Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1635 Excited

In the vast history, there was an era of Shinto Dachang in this world.

At that time, everything you think is what you see. Practitioners create myths, and myths often reflect reality.

Hairy gods are everywhere, and a hundred ghosts are rampant.

Day and night are reversed, and heaven and earth are confused.

It was a colorful era, but also a chaotic and blurred era.

Many rules have been broken, and people obey a logic of life that is completely different from the current world.

Even today, although that era has come to an end, many myths have been passed down by word of mouth.

Of course, the reason why myths are myths, and the reason why they are passed on orally, rather than recorded in history, and cannot be recorded in books, is because it cannot be equated with reality.

For example, there has never been any hell, and reincarnation has never been as simple as the myth says.

Of course there is a ghost, but the ghost is just a way of reincarnation.

Rebirth in the six realms, being a cow or a horse in the next life, or being too hard in this life and being a tree in the next life are all just delusions of the Shinto era, and they did not turn into reality in the end.

The more advanced the cultivation base, the more able to understand——

Death is death, death is the most thorough thing in this world.

After the soul enters the Netherworld, the final result is also reduced to nothing. There is no such thing as hell, no judge, no reward for good and punishment for evil... Those are all methods of Shinto monks, and they are no different from puppets used by monks in the world.

All the means of resurrection in this world are based on finding the soul, reviving the body, and replenishing the lifespan.

Jiang Wang didn't know it before, but after God's arrival, he has gained relevant knowledge. Especially in the Jixia Academy, he got a great deal of knowledge and insight.

In this boundless and vast time and space, the real place of reincarnation is a place called "Origin Sea".

Located in the abyss of the abyss, the bottom of the bottom.

It is a place farther and farther than the so-called Naihe and Wangchuan.

All the souls that have fallen into the netherworld cannot resist the attraction of Yuanhai.

Not just human souls, but everything in the world. Here everything is broken down to its tiniest parts and then reshaped. This smallest thing, nameless, is called One.

The Taoist so-called "one life is two, two is three, and three is all things." This is where it comes from.

The soul falls into the sea of ​​origin, is crushed into one, and is reshaped, and a brand new soul is born into the world and grows. This is reincarnation.

It is like the process of water in a river turning into rain in the sky. But this drop of water is not that drop of rain.

What was in the past is usually in the past.

Of course there are some special cases.

For example, the Taimiao of various countries, worshiping it with the power of the country, can preserve or even recover the remnant soul in the sea of ​​origin... But that requires paying a very terrible price.

For example, the elder named Lu Yan in Baigudao, after his wife died, his soul did not enter Yuanhai, thus retaining the possibility of resurrection. But he didn't know where his dead wife's soul went, and he didn't know why it was preserved, so it was driven by the Bone God for a long time.

For example, when Jiang Mengxiong suppressed the passage between the two worlds, so as not to send his soul into the nether world, he retained the possibility of resurrection on the spot.

For example, Gu Huaixin, the Elder Jinghai of Diaohailou, set up the Dharma altar in Tianyatai, also to preserve Ji Shaoqing's soul, to isolate the attraction of the ghosts, and to conceive the physical body... It's just that Jiang Wang spent several days and nights of torture, plus Without Zhou Feng, the shattering process almost in the source sea was completed ahead of schedule.

Only under extremely harsh conditions do reincarnation occasionally occur.

For example, the former Yun Youweng never entered Yuanhai because of the special causal relationship of Yunding Immortal Palace. But he has never been the only real newborn. The current Baiyun boy is a remodeling in another sense. It is no longer one with that Yun Youweng.

Cultivation is a process of fighting against the sky and fate. Since ancient times, how many amazing and brilliant people have been trying to resist death. "Cheating", "evading" and "confronting" Yuan Hai are always repeated time and time again. Happens one at a time.

Even the former Shinto can be said to have been born because of this—people discovered new powers in the process of fighting against the ultimate death, and since then they have called themselves ghosts and gods.

But the final disappearance of Shinto may not be the reason for the cycle of heavenly principles.

In those fragmented myths and legends, King Biancheng is the sixth Yama, who is in charge of hell. Those who died in vain in the world will enter this hell.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was wearing such a Yan Luo mask and a black military uniform, standing on the cold cliff like a knife.

I don't know if such a king of Biancheng can avenge the genius of Youguo who died in the belly of a giant tortoise for so many years?

Not far away, standing is Yin Guan.

A little further in the past, under a pine tree, the Wuguan Wang I had seen before was sitting on the ground - judging from the breath, it was indeed the same one.

I don't know if he will recognize it. Jiang Wang deliberately changed his voice, and restrained his breath with the seal of disaster.

The team going to the Mu country continued to move forward, and Wu Anhou, who was going to the Mu country, sat in the carriage and practiced behind closed doors. Outsiders would not be able to tell whether he was there or not, as long as Qiao Lin cooperated well.

