Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1593 The Big Dipper shines alone in Minxi tonight!

You can't calm the waves of the sea of ​​suffering, and you can't save the hatred in the world.

Du'er's sword was blown away by the herringbone sword!

Yi Shengfeng's figure was retreating, but he still stabilized his fighting posture, and he did not fall down.

For a Tianjiao of this level, he must do one thing - that is, at any time, he needs to ensure that he can burst into the strongest state at any time.

Sometimes victory and defeat can only happen in an instant.

Those who cannot always be prepared are not qualified to taste the fruits of victory.

Jiang Wang did this even when he was walking.

At this moment, of course, he is not willing to let go of the advantage he has won, the imprint of Qingyun looms under his feet, and he is approaching even with a sword!

He didn't go straight, but made perfect use of the opportunity of rising to the top, constantly striving for favorable positions.

While Yi Shengfeng was retreating, he was also constantly adjusting his body position, stepping on the secret step.

The two of them are advancing and retreating in a large area, but in a small area they are fighting each other. Afterimages piled up around him, at first glance, it looked like dozens of people were fighting endlessly.

"Why don't you dare to face yourself?" Yi Shengfeng said indifferently, "I won the fairy fate back then, so you should hate me."

"Yes, sixteen years ago, you won the favor of Nan Dou Hall." Jiang Wang's voice was calm, and there was no resentment in it, but only indifference.

Indifference is the deepest disdain.

"And then? Sixteen years later, you even lost the courage to face me fairly."

The last word "le" fell, and thunder broke out again.

Hearing the heretic King Kong Leiyin again!

Any Taoism, as long as it has the qualifications to trigger the opponent's response, its value will be reflected. Because the chance of victory is created in the constant entanglement and struggle.

So knowing that Lei Yin was already familiar to his opponent, Jiang Wang still came here whenever he had the chance.

A wisp of sword energy danced in Yi Shengfeng's ear, cutting the sound of thunder into pieces.

"If you still need such words to comfort yourself—it's really in vain that I have missed you for so long!"

The two roared back and forth in the sky and on the ground, smashing one phantom after another.

It seems that Sauvignon Blanc and Bo Yukiro have not had contact for a long time.

But the clash of swords and swords was like a torrential rain hitting plantains, becoming more urgent every moment.

"Jiang Wang!"

"It was you who couldn't fight back then, and it's up to you if you want to resent!"

The faster Yi Shengfeng walked, the faster his sword moved, and the louder his voice became.

"What to pretend to be calm and breezy, what to pretend to be indifferent."

"Deceive yourself and others, why bother!"

The sword energy, sword momentum, and sword intent of the two people have been completely intertwined, and they are fighting at every corner.

The frost blade wiped across the front of the body, like a jade belt wrapped around the waist.

Jiang Wang's figure turned around quickly, and he never missed the first move, pressing down on Yi Shengfeng and constantly unleashing his sword!

"Who is deceiving yourself, Yi Shengfeng? If you don't kill me, God will be shocked. If I don't kill you today, I can kill you tomorrow. You are not an important role, but an old thing that needs to be put to rest." Debt. Your regret is because of me, but my regret...but only lies in my practice, and has nothing to do with anyone."

His voice is firm and calm, just like the steps he walked all the way.

From grasping the path to now, more than a month and nearly two months have passed. Practice while verifying on the battlefield. Today, he has become more and more clear about what he needs and wants.

No regrets for what you have learned.

What is lacking in the end is nothing more than an opportunity that will come naturally.

He does have the determination to kill Yi Shengfeng, but Yi Shengfeng has never had any obstacles in his heart.

Before his extraordinary achievements, he often dreamed back at midnight, thinking of the small river in his hometown. It can be said that chasing Yi Shengfeng and getting back everything that was taken away was his goal for a long time.

But is that really all there is to it?

What he remembered more and remembered more was the scene of Lu Shuanghe sword whistling Qingming.

The otherworldly world opened the door for him at that time. The glimpse of that time has become a distant dream of a boy from a small town to embark on a long journey.

No matter how much he has experienced since then, he has never complained about suffering or shouted about being tired.

After really watching the carp leaping over the dragon's gate, after being truly extraordinary, he has entered that wider world.

