Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1608 Xiangwan, the street just like bluestone

Sauvignon Blanc, decapitated.

The five mansions are like smoke, and the four seas are collapsing.

But seeing the blood spurting wildly, the head flew up!

The lingering sound of God's weeping is still there.

Jiang Wang raised his sword and turned around, facing Shang Yanhu and Shenmo Tengren bloody.

At that moment, the blood rushing behind him was like a red cape flying in the wind!

What just happened?

What kind of supernatural power is this? !

The sudden burst of tears just now, and then violently stopped, completely lost ground, but created an opportunity for Jiang Wang to kill Li Fu. This choice can no longer be explained only by impulsiveness.

Not only did he feel that something was wrong, but he was inspecting himself over and over again, trying to solve the hidden danger of being manipulated.

Shang Yanhu, who broke free from God's Weeping, also calmed down and became very cautious.

He finally saw all of Jiang Wang's five supernatural powers, but the price was indeed not what he wanted!

According to the judgment of Shang Yanhu and Chu Rang at this time, the fifth magical power that Jiang Wang has hidden until now should be related to "manipulating others".

For a strong man like Yu Chuorang who is proficient in the art of controlling beasts, he immediately thought that he might have been manipulated by some kind of force just now.

In the body of this god and demon, although bloodthirsty is unavoidable, his will is absolutely dominant. With his combat wisdom, even if he is influenced by blood bats, he tends to be violent and impulsive, and he often has the idea of ​​killing everything he sees, so he shouldn't really make such a stupid move. It must have been quietly controlled at some point.

However, he has been mentally manipulated, so how could he leave no trace?

He thought back to that time repeatedly, as if he just felt an unpredictable danger, he just felt that Jiang Wang must not be allowed to use his trump card, and he just thought that he must interrupt Jiang Wang's terrorist outbreak.

So he subconsciously chose the most powerful ultimate move that was least likely to be avoided.

There is a certain reason for this choice, but as long as you think about it for a while, you should give up.

Then why... didn't you "think about it" at that time?

Was it a trick at that time? Or was it already lurking earlier?

Why is there no trace in the spiritual consciousness?

No evidence of being invaded was found in Tongtian Palace, Yunshen Temple, and Wufuhai.

The more traces he couldn't catch, the more uneasy and suspicious he felt.

Of course, time will not stop for him, and the battle will not stop for him.

Three of Xia's five princes have died in battle.

At this moment, Daxia Guangpinghou's head flew high behind Jiang Wang. The headless body fell behind Jiang Wang.

With the spray of blood as the background, Jiang Wang has once again...raised his sword to kill!

It seemed that it wasn't him who broke his arm, wasn't the one who was scarred, and it wasn't him who beat the crowd with a few.

As if he was the one with the absolute advantage!

Blood stains all over his body, concealing his delicate features.

The cold wind hits his clear edges and corners.

The green shirt is stained with blood, and the long sword looks like a dragon swimming.

His sword and Shang Yanhu's fist struck Chiyuri in an instant.

Vigorously flying, sparks flying!

Except for being caught off guard and being overturned by his own people's God Cry, until now, Shang Yanhu can still be said to be in an unscathed state.

Relying on steel to rob his body, he didn't care about defense at all, he drew his iron fist like a bow, and his fist was like an arrow!

He completely gave up Badu Fist, and switched to Iron Arrow Fist, a secret technique passed down by the Great Xia Army!

Because this punch is simple and direct, there are not so many twists and turns, clever changes, correspondingly, it is not easy to be interfered in the battle.

When you punch out, the arrow leaves the string, and there is no possibility of change.

It was deliberately using this boxing technique to prevent Jiang Wang's possible control from taking effect. In other words, even if it takes effect for a short time, it cannot affect the continuation of the fist!

Iron Arrow Fist is not such an advanced boxing technique.

But its attack is fierce and fierce.

Especially under the control of Shang Yanhu's bony supernatural powers, he has the power to beat the death gods.

As soon as this posture is pulled away, the punches are like a thousand arrows.

The fight between the two was almost like a thousand troops rushing to kill.

No one thought of it before the war...

On the way to the northern line, besieging and killing the Tianjiao of Qi and washing away the humiliation of the imperial mausoleum, such a convenient thing, unexpectedly turned into such a situation.

Jin Ling, Marquis of Anguo, died, Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling, and Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping.

But Shang Yanhu's fist still did not waver!

No matter what happens, he always believes in his fist.

But Jiang Wang is one-armed and disabled, and the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes!

Killing Jin Ling with a sword and beheading Li Fu, his will and power are at the peak of his life at this moment. What you have learned all over the body can be freely swayed. Every gesture is a stroke of genius.

The two sides are fighting fiercely, and it is difficult to see the outcome for a while.

And the finger of the sword fell at this moment!

The blue flame released a three-foot-long sword light, which was sharp and terrifying for a while.

Why did he dare to let go of his scruples at this moment and enter the battle group?

