Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1508

Zhu Wei and I glanced out the window lightly: "Know each other?"

"Mo Jingyu, who was born in the Mo sect, is a strong man in the realm of the gods." Jiang Wang said calmly, "This is the third time we've met."

To be precise, the first time was just "hearing". At that time, he was still waiting to die under the altar of the dilapidated Taoist temple. During the great battle that changed his life, he heard the eagle chirp and the name of Mo Jingyu,

The second time I was in Weininghou Mansion in Yongguo, I was considered "seeing". At that time, he was pretending to be a birthday guest, possessing two supernatural powers, and Mo Jingyu was the guest of Wei Ninghou of Yongguo.

Today is the third time. He is already a monk in the outer building of the Tianfu, and the divine presence can be expected, sitting upright in the prison building. Mo Jingyu came again on the eagle, still flying very high, but not so far away.

Zhu Weiwo asked casually: "Is there a grudge? Is there a grudge?"

"Enmity doesn't count, neither does resentment. Some things are entangled with cause and effect, and it's not clear whether it's right or wrong." Jiang Wang said: "But after God comes, I will have a battle with him."

"That's it..." Zhu Wei and I looked out of the window again, the god of the Mo sect, Tianjiao, had a powerful posture.

He said softly, "I'm already looking forward to that day."

Jiang Wang doesn't doubt that he can come, and Zhu Weiwo doesn't doubt that he can come.

Because for Jiang Wang, that step was a matter of course.

The difference between Xiao Shu and his level of arrogance lies in that... Before the real realization, Xiao Shu can't really come to God.

Even if he has built a star road like never before, and he is ready for the Six Senses Pill, the chances are just getting bigger.

"Have a chance" and "certainly can" is the gap between non-top and top.

Of course, the real strong can always seize the opportunity.

Over the past few days, the number of people who have come to Buredui City to watch Xiao Shu's attack on God's presence is increasing day by day.

Whether Xiao Shu can succeed, and whether Zhang Xun can block the door and intercept the kill, there are countless punters on these two markets.

Since Xiao Shu connected the star road and started to build the remaining three star towers at the same time, the number of people who came to the City of Unredemption has been continuous.

Just five days. The life money income of the city without redemption has skyrocketed many times.

The criminal guard guarding the gate was too busy for one person, and now there are two teams of twenty criminal guards guarding the gate to collect money.

There are also people who just watch the show without paying. But in a place like Unredeemed City, where there are murderers everywhere, most people are still willing to spend some money for the sake of safety, or simply to avoid trouble.

To be able to save Xiao Shu's life under Zhang Xun's command, the life money system of not redeeming the city is already convincing enough.

But looking at the entire City of Unredeemed, among so many people who have come here for so many days, Mo Jingyu is undoubtedly the most important one.

With a famous family background and a godly cultivation base, he deserves to be noticed anywhere in the world.

At this moment, he came on a giant eagle, and with different thoughts in his eyes, he flew over the city wall and hovered over Xiao Shu.

He stood on the back of this fierce looking puppet giant eagle, with his hands slightly hanging down.

The black iron mask covered his expression, but his voice was heard all over the city: "Momen Mo Jingyu came here on behalf of Emperor Yong. He came here for nothing else. I can't bear to see pearls covered in dust and talents left behind! Xiao Xiao Forgive me, if you are willing to join the Yong Kingdom and be loyal to my emperor, the damage you caused to the Dan Kingdom will be made up for by the Yong Kingdom. The conflict between you and the Dan Kingdom will be resolved by the Yong Kingdom."

Mo Jingyu came to recruit Xiao Shu!

The onlookers were stunned for a moment, and then stunned again.

At the moment when Mo Jingyu came by eagle, Xiao Shu's layout seemed to be very clear.

Why did he go through so much trouble to escape to a place like the City of Unredeemed? Why did it take forty days as the boundary to attract the attention of so many people, and come to such a highly anticipated journey of God's presence?

It must be said realistically that even if he performed a miracle today, he could not be Zhang Xun's opponent. At most, there is room for struggle and you can try to escape.

Moreover, with Dan Kingdom's wanted man on his back, even if he came to God, he couldn't be at ease.

But if it is said that he is showing his talent and selling it at the expected price, then everything seems to have a very reasonable explanation...

This is the perfect breakout idea.

In a place with a special geographical location like the City of Unredeemed, he spent forty days as a gimmick to hit God's presence, which attracted many eyes.

He's shown his extraordinary value, and it's only natural that someone weighs the troubles he's carried. The more value he demonstrates, the more people are willing to bid.

Before he showed the possibility of impacting God's presence within forty days, no force would take the risk of offending Dan Kingdom to protect him. And after he showed this possibility and this value, it seems that facing Dan Kingdom is not an absolutely untouchable option...

