Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1646 I don't know Lang's heart

Jiang Wang glared at the ignorant Qiao Lin, waved his hand, and signaled him to get out of here.

General Qiao, who was actively doing things but was not praised, left very aggrieved. This companion is like a monkey, and his mood is too unpredictable.

"Ha!" In the room, Jiang Wang looked at Yu Wenduo with some embarrassment: "It's a coincidence, isn't it?"

Yuwenduo smiled but didn't smile: "It's quite a coincidence... When did His Royal Highness Zhaotu come?"

"Just this morning, he talked to me for a while, and even gave me a horse." Jiang Wangqian said with a smile: "I just found out that last time he was joking with me."

Yu Wenduo had a hurt expression on his face: "Why are you like this?"


"You call me brother and brother in person, but in private, in private..."

"Hey, wait, don't make it seem like I've done something shameful." Jiang Wang said, "As an envoy, it's reasonable for me to communicate with the prince of your country, right?"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"...I thought that with Brother Yuwen's intelligence capabilities, there was no need to say too much."

"It's not a question of ability, it's a question of attitude, it's a question of closeness, it's a question of whether you are willing to be honest with me!"

"I don't understand these words. Are you in conflict with Prince Zhaotu?"

Yu Wenduo said quietly: "Master Hou, when you came to the grassland, I personally went to greet you."

Jiang Wang said: "Next time you come to Qi, I will welcome you too."

Yu Wenduo said: "I also took you to the Sky Mirror."

Jiang Wang said: "Thank you."

Yu Wenduo said: "I also got you the chance to go to the Temple of God's Grace."

Jiang Wang said, "I didn't go."

"Rucheng and I are friends!" Yu Wenduo gritted his teeth.

"Cough." Jiang Wang put down the tea bowl: "You said before, what do you want me to promise you?"

Yu Wenduo was bored for a while, and said, "I want to give you a gift."

"What kind of ceremony has to be so twists and turns?"


Jiang Wang looked at him for a while: "My fief is very small, I'm afraid there is no room for brother Yuwen to play..."

Yu Wenduo didn't bother to say anything else, so he simply shouted: "Bring it in!"

After a while, a group of gorgeously dressed Yingying and Yanyan came into the yard.

The soldiers of the Tianfu Army who were practicing their swords were all stunned.

There are nine people in total, all of them are as beautiful as flowers and have graceful postures. They swayed and walked into the room one by one, instantly filling the room with fragrance.

Standing in front of Jiang Wang together, saluting in unison, the mountains far and near were undulating, and the voices of warblers were singing together: "I have seen Lord Hou!"

Jiang Wang looked at Yu Wenduo: "This is?"

Yu Wenduo said very reluctantly: "These are the treasures that I have spent a lot of effort on. They are moved from Chu. All of them can sing and dance well, showing the style of Chu. I heard that Lord Hou has no family members. In order to avoid desertion in the mansion , so with these beauties as presents, I hope the Marquis will treat them kindly."

Human relations are sometimes unavoidable, and Jiang Houye's salary is high now, and the family can afford to support a few people.

However, from Shenen Temple to Kabuki, this Yuwenduo has a set, how do you feel that Rucheng will go bad sooner or later if he stays in Muguo?

He had a headache: "I mean... why did you send such a gift suddenly?"

Yu Wenduo originally thought of a lot of excuses, but after thinking about it, he finally said: "Actually, His Royal Highness Yun cared about Lord Hou's daily life, so he asked me to send him over."

Jiang Wang only heard the words "His Royal Highness Yun", and he was relieved.

Such a good woman, what bad thoughts can she have?

"Oh, so." He smiled brightly, "Then I'm being disrespectful."

Then he said to the row of women in front of him: "I hope you can get used to living in Qi."

Of course, all the nine beauties expressed their attitudes positively, whether they were coquettish or angry, or smiling or flattering, which made Yu Wenduo feel even more sad.

Jiang Wang waved his hand and asked the guards to take these beauties down to resettle them. The space allocated in Minhe Temple is large enough to accommodate two hundred Tianfu soldiers, so it is not a problem to have more than nine beauties.

"His Royal Highness Yun attaches great importance to Lord Hou." As soon as the kabukis left, Yu Wenduo put on eye drops: "In contrast, His Highness Zhaotu is not so sincere to Lord Hou. Went to the theater with Huang Budong!"

"Oh?" Jiang Wang really became interested: "Qin's Huang Budong has also arrived?"

Yu Wenduo made a mistake.

The point is Huang Budong?

Can't help but ask: "Brother Jiang is interested in this person?"

Jiang Wang said honestly: "Great Qi Ji Zhaonan, Mu Guo Cangming, Qin Guo Huang Budong, Chu State Ye Laner, Jing Guo Murong Longqi, in the Dao calendar 3919, they are the strongest of the younger generation. Tianjiao. The thing that made me regret the most at that time was that I couldn’t see them make a move at the meeting of the Yellow River, so that I didn’t know the scenery on the high ground. Only Ji Zhaonan tried it, and it seemed to be superficial, and I couldn’t enjoy it. .”