Because during the short time that Shang Yanhu charged forward, he had already engraved a brand of thought in his heart with secret techniques——

Remind yourself, every time you have a choice, think about it first!

In order to eliminate the hidden danger of being manipulated, and fight against Jiang Wang's unknown magical power.

The touch of the god and demon body made the sword fall, and the battle situation immediately showed a crushing trend!

Jiang Wang took two arrow punches in a row, the sword frame fell apart, and a piece of his sternum was sunken.

The ghostly fire sword light that touched him also pierced through the flanks.

If it wasn't for the quick dissolution of the Samadhi True Fire, half of the body would freeze!

Like a lone boat sailing in a raging sea, it could capsize at any time.

But Jiang Wang is Jiang Wang after all.

This side just burned Youhuo, so he rushed forward suddenly, and then crossed the sword, bringing a rain of fire all over the sky, and set off another round of fast attack!

Shang Yanhu is already a strong man in the realm of the gods, his fists are first-rate.

The touch of the god-devil body actually made the killing a little bit more powerful. If every attack didn't require an extra layer of thinking, Jiang Wang's situation would be even more difficult.

But no matter whether it was Shang Yanhu, who was getting faster and faster with his fists and arrows, or cautiously suppressing his own fierce touch, Jiang Wang never saw wavering in Jiang Wang's eyes.

He seems to never retreat, never to escape, he seems to firmly believe that he can win the final victory!

Where does this confidence come from?

The light of supernatural powers on Mingming's body has already begun to dim.

Obviously, the blood energy has already declined.

Still choose to attack against attack!

Touching the mind that was flooded with killing intent, a trace of shock suddenly awoke——

Am I actually being quietly controlled again?

This step-by-step attack is actually walking into a trap?

Is there a problem with thought imprinting?

His subconscious offensive slowed down.


Jiang Wang's swordsmanship became violent in an instant.

The Eight Sounds Burning Sea, Five Consciousnesses Hell, Wrath, Heterogeneous King Kong Lei Yin, Sword Flower Flame Sparrow...

The sword performs all kinds of tricks, and the rain pours down on the touch.

His figure is extremely agile, flying around and flying like lightning! Using concessions as a shield wall to avoid Shang Yanhu's offensive, but also using concessions as targets to attack crazily!

Sure enough, there is a conspiracy! Sure enough, he has been recruited! This young Qi Guo Tianjiao has been planning for a long time, and it's time to lay down his son and slay the dragon!

Feeling this terrible alertness arise in the mind.

After a short but real thought, he flapped his bat wings, and at a terrifying speed, he suddenly flew high and escaped from the battle group!


The Qingyun shattered, Jiang Wang's figure was even higher in the sky, Jiang Wang's Sauvignon Blanc unexpectedly met the sky above Chu Rang's head, blocking his way first!

The sword light was like a tide, and the flames were like a sea, almost sealing off all the space he could move.

How could there be such a precise prediction?

This feeling of being expected every step of the way!

What lore means to explode?

The line of fire flowing on the three-foot green front is like a red pen mark of ecstasy.

Li Fu's death, Jin Ling's death, the scenes were like lights spinning in his mind.

Touch Rang felt that he was about to lose control due to the impact of the scarlet ghost bat's sense of fear, and he couldn't admit that he himself felt the fear——


He raised his head to the sky and roared wildly, screaming [God Weeps]!


Jiang Wang's man and sword were painfully still at this moment. Fixed in the air, almost like a god statue that has lost all spirituality.

However, a ray of indiscriminate wind had already been cut out before that.

The frost-white wind turned into a cold long nail early on, and it fell even before the God Weeping was activated.

In God's Cry's omnidirectional and indiscriminate horrific killing, the killing nail moved forward unaffected, and landed on the top of Chu Rang's head... piercing through the blue helmet!

Without knowing the whole picture of Jiang Wang's supernatural powers.

Shang Yanhu and Chu Rang responded differently.

In fact, Shang Yanhu's method is correct, but the method of making concessions is wrong.

Going astray is not preventing him from thinking, but making him tend to make wrong choices when he thinks.

In fact, his thinking and choice at that time...was also influenced by Jiang Wang's misguided path!

From the very beginning he was on the wrong track!


Errors keep causing errors.

And the final result must be borne by himself!

A life-killing nail directly annihilated the faint blue soul fire, pierced the flesh and blood all the way down, penetrated from the neck to the soles of the feet, and then scattered into a wisp of frosty wind, drifting away.

The weeping came to an abrupt end.

The body of the god and demon disintegrated, and the terribly dead Chu Rang and the red blood ghost bat fell in ruins.

Shang Yanhu, who suffered God's Weeping for the second time, responded in time this time, but recovered not much later than Jiang Wang. However, what he needs to face is a desperate situation.

From the situation of overwhelming advantage, it has evolved step by step to this point.

Every one of the Daxia princes who were no worse than him in status, strength and status died in front of him one by one.

And he was sure he did his best!

How can this make people not despair?

Anyone other than him, as the last survivor, should have lost his fighting spirit by this time.

