Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1542 Millions of Heroes

Lian Zhuping firstly doesn't have too much force, and secondly, he doesn't have a deep foundation in Qi. Over the years, the Lian family has of course had its own business. Given the particularity of the family business, the main connections are in the military.

And the Chongxuan family's influence in the military...can push down a family like the Lian family a hundred, a thousand times.

The resources that the two sides can mobilize are not at the same level at all, and there is no need to reflect the gap in intelligence.

For Chong Xuansheng, Lian's chess game has never been difficult. The only thing he needs to consider is what role the Lian family can play, and when is the most appropriate time for him to end up.

The opportunity to attack Xia is once in a hundred years. No matter what plans he had before, he must make concessions for this war.

So he picked up Jiang Wang outside Qi Palace and went straight to Nanyao City.

In the whole process of Lian's seizure of power, there was no so-called thrilling scene.

It started abruptly and ended abruptly.

Lian Zhuping burned himself to death in the ancestral hall.

Lian Que announced the end of the life card system outside the ancestral hall.

The momentum is like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Not to mention any sorrow or joy.

It's nothing more than the old wish has been fulfilled, and it's nothing more than the spirit of Jiulong.

And when Lian Que officially took over the power of the Lian family...

The edict of Emperor Qi has been issued!

Take Cao Jie as the commander-in-chief of Xia Xia, and take Zheng Ruan Yu, the supervisor of Qintian Supervisor, and Yan Ping, the former prime minister, as the military advisers of the town army.

Therefore, soldiers and horses from Zhao, Yi, Chang, Rong and other small countries in the eastern region were recruited, totaling 300,000, and organized into three armies.

300,000 troops were conscripted from counties across the country, led by Chen Fu, the court councilor.

Three of the nine soldiers were killed in spring, killed in autumn, and chased by the wind, thinking that they would be the main force to attack Xia.

In this expedition, there are two real kings and five real people.

Millions of heroes attack summer!

Show Qi Tianzi's heart to destroy Xia!

Jiang Mengxiong, the god of the Great Qi army who had the highest voice and the most confidence in the ruling and opposition parties before, did not lead the army, nor did he accompany the army—this is also a foreseeable thing. After all, with Jiang Mengxiong's prestige in the army, if he goes out, he will be a commander, and if he enters, he will rule the country. It is difficult for the town army to be just a town army...

The military position of the military division of the Zhenjun was created temporarily. It means that the military order is subordinate to one, and it means the division of master and slave. Although Ruan Yu and Yan Ping are both Yan Dao powerhouses, and their identities are more extraordinary than the other, they must obey the commander Cao Jie's military order in this battle against Xia.

The God of War himself failed to go to the battle, but several of his disciples, except Ji Zhaonan who was still fighting behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters and had no time to clone himself, the eldest disciple Chen Zeqing, and the closed disciple Wang Yiwu, all wanted to participate in this battle.

Although the murderous Tu Zhongxuan and Chu Liang failed to win the post of Faxia's coach, he was also the absolute main force in the Faxia War, and personally took charge of the Autumn Killing Army.

Only Xiuyuan...

The Prisoner Dianjun was not in the main lineup of Xia Xia this time. Xiuyuan asked for an order to fight for the commander, but in the end he couldn't even go to the battlefield.

The heart of the emperor is really unpredictable!

The wind-chasing army that quietly squeezed into the main force of Xia Xia was the powerful army led by the contemporary city destroyer Li Zhengyan.

Generally speaking, except for the Tianfu Army, which is undoubtedly the strongest army among the nine soldiers of the Great Qi, the other powerful troops have always had their own merits, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

But there is also this statement -

The first day of the four seasons is the death of spring, and the first day of the four elephants is chasing the wind!

In short, no matter what considerations are behind it or how it is planned. The army of Qi State going south this time can also be regarded as the main force of Qi State, which can fully represent the real force of the Great Qi Empire.

Not to mention fighting with all the country, it is also the greatest force that can be mobilized while ensuring the suppression of all parties.

"We don't have to think about how the emperor thinks about it. The commander-in-chief has been appointed, the levy period has been set, and other things are irrelevant now. What we need to consider next is everything about us in this war."

In the wine that Jiang Wang and Lian Que once drank——

Chong Xuansheng sat cross-legged on the bamboo mat, talking about the emperor's edict.

The three of them were sitting around a firepit at this time, and above the firepit was a large urn, burning a full urn of wine.

The whole roasted beef leg and lamb leg are placed in the food box and piled on the table in front of the bamboo mat. There is only a knife horizontally between the crispy and fragrant meat.

Lian Que held a bamboo water ladle and scooped hot wine for the two friends unhurriedly.

Fourteen stood alone by the door in armor and sword.

Dongyue is cooking wine, and snow is falling outside the window.

Chongxuansheng continued: "If there is no accident, Chongxuanzun and I will definitely join the Autumn Killing Army. In this war, my uncle will not favor me, and the final result can be predicted-it must be me and Chongxuanzun each leads an army, each relying on his own ability on the battlefield. The two fight for life and death, and I am not as good as him. But in terms of leading the army alone, I will not lose to him."

