Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1629 Happy Day

"Okay, let me ask this Luan Lang a simple question - there is a famous woman in the history of our country named Qiao Yanjun. When she got married, she used a street as a dowry. Everyone must know that. Then, the person Qiao Yanjun married What's the name of Lang Jun's younger brother?"

On May 15th, the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng in the Qi calendar, it is advisable to travel, get married, and settle down...

Probably not an answer.

The huge Imperial Palace is covered in red.

On the street outside Yi's mansion, nine layers of colorful gates were erected.

Chong Xuansheng, who was dressed in the official uniform of a big red man, was standing in front of the fifth gate at this moment, smiling, but not scorched.

Luan Lang Jiang Qingyang, who opened the way in front of him, wanted to scratch his head.

According to the marriage customs of Qi State.

The bride and groom are dressed in bright red.

The Luan who accompanies the groom must wear green clothes, and the phoenix who accompanies the bride must wear a purple shirt. This is the so-called "green luan and purple phoenix, a good omen for a good match".

This Tsing Yi is not the simple style that Jiang Wang usually wears, but it is embroidered with green luan, depicting the sea of ​​clouds, and it is full of colors.

It is said that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Today's Marquis of Wu'an, it is not an exaggeration to say that people are romantic.

The little lady guarding the door almost had her eyes fixed on Marquis Wu An, of course the question in her mouth was not merciless.

Each of these nine colorful gates has an assessment, and those who write the questions are often imaginative, such as Taoism, supernatural powers, weapons, fists, and so on. There are also those who ask for somersaults and big plays, all kinds of strange things. There is always one level and one level, and the nine levels mean forever.

The people onlookers crowded the place, and there were many princes and grandchildren among them.

Bo Wanghou's grandson's grand wedding, inviting the famous Marquis of Wu'an to be Luan Lang, it must be unstoppable and unstoppable, everyone is waiting to see the demeanor of the peerless genius.

But the truth is...

Jiang Luanlang has not passed a test today, and he has four gates in poetry and Fu.

If you can't pass the test, there are ways you can't pass it.

In the past few times, I either performed a wolf-running agility on the spot, or I was asked to use Taoism to do some strange tricks.

And on the fifth colorful door, there are five-flavor bottles of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, each bottle is filled to the brim, and there is a soup with an inexplicable color in it, and you can move forward if you drink it all.

There is a name for this, called "mixed flavors".

Enter the five flavors with extraordinary strength, and you are not allowed to resist with extraordinary strength. Too sour to lose teeth, sweet to greasy, bitter to wrinkle face, spicy to sweat, salty to choke...

Lord Jiang had a handsome face, which was already indistinct.

At this moment, he was looking at Yi Huaimin who was standing in front of the gate of Yi Mansion, who was smiling, with murderous look in his eyes.

Yi Huaimin, why did you come up with such a biased question? If you ask me who Qiao Yanjun's husband is, I can't even answer. That's all he knew the name Qiao Yanjun. You still ask her husband's younger brother?

The same goes for those poems and songs. You asked me to memorize famous articles, but I couldn’t do it. I was still looking for articles in the corners. Are you still a person?

In the circle of Linzi's sons, this Yi Huaimin is also a maverick existence. He is a representative of the Lie Ping faction, a rising star who is expected to take over Chongxuan Mingguang's mantle.

Of course, he is still very young now, he has not experienced the test of time, and he may not have the consistent spirit of Uncle Mingguang.

After all, the pace of life of Linzi people is generally tense. No matter how decadent young people are, they will occasionally get up and struggle when they can't think about it.

Yi Huaimin, who was unattractive and did not inherit his father's appearance at all, looked back with regret, and said: "This auspicious time is almost over, Marquis Wu'an, don't hide your clumsiness?"

At this time, Jiang Wang had already recognized the reality clearly, knowing that he would not be able to get through the nine-fold door by himself, so he looked around for a while.

"Don't look back." Chong Xuansheng, who had a bright smile on his face, had already passed the voice transmission step by step: "Don't look at me. I don't know how to ask such a weird question. If I could, I could watch you suffer Is it? This is the end of the matter... Today is my day of great joy, don't drag me to embarrass myself. "

"..." Jiang Houye suddenly caught a glimpse of Li Longchuan on the sidelines, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to ask for the answer.

Without saying a word, Li Longchuan made a gesture of drawing the bow, which means that I am a martial artist, heir to the art of war, and I don't understand these things. Brother Jiang, you'd better hire someone else.

"..." Jiang Wang looked at Yan Fu who was holding hands with Wen Tinglan and talking small things, no matter whether he pretended not to notice or really didn't notice, there was a sudden sound transmission.

Yan Fu turned his head, looked at him sincerely, and suddenly raised his hands: "Come on, let's cheer up Marquis Wu'an!"

