't help but feel happy.

On the surface, he said hypocritically: "Oh, things like aesthetics are very personal. Even if Brother Jiang is famous all over the world and well-informed, he doesn't necessarily have aesthetics. You can't do it right, you can't do it right... that ..."

She turned her beautiful eyes, and asked as casually as possible: "Did he say, who are the second, third and fourth?"

Ye Lan'er glanced at her close friend, and said with a sneer, "I want to know too, or why don't you ask?"



Just like the topic of men being together, it is often women.

The topic of women being together is often men.

After all, in this world, half are men and half are women.

After being dragged out of Huangliang Terrace and pushed into the carriage, Zuo Guangshu still giggled dumbly.

A bright and handsome boy, once he came to Huangliang Terrace, he became a second idiot.

Jiang Wang sat upright, wanting to calm down and practice, but couldn't help but glance at him.

Another look at him.

After all, he opened his mouth and said, "I said you two are progressing very quickly!"

Zuo Guangshu came back to his senses, and the roots of his ears turned red: " saw it?"

Jiang Wang looked puzzled: "...what did I see?"

"Well, it's nothing." Zuo Guangshu heaved a sigh of relief, leaned on the cushion, and smiled foolishly again.

Seeing his cheerful appearance, Jiang Wang felt uncomfortable everywhere, and asked again: "By the way, have you asked how is the Ge Fei who was with Wu Ling?"

"Oh, I had someone check it out before." Zuo Guangshu said casually, "I've already gone back to Yue."

It seems that in the mountain and sea realm, it is only occupied by the simulated skin, not really dead, just like Dou Zhao didn't really have a broken arm.

Jiang Wang was inexplicably relieved.

Let's practice. he thinks.

The carriage rattled, and the hustle and bustle outside the carriage passed by occasionally.

Zuo Guangshu was a little lingeringly restless, slightly uneasy.

"Brother Jiang." He dawdled for a while, looked at Jiang Wang with embarrassed but expectant eyes, and asked coyly, "Have you...did you do that?"

Jiang Wang felt guilty for no reason.


An unfathomable look.

Zuo Guangshu's eyes lit up: "What does it feel like?"

"This..." Jiang Wang pinched a pinch of teeth: "It's not easy to say."

Zuo Guangshu lost all aristocratic etiquette, took off his boots, and knelt in his seat. The eyes are full of curiosity: "Let's just pick the important ones."

Why didn't you think this silly boy was so annoying before?

Jiang Wang barely maintained his eldest brother's dignity: "You don't know, when I was in Linzi, what are the four famous restaurants, what...Forget it, you are still young, so it is not appropriate to tell you these things."

"Oh, tell me!" Zuo Guangshu moved closer: "What's wrong with a kiss?"

His left eye is thirsty for knowledge, and his right eye is eager to see.

Very anxiously said: "Here to say, God knows, the earth knows, you know and I know."

Jiang Wang looked at him: "You guys just kissed downstairs?"

Zuo Guangshu sat back at once.

After a while, he said: "Kiss... the face, I feel dizzy."

"Guangshu." Jiang Wang looked at him sternly and sadly: "You were not like this before. You used to love to practice!"

Zuo Guangshu lowered his head in shame.

But soon he lifted it up bravely, and looked at Jiang Wang resolutely: "When I was in the mountains and seas...every day, every hour, every moment, I missed Qu Shunhua very much."

"I used to think that being number one in the world was the most important thing."

"Later, I felt that adding luster to Zuo's brilliance is the most important thing."

"But just now... just now she kissed me on the cheek. My mind went blank, I couldn't think of anything, I couldn't remember anything. Then suddenly I felt..."

Zuo Guangshu was a little shy, but said seriously: "Those are all important, but they are not the most important."

He looked at Jiang Wang: "No. 1 in the world likes Qu Shunhua, the most important thing!"

Jiang Wang sighed in his heart.

He feels lonely.