Yu Wenduo was in awe. Marquis Wu An has the will to fight!

And the really scary thing is... he didn't even feel that there was anything wrong.

Come to think of it, how many years have passed now?

The leader of the Neifuchang back then actually had the qualification to compete with those gods and talents at that time.

They can be compared in an all-round way without distinguishing between inner palaces, outer buildings, ages, and any preconditions!

He has always known the distance between him and the supreme Tianjiao, and Ru Chengyegao, who is as perfect as the son of God in his eyes, reminds him time and again.

But only when we really sat down and looked at it like this, did we realize that we were not in the same world as these people at all.

I just go to the God's Grace Temple to worship more gods, and I don't practice less. How can the gap be widened so much?

"Master Hou specifically mentioned the year just now, so..." Yu Wenduo said, "Who is the strongest arrogance of the younger generation today in the year 3921 of the Dao calendar?"

Jiang Wang restrained his face and said: "When Li Yi comes out, the stars lose their color."

"Other than that?" Yu Wenduo asked again.

Jiang Wang didn't answer this time, but said: "Brother Yuwen came just in time today, please lead the way and take me to a place!"



As the leading theater troupe in the Supreme Royal Court, Yuanhua Ling's performance is naturally wonderful.

In Ming Luan's performance building, Qin Guo's envoys were just a few guards as followers, and they all watched with gusto.

Sitting in the VIP seat, Huang Budong's limp old man's face was uncertain under the light and shadow.

Ying Ziyu, a descendant of Emperor Huai of the Great Qin imperial family, is now in Muguo, and it is under the protection of the great shepherd princess Helian Yunyun that he is in Muguo's officialdom. He performed brilliantly in the Battle of Jingmu, and made many meritorious deeds. After the war, he followed the special order of the female emperor and directly entered the Erdemi practice, and has not yet come out.

The Erdemi of Muguo is a great existence analogous to Jixia Academy of Qi and Afang Palace of Qin.

The fact that Ying Ziyu was allowed to practice for so long had a strong political meaning, which made the people of Qin quite dissatisfied.

Today's Qin Tianzi won the battle of the river valley, which is at the height of the sun. Of course, the power and position are stable, the world is united, the military and government are in control, and no one can shake it. Several princes and princesses are also extremely outstanding, and they can be called successors.

A descendant of Emperor Huai can't cause any trouble.

But when this orthodox emperor of Qin falls into the hands of other overlords, Qin will have to face the worst possibility.

How did Emperor Wu of Qi restore his country? On whose backing did time gain?

Have there been fewer such things in history?

Ying Ziyu became famous in the first battle on Guanhetai, and shocked the world by drawing the sword of the emperor. He is fighting for the flag on behalf of the Muguo and formally joining the Muguo system. Then the prison chief's secret pursuit of his people can no longer be effective.

The top ten wardens of the town prison department, who are so famous when they say it, really fill the grassland, and they can't even break a wave.

It is also the hegemony of the current world, Mu Guo even dared to stand up to Jing Guo, and even took the initiative to go to war, so how could he care about Qin Guo's credentials?

After the Yellow River Meeting ended, Qin State had private contacts with Mu State several times.

But without exception, Muguo is resolutely unwilling to use Ying Ziyu to make a deal, and there is no point in talking about it. Among them, His Highness Helian Yunyun played a key role.

Huang Budong didn't want to worry about these things.

This kind of mission is the most troublesome thing. Every word and deed will be watched. Even if you yawn, you are afraid of harming the state and being impeached by the imperial censor...Since the envoy of Qi State is Jiang Wang, send Qin Zhizhen Wouldn't it be a good time to come? It's inconvenient for Qin Zhizhen to send Gan Chang'an.

"Eight years old can be Chang'an", what a genius. Putting it in foreign exhibitions will save face.

As a result, those old guys, who insisted on saying that Qin Zhizhen lost to Jiang Wang, and Gan Changan lost to Chong Xuanzun, bowed their heads when they met each other, and finally nodded at him——

If you send a big round of people to share the stage with others, won't you bow your head?

He doesn't understand.

But you can only bite the bullet and set off.

As far as Qin Guo is concerned, Ying Ziyu is a thorn in the flesh, and it is not a serious problem now, maybe it doesn't hurt too much, and it can't even be called a "threat". But if it has been ignored, it may also cause large-scale festering. The world is a big country, and thousands of miles of dikes are necessary to prevent problems before they happen.

As far as Helian Zhaotu is concerned, Ying Ziyu's talent has been revealed on the Guanhe Terrace, and it is even more brilliant in the Jingmu battle. Today, he is undoubtedly the most cutting-edge young man on Helian Yunyun's side, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a sharp knife in his hand.

In Huang Budong's view, there is a basis for cooperation between the two parties.

So of course he wanted to unequivocally support Helian Zhaotu.

Even the fact that he supported Helian Zhaotu could be used as a bargaining chip to test Helian Yunyun's attitude—of course, the attitude of the Great Shepherd Princess is already obvious, and there is no room for it.

