Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1556 Dangerous Pass of the World

Jianfeng Mountain is a majestic mountain in the world, with a height of more than three hundred feet. It controls the Yulian River on the left and overlooks the Ou Niao Basin on the right. The so-called "If you want to pass through Fengjie Mansion, you must pass Jianfeng Mountain." Xia Ting built a card here, and it has been in business for many years, and it has become a dangerous pass in the world.

The entire Jianfeng Mountain has a unique topography, from the base to the top, it can be divided into five levels naturally. Therefore, it is also known as Tianti Mountain.

The real person Taihua combined the terrain and personally presided over the design of the five-stage Houde Carrying Array covering Jianfeng Mountain.

It connects to the Daxia Land Vessel at the bottom, and connects with the clouds of the Nine Heavens at the top. Gather the power to agree, and suppress Fengjie Mountains and Rivers.

Once the formation is opened, the power of the earth veins increases step by step, and when it reaches the peak, its power reaches its limit, and it can launch terrifying earth vein attacks.

The huge amount of damage it has suffered can be reduced step by step from the peak to the bottom of the mountain, and finally shared on the ground.

It can be described as an offensive and defensive formation.

It's a pity that last year, Jiang Mengxiong smashed down the Baili Abyss with a punch, which directly crushed the earth's veins, so that the five-stage virtuous carrying array could not return to the old view no matter what.

Years of painstaking efforts were ruined.

Xie Zhengwen is a Confucian monk who studied in an academy in Xia Kingdom. The gate of heaven and earth that was pushed open last year stabilized the cultivation base of Tenglong Realm.

After all, the Southern Region is where the Holy Land of Book Mountain is located, so the Confucian style is very strong.

A few years ago, he also wanted to go to Mugu Academy to study, but he was afraid that he would not be able to pass the exam due to lack of talent, which would delay his military post. Later, his thoughts faded away, and the army has its own way in the army. In a few years, when I get older, if there is no long-term benefit, I will leave the army and go to my hometown to buy a luxury house and raise a few beautiful concubines... This is the life of an ordinary monk. It is different from the imagination of ordinary people in their twilight years, just like those extraordinary powers will eventually dissipate in time.

Born naked, died white.

Last year, he was also in Jianfeng Mountain, under the command of Hua Fangyu, the eldest son of Marquis of Jing'an.

To be honest, he is still at a loss as to how Jianfeng Mountain was lost.

The enemy attacked in a daze, the guard died in a daze, and he fled with other rout soldiers in a daze. They don't even know how many enemies there are. Judging from the panicked movements of the rout soldiers, it seems that the mountains are full of them!

Of course, Xie Zhengwen didn't have the face to mock others.

When he first participated in the garrison of Jianfeng Mountain, he didn't think it was a dangerous job at all.

After all, there has been no beacon fire in Jianfeng Mountain for nearly thirty years.

This year is the thirty-two year of Shenwu.

In the past, the Qi State withdrew from the army, and the Great Xia was full of waste. With Jing Guoyi Tianguan in charge, Xia Ting did not acknowledge the status quo, and King Wu led his troops to attack everywhere, taking back the lost ground step by step from the mouths of the wolves who shared the food. In the three years of Shenwu, all surrounding wars have been eliminated and the existing borders have been stabilized.

The later Zhen Guojun was trained after going to the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters with the help of Jing Guo.

The territory has been peaceful for many years, and the surrounding area is really nothing to worry about.

When Qi State wanted to come to Jianfeng Mountain from the east, it couldn't avoid the small countries of Guo State, Yang State, and Hu State. Where can there be no movement?

Jingguo's Yitian Temple is still there, how could Qiguo dare to attack Xiaguo?

Even if there is a real fight, the Xia Kingdom in the age of martial arts will regain the power to fight!

The above three points are almost the general consensus of Xia Guo's military.

Although Xie Zhengwen has no qualifications to see the world situation at all, he lacks vision, lacks structure, and even has no access to any useful information. But when bragging with comrades-in-arms, it is inevitable that they will point out Jiangshan. List Qi's defeats, Xia's victories, and so on.

Until the battle last year...

Speaking of which, Hua Fangyu came from a famous family, and his cultivation was not ordinary. On weekdays, the formation of troops is quite methodical, and when talking about the situation, it is clear and logical. In terms of military strategy, people of the same age rarely have opponents, otherwise they would not be able to control this important place.