He didn't even go out of his way to find out about Yi Shengfeng, he knew that as long as he kept going, he would meet him one day. When they meet, they can be killed with one blow. It's not about the never-ending hatred...just for the self who almost died when he was a child.

If Swordsman Ning hadn't mentioned it suddenly in the Illusory Realm, he might not have thought of this person.

When Yi Shengfeng asked why he didn't come, he was speechless.

Aran was not hit by the words, but thought it was ridiculous.

The victim has already looked away, but the perpetrator is actually heartbroken!

Worldly affairs, worldly people, so ironic!

"The phoenix rests on the phoenix tree with tired feathers, and the swan raises its eyes to reach the sky!"

During the uninterrupted fast attack, Jiang Wang's sword energy and sword momentum have gradually become one, and his red-gold eyes firmly locked on Yi Shengfeng, like an immortal sword: "Yi Shengfeng, how do you Will you feel that you are worthy of my heart?!"

Mingming believed that this must be Jiang Wang's exaggeration.

Obviously sure, Jiang Wang must hate himself to the bone, presumably thinking about it day and night, wishing to drink his own blood and eat his own flesh.

But Yi Shengfeng still had an unspeakable anger.

He talked about nightmares and unresolvable hatred, just to provoke Jiang Wang's loopholes in his heart defense. But Jiang Wang's eyes lighted up, and it made him feel like he was naked in the snow, feeling indifferent, and had no place to hide his shame! So angry!

He is a person with a cold nature, and he has never had any emotions, no love or hate, and few emotions such as anger.

But it was related to Jiang Wang and the old affairs of Fengxi Town, and it had indeed been in front of the road for a long time.

He can't avoid it!

Once the flame of anger is lit, it is instantly raging,

At this moment, the anger was leaping, like a demon, trying to devour his heart with its teeth and claws. He even felt a kind of expanding power in this anger——


Yi Shengfeng suddenly woke up.

That swelling power is a delusion, the burning rage is not the truth.

Suddenly a sword leaped out of the heart sea, cutting all the boundless miscellaneous thoughts to pieces.

Dogen trembled together in the unique way of Nandoudian, and Bao Xinglang flashed the cold front, cutting the sky and splitting the earth, performing nine hundred and eighty-seven swords in an instant!

There are 136,721 hidden changes!

It is inexhaustible, should not be, and cannot be avoided.

It is the [Yi Suan] of the Nandou Killing Sword!

Sure enough, at the next moment, dense sword moves came like a shower.

Jiang Wang directly set off a storm of swordsmanship.

Celebrity down and out! The veteran is late! Involuntary! Young and crazy!

Either horizontally or vertically, or pick or wipe.

Sword light collides with sword light, and sword energy collides with sword energy.

Yisuan sword qi is woven into a dense sword net with exquisite calculations, tenacious support, and complicated changes, catching the wind and rain, and disintegrating this round of attacks layer by layer.

In the glass-like transparent sword light, Yi Shengfeng's eyebrows were slightly drawn.

It shouldn't be like this...

He shouldn't be so out of place!

[Anger] Such a Taoism that is not considered powerful to him, such a Taoism that he has known for a long time, was used just now without any trace by Jiang, but he almost fell into the trick!

Needless to say how delicately and justly Jiang Wang used it.

That's what Jiang Wang should do, and he has such strength.

But how could he, Yi Shengfeng, behave so clumsily in the battle between life and death?

You must know that he has learned swords for so many years, and he has never even had a trembling hand. Uncle Ren Qiuli commented on him as a "sword without leakage", which means that he will never make mistakes in battle.

You must know that when he followed his master to Jiange to ask for swords, he never gave him a chance even to the seventeen people of his generation in Jiange.

You must know that given the size of the Southern Territory and the generous rewards given by the Duke of Huaiguo, there are countless Wailou monks who want to kill him. How many of them are trapped in the gap between heaven and man, accumulated for many years, desperate to get the opportunity of God! If he made a mistake once, he would not be able to stand here today.

He was a man who could not make mistakes, and his sword was always cold.

But facing Jiang Wang, he seems to have returned to his childhood, back to the time he thought he had forgotten, but actually stayed there forever!