But after all, he is Shang Yanhu, after all, the Marquis of Beixiang.

At such a moment, he just clenched his fist again and looked directly at Jiang Wang: "Then, let's treat it as if everything starts from the beginning, treat it as if there are only you and me, and let us divide life and death like this!"

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

The only response is to point the sword at the person.

Dao Yuan exploded arrogantly, the color of iron gray on Shang Yanhu's body changed to deeper again, and at this time——

Between heaven and earth, there is an obvious change that has taken place!

Whether it's the title and power of the Marquis of the Great Xia Beixiang, or the perception of being a strong man in the presence of God, he has already noticed that the great formation of protecting the country covering the mountains and rivers of the Great Xia Empire has obviously happened at this moment. The collapse of the body, the strength has shrunk by more than half!

With the city of Guiyi standing still and the defense line of Tongyang City as stable as Mount Tai, no matter how fiercely the side road fights, it will only be partly out of touch with the national defense formation, like leaves falling from a tree, without damaging its roots-this is the defense strategy. The National Array has been considered since the beginning of its design.

It is impossible for the National Defense Array to collapse to such an extent—unless the Northern Front also collapses after the Eastern Front is abandoned!

Obviously there are other gods who have gone to the northern line, and there is obviously Ren Qiuli who is a real person from could it be?

No matter how unbelievable or unwilling to believe in my heart, the objective facts cannot be changed.

Without saying a word, Shang Yanhu turned around and flew away!

This sudden withdrawal unexpectedly aroused the sympathy between heaven and earth.

This battle of God's presence with two against six has completely decided the winner so far!

The five princes of the Xia Kingdom had a strange beast, five of them died in battle, and one escaped.

For a while, only Jiang Wang stood alone in the sky.

At this moment, his momentum and will have been sublimated to the extreme!

Ever since he slashed Dao Tu's sword in Minxi battlefield, he already had no regrets.

Huang Weizhen left behind the secret of God's Presence, which gave him the opportunity to shape it into perfection.

But it still needs an opportunity to achieve it naturally and grasp it without any omissions.

The six great gods are surrounded by each other, and if you don't become a god, you will die, this is the natural law.

Chongxuansheng is in danger, and three thousand soldiers of the winning battalion are besieged. If they don't become gods, there will be no salvation. This is inevitable.

What is the law of nature and human affection!

So he achieved success in one step.

And he teamed up with Chong Xuanzun to win the victory of the six gods with two gods, and he has already proved himself——

There is no other possibility in the world, and this is his most perfect answer along the way!

But, it's not over yet.

Jiang Wang raised his sword with one arm, and walked away on the clouds, chasing Shang Yanhu.

No matter how the Great Array of Protecting the Nation is, what the Northern Front is, or what the Eastern Front is.

For him, the battle is not over.

He wants more than just victory.

If you see someone who goes astray, can you not die? !



This open space in the eastern part of Sang Mansion was filled with people and birds.

When Chong Xuansheng was carried by Xie Huaian and flew down here, only the battlefield that had been beaten into scorched earth was still describing the brutality of that battle.

The collapsed divine will is complicatedly entangled in the air.

The bloodstains at the God's Promenade level still carry a trace of spirituality that is not willing to let go...

Aside from several lying corpses, Chongxuan Zun sat under an old tree, his body covered in white snow and red plums.

His eyes are open, and there is still a kind of threatening sharpness, but his consciousness has already fallen into a deep sleep.

He still holds his left hand, as if holding his knife, but there is no moonlight in his hand.

Chong Xuansheng was about to go up to push him to wake him up and ask about Jiang Wang's situation, when Xie Huai'an said in an unspeakable mood: "Eight gods are fighting here, five died, one fell into a coma, and two chased and fled. , left the scene!"

The results of this battle are astonishing!

"Where did you escape to?" Chong Xuansheng hurriedly said: "Please thank Shuai to save people quickly!"

Xie Huaian's tone was complicated: "Judging from the traces of the battlefield, Jiang Wang was the one who chased after him."

Chong Xuansheng breathed a sigh of relief, his tight fat body collapsed, his head tilted, and he passed out.

Although the Linwu War is over, Xie Huaian is leading his troops to the west.

But with Chong Xuansheng's speed, how could he meet Xie Huai'an so quickly?

He relied entirely on the secret method of burning life to achieve a speed beyond the limit. In the shortest time, he judged Xie Huai'an's marching route, intercepted Xie Huai'an, and persuaded the Eastern Front coach to take action himself.

At this moment, the heartstrings loosened, and I couldn't hold on any longer.

Xie Huai'an looked at the fat man, then at the young man under the tree over there, and couldn't help but sigh: "Although Futu is dead, his bosom is still alive!"

His eyes were far away, as if he saw scenes of old events.

In the distance, the sound of horseshoes of the Qi army has already sounded.

Rumble, rumble.

The bursts are like spring thunder.

The chapter title comes from a poem, maybe that's the title of this chapter.

Not today.

Strive to close the paper tomorrow.

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