If he can win the arrogance of God, especially if he is still so young, then what's the big deal if he offends Dan Country?

Mo Jingyu was just the first person to bid.

Maybe not the last one.

At this moment, Xiao Shu was still working on his own Xingqiong Holy Building, and did not respond to Mo Jingyu's solicitation.

Zhang Xun outside the city gate opened his eyes.

He looked at the Mohist disciple on the giant eagle's back, and said coldly, "I'm afraid there are some losses that you can't make up for, and some conflicts that you can't resolve either."

Zhang Xun's words were not polite.

No matter who stood in his position, he would not be polite.

Mo Jingyu only turned his head to look at him, and his voice was neither happy nor sad: "Brother Zhang, don't be angry. If Xiao Shu really agrees to become a naturalized citizen of the Yong Kingdom, I will show the sincerity of the Yong Kingdom to your country, and then communicate with you."

When Jiang Wang first saw Mo Jingyu in Weining Hou Mansion of Yongguo, he was wondering about Mo Jingyu's identity. After all, this person was ordered by Qin Guofang earlier to participate in the besieging and killing of Zuo Guanglie. Later, he was like a fish in water in Yong Kingdom.

This time it is confirmed, the person is indeed from the Yong Kingdom.

I just don't know if he is following the general strategy of Mo Sect, or has completely surrendered to Han Xu, the new king of Yong Kingdom...

In Jiang Wang's view, the former is more likely.

After all, he is a "god and clear" character with a firm will and is difficult to be influenced by foreign objects.

Before the Momen supported the Yong Kingdom, they were similar to the Sanxing Palace. They followed the path of "those who learn from me don't have to return to me".

After supporting the Yong Kingdom and being established as the only orthodox school in the Yong Kingdom, it is somewhat similar to the path of Taoism.

As a Mohist disciple, it is understandable for Mo Jingyu to give up development in other countries and build a country that belongs to the Mohist business structure when the Mohist needs it...

"There's nothing to communicate."

Zhang Xun stood up and jumped directly into the sky, facing Mo Jingyu far away.

Xiao Shu practiced for thirty-five days, and he also waited quietly for thirty-five days, practicing his mind for thirty-five days. How many mocking voices, how many mocking eyes, he turned a blind eye to them all.

But today, I can't sit down anymore.

"Killing one person is also killing, and killing two people is also killing." He said: "Dare to protect Xiao Shu, he is my enemy Zhang Xun."

Mo Jingyu took a deep look at him, and said in a flat tone: "I advise you not to do this."

They looked at each other high in the sky, and neither of them flinched.

The atmosphere was tense for a moment.

The confrontation between the two superpowers brought the turmoil to a new climax.

But the protagonist of this turmoil, Xiao Shu, is still silent.

There are extraordinary changes taking place in silence.

He inhaled lightly, and all the purple air rising from his face was sucked into his body.

The four star points in the sky were shining brightly, flashed violently, and then disappeared, together with the clear star path.

So everyone knew that his four great star towers had already stood upright!

It wasn't until this time that he opened his eyes and said with a soft smile, "I'm still breaking through. You guys are fighting with swords here. It's very distracting."

Mo Jingyu looked at him and said: "My emperor saves the time from danger, prospers the country, has a grand plan for eternity, treats the heroes of the world sincerely! Xiao Shu, you are exactly the talent my emperor needs, and you also need such a link as Yongguo. I sincerely invite you today, please be sure to think more about it.”

"I've been in Dan Country for twenty years, and Dan Country doesn't know that I'm a talent." Xiao Shu sighed: "It's unexpected that I came to the city for thirty days, and even the people of Yong Country know that I'm a talent!"

"Talent without virtue is harm to the world!" Standing in the air, Zhang Xun scolded coldly: "You and I went to Guanhetai last year, and your treatment has never been less than half of me. Dan Guorong has raised you for twenty years, mingjue Xu Zhi, rich salary Xu Zhi, famous teacher teaching, secret method true transmission...all of these, but only for you to steal the pill and go away, so that the Yuan Shi Dan that has been passed down for many years in our country will be destroyed once. But only in exchange for your current sentence , Dan Country doesn’t know you are a talent?!”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and it seemed that he was about to rush towards this side immediately.

But an invisible coercion enveloped him, making him understand the answer of the city lord who did not redeem.

Never cross the city gate.

Zhang Xun said here how Xiao Shu is talented but not virtuous, Xiao Shu didn't make a single argument, and Mo Jingyu didn't seem to care.

He just said to Xiao Shu again: "Since the new emperor came to the throne, my Yong Kingdom has been eclectic, focused on talents, eliminated old abuses, reformed the government, revived the great country, and comforted the heroes... Today's Yong Kingdom is just right for you. Promising young people show their strengths! You come with me now, Yongguo guarantees your safety, and can give you more time and more preparations to attack God's presence. Of course, I don't mean to force you by saying this Make a choice. Yongguo's sincerity is already here, you have enough time to think about it. I won't bother you now, you should practice hard."