He looked at Lian Que: "At that time, I should have 10,000 people under my command. The armor of these 10,000 people needs to be replenished before going abroad. I want the best."

"I will try my best to cooperate with things that do not violate the rules." Lian Que said very straightforwardly.

If you really want to use everything to the extreme, there are actually many places where the Lian family can play a role. For example, doing some tricks when changing the clothes of Zhongxuan Zun's soldiers...

But Chong Xuansheng wouldn't be so stupid, so disrespectful, and Lian Que couldn't possibly agree to such a thing.

Under the condition of abiding by the rules, what the Lian family can do is relatively limited.

But Chong Xuansheng is not in a hurry.

He has done a lot of preparations similar to the Lian family. Accumulating small excellences to become great ones is exactly what he has been doing in the process of competing with Chong Xuanzun.

Facing Zhongxuan Zun, you can have a little advantage, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is really useless to say more now. We can only make preparations in advance. The rest will be discussed in Xia Kingdom." Chong Xuansheng picked up the wine bowl and said: "After drinking this bowl, Let's go back to Linzi!"

The three of them raised their bowls to each other and drank it all in one gulp.

The teenagers who were not well-known a few years ago have their own careers today.

Thankfully, there is still old time mood.

Chong Xuansheng was about to get up.

However, Jiang Wang took out a broken gun from the storage box and handed it to Lian Que: "Brother Lian, can you help me see if this gun can be repaired?"

Lian Que took a look at it and said, "The most exciting part of this gun is the body. The head of the gun is not very good. It was a waste of time to build it...but now the barrel of the gun has been broken, and the spirituality has been ruined."

He looked again, with regret in his voice: "It's completely ruined."

"Is there no way?" Jiang Wang asked.

Seeing his seriousness, Lian Que stared at the broken gun, thought for a while, and said, "I can try...but it's almost impossible to succeed."

"Anyway... it's good to try." Jiang Wang said a little sadly.

Lian Que then took the broken gun.

Then he said: "Be careful on the battlefield, if you need my assistance, please let me know at any time."

Of course Chong Xuansheng would not pretend to be polite, he worked hard to get into the game just to get the help of the entire Lian family. At this time, he only said: "Once the war starts, it will be difficult to be interfered by personal will. I am afraid that we will have to work hard for a long time... Do you have any needs for the new Lian family?"

Lian Que thought for a while, then looked at Jiang Wang: "Do you still remember this place?"


"Remember what we said here?"


Lian Que took out an ink-colored square metal plate: "Do you still remember this thing?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Your fate card."

Chong Xuansheng on the side, of course, also remembered this little thing. When Jiang Wang handed it back to Lian Que, he was very reluctant to come for Jiang Wang.

Lianque said: "If you have a chance, take it to Chitan and find something for me."

"Chitan?" Jiang Wang didn't know where this place was.

Chong Xuansheng was thoughtful: "Two hundred miles west of the Xia capital, there is a pond called Chi. According to legend, the emperor made dragon sons to form the Nine Bridges, Chi kissed and wept eastward, and blood and tears formed a cold pool."

Seeing Jiang Wang looking over in surprise, he said angrily: "The content in "Great Xia Local Chronicles". I really thought you were the only one reading? Before the war, I will always do this homework!"

Jiang Wang asked Lian Que again, "What are you looking for?"

Lianque said: "I don't know either, but the original site of my homeland where the Lian family is located is the current Xia country. I only know that there may be something left by the ancestors of the Lian family in Chitan, but I don't know what it is. What. I am the patriarch of the Lian clan now. Although this fate card has been solved, it is also closely related to me. If you have a chance, take it to have a look. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a chance. After so many years, maybe nothing left..."

The Lian clan in Qi State was a branch that moved here when the country was broken and fled.

But the homeland of the Lian Clan was destroyed before the Xia Kingdom occupied it. Now that the mountains and rivers have changed, and the years have passed, it is indeed difficult to have anything from the past.

Maybe there is something hidden in Chitan, this matter is Lian's secret, but as time goes by, there may not be any hope.

Jiang Wang took the fate card and said seriously: "If there is a chance, I will go and have a look."

Lian Que only raised his wine bowl: "I wish you two great success."

Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng drank another bowl, and then left together.



The overlord of the Eastern Region once raised the battle flag.

The whole world was shaken by it.

There is no one in the world who is in charge of the direction of the Qi soldiers. Between Qi and Xia, the countries were in panic.

On November 7, the fifty-sixth year of Yuanfeng in the Qi calendar, the second day after the Xia Dynasty was discussed, the emperor bestowed swords, armor, and seals, and Cao Du was officially established as the commander of the Xia Dynasty, presiding over the affairs of the battle.

Anyone involved in this battle must respond to his orders.

So the commanding flag was raised on the platform to order the three armies.

At this time, nineteen days had passed since Jing Country officially declared war on Mu Country.

The all-out war between the two overlords, Jingmu, is in full swing...

