Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1599 Regretful things in life

"That's all right now, Jingguo has already defeated Muguo, and can send troops to the south at any time, now the Qi thieves are in a dilemma!"

"After so many days and so many people's sacrifices, we can finally usher in a good result... Heaven has eyes."

"The destiny is summer!"

"Today's hatred, we must never forget!"

"We can't let Qi Gou retreat so easily, we have to bite them hard!"

"General Wang is right, bite them and wait for Jing Guo to go south. Just this time, beat them up!"

"If the nine soldiers and three armies are buried here this time, maybe Linzi... can really go! What do you think?"

In the meeting hall, you talk to me, and the yelling is lively.

Then, like the sound of the tide, it subsided one after another...

Pushing open the door of Ximeng's Mansion, it also brought the cold wind outside the door. Hurrah extinguished the boiling and joy.

The cold in spring is actually harder to bear than winter.

People dispersed uncomfortably, and their eyes became cautious. Looking at the pillars, looking at the seats, looking at the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes of the person next to him, looking at the tops of his boots...

In short, it seems that this person cannot be seen.

Every step of Xi Meng's mansion was like trampling down the rain and snow.

And all the silence in this chamber is interpreting..."Not welcome".

People's hearts are colder than the spring breeze.

Xi Meng's mansion didn't seem to notice anything.

He has experienced colder seasons, and he has felt colder hearts.

He clearly knows what the truth of this world is.

And the reason why he was able to move forward so resolutely was because there was once a hand that pulled him out of the cold crowd and saved him from drowning in the sea of ​​misery.

The warmth I felt at that time can still drive away the frost thirty-three years later.

You can also support him and go for a long time.

He moves forward.

Walk past the indifferent expression.

Passed the scrutiny.

Go through those disgusts, suspicions, dislikes, and avoidance.

Walked in front of His Royal Highness King Wu.

"I heard that Beigong Nantu is dead?" he asked.

"Yes, Meng Manor!" Si Jiao smiled, and patted the Great Xia National Master's shoulder vigorously: "We have finally waited for a turning point! This is the result of the joint efforts of all of us!"

"Jing Guo must have contacted you..." Xi Mengfu asked straight to the point: "When are they going to send troops?"

"Ying Jianghong is leading his troops to chase north, and the remnants of the Mu country must be driven back to the grasslands before it is over... After that, you can free your hands to go south." Si Jiao said with a calm expression and a relaxed tone: " It won't be long."

"Three days? Seven days?" Xi Mengfu asked.

"Perhaps we still need a certain amount of time to recuperate...Meng Manor." Si Jiao looked at him and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter when Jing Guo comes. The important thing is that Qi State's opportunity has been lost. It takes effect, and the general trend cannot be reversed. As long as Cao Jie still has reason, he must have already started preparing to retreat now!"

Looking into Si Jiao's bottomless eyes.

Ximeng's mansion then understood.

In the distant battlefield of the Sheng Kingdom, although the Jing Kingdom has an absolute advantage and is about to win the final victory in the Jingmu Battle, there is still no consensus among the people on whether to send troops to the south. At least they haven't given Si Jiao an affirmative answer.

Think about it and you should know.

How great is that Empress Mu Guo?

For many years, he has guarded the frontiers and competed with the emperors of the overlords without losing the wind.

Since she took the initiative to set off a war of hegemony, she must have her confidence. The high priest who preached the crown of the gods walked down Qionglu Mountain, and he must have the confidence to spread the light of the gods outside the grassland.

Although I don't know where those confidence and confidence come from, and I don't know how Jingguo won the victory, whether it is crushed by hard power or better prepared...

But how could Ying Jianghong kill Beigong Nantu for nothing?

Mu Guo can rely on the trump card of the winner, how could it be easily crushed?

Even if Jing Guo wins Mu Guo this time, it will definitely not be a crushing victory, and there must be a great sacrifice.

Of course Jing Guo didn't want to sit back and watch Qi Guo grow stronger, and of course he didn't want to watch Qi Guo annihilate Xia in one battle. But in this case, are they willing to immediately start another battle for supremacy?

How determined are they to contain the growth of Qi?

I'm afraid only the people of Jingguo themselves know.

If it really reached the point where it would do anything at all, the war that took place in Xingyueyuan should not be a war between Xiang Country and Xu Country, or a battle between the young talents of Qi and Jing.

At that time, it should be Yu Que fighting Jiang Mengxiong!

With the fall of Fengjie, the Great Array of Protecting the Nation was forced out ahead of schedule, and then the situation on the Eastern Front deteriorated, the imperial mausoleum was desecrated, and the Northern Front was continuously broken through...

The morale of the Xia people has fallen to the bottom. The fact that more and more soldiers surrendered to Qi on the east and west fronts is a clear proof. On the eastern front, Xia Guo's surrendered army is almost used as the main force to attack Xia!