He applauded and shouted: "Marquis Wu'an! Work harder!"

The onlookers were immediately mobilized, and there was thunderous applause and shouts.

"Marquis Wu'an! Work harder!"

"Marquis Wu'an! Work harder!"

It is really……

It's so embarrassing.

Jiang Wang made a silent note in his heart, pulled off the sour bottle, raised his head and poured it, and his face was so sour that he wrinkled all of a sudden.

"The Marquis of Wu'an is so proud!!!" Li Longchuan took the lead in cheering.

The crowd then boiled.

"I'll help you, I'll help you." The little lady guarding the gate blushed, quickly took off the sweet bottle, opened it thoughtfully, and handed it to Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment, took it and drank it.

Sweet...too sweet.

It was so sweet that the teeth seemed to be falling down one by one.

And the wrinkled face was lifted up completely.

The sweetness overwhelmed the sourness for a while, and my stomach began to churn.

After finally swallowing this mouthful, the bitter bottle over there was handed over again, and the little lady holding the transparent glass bottle looked at him expectantly——

I am looking forward to what kind of expression will be twisted on Wu Anhou's face.

"Chongxuansheng, Chongxuansheng, you have to remember what I have done for you."

Jiang Wang let out a long sigh, raised the bottle and wanted to drink it again, when suddenly there was a commotion in Chaoyi Dafu's mansion,

I could vaguely hear someone shouting——

"Hey, the bride is here! Go and see!"

"Why come out at this time? Where is it, where is it?"

Jiang Wang's voice-hearing fairy state quickly opened, and immediately caught Fourteen's timid voice in a burst of noise: "It said he would come soon, but he didn't come soon. I thought he was lost, so I came out to look for him." of……"

But the sound was quickly cut off.

I think Dr. Yi doesn't want people to hear that his daughter is so eager to get married.

Jiang Wang's face changed suddenly: "What happened in the room? Everyone, be careful, I'll go and have a look!"

With a wave of his hand, the bitter bottle, spicy bottle, and salty bottle were all broken in an instant.

Those who are eager to be righteous, brave to take responsibility like Marquis Wu'an, take the lead and rush to Yifu. All of a sudden, the wind and rocks swept away, and the bamboo tubes containing the examination questions all disappeared in the chaos, leaving only the bare nine-fold colorful door, which the groom passed through.

"it's okay no problem!"

Yifu's response was also quick, and a housekeeper immediately stood outside the door: "Everything is normal inside, it was just a cat knocked over the vase just now, all guests don't have to worry! Please continue to pass through the door!"

"But this colorful door is messed up!"

"Where are the question cylinders? Why are the big ones missing?"

"Look for it, it was still here just now."

The crowd was in disarray, and a few girls guarding the gate were looking for the test tubes everywhere.

"Don't panic!" Yi Huaimin stood up at this moment: "I remember the title!"

But as soon as the words came out, he fell on his back.

Jiang Wang hurried forward, held him by the arm, and said with concern: "Brother Yi, you're drunk!"

"I'm not talking about you, Huai Min, you can do whatever you want when you're tired on weekdays. Why do you drink so much when your sister is having a great day today?" While complaining, he handed him over to the butler of Yi's house: "Take your young master there quickly. Sober up."

Then he stood on the steps, turned his head and waved: "Brother Sheng, hurry up, let's not miss the auspicious time!"

Chong Xuansheng watched Jiang Houye save himself with a smile all the way, and now he swaggered forward and stepped into Yifu to meet his bride.

Yi Huaiyong, who guards the inner court, has the opposite character of Yi Huaimin, simple and serious, serious and unsmiling. He looks quite like a father.

If you observe the pair of brothers carefully, you will find that they actually have a lot of similarities in their eyebrows and eyes, but they are different in some details, which makes one handsome and the other mediocre.

He was not a quarrelsome person, and his younger sister almost rushed out of the boudoir to Chongxuan's house just now, so he just went through the etiquette process in a proper manner, and then let him go with a smile.

Jiang Wang led the way as Luan Lang, and Chong Xuansheng walked slowly behind, while greeting the relatives and friends of the Yi family, he was very good at these things, and made the atmosphere very warm.

Yan Fu, Wen Tinglan, and Li Longchuan also clustered around behind the bridegroom, chattering endlessly. After passing through the nine-fold colorful gate and drinking the five-flavored water, they seemed to remember that they were also part of the wedding party, and the team all greeted the bride's incense. Boudoir advancement——Yi Xingchen specially invited monks from the Ministry of Industry to preside over it, and spent a lot of money to build a large-scale construction project in the mansion. In just a few days, this fragrant building was built. Compared with the ladies of Linzi, they are not defeated at all.

After the recognition ceremony, Fourteen lived here. This will be her natal home from now on, and she will come back to visit it from time to time.