Is naughty boy fighting just for fun? He worked hard. He obviously tried his best, but that little Jiang Wang's little wooden sword would always appear in places he didn't expect.

"Hahahaha, we will be Fengxi Twin Swords from now on!" said the young Jiang Wangru, smiling like a fool.

Who wants to make Fengxi twin swords with you!

No! How could it be childhood now! ?

It has been so long, I have exhausted all my efforts, surpassed all the young people in Nandou Palace, and truly won the approval of the Seven Kills Daoist, and I have come to this day.

Everything I have experienced, if it were you, you might not be able to survive.

Everything I feel, if it were you, you might not be able to bear it.

How could it be childhood now!

Yi Shengfeng's eyes returned to indifference, but there were silhouettes of countless emotions, like sparkling light in a well. Including his aroused anger, including his stubbornness, including his shame, and his reluctance.

Supernatural powers, [painting], open!

The so-called painting the skin of a tiger is difficult to paint the bones, knowing the face but not the heart.

Painting is supernatural, what is painted is one's own will, and what is painted is even more heartfelt.

The emotional silhouettes scattered into light, and the flying light flowed into a brush. First, he drew a "hate" for Jiang Wang——

You should hate me to the bone, and risk everything, life and death just to kill me.

There is hatred in the human heart, and the five aggregates are all delusional.

Secondly, I drew a "quiet" for myself——

Let the wind blow away the clouds, I watch the moon from the well.

Only at this moment can he truly exert the power of the [Yi Suan] formula.

The so-called "benefit calculation" refers to calculating merit and virtue, and calculating cause and effect.

How to count merit? How to measure cause and effect?

The cause and effect of merit and virtue are all balanced by the law of heaven, what increases and decreases should be counted by people?

This sword needs to be activated with superhuman wisdom, and it needs to be reflected with an eternal and eternal heart. Yi Shengfeng can't match it at all, but he can imitate it with the magical power of painting, making himself close to the state of the real Tianji.

The heart is like still water, counting potential and sword.

It can be regarded as the perfect way of heaven, and it can be regarded as the perfect way of humanity. It can be counted as anticipating the enemy's opportunity, and it can be counted as step by step!

One hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-one changes, flowing like water in the sword style.

Yi Shengfeng counterattacks!

If we say that Jiang Wang's previous attack was a violent storm.

So at this moment, Yi Shengfeng's counterattack was like a waterfall.

The roaring sword energy almost filled all the space that could be filled, and the complicated and changeable sword style almost exhausted the limit of imagination.

But Yi Shengfeng discovered——

Although he has seen all the 136,721 changes of the Yi Suan sword style, he cannot see through the eyes of his childhood friend.

Still so peaceful, so peaceful...

The red-gold eyes did not waver in the slightest!

Red-hearted supernatural powers suppress Wanfang, supernatural powers and artistic hatred cannot be added!

His sword style is like a raging sea, but the opponent is an eternal reef.

Too tough!

No matter if one sword goes, a thousand swords go, ten thousand swords go, only one sword comes.

Supernatural powers cannot affect it, and the Jue Dian sword style cannot crush it.

And as the battle continued, his response became more and more precise and calm! It seems that every sword is accumulating momentum for it, and every confrontation can immediately cash in its merits. One hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-one changes, it seems that it is not enough to fill.

This is definitely not something that can be explained by fighting talent!

Yi Shengfeng had a kind of understanding in his heart——

Jiang Wang has a certain magical ability to collect combat information. The longer the battle, the more he can penetrate the opponent, so as to achieve the effect of anticipating the enemy's opportunity.

Therefore, when fighting Jiang Wang, it is necessary to fight quickly and not for a long time.

He chooses to use Yi Suan sword style to create opportunities, which is obviously a kind of stupidity! The more confrontations there are, the more intelligence is mastered.

I hate that waste Tai Yin, who has experienced life-and-death struggles in a two-on-one battle in the mountains and seas, but he can't even see such an important point!

Thinking of this, Yi Shengfeng's sword intent suddenly changed.

The tide of boundless sword retreated.

From his back, there are mysterious and slender illusory wings, which suddenly spread!