Today's Xia Kingdom urgently needs the news of Jingguo's victory and Jingguo's army is about to go south to boost the morale of the army.

So of course Si Jiao would not publicly say that Jing Guo might not go south.

So of course he will put on a confident attitude and rejoice with the crowd.

Jingguo won the battle of Jingmu, which is of course great news for Xiaguo.

But how good is it?

It's a's not up to Xia Guo to decide.

It still depends on the determination of Qi Jing and the attitude of the two hegemons.

For Jing Guo, the best situation in the current situation is that as soon as the news of their victory over Mu Guo spread, Qi would have to withdraw from the Eastern Region.

In this way, they are victorious over Muguo and Qiguo, without paying any extra price, they can win everything on Qixia's battlefield by the way.

The second-best situation is that Qi State is determined to destroy Xia, and Xia State desperately resists until Jing State's army goes south.

Then, Jing State defeated Mu State first, and then Qi State. Although it was inevitable that it would hurt itself, it was still the unparalleled overlord in the world and the greatest empire in the world.

In the worst case, Xia Guo could not hold on, and Jing Guo went south, but failed to break the Qi army...

By that time, everything that Jingguo won in the Shengguo battlefield will probably be vomited back!

Because with Jingguo's current status, which of the world's most powerful would not be covetous? With Jingguo's dominance in the world, which one of the world's strongest is not secretly itchy? Once the myth of being unparalleled in the world is broken, those heroes who have been staring at the Central Territory for many years may find it difficult to hold back their blades.

In the confrontation with the overlord of the world, Jingguo cannot lose even a war.

So Jing Guo absolutely does not want to go to war with Qi State under the current situation. Then there is a lot of room for discretion in how much they aid Xia... It has something to do with the performance of both Qi and Xia.

Then think from the perspective of Qi State.

Qi Guo is absolutely unwilling to go to war with Jing Guo under the current situation, otherwise he would not have to bother to send Cao Jie to Liyuan City. He tried every means, just to make the people of Jingguo look south flawlessly.

The battle of Xingyueyuan was the result of mutual fear and compromise between Jing and Qi.

In the end, Qi State won the opportunity to attack Xia, and Jing State decided to concentrate its strength to fight against Mu State.

Now Jingguo took the lead in ending the war...Qiguo will of course face a more difficult choice.

As far as Qi is concerned.

The best outcome of this war is to wipe out the country of Xia in one fell swoop before Jing Guo frees up his hand-but it is doomed to be impossible now.

Tongyang City's defense line is still impregnable at least for the moment. I believe it won't be a problem if I wait another ten days and a half month. It didn't take ten days for Jingguo to wipe out the remnants of Muguo's army in Shengguo.

Would the people of Qi be willing to just retreat and repeat the story of thirty-three years ago?

But if he doesn't retreat... Is Qi State really ready to fight Jing State? When Jing Guo's army went south, Qi Guo's million-strong army who went on an expedition to Great Xia might not be able to withdraw safely.

This is the tragedy of Xia Kingdom today - even after desperate resistance, it has survived until now, until the situation of the world has changed, and it still has to wait for the will of other countries!

What should Xia Guo do?

Ximeng Mansion thinks——

No matter what Jingguo and Qiguo think, Xiaguo still needs to show his strength. It is necessary to let Jing Guo know that Jing Guo's army can go south to win the victory with less cost. It is necessary to let Qi State know that if Qi State wants to destroy Xia State, it needs to pay more price, and there is already greater uncertainty and more risks.

Both Qi Jing and Qi Jing added their own weight to the strategic balance. The balance of the former is tilted towards "retreat", and the balance of the latter is tilted towards "south".

This is what Xia Guo should do.

And at least on this point, he should be consistent with King Wu.

Xi Mengfu thought about all this silently in his heart, and then said nothing.

Si Jiao then knew that he really understood what she meant. Picking up a glass of wine casually, he handed it to the national teacher, indicating that the drink is full and happy.

"My lord, the situation has changed. Can the strong men who have already set off for the northern line be recovered?" A minister asked at this time.

It's too late. Xi Mengfu thought in his heart.

"The arrow has left the string, how can it be taken back?" Si Jiao said, "Furthermore, even though Jing Guo has freed up his hand, the Qi army is completely like a grasshopper after autumn, and it won't last long. But our Daxia Liguo For thousands of years, how can everything depend on the strong state? The reason why we can maintain an independent legal system is not like a prosperous country. Even the emperor needs to go to Daluo Mountain to be enshrined... Isn't it the result of our bloody battles? "

With a wave of his sleeves, he stood up and said, "Of course Jing Guo will come. But no matter when Jing Guo comes, it will not affect our determination to teach Qi people a profound lesson! Colleagues, prepare for battle!"