Unexpectedly, he was terribly stupid when he was about to fly.

In the case of a surprise attack, he only cared about his own life-and-death struggle, but completely forgot to organize the defense of Jianfeng Mountain, and lost the foundation of the guard!

Xie Zhengwen didn't receive any orders that night anyway...

The formation is in vain, and the troops are in their own battalions.

The defeated army is like a tide, and once it surges, no one can save it. The decades of operation on Jianfeng Mountain were all left to the Qi army after the torrent of broken soldiers.

Later... it can be regarded as "taking back" Jianfeng Mountain.

The real person Taihua died in his own enlightenment killing formation, and the blood rained from the sky, falling on the mountain protection formation he personally designed.

What a fateful tragedy!

after that……

Jing'an Hou Hua Hongzhao knelt outside the palace gate and asked to guard Jianfeng Mountain himself, expressing that he wanted to wash away the shame his son had left for the Jing'an Hou Mansion, saying: "The shame of the family and the country should not be killed at once." The queen mother also agreed.

Xie Zhengwen also belonged to the Marquis of Jing'an. Relocated to Jianfeng Mountain.

The ability of Marquis Jing'an is indeed different from that of his son.

As a military attache at the grassroots level, Xie Zhengwen felt very deeply.

When Hua Fangyu guarded the mountain before, he only felt that every day was a routine, eating and drinking. Living today, what I think about is the life of veterans decades later.

After the arrival of Hua Hongzhao, the soldiers did not do more things every day, but each of them could see results.

The military formations and construction of fortifications are performed every day, which is very regular and substantial, and the soldiers are full of energy.

Under the command of the Marquis of Jing'an, he has the confidence to face any enemy.

As for today... The Qixia War started, and Prince Min was stationed in Jianfeng Mountain.

The so-called Yu Liyang.

Daxia is a living legend!

Born in the age of martial arts, the most admired powerhouse.

Not to mention others, all the brothers Xie Zhengwen saw who were in the same battalion as him had high morale and felt that they were invincible. Everyone shouted that the bandits would be defeated.

And the day to test morale and imagination has finally arrived.

First of all, the brothers guarding the trap position ran back in embarrassment. That posture reminded him inexplicably of the early morning of the fall of Jianfeng Mountain.

An extremely arrogant guy in white on the battlefield led the vanguard battalion of the Qi army to chase them all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Thirty thousand soldiers were stationed on the entire Jianfeng Mountain.

In the order of defense, it is divided into five sections of mountains.

The defenders of Jianfeng Mountain, including Xie Zhengwen, were about to rush down to attack head-on, and beat the white clothes into shrouds.

boom! boom! boom!

In my ears, I could only hear the muffled sound like rolling thunder from nine days.

After the vanguard battalion of the Qi army, the boundless elite army was already surging in like a tidal wave... and soon filled the field of vision.

For a while, I didn't know where the sea of ​​people would end.

After the generals at the top commanded the soldiers, they came to the conclusion that the enemy had 100,000 troops.

This is just the former army!

It is not a lie that the Qi army attacked Xia with millions.

But the scarier part is——

Xie Zhengwen has been in the army for many years, so he is considered a veteran. But they never knew that an army of 100,000 people could change formations so quickly and advance at such a speed.

The garrison of Jianfeng Mountain, with a group of 5,000 people on weekdays, is not able to perform so freely!

People who really live on the edge of a knife and beg for food on the battlefield can certainly understand this kind of power.

Understand the strength of the opponent, so you know what fear is.

Standing on the towering Jianfeng Mountain, Xie Zhengwen suddenly felt that what he was relying on seemed to be an isolated reef in the raging sea. The reef may still be strong, but it is very easy for the self standing on the reef to be swallowed...

Fortunately, the Marquis of Jing'an was the Marquis of Jing'an after all, and the military order was passed down quickly from above, and the defense was mobilized concisely and directly, so that Xie Zhengwen and his team would not lose their backbone.

But just arrived at the location of the position - the Shanyang stone seat of a section of the mountain, that is, the "cold cicadas" in the eyes of the 72 small formations of the mountain protection formation.

He heard the sound of a heavy hammer hitting a rock, and raised his eyes in fear, he seemed to see a ship flying in the air!

A boat should travel on water, but this boat flies in the sky.

There is a cold metallic luster flowing all over the body, and the outer shell is covered by ferocious iron thorns, shaped like a fierce flying beast.