Divine Ability [Cicada Wing], open!

Before the autumn wind moves, the cicadas feel first.

This supernatural power is known as "everything that comes out must be felt."

It is the so-called "Thinking of it will startle the cicadas."

Every hair and hair can observe the changes of the world and understand the movements of all things.

If whim is the supernatural power of mind perception, then cicada wings are the supernatural power of body perception.

In this supernatural power state, Yi Shengfeng's speed and reflexes can be raised to the limit that his body can support!

Almost at the same time as the cicada's wings spread, Bo Xinglang pointed at Jiang Wang's heart!

too fast!

He rushed over with a sword like this, crossing the distance between the two of them, but it was almost too late for Jiang Wang to lift his sword!

When the icy sword tip was less than an inch away from the heart... a ball of incandescent light suddenly lit up! Then came the second group, the third group, the fourth group, and the fifth group!

The supernatural power of the five rounds of light, the body of heaven manifests!

Yi Shengfeng's speed was reaching the limit, and in the surge of the five supernatural powers, he inevitably felt a little stagnant.

The red light, the frost light, the blue light, the golden light, the black and white light, are mixed and circled, without distinction between each other.

Yi Shengfeng was at the limit speed, and his thinking was like a flash. This sword has time to penetrate the heart, but can it kill Jiang Wang who is in Tianfu state with one sword? If not, after the sword pierces the heart, can it resist Jiang Wang's counterattack at such a close distance?

The Cicada Wing Magic Ability has keenly sensed the opponent's reaction, and every muscle in his body is surging with terrifying power fluctuations——Jiang Wang is ready to use his body as the sheath to fight back with the sword!

Can't go down!

It is necessary to use the change of the limit speed to force out the loopholes, instead of hitting the long with the short and head-on here.

With a sudden turn of his feet, Yi Shengfeng had already turned to Jiang Wang's back, and pointed his sword at the back of his heart again!


A frosty white cloak unfolded!

The extreme and cold murderous intent caused Yi Shengfeng's heart to surge instantly, and he sensed the danger!

This is definitely a killing power that has been developed to the limit of this realm, absolutely unacceptable!

He knew about Buzhou Feng's information, but only after being in close contact with it could he truly feel its coldness and understand its ruthlessness. If anyone relies on his own defense and dares to face the wind head-on, there will be no trace left.

So his footsteps moved lightly, and his figure turned again. Suddenly, Yi Shengfeng was already in the sky, and from top to bottom, he pierced the sky with his sword.


Jiang Wang, whose whole body was bathed in the light of heaven, suddenly saw the phantom of a one-legged divine bird behind him, raised his head to the sky, and called out "Bi Fang"!

Boundless magic fire, soaring to the sky in an instant!

Before the fire came into contact, there was already a sense of horror that penetrated the body and burned the soul—this was undoubtedly a reminder of a sudden whim.

This kind of supernatural fire has the ability to penetrate the truth, so don't get in touch with it too much!

So turn again.

Before Bao Xinglang's sword edge came into contact with the line of fire, Yi Shengfeng's figure had disappeared, and he faced Jiang Wang head-on again, and then cut his throat with the horizontal sword!


Jiang Wang raised his sword to face the door.

This time Sauvignon Blanc finally caught up, because it was originally kept in the middle palace. So the vertical swords wiped each other horizontally, and they collided.

Just one touch!

With an absolute advantage in speed, Yi Shengfeng of course refused to collide, and turned around, turning and attacking again.

In an instant, it seemed that dozens and hundreds of Yi Shengfeng launched a comprehensive attack on Jiang Wang from all directions in the southeast, northwest and north.

Suddenly like a horse running the sun, suddenly like a flying field.

The figures became a piece, and the sword light turned into rain!

However, in this pouring rain of swords, the figure entangled in the line of fire and wrapped in frost has always remained the same!

Jiang Wang's speed couldn't keep up with his opponent at all!

For him, this is also a rare experience. The Pingbu Qingyun Immortal Technique obtained from Yunding Immortal Palace has always allowed him to take the initiative in battle. Among the people who have fought against each other, even if they are as strong as Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun, they can't overwhelm him in terms of body skills.