Xi Mengfu walked out of the conference hall, and of course closed the door behind him.

The atmosphere behind the door soon became active again.

The hope of victory is enough to soothe the heart.

As if the pain of the war has now been erased, a group of civil servants and generals began to look forward to life after defeating the Qi army.

For example, how should I teach Liguo a lesson, Liangguo dared to threaten Chen Bing, what should I do...

Even the Qi army came all the way, and the small countries along the way that opened the door to convenience, if they can get a slap, they have to slap them hard...

It's really refreshing to think about it.

Xi Mengfu's heart is not heavy.

The war has indeed ushered in a turning point, the situation in the world is favorable for Xia, what is he to worry about?

He just suddenly missed the late emperor very much, in this cold spring.

The Xia Kingdom when the late emperor was there is very different from the current Xia Kingdom...

For more than thirty years, everyone has worked hard, the Queen Mother, King Wu, King Min, myself, and even that grumpy old guy...

But today, for the first time, he really realized that he couldn't go back.

It doesn't mean that I am disappointed with anyone, nor is it that I am unwilling to be reconciled to something.

It's just that some people are destined to be irreplaceable.

Only when the sun hangs in the sky can the sky shine brightly.

No matter how hard the stars and the moon work, no matter how bright the flames of the hanging lanterns will be the night of the Great Xia Empire after all.

Will there be another day?

Xi Mengfu once firmly believed that... now he doesn't know the answer.

Before I knew it, I had wandered around the city for a long time, like a lonely ghost.

Xi Mengfu shook his head and wanted to go back, but out of the corner of his eyes, he had already seen the lotus pavilion in the lotus pond in front.

The thin pavilion faces the water, and the lonely shadow shines on itself.

King Min, dressed in fresh clothes, was sitting alone in the pavilion, watching the water patterns quietly—to avoid suspicion, he hadn't participated in military discussions for many days, and he would basically never go to Guiyi City again.

It's really ridiculous that a mere idle poem forced King Min to avoid suspicion.

Guiyi City's intelligence system is really riddled with holes, and today, it's a bit too self-centered. A self that does not have enough strength to match is often a disaster.

Ximeng's Mansion and King Min didn't have much intersection at first, but this meeting happened by accident... and walked over.

"Your Majesty, is something on your mind?" he asked.

Yu Liyang raised his eyes and looked over lightly. He didn't show anything special about the Ximeng Mansion, which was avoided by everyone at the moment. He only said: "Just like the national teacher, he is worried about state affairs."

It is really a good face with red lips and white teeth, which contrasts with the half-bloomed lotus around, and this body is like in a painting.

Xi Mengfu walked slowly on the stone bridge: "Jing Guo will be free soon, Your Highness can let go of some worries."

Yu Liyang looked at him: "Then why is the national teacher still restless?"

Ximeng Mansion stopped in the middle of the stone bridge and did not go further into the pavilion. After silently looking at the reflection in the water for a while, he asked, "What do you think the Emperor Qi will choose? Will he let Cao Jie withdraw his troops?"

Yu Liyang seemed to be worried, but he didn't worry too much and said: "I will. Mu Guo's defeat is imminent. How can Qi Guo be stronger than Mu Guo? Why does he fight on two fronts and challenge Jing Guo?"

"I hope so." Xi Mengfu said.

He paused, and then said: "Your Highness is such a person, you really don't need to care about some gossip.

Yu Liyang froze for a moment, looked at the green lotus leaves and red lotus flowers beside him, and smiled: "I've been wandering all my life, what should I care about?"

He, Yu Liyang, doesn't care, but some people need to care.

Some people only seek to follow their wishes in their lives, and some people only live for one name in their lives.

He doesn't care about his own reputation, but he has to care about that person's reputation.

Xi Mengfu was silent for a long time this time.

Then he said: "The blooming season of the lotus is not in spring. I once regretted it, but after I left the boat, I didn't care about it. Your Highness can change the blooming period and the season, and the mighty power is close to nature, but it is still regrettable. So knowing the mountains and rivers is easy." Change, people's hearts are hard to move..."

"Please take care, Your Highness."

He only said this at the end, then turned and left here.

Looking at the back of Xi Meng's Mansion gradually going away on the stone bridge, Yu Liyang felt a little bit of the aftermath.

He knew exactly what decisions Xi Meng Mansion had made and what commitments it had taken.

Naturally, it is also clear what path the Ximeng Mansion has chosen for itself.

Even if they were not familiar with each other before, there was no intersection.

I can't help but feel it at this moment.

It's really a pity that I only started to understand Ximeng's mansion this spring.

But the regrets in life are not limited to lotus.

More than red.

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