After Jiang Wang and Qiao Lin delivered a few words, they rushed to join Yin Guan alone, and then saw Wu Guanwang. Yin Guan seems to take this person with him no matter where he goes, probably more powerful than other Yan Luo...

But also irrelevant.

Jiang Wang was not curious about these Yan Luos, nor did he care much about them.

On the contrary, Wuguan Wang scrutinized it for a long time intentionally or unintentionally, and scrutinized the foreign aid newly invited by King Qin Guang a lot, but there was no nonsense after all.

Speaking of the mask of King Biancheng, Jiang Wang has another level of understanding, which is based on its previous owner, the jailer Bi Yuanjie of Prison Hai Prison—maybe the former predecessor?

In the dark and heavy prison of Diaohai Tower, the jailer is also a prisoner, repeating a hopeless life day after day.

It was because of Zhu Biqiong's suffering in that environment that Jiang Wang always felt guilty towards her in his heart.

Bi Yuanjie escaped from the near-impossible prison of prison, joined Hell without Door, and finally died on the way to escape overseas. In the dark, he really answered the word "death in vain".

"This not auspicious." Jiang Wang said with emotion.

His voice at the moment is very cold, it is the voice of a middle-aged man in his forties.

The sound imitated based on the Shravaka Sacred Scripture has no flaws at all.

"Why is it unlucky?" Yin Guan, who was also waiting, said, "The character Bian is a little bit above the lower city. Doesn't it just mean that you want to break the sky of the lower city? It's so auspicious, it's my destiny."

Jiang Wang turned to look at him.

I don't know if Qin Guangwang, who entered the Tao with spells, will be really auspicious when he speaks auspicious words.

Yin Guan shrugged: "Don't get me wrong, it's not specially reserved for you. It doesn't matter if I gave you a mask like a judge. But it just so happens that the new King Biancheng died. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Sounds even more ominous...

"Temporary." Jiang Wang emphasized: "I only wear it temporarily."

"Don't worry." Yin Guan smiled and said: "There is no gate to hell, money and goods are equal, children and old people are not deceived, never force it."

There is no door in the whole hell, everyone hides their identities and whereabouts. He is the only one who swaggers and flaunts in front of others. He is the banner of hell without gate, and has almost become a specific symbol of the killer world.

"Everyone is here."

The Wuguan Wang under the tree had a difficult voice, but his ten fingers moved smoothly and smoothly. After quickly making a formula, he put his palms together in front of him, and then slowly pulled them apart.

The silver-white light curtain opened from between his palms, like a huge square mirror, neatly divided into ten grids. In each grid, a figure wearing a mask appeared.

Even Yin Guan wore a Yama mask around his waist.

King Guang of Qin, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Wuguan, King Yama, King Biancheng, King Taishan, King Metropolis, King Pingping, King Zhuanlun, the Ten Halls of Yama gathered together!

Jiang Wang silently looked at his "teammates" in the next action, and stood with his hands behind his hands in a cold gesture, without saying a word.

The light curtain of Wu Guan Wang is not known to be a secret technique. In addition to the sound and image, it also shows everyone's aura.

Among these people, Jiang Wang was most impressed by King Chujiang. When Hai Zongming was chasing him, he spent a lot of money to hire a killer from hell, and this was the one who showed up at that time.

Although the face has not been revealed, the chilly feeling is impressive.

Contacted today, he has a faint appearance of a golden body and chalcedony, and he has stepped into the realm of divine presence. It is worthy of being ranked second among the Ten Temples of Yama, and has not yet died.

After that, when he was chasing Yangxuance, he met Zhuanlun King and Taishan King. At that time, Jiang Wang was already mentally prepared to challenge him with a sword. Goodbye today, but I don't know if I am an old man.

After all, these Yan Luos who have no gate to hell, are replaced quite frequently.

"Everyone is clear about the task. What is everyone's goal and how far should they go? It is clearly written in the letter." Yin Guan stood on the edge of the cliff and said in a low voice: "Old rules, we set off separately and meet in Youguo five days later. …If you have any questions, you can raise them now.”

No one said anything.

His eyes swept over a week: "Then the action begins."

The silver-white light curtain dimmed one by one until it disappeared.

Yin Guan has an innate handsome temperament. At first glance, he looks more like a hermit who is detached from the world.

Only at the moment when he ordered and prohibited, did people recall that he is the leader of the most vicious killer organization in the entire Eastern Region.

Taking a group of thugs with no taboos under their command and rectifying them into obedience is not something that can only be achieved by relying on force.

Under Cangsong, Wuguan Wang combined his palms and put away the silver-white light curtain, but he didn't get up immediately.

Instead, he said in that difficult tone, "Boss, as a reward, I also want Zheng Chaoyang's corpse in addition to the good things that should be distributed in Youguo Palace."

Yin Guan turned his eyes to look at him: "Zheng Chaoyang's physique is naturally strong, which is a good material for martial arts. He only practiced martial arts for the sake of the country. Last year, he was just promoted to have a good eye."