No, more than one!

The dense steel flying boats are approaching at a terrifying speed like wild geese coming from the east!

The complex patterns on the outer shell of the flying boat instantly brightened.

The gold elemental power between the heaven and the earth quickly gathered, and soon condensed into steel thorn spears, shining with a cold light.

And amidst the explosion-like screams, the thorny spears flew down from the sky——

It was like hailstorm for a while!

"End formation! Form formation!"

Xie Zhengwen heard his immediate boss yelling like this.


A thorn spear pierced his body, nailing him to the hillside, and dissipated together with the unfinished cry.

These thorn guns are not only strong and sharp, but also have a strong spell-breaking effect.

Xie Zhengwen saw with his own eyes that someone launched a defensive Taoism in time, but it also collapsed at the touch of a touch, and still failed to escape the fate of being crucified.

The scorching sun flying boat of Yanggu, the dragon fishing boat of Diaohailou, and the thorny boat of Cassia Island are the three big flying boats of the human race in the battlefield of the lost world.

Among them, the scorching sun flying boat has the strongest power, the dragon fishing boat is the fastest, and the thorny boat has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

Now this kind of military weapon has been put into the battle of Qixia and appeared in Jianfeng Mountain.

Xie Zhengwen felt that his legs were shaking and his heart was trembling, but the power coming out of nowhere in his body made his blood rush!

Perhaps it was the pre-war mobilization of the Marquis of Jing'an a few days ago.

Perhaps it was the majestic figure of Lord Min Wang standing on the top of the mountain.

Maybe... the letter from my father that I read last night.

He jumped up high, and with agility that he had never imagined, he avoided a slanting thorn spear, landed next to the dead boss, and took off the commander's order.

"I am the army of Fengjie Prefecture in Daxia, the captain of the army, Xie Zhengwen! I am now acting as the captain of the army! Brothers, listen to my orders!"

While shouting, he poured Daoyuan into the token, rolled forward, and almost smashed the Bing Duwei Token onto the formation stone, clang! It stimulated this "chilling" formation!

sparse! sparse! sparse!

A large amount of vitality gathered, making an endless sound of cicadas, and instantly set up a gas mask over Xie Zhengwen——


A thorny gun was about to fall on his head, but was stopped by the air shield of "chilling".

Between life and death!

The law-breaking thorn gun moved forward with difficulty in the air mask.

Xie Zhengwen didn't care to wipe off the cold sweat, jumped up and cut it open with a knife!

"End formation! Form formation!" He shouted like the dead captain.

The brothers who were still alive all gathered towards him, and quickly formed a simple five-element formation as they usually practiced, gathering soldiers to protect themselves and support the operation of the small formation of "Cicadas Crying".

This is just a corner of the entire Jianfeng Mountain... but it is already the battle of Jianfeng Mountain for many of them.

On the mountainside of Jianfeng Mountain, from the perspective of Hua Hongzhao, the Marquis of Jing'an in Great Xia——

A hundred steel thorn boats flew around Jianfeng Mountain, and without stinging at the consumption of dao yuan stones, the dharma-breaking thorn spears poured down like rain.

And the landing point is extremely precise, almost all against the position of the eye of the formation, killing at the key point.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under a round of volleys, the defenders on a section of Jianfeng Mountain suffered heavy losses.

The newly rebuilt mountain protection array had been re-adjusted, but people from Qi could feel it so clearly. What went wrong? Information about Jianfeng Mountain has leaked like a sieve!

Hua Hongzhao wished he could shoot down a few thorny boats himself, but he knew it would be useless. At this moment, he is dead when he shows up, and he can't play any value at all.

"Transfer a team to Erduan Mountain. The seventh small formation in Shanyin is weak and needs to be replenished." The veteran with a little frost on his temples ordered, his voice was gentle.

The five-stage virtuous array created by Taihua real person does have its extraordinary side.

The entire section of the mountain defense line was beaten to pieces under the sudden attack of hundreds of thorny boats regardless of cost. Of the seventy-two small formation eyes, only thirty-three were stable.

But even so, a huge amount of the power of the leylines still gathered and went straight to Erduan Mountain.

During the surging of the majestic veins, the pierced eyes of a section of the mountain also quickly shone brightly, and the gas mask rose up.

But at this moment——

The Autumn Killing Army Formation with tens of thousands of people has charged forward.