On the road of invincibility in the world, there is another talented chaser missing.

A real master cannot accommodate two things at the same time.

Xiaoguang is so confused!

Beauty, beauty, disaster, disaster.

So relieved, so relieved...


A brain crashed on Zuo Guangshu's forehead.

Lord Jiang finally couldn't help shouting: "What are you talking to me?? Am I Qu Shunhua!? Hold it back for me, and tell Qu Shunhua yourself!"

Zuo Guangshu touched his forehead, not knowing what he said was wrong, so he shrank back aggrieved.

But as he touched it, his hand slid onto his face. Remembering that this was the place Qu Shunhua had kissed, he smiled again...

It was quiet in the carriage, but there was still noise outside the carriage.

Jiang Wangduan sat and seized all the gaps to practice. But there was an involuntary smile on the corner of his mouth.

The number one in the world is not as good as the number one in the world likes Qu Shunhua.

very nice.



When the carriage drove back to Huaiguo Duke's mansion, it was stopped by the door.

"Mr. Jiang." The doorman said respectfully: "A man came to you in the morning and said that there was something that he must hand over to you. Since you are not in the mansion, I asked him to wait in the front hall. You see Do you want to see me?"

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu looked at each other and got out of the carriage: "Let's take a look if you can lead the way."

Huaiguo Mansion has three front halls, corresponding to different levels of visitors.

From high to low, they are Xuewu, Yuzhu and Songtao.

People like this time whose origins are unknown and who are unwilling to disclose anything can only wait in Songtao Hall. If Jiang Wang hadn't been involved, he wouldn't have been able to cross the gate of the house.

In front of Songtao Hall, there are really two old pine trees, one on the left and one on the right, which look like they were carved out of a mold. This is not a pruned similarity, and those who know how to do it can know how much work is spent behind it.

The mysterious visitor was covered with a hooded robe, sitting quietly in a corner of the front hall, looking a bit cold.

No one forced him to take off his disguise.

After all, Huaiguo government has the confidence to face anyone.

However, near the Songtao Hall, there are also experts watching.

"Are you Jiang Wang?" Seeing Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu walking in from left to right, the man stood up and asked.

This person is of medium stature, his voice is dull, and his breath is not considered strong.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "You are?"

The man didn't answer, but just took out a package from his robe, placed it on the tea stool next to him, unwrapped it layer by layer, and finally found an ordinary wooden box.

Open the wooden box, and there is the Nine Chapters Jade Bi called Beihuifeng.

He took two steps back, kept a certain distance, and then said: "The person who delivered this thing said that it must be in your hands before it counts. Please confirm the authenticity."

The uniqueness of the Nine Chapters Jade Bi depends entirely on the mountains and seas, but it cannot be faked.

Jiang Wang took the jade bi in his hand, played with it a little, and asked, "What about others?"

The man wrapped in the robe replied: "He only asked to give this thing to you, and didn't say anything else. Besides..."

He raised his head, his face under the hood showed an unhealthy paleness: "Answer your first question, I am a member of the Wusheng sect. Now I am the Earth Gu messenger among the seventy-two Earth Sha messengers ..."

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Wusheng a cult founded by the former Bone Messenger Zhang Linchuan.

It's not that he has any fear of the person in front of him, no matter how scary Zhang Linchuan is, it's impossible for him to come to Huaiguo's mansion to make trouble now.

It's just that Wang Changji wanted to give the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi, so why would he ask someone from the Wusheng Sect to give it to him?

Before he could ask, the person wrapped in the robe continued: "That person wiped out all the strongholds of the Wusheng Cult in the Reef Country, and asked me to deliver this to you... My job is done."

When he said this, he fell directly to the ground without breathing.

The whole process is extremely simple.

It seems that he traveled all the way to Chu State just to deliver this piece of jade to Jiang Wang...and then die.

However, Jiang Wang could understand that this was a fight between Wang Changji and Zhang Linchuan. The corpse in front of him was just a battlefield that had ended.