But at this moment, Yi Shengfeng has reached a certain limit, whether it is the speed of movement or the speed of shooting. It's so fast that even Qianyang's red pupils can't catch it!

The intelligence materials prepared by the Duke of Huai State of Chu State are quite complete, basically including all the information about Yi Shengfeng's confrontation in front of others. So although he hasn't seen Yi Shengfeng for 16 years, Jiang Wang has no lack of "knowledge" about him. In the process of fighting, the intelligence and the real situation are verified one by one, deviations are corrected, and fallacies are corrected... "knowledge" is constantly being supplemented.

His consciousness can completely keep up with Yi Shengfeng, and he can even predict the enemy's first opportunity. But the speed can't keep up, the body skills can't keep up, and the sword can't keep up!

Even if he felt where Yi Shengfeng's next sword would stab, his sword couldn't catch up.

This is where the horror of the cicada wing supernatural power lies. Even though his swordsmanship is not lost at all, he can't use it at all.

But swordsmanship has never been Jiang Wang's only thing.

That's why the Tianfu is opened instantly, so the scrolls are covered with frost, so the true fire of Samadhi is spread.

Use the body of abundance to narrow the gap in speed, strengthen your own defense, and win the possibility of exchanging injuries for swords. Mainly supernatural powers, supplemented by swordsmanship, to build defenses.

Samadhi real fire spreads around the body, the wind patrols and floats around the body, and swordsmanship checks and fills in gaps... The defensive net formed in this way gave Jiang Wang precious breathing time, so that he could safely adapt to Yi Shengfeng's terrifying speed.

The cooperation between supernatural powers and sword skills is perfect.

This kind of fighting talent is really amazing!

This is the first time Yi Shengfeng encountered a situation in which the cicada wing magical power returned without success, and even the attack with extreme speed could not break through the defense! Obviously Jiang Wang was not good at defense, but he used his abilities to the limit.

As expected of Jiang Wang...

Yi Shengfeng had indifferent admiration in his heart, but his face was expressionless and his eyes were expressionless, he just turned more and more anxiously, killing faster and faster.

The frosty wind, the red fire, the sword, and the light rain are so eye-catching in the night. The two monks from the outer building fought, and the twenty-foot radius was filled with bright lights and shadows!

Wiping horizontally, vertically, slashing and slashing, stabbing left and right suddenly, what a Bao Xinglang, it is really a ruthless sword, firmly suppressing Jiang Wang in the state of Tianfu!

But even though the red fire was faltering, it grew stronger and stronger. Although the frost cloak was illusory, it became more and more solid. Jiang Wang is adapting to the current battle rhythm with terrifying speed, and even has signs of a counterattack——

Yi Shengfeng had already noticed Jiang Wang's "perception" ability, so of course he refused to give him more opportunities.

He knew very well that even in the powerful state of the cicada wing magical power activated, as long as the first round of attack failed to kill Jiang Wang, it would only become more and more difficult to make achievements in the future.

The reason why he continued this offensive was precisely because of this moment, at the moment when Jiang Wang gradually adapted to this rhythm and began to be impatient with being passively beaten and waiting for an opportunity to pick up his sword——

The stars move in the sky!

People are all weaknesses in the offensive state!

Because in order to achieve the ultimate killing power, every detail of the whole body needs to serve the offense.

Jiang Wang's counterattack at this time is of course cautious.

But after all, the flaw has appeared.

Yi Shengfeng did not hesitate to initiate a lore, to end tonight's battle in this round.

The distant star echoed the ancient oath.

The star tower that belongs exclusively to Yi Shengfeng shines brightly in the night sky——

Suddenly, a lunatic sharpens his knife at night, and the emperor's star flutters and flutters high!

The first star building, bright in the shadows!

All things are born to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky, only to kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

The second star building is on the Seven Kills!

To kill one is a crime, to kill ten thousand is to be a hero, to kill nine million is to be a hero among heroes!

The third star building is shining in Pojun!

When autumn comes and September 8th, when my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will kill!

The fourth star building is bright in Tanlang!

What gentleness and courtesy, what courtesy, righteousness and shame, what the ancient sages said.

To his grand avenue!