Boundless soldiers soared into the sky, and instantly became a mighty warrior with a height of more than 20 feet. He raised a ghost-headed knife, aimed it at the node of the magic circle on the second section of Jianfeng Mountain, and the knife fell!

The Army of Autumn Kill.

With a single blow, it is cutting the mountain protection circle!

The mountain really shook!

The gigantic warrior general collapsed in an instant.

Hua Hongzhao could see clearly that the tens of thousands of troops who had assembled the soldiers had quickly changed their positions, and they had already moved out of position and retreated to rest. And the second Wanjun has already joined, and the soldiers of the previous army gathered together in an instant, turning into a twenty-five-foot-tall general, using the same standard ghost head knife, and then slashed Jianfeng Mountain!

The whole process is smooth and flowing, with a smooth aesthetic feeling.

The person in charge is the real master of the army, the Chongxuan Chuliang who is branded in the pain of the Xia people!

The terrifying and strengthened slashed down, at the key node position of the second section of Jianfeng Mountain!

The entire mountain guard formation is crumbling...but it still hasn't fallen.

Hua Hongzhao gritted his teeth.

This is not only the power of the mountain guard formation, but also the united will of the 30,000 guards of the entire Jianfeng Mountain!

What he can see, what he can't see... the soldiers are fighting desperately in their own way.

At the foot of the mountain, the second host team withdrew, and the third host team rushed up.

It seems like the tide is coming.

There is a peculiar sense of "rhythm".

The same scene happened again, this time the Bingsha Warrior General formed by the Autumn Killing Army was already thirty feet high, and the Bingsha Ghost Head Saber seemed to be about to open the sky, and it fell down heavily!

This is the method of killing in a military formation——

Duan Yue Eight Cutting Knives!

The soldiers are constantly gathering, and the soldiers are constantly accumulating.

One peak is higher than the other.

One cut is more important than one cut.

Splitting mountains and breaking mountains, breaking everything.

Almost half of Erduanshan's magic circle was shattered.

But Hua Hongzhao just watched this scene quietly without any action.

Now is not the time.

When the entire Jianfeng Mountain defense line seemed to be penetrated by the opponent, he had to use the key strength at the critical moment.

The huge force of the earth veins absorbed by the Jianfeng Mountain Protecting Formation encountered a fierce resistance in the process of rising from the first section of the mountain to the second section of the mountain.

The climb was difficult, but still difficult to climb.

Look at the whole battle situation.

Hundreds of thorny boats are still mobilizing Jin Xingyuan's energy to gather thorny spears and soar down.

The ten-thousand-thousand army is still here and there to form a soldier, bombarding Jianfeng Mountain with Duanyue Bazhan Dao.

The continuous screams and the bangs one after another shook the heavens and the earth.

The entire defense line of Jianfeng Mountain was covered by life and death strangulation.

And in the distance, in the central army of the Qi army that has stopped and stood still, the commander is sitting in the Rongchong building car...

Cao Jie, who was in armor, looked at Jianfeng Mountain in the distance, his eyes were full of light, he watched everything in the battle situation, and listened carefully to the sound of the battle.

The ever-changing, all in his heart.

Ruan Yu was standing next to him, his star map Taoist robe fluttering in the wind.

"Okay! As expected of a murderer!"

The situation has not changed yet, but Cao Jie has clearly seen what he wants, and ordered decisively: "Let the town army strategist Yan Ping lock Yu Liyang!"

Yan Ping was in the last Rongchonglou car. With the cultivation base of Yan Dao, there is no need for the banner officer to gallop to deliver orders.

Ting Ling just opened his eyes in the quiet room, and locked on the peak figure on Jianfeng Mountain at the level of boundless consciousness!

And Cao Jie behind the steel battlements continued: "I want Yu Liyang to know that if he insists on not leaving, I can find a chance to kill him within today! And I will do it at any cost!"

The always gentle voice of this Faxia coach... at this moment, it showed his dominance!

I have always said that I am grateful to all genuine readers, and to all readers who are unable to subscribe due to economic constraints, but are also supporting this novel in their own way. Even if it is a casual sentence, the book can still be read, which is also a support for the world.

I also fully understand the gap between readers' expectations not being met.

I understand that many people don't want to see him in a mess because they love Jiang Wang deeply, and he who doesn't want to work so hard can't reap the glory.

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