In the western suburbs of Linzi, there are two large flags standing on the general platform.

A flag of Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang, high-spirited and majestic in the wind.

A handsome flag, with a "Cao" embroidered in the middle, stands like a mountain and a river.

Cao Jie is all in armor, and on the so-called "little daughter-in-law's bitter face", there is only the majesty of commanding the three armies at the moment.

There are so many famous generals in the world, how many people can command an army of this size and lead the battle to destroy a big country?

This is the most glorious moment of his life.

It is also the biggest responsibility he has ever undertaken in his life.

Zheng Ruan Yu, the inspector of the Qin Tianjian, who was dressed in a star map Taoist robe, and Yan Ping, the former prime minister who was dressed very neatly, stood behind him. It is for the town army, and it is also to show the majesty of the commander of the three armies.

Qin Tianjian is very mysterious. Although his position is crucial, he has always been responsible only to the emperor. Poor astrological changes, measuring the ups and downs of the country, often in the Star Observation Tower, and rarely communicate with officials. This is the first time for many people to see him, they only saw that he looks like a young man, has an extraordinary temperament, he is really a fairy.

As for Yan Ping, who lived in seclusion in Berkshire for many years after resigning from office, it is said that this time the emperor personally visited the door and invited him out of the mountain. At this moment, I also close my eyes and meditate, hiding like a deep sea, and never overpowering others.

After Ruan Yu and Yan Ping, there are respectively Xie Huaian, Chen Fu, the court councilors, Dingyuan Hou Chongxuan and Chuliang, the commander of the Qiusha Army, and Li Zhengyan, the commander of the Wind Chasing Army. The words are lined up.

The figures standing on the general stage today are all top figures standing in the top ranks of the Great Qi Empire, gathered together, each with their own demeanor.

No need for words, it has already shown its full potential!

And under the stage...

The three armies lined up, the banners were densely covered, the people and horses were all quiet, the swords and guns were all sharp, and the soldiers smashed into the sky without a cloud!

It is impossible for Faxia's million-strong army to gather here, and a large part of them has already been sent to the front line.

At this time, gathered in the western suburbs of Linzi are the elite of the three armies of Chunshi, Qiusha, and Zhufeng, each with 10,000 people.

Thirty thousand people spread out, and it was already a sea of ​​people, and there was no end in sight.

The elite of the nine soldiers of the Great Qi has the sharpness of cutting mountains and clouds.

The middle and low-level generals of the Great Qi Empire, the representatives of the leaders of the Eastern Region countries... all gathered in the audience.

Disciple of a famous family, talented in the army, bright stars!

There is Jiang Qingyang, who is famous all over the world, and Chong Xuanzun, who steals the elegance of his peers... In addition, Li Fengyao, Ru Yanfu, Ru Wen Lianmu, Ru Bao Bozhao... all together!

Today's Great Qi Empire is indeed full of talents.

And Cao Jie is on the high platform, take a step forward!

He was originally plain, with a gentle temperament and a bitter look on his face.

Taking this step, it seems that the killing intent runs through the past and the present, stepping out from the battlefield where countless heroes existed in the past.

Swallow ten thousand miles like a tiger!

When you look at him, you seem to see countless heroic souls of this great empire stationed behind him, like forest soldiers bursting out monstrous soldiers, hunting battle flags fluttering in the frosty wind, and the endless blood shed in the past years. Condensed into the red tassel on the top of his helmet.

And his eyes slowly moved across the school grounds, as if he noticed everyone.

He seems to be encouraging everyone, and giving everyone his majesty.

In this quiet atmosphere, he said slowly: "I'm not a person who likes to talk beautifully, and I don't have time to talk nonsense to you. There is only one thing I want to tell you—"

His voice became louder, like a drum, like a horseshoe, like thunder——

"I, Cao Jie, will definitely lead you to victory!"


The world seemed to be shaking.

The great power of mankind seems to be able to shake the world.

Standing on the school grounds, amidst the roar of mountains and tsunami, Jiang Wang was unconsciously infected by an atmosphere, and his blood surged involuntarily.

"Wan Sheng!" He shouted along with the surrounding soldiers!





[The physical book of the second volume of "Chixin Xuntian" "From now on, I have no heart to love a good night" has been released (three volumes bound).

Purchased on, the first 800 copies are signed + Chixin Sky Survey world map. (The world map is a must-drop item)

Purchased at the Tmall Huawentianxia self-operated store, the first two hundred copies have autographs + Chixin Sky Survey World Map + Q version of Jiang Wang and Jiang Anan keychains. (The world map and the key chain are both must-drop items)

I don't know why the editor made it a bit complicated... Anyway, that's it.

The world map was specially drawn by a great artist. On the map setting of more than 4,000 words I wrote, I revised it many times before and after to complete this version.

In the future, I will put the map settings in the work related. After you get the map, you may wish to compare and understand it.

I hope that when readers see a certain place on the map, they can immediately think of the stories that happened there, and think of those wonderful people.

In this way, my time will not be wasted.

Our story did happen. 】

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