Yong Guo was indeed full of sincerity.

They almost gave Xiao Shu an absolutely safe retreat. Now Xiao Shu can withdraw from this adventure, join Yong Kingdom, to consolidate the cultivation of the outer building, and then use better material preparations to attack the "I am like a god" The border of "coming".

They are willing to pay the price of God's presence to buy Xiao Shu's present outside the building, just because they look forward to his future with God's presence.

Han Xu is indeed a generous monarch!

After the news of Xiao Shu's carving of the star road and the complete erection of the four holy buildings spread, there must be a lot of forces that are attracted to him.

But only Yongguo immediately dispatched a supernatural powerhouse like Mo Jingyu to personally visit the City of Unredeemed.

No one can match this sincerity.

But Xiao Shu just closed his eyes again.

He did not respond to Dan Guo's criticism and Yong Guo's sincerity.

At this time, there are no more visions in the sky and on the ground, but everyone knows that he has already begun to prepare for the final sprint.

Although he couldn't see what was going on in his body, he must be sorting out himself meticulously in order to adjust himself to the best state.

In the following time, no one made any big disturbances.

There are only five days left for Xiao Shu to attack God's presence.

All are waiting.


"Mo Jingyu is here on behalf of the Yong Kingdom, will Du Ruhui come?" Jiang Wang asked on the prison building.

"No." Zhu Weiwo said very firmly: "Zhuangguo is too close to Danguo, and the pressure is too great. They won't want Xiao Shu. Since Xiaoshu is useless to Zhuangguo, then even if he makes trouble here again Du Ruhui won't take a second look at any big movement."

Jiang Wang knew that Zhu Wei and I must know Du Ruhui better, so he asked: "If there is no influence of the Dan country, if Xiao Shu is useful to the Zhuang country, what will happen to Du Ruhui?"

Zhu Weiwo said: "Then even if he crawls, he will crawl in front of Xiao Shu. Tell Xiao Shu sincerely - 'The future of Zhuangguo depends on you!'"

Jiang Wang sighed: "Let's sit here and watch a play now. I always feel like I'm taking a nap by the Tiger Mountain. I'm a little uneasy."

Zhu Weiwo said calmly: "There are indeed tigers."

Jiang Wang didn't want to pick up on this deadly talk, after all, he wasn't in the physique of a god, and he wasn't strong enough to resist beatings, so he just said: "There are only a few days left, let's see how Xiao Shu chooses."


In fact, for the current Xiao Shu, the Yong Kingdom is indeed the best choice.

Looking at the entire Western Territory, there are not many countries that can stand firm in front of the Dan country, such as Cheng, Mo, Luo, Jiao, etc., they dare not take Xiao Shu in at all.

Qin Guo did not have the slightest pressure, but Qin Guo might not like Xiao Shu, Xiao Shu would just go and join him, and it would not make them send people from thousands of miles to fight.

The newly rising Zhuang Country is too close to Dan Country, if Zhuang Country takes in Dan Country's thieves in a grand manner, even if Dan Country wants to pretend not to see it, it won't work.

In the fight for Xiao Shu, Yong Kingdom has such a big advantage. Han Xu didn't lower the price because of this, instead he promised to solve all of Xiao Shu's troubles, and he didn't need him to achieve God's presence now, and was even willing to guarantee his safety first, and give him better conditions after inviting him back to Yong Kingdom , to help him attack God's presence - such a condition, looking at the world, few companies are willing to offer it, no doubt it is too much respect for Xiao Shu.

So Mo Jingyu came here in person this time with great confidence.

But Xiao Shu still chose to continue to attack God.

Right here, right now.

And not just because he believed in his own path.

It's not just because the road to God's arrival is that thousands of troops cross the cableway, relying on one effort. Sometimes no amount of resources piled up can match such an ambition. If you lose the courage of today, you may not have the achievements of tomorrow...

These are all reasons, but none of them are the most important reasons.

He just chose to take his fate into his own hands.

It's like he rejected the proposal of the high-level officials in Dan Country, like he chose to take an adventure in the mountains and seas.

It's as if he took back the Liusense Pill with his own hands.

It is true that Yong Kingdom is already his best choice at this stage, but once he can achieve God's presence, the sky and the sea will be vast. The world is so big, where is it not a choice?

Of course he can.

Extraordinary changes have taken place in the mountain and sea environment, which is probably related to Huang Weizhen.

He thinks that Unredeemed City, which vaguely has some kind of connection with Huang Weizhen, is now safer than ever.

That's why he tried his best to escape here.

This step is the right bet, in fact, in his opinion, the result is already doomed.

Everything in the world is in the heart.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

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