Yi Shengfeng studied under Lu Shuanghe, and only pursued the ultimate killing power. Every floor of the established Starlight Holy Building is in the Killing Star Field!

The four killing stars are so bright, more on the high sky, and more bright than the moon.

The vast universe spreads his way. From the sky to the world, dump his way.

With the blessing of the Four Great Killing Star Holy Buildings, Yi Shengfeng showed his power of the way without any scruples at this moment.

The name of this path is 【Kill】.

It's mowing wheat and grass, killing people like hemp, beheading and drinking blood, and killing everyone within three feet!

For the first time, the killing intent hidden in the bottom of his eyes was undisguised.

There are no waves in the ancient well, but when you open it, you can see the angry sea.

The world has this intention, and it takes death as a thread to kill!

Extremely pure, extremely cold, the seven emotions and six desires are all dead, teachers, friends, relatives and friends can be killed. The blood dripping from the long sword is still cold! Terrifying murderous aura surged into the sky, soaring high into the sky, hitting the bright moon, and the endless moonlight was stained with blood in a trance!

The moon is dark and the wind is high to kill people!

What kind of murderous intent is this?

What kind of killing power is this?

At this moment, even Zhou Xiong and Yan Po, who were in the fierce battle, couldn't help but look away.

In heaven and earth, who can avoid this sword?

Who can ignore this person who has been in the same situation for a hundred years?

At such a moment, shaking the star building to hold the way, Yi Shengfeng unleashed three swords in an instant!

The Life Extension of Nandou Killing Sword!

Silu of the Nandou Killing Sword!

Commander of Nandou Killing Sword!

One sword is immortal, one sword is rich and famous, and one sword is life and death!

There are six styles of Nandou Killing Sword. Among the contemporary Nandou disciples, Yi Shengfeng is the only one who can practice all six styles.

If we talk about the three swords of ascending to life, saving evil, and benefiting, we are still measuring good and evil, saving people in the world, and guiding suffering beings. It is more of a "judgment" and "measurement".

Then the three swords of prolonging life, Silu, and ordering life are already the judgment of the way of heaven, and the three swords have already decided a person's life!

The cicada wing supernatural power was pushed to the limit, and the supernatural power of painting drew another "killing intent" for himself. The supernatural power on a whim suppressed the opponent's natural spirituality.

Under the blessing of the power of Dao, and the irrigation of the power of Xinglou, Yi Shengfeng pushed the three swords to a height that he had never reached before.

This is the most lethal and powerful attack in his life.

He wants to use this extreme killing power to erase the last...and the first regret on the road to Shenlin!

Farewell, Fengxi Town!

Fenglin City, goodbye!

All the past years, farewell!

With a cold nature like him, at this moment, he also felt rare feelings.

He looked into Jiang Wang's eyes, as if meeting this person for the first time.

However, in those peaceful eyes, he didn't see any emotion that he thought there would be.

Failure to see resentment before, failure to see fear now.

In front of the terrifying sword pose that almost tore apart the world, shattered Yuanli, air, sword energy, sight and sound, and kept moving forward...

Jiang Wang is still so calm!

Jiang Wang was indeed calm.

Wrapping frost and wind, bathing in red fire, Tianfu is in full bloom.

The evening wind blows his locks of hair, and the full moon shines on his chest.

He floats like a fairy, but his feet are in the world of mortals.

Indeed, the murderous aura of these three swords is something he has never seen in his life. At this time, Yi Shengfeng is like a devil and close to a god!

But who is he?

Who is Jiang Wang?

When he came here step by step, he saw his own path clearly, and he understood his heart... Who will stand in front of him and share life and death with him? !

At this very moment, he is holding this Sauvignon Blanc that has followed him to the north and south.

He feels that "I".

More and more lively, more and more lively.

Like a hot heart, beating so fiercely and eagerly, ready to come out!

Then come out!

The imprisonment of the four virtues, the true self is alone!

This night in Minxi Corridor is never lonely.

Because besides the stars, there are stars. Because besides the star tower that is brighter than the moon, there is also a bright waterfall... the river of stars falling from the nine heavens!

In the distant star dome, the four star towers that implemented Jiang Wangzhi's will lit up one by one.