"Hey hey." Wu Guanwang said: "Boss, you know. The corpse... is easy to break down, and it needs to be replenished after a fight."

"No problem." Yin Guan said calmly: "But this time, you have to move out your Shenlin's corpse. Hell has no gate is very fair. If there is excess contribution, there will be excess harvest."

Wuguan Wang's pupils suddenly shrank.

He, who never knew what fear was, felt a chill in his heart.

His supernatural power is treacherous and gloomy, and it is called "Borrowing Corpse". It is possible to borrow the power of a dead body, including but not limited to using other people's dead body to supplement one's own limbs, and even... You can use the dead body of a strong person to complete the leap of the realm.

Don't look at the strength he's displaying now is still only at the peak of the outer building, he really exerts his full strength and fights to the death, he is not a king of Chujiang. There is no door in the whole hell, and the only thing he can fear is Yin Guan.

And the fact that he has the complete physical body of a cultivator in God's Landing is his absolute secret! How did Yin Guan know? When did Yin Guan know about it? What else does Yin Guan know?

"Ho ho, ho ho." Wuguan Wang laughed like this a few times, and then said: "Okay."

Yin Guan didn't care about it either.

Just said: "Time is short, let's hurry up."

With a flick of his robe sleeves, he jumped off the high cliff first.

Jiang Wang followed closely behind.

After that was Wuguan Wang, who sat on the ground like a puppet whose limbs had been misplaced, uncoordinated, staggered up, and then suddenly tightened, like an arrow off the string!



There are only two kinds of cities in Youguo, the upper city and the lower city.

There is only one upper city, built on the back of a giant tortoise.

There are thirty-nine buildings in the lower city. The names are from one city to thirty-nine cities.

As Yin Guan said at the beginning, people don't give names to chicken coops and pig pens, just mark a serial number for easy management.

In the entire You Country, all the dignitaries, rich merchants, monks and lords live in Shangcheng.

As for the rule of the lower city, it is done through the major Zuozheng families.

For example... the Su family who has now settled in Shangcheng used to be the Zuozheng family in the twenty-seventh city of Youguo.

In a world with extraordinary power, there is no possibility for the lower city to resist the upper city.

"The prime minister of Youguo is dedicated to the country. The court of Youguo cares about the people, actively cultivates talents, and boldly appoints young people to serve as the city lords of major cities. The annual evaluation of officials is open and fair. The governance is the worst and the most inconsiderate of the people. That person will be pushed out and dealt with by the great holy beast protecting the country. The rest of the city owners will choose the best ones and get the qualification to enter the upper city. They will practice hard, hit the extraordinary, resist foreign aggression, and protect us civilians ...the whole country is thriving, getting better every day, and the people are full of hope."

In the public school next door, the teacher sighed contentedly: "What a wonderful country we live in!"

The crisp children's voices said in unison: "It's such a joy!"

Revisit old places.

Jiang Wang, who was already sitting in a restaurant in the twenty-seventh city of Youguo Lower City, could hear various voices in his ears, and his mood was hard to describe.

In today's twenty-seventh city, the streets are clean and the buildings are towering. Passers-by on the road talked and laughed at Yanyan. It is not difficult to see that their lives have been greatly improved in the past few years.

Jiang Wang still remembers the white-haired boy who traveled here, and the confusion, confusion, and pain he saw in this city.

But now just a few years have passed, and it has been "extremely enjoyable".

So why are they here now?

Jiang Wang knew in his heart that this might be Zhao Cang's defense.

To deal with the amazingly talented fish who slipped through the net back then, he chose to build a high wall with the hearts of the people.

He wants to obliterate the justice of Yin Guan's revenge, and make Yin Guan's efforts to walk on the edge of life and death in the past few years meaningless.

You say you are revenge, but you are actually destroying.

You said that you want to save this country. This country is thriving and the people are very satisfied, so you don’t need to save it!

This chapter explains some of the basic settings of this world.

Every time this world becomes clearer, its essence, truth, and history, our story is one step closer to the end.


very ashamed.

This month, there was no update for a single chapter, and the update was suspended for four days at the beginning of the month. As a result, everyone still promoted the Chixin Sky Survey into the top ten monthly tickets.

I know that I have low energy, disabled hands, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Fearing that readers will be disappointed, I have repeatedly asked everyone to support books, but there have always been a lot of follow-up subscriptions.

I didn't expect that at all.

Everyone is really... working hard to support this novel world.

I really want to talk about how I will work hard in the future, how to write more, and how to repay everyone's love.

But the truth is... I'm still in a state of exhaustion.

The daily updates are already the result of my hard work-sounds weird, right?

Sorry everyone.

Why is love so weak.

Going to a wedding tomorrow and will try to recover afterwards. But I myself don't have much hope.

Thanks for the wrong love, thank you so much.

I couldn't lie down completely, so I had to do sit-ups.

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