Coming to the grassland, we must have a clear understanding of the situation in the grassland and dig out as much information as possible. It is also necessary to deal with envoys from various countries to reflect the will of Qin and grasp the attitudes of other countries. Every word and deed should not lose the majesty of the Qin State, and more importantly, find a way to bring Ying Ziyu back to Xianyang...

Worrying about too many things can make a person age quickly.

Before becoming a god, Huang Budong had a deep understanding of this.

Thinking of these, he was even more worried.

On the stage, there was a scene of Chishahu farewell to Baimeihu. The sound of the ballad was bleak and romantic, and it was easy to bring people into the situation. It is said that this play is adapted from the story of Emperor Mu Huan. There are many jokes, but the image created is very lovable.

Helian Zhaotu looked at the stage, and said softly, "Why is Mr. Huang so sad? But this play is not to your liking?"

Huang Budong said: "The play is really good, but there are many things that make me worry. For example, I am clearly in the prime of life, but everyone who sees me calls me 'Sir'."

Helian Zhaotu smiled: "Mr. Huang is very funny."

Huang Budong sighed: "But my personal worries are nothing. I am worried about the friendship between Qin and Mu. The two countries have had diplomatic relations for many years. Even though they are far away, they are still close. Once there is a rift, it is hard to be relieved. What can I do?" ?”

"How do you say that?" Helian Zhaotu asked.

"Dare to ask Your Highness." Huang Budong said: "If Princess Yunyun lives in Xianyang and doesn't return all year round, will His Highness miss you?"

"This joke is not very funny." Helian Zhaotu said.

Huang Budong said: "I'm just making an analogy casually. If there is any disrespect, please forgive me... But I have sympathy, the emperor's descendants are living outside, how can we not worry the people of the country and make the elders worry about it? My emperor sometimes thinks of it. I can't help thinking about it and sighing. My heart is not at ease, and it's the minister who worries about the king!"

Helian Zhaotu remained calm: "It turns out that after Emperor Huai, is he still a descendant of the emperor?"

Huang Budong said with emotion: "The emperor of our country admits it himself on the Guanhe platform, how can it not be counted? If Ying Ziyu returns to the country, the crown prince will also do it. In the past, Emperor Huai had no virtue, so he lost his tripod. However, children are innocent, so why not Descendants? I, the Son of Heaven of the Great Qin Dynasty, walks in the extremes of heaven and earth, looks at the country for thousands of years, and is proud to be the king who has the blood of Emperor Huai."

Helian Zhaotu just smiled: "Xianyang is so good, it sounds like this person should go back."

In Huang Budong's opinion.

Muguo lost the battle of Mujing and needs strong support. Bringing up the matter of Ying Ziyu again, it should be a matter of course. It's nothing more than you pushing me to give in, pulling a few rounds, and negotiating a suitable price.

After a pause, he continued: "On this mission, an old man stopped the driver in Baqiao and asked me very seriously--'What is the Muguo? Is my great Qin a vengeful enemy? To teach wanderers not to return home?' To tell you the truth, Your Highness, I don't know how to answer."

"Gu really doesn't know how to explain the word 'ju'." He Lian Zhaotu frowned and said, "There is no restraint or shackles, freedom to come and go, anyone who wants to, why do you say 'ju'?"

Huang Budong said: "Your Highness is expected to be great, and the art of controlling the people is profound. You should know how stupid the people are, and they don't know if they are confused. It needs to be guided and cured, and it will become a living water, and there will be a great soup! Ying Ziyu is still very young, and there are many people. He doesn't understand things, his free will may not be free. Because he doesn't have enough knowledge of this world. He still doesn't understand what is right. He needs the guidance of a famous teacher and the teaching of the elders."

Helian Zhaotu said: "It seems that your country is very confident in establishing a correct understanding for this person."

"Correct cognition must include friendship with the Mu country." Huang Budong turned his head and looked at He Lian Zhaotu: "If you call the wanderer back home, the emperor's blood will flow into Xianyang. Qin and Mu Naixiu Yonghao, Isn't it fun?"

He Lian Zhaotu smiled and said, "I thought that the friendship between Qin and Mu would not be affected by some insignificant things... Well, I invited Mr. Huang here today to watch a play, let him go, don't affect Mr. The mood of watching a play."

Huang Budong pointed to the stage and said: "The fox in the play is also looking forward to returning home."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Helian Zhaotu smiled, and his tone became more serious: "Everyone in the world can be a shepherd. It doesn't matter whether he was a beggar, a commoner, a prince, or even a prince. Mr. Huang said it complicatedly. But your question, here in Gu, is only one question - will the Shepherd Council hand over the brave people of the country?"

Huang Budong was silent for a while, then turned around and said, "The play is very good."

But I could hear the singing voice on the stage, the singing voice was singing——

"Lang, lang, do you know what makes a concubine's poem? I don't know if my heart will return, and the rain on the tent thinks it's too late..."

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