They are called Yuheng, Kaiyang, Tianshu, and Yaoguang.

Then the star roads are connected and run through the Beidou.

An incalculable torrent of starlight.

The stars dimmed!

Although the stars reflect the heavens of the myriad worlds.

Beidou shines alone in West Minxi tonight!

The battle between the strong is tens of thousands of turns, and it is Chibaihe in an instant.

At this moment, Zhou Xiong and Yan Po are fighting fiercely, and Chong Xuansheng has completed the integration of troops. Wei Guangyao's commanding army is approaching with a roar, and has just passed through the surrounding mountains...

And people looked up in astonishment and saw the Big Dipper moving!

Under the glow of the moving Big Dipper, Jiang Wang came with his sword in hand.

Faced with this situation, this situation, this person, the blood in Yi Shengfeng's heart suddenly surged like a tide... It was a surge that had never been seen in this life!

He felt an extreme danger!

Without any hesitation, the power of his soul immediately began to condense to the limit. In the Sea of ​​Hidden Stars, Dao Mai Tenglong jumped out of the water, and crashed out of the Temple of Yun in the darkness of nothingness—the starlight flows into the sea of ​​tranquility, and the blood rushes into the river.

His flesh and blood are gradually dyed golden, and his bones are precipitated with chalcedony.

His power expands infinitely, and his path is endlessly publicized.

He almost immediately chose to attack the gods!

When the sword is still moving forward, when the winner is still undecided!

In the realm of God's presence, he can't achieve it without regret. But he realized so clearly - if he doesn't succeed this time, he will die now!

But, how come?

Yin Guan was able to ascend to God's Realm in front of Yue Leng, because he was in an evil state, using life and death as tempering, to cover up the process of ascension, and let Yue Leng help him complete the last step.

Chongxuanzun was able to achieve one step in the western suburbs of Linzi because he had seen all the scenery outside the building and had no regrets on his journey.

Those who have no regrets can achieve it overnight, and those who have gaps are separated by heaven and man.

And at such a moment, Jiang Wang looked at Yi Shengfeng's eyes filled with boundless murderous intent, and said silently in his heart——

"Your three supernatural powers are exhausted."

"Your quad kill star, I saw it."

"Your Nandou Killing Sword is over."

"You've shown everything."

"I think... you should have no regrets!"

He never told Yi Shengfeng that the gap between them was not limited to what was once shown.

Although the urchin's sword fight was just for fun, if he hadn't deliberately given Yi Shengfeng a chance to show off, they wouldn't have been able to fight for so many rounds.

In those childhood years, he actually let Yi Shengfeng pass, but he didn't let Yi Shengfeng know.

Of course, he didn't say this before, and he doesn't need to say it now.

He just sticks to his true self path, grasps his path and kills the sword, and moves forward with utmost intention!

Qifu Tianshu Star Tower is the first star of the Big Dipper, and the three star towers of Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang are the handles.

This "dipper handle" is moving so clearly in the starry sky... The distant starry sky flies by, and the world has been tossed around for thousands of years! The handle formed by Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang points to the north!

Going to the star building, passing through the star road, an indescribable sword fell from the nine heavens, held in Jiang Wang's hand, going forward, forward, forward, crushing everything——

What is immortality, what is fame and wealth, what is life and death, all are clouds and smoke!

What is the Nandou Seven Killing Sword, there are killing names in the world, and they are all passers-by!

But seeing the snow falling all over the sky, it flew white for a moment.

Everything is silent, and the frost and wind are rustling.

Jiang Wang strolled by with his sword.

Frost appeared on Yi Shengfeng's brows, then his eyes, then his clothes, and then his world famous sword, Bo Yukiro.

The boundless killing intent was sealed.

Yinghuo is extinguished, Qisha is extinguished, Pojun is extinguished, Greedy Wolf is extinguished.

This piece of night sky, this piece of starry sky, seems to have only the Big Dipper.

At this moment, the handle of the bucket points to the north... so it is winter all over the world!

On January 3, 3921 in the Dao calendar, the night in Minxi Corridor was winter!

Two of them were added by Dameng Yan Shaofei (57/78.)

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