There will be many such battlefields. There will be many more such fights.

Until...they stood in front of each other.

The moment the body fell to the ground, several guards from the Duke's Mansion immediately entered the Songtao Hall.

"It's okay." Jiang Wang said softly: "The person is dead, let's drag it down and deal with it."

There is no one in Huaiguo's mansion who does not know Jiang Wang now.

Although the corpse was very inexplicable, the guards lifted it up and left without saying a word.

After the people left, Zuo Guangshu asked. "How is this going?"

Jiang Wang turned the jade bi and said with a smile, "Wang Changji is one step ahead of me, and God has already arrived."

He casually handed the Nine Chapters Jade Bi to Zuo Guangshu: "While Wushengjiao is our common enemy."

"Wushengjiao? What kind of sect is this? Where is the sect stationed?" Zuo Guangshu said naturally: "If it is in the southern region, I will directly lead the army to help my brother suppress it!"

Jiang Wang smiled: "How can a cult have an upright resident? How dare it?"

He said in his heart, unless I die.

"There are more and more messy things like this." Zuo Guangshu frowned, and then said: "Brother Jiang, when you go to clean them up, you might as well call me together. If he can become the common enemy of you and Wang Changji, even if that person leaves In the evil way, he must be a wonderful character!"

"That depends on whether you can keep up with your progress." Jiang Wang didn't directly refuse, but just gave him a glance: "I think you are very nervous now, you must know that Wenrou Township is originally a hero's tomb..."

"Don't be afraid!" Zuo Guangshu said with a grin, "Qu Shunhua is also very powerful, we can cultivate while being gentle!"

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

Zuo Guangshu looked at the sad poem in his hand, and said again: "That friend of yours showed up in the mountains and seas. We, the Chu court, will definitely recover this nine-chapter jade bi. He has returned now, which saves money." A lot of trouble. But the jade bi came directly into my hands, and I have to accept this favor. Brother Jiang, what do you want?"

"You're welcome!" He laughed again: "My family can't keep two jade biscuits, but I can use them to benefit the court! For example, taxes, military quota, armor quota..."

"Don't talk about those useless things, Brother Jiang doesn't like to hear them." Jiang Wang simply waved his hand, as if drawing a knife to cut off the water: "Just tell me how much Yuanshi it is worth!"

When it came to settling accounts, Zuo Guangshu was as shrewd as a boy from a famous family.

He smiled and said, "A thousand primordial stones!"

It counts in the blink of an eye, or it doesn't count at all.

Jiang Wang also smiled: "One thousand yuan stones is too much. After all, the nine-chapter jade bi is also hot to hold, and it will be recovered sooner or later. I think it is reasonable to convert it into seven hundred yuan stones. For the price of cowhide, we will pay off our debts!"

Zuo Guangshu looked at him and said, "Let's count eight hundred primordial stones. A man like you, brother, is always shy in his pocket. It's okay to spread the word and make people think Qi is harsh!"

Jiang Wang was very moved: "My virtuous brother, it would be great if those people in Qi State are half as enlightened as you are!"

The brotherhood lasted a few rounds.

Jiang Wang remembered one more thing, and asked aloud: "Is there still the Aiying Jade Bi? Will Chu Ting send someone to find it? That is also my good friend. Can you find a way to send a message to call Don't hurt him?"

Zuo Guangshu hesitated for a moment, probably because it was inconvenient to say, but he still said: "We won't take back the Aiying Jade Bi, your friend is fine."

It seems that there is something hidden in it, but Jiang Wang doesn't care too much, it is enough to know that Zhu Weiwo is not in danger.

"Let's go." He patted the back of Zuo Guangshu's head, with high fighting spirit: "Go to practice!"

Thanks to the book friend "Yangzhou Shengsheng" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 266th League of the Chixin Sky Survey! Sixty-six Dashun!

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