The team moved forward very smoothly, whether it was throwing money or offering gifts, it was unstoppable—until they met Li Fengyao in a purple phoenix shirt.

Her tall figure is completely reflected by her current body, and her family heirloom temperament is also born in her bones. Standing in front of the building, she is like holding back a thousand troops.

I don't know whether it's the intimidating beauty or the intimidating color.

The nobility embellished by the phoenix pattern and Xiaoying on the purple shirt can indeed only be used as an embellishment for her.

When Yi Xingchen's adoptive daughter gets married, she must be accompanied by Feng Niang who has a certain status.

With Yi Xingchen's status, it is not difficult to find a few daughters from the big family to send off his own daughter.

But if you want to match the Luan Lang invited by Chong Xuansheng, you can search Linzi, but there are not many.

Chong Xuansheng specially invited Li Fengyao to be the phoenix lady, just to support Shishi and not make her feel wronged. Otherwise, he would rather ask Chong Xuanxin to be Luan Lang.

In terms of family background, talent, appearance, cultivation, and all aspects, even in Linzi, the capital of the Eastern Kingdom, there are not many women who can compare with Li Fengyao.

With Li Fengyao in charge, the bride really has no grievances...

The jubilant and aggressive welcoming team, when they saw Li Fengyao, went up and down, and their momentum weakened by three points.

Today is Fengniang, it should not be too cold, so she also has a faint smile on her face.

But that kind of imposing manner from the inside to the outside makes people dare not be slighted.

Jiang Wang broke through the colorful gate and crushed Yi Huaimin. He was so witty and majestic. When he saw Li Fengyao, he was also nervous for a while.

Chong Xuanpang didn't say who Feng Niang was beforehand, and Li Longchuan didn't say anything about it today, he was busy as Luan Lang, and didn't care to think about it, thinking that Li Fengyao would go directly to Bowanghou's mansion later banquet.

With the prevalent atmosphere in Linzi, especially at famous weddings, Luan Lang and Feng Niang would always have a few encounters to show the confidence of the bride and groom and show that this is a well-matched marriage.

There have always been literary and military battles.

Otherwise, how can the auspicious signs of Qingluan and Zifeng appear?

But Jiang Wang really didn't know how to fight wits and courage with Li Fengyao, he always felt... a bit shorter.

After staying with Li Longchuan, who feared Li Fengyao like a tiger, and Xu Xianggan, who had been subdued by Li Fengyao, they had been together for a long time. Facing Li Fengyao, they were inherently lacking in momentum... It's all these useless sons' fault!

Li Fengyao was very relaxed and natural, restraining his usual aura of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and looked at Jiang Wang with great interest: "I'll test you."

The welcoming team became very quiet.

Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, and Wen Tinglan all concentrated their attention, and Chong Xuansheng tried his best to widen his eyes.

Jiang Wang resolutely clasped his hands together, bowed and said, "I've been playing monkey games outside for a long time, and I drank that five-flavored bottle again. I'm still dizzy, and my stomach is fighting. Sister merciful. "

Li Fengyao looked at him quietly for a while.

It seems that people are unconsciously disturbed.

With a sudden smile, the ice and snow melted: "Okay, you passed."

"Ah? This passed?" Li Longchuan didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, or because of today's big day, he felt that his sister was much gentler, and shouted in the team: "He hasn't taken any exams yet, the bride Let you sit in the last level, you can't be selfish!"

Li Fengyao looked at him with a smile: "Just now I took Jiang Wang's test on manners, now I will test you on other things."

"No, it's none of my business." Li Longchuan shrank back while speaking: "I'm not Luan Lang..."

Li Fengyao just said: "Come here."

How could Li Longchuan, who was known for his heroism, lose his identity in front of so many people? Immediately call the people next to him: "Don't stop me, let me pass!"

The crowd moved away tacitly.

He also walked out in high spirits: "The test is the test, why should I, Li Longchuan, be afraid?"

With a touch of jade belt, a pair of sharp eyes, and the aura of fighting a thousand troops alone.

Li Fengyao didn't even look at it, but said softly to Jiang Wang: "Go in first, don't miss the time, I'll just chat with Long Chuan."

The welcoming team happily poured into the boudoir.

No matter Chong Xuansheng, Jiang Wang or Yan Fu, no one took a second look at Li Longchuan.

Of course, the ears are all erected extremely high, and no one can bear to miss the voice behind him. Those who are good at ear recognition like Marquis Wu'an even amplify Li's voice in the building——

"There were so many people just now, I was wrong. Sister, this day of great joy..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yifu Xianglou, the crowd roared with laughter.

Happy birthday.

Thanks to the book friend "Lonely, Widowed and Widowed" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 336th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Qian Menhua" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 337th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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