Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1650 Letter from Chu People

This trip to the wilderness to hunt demons was somewhat anticlimactic.

Before setting off, Jiang Wang wanted to give it a try. How far he could go deep into the frontier with his sword alone, he deliberately touched the restricted area of ​​life. But it was blocked 2,700 miles ago and had to turn back.

Something has changed in Bianhuang, but Jiang Wang still doesn't know anything about it.

If he hadn't gone deep into the frontier for 2,600 miles and encountered eleven gods in succession, he might have thought that the frontier was peaceful.

What is people's impression of the frontier?

It is the front line of the human race against the demon race. It is a very dangerous battlefield. There are many epic stories happening here.

And then there is none.

For those who have never set foot on the frontier, all the feelings are too far away.

Given the density of monsters encountered this time, it was hard for Jiang Wang to imagine what it would be like once the real tide of magic happened.

And how was the evil tide that could be called a catastrophe in history broken by the sages?

Judging from Tu Hu's performance regarding the changes in the frontier, Mu Guo must know something... What is it? Does Qi know about the changes that are taking place in the frontier?

The powerful combat power of the demons is so rampant in front of the restricted area of ​​life. Is it a harbinger of a new wave of demons? Or is there some powerful demon being born?

Tu Hu didn't stay in Minhe Temple well, and didn't entertain the envoys from all parties, what did he come to the frontier for?

Who is the existence that he talks about dealing with him?

What is the relationship between what happened this time and the "Fantasy Birth and Destroyer Illusory Demon Art"?

Jiang Wang now knows the third of the eight great magic skills.

They are "Blood Demon Art of Exterminating Emotion and Desire", "Fantasy Birth and Destruction of Illusory Demon Art", and "Seven Devil Art of Hatred".

The first two seem to be in the same series, but the latter is somewhat different, and I don't know why. Perhaps the source of the eight great magic arts is also divided into several factions?

The purpose of coming to Bianhuang is to build up the understanding of "demons", but more questions arise.

I can only hold it in my heart.

The sudden danger was disturbing, but what Jiang Wang cared more about was the news of Deng Yue's death.

The simultaneous death of Deng Yue and the warden of the Qin Guozhen Prison Department in the frontier is enough to explain the problem.

He finally knew why Zhao Rucheng, a descendant of an exiled emperor from the Qin Kingdom, would take the risk of standing on the Guanhe Terrace in the first place.

This tired kid.

This kid who has given up a long time ago, and is absolutely unwilling to sacrifice for those people and things in the past...

He had to stand up and use that method to protect himself and respond to Uncle Deng's departure.

He knew better than anyone else that Zhao Rucheng had already given up everything and only wanted to remain anonymous for the rest of his life. But now he is killing demons in the borderlands, fighting desperately on the battlefield, and practicing in Erdemi.

Why do people in this world have to force those who don't want to work hard to do so?

Jiang Wang had no answer.

In other words, he is not yet the one qualified to give the answer.

Under the gloomy sky, he left the frontier alone.

When stepping into the wilderness, one person, one sword, one black camel.

When we left the frontier, the black camel was gone, and the sound of the camel's bell was buried in the wind and sand.

Sure enough, Yu Wenduo was standing outside the line of life and death, and together with him, there was a cavalry army cruising nearby.

Seeing Jiang Wang, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Master Hou is back! I was afraid that you would not be able to catch up with the succession ceremony." The blue color on the side of the life-and-death line was like the sea, which made Jiang Wang's heartstrings slightly relaxed. Handed over the storage box casually: "Some Yin Demon heads collected."

After the death of the devil, it will disperse into the devil's energy, and nothing will be left behind. So even if Jiang Wang personally killed several generals at the level of God's presence, he didn't get any spoils. The only cast iron mace was also a relic of a human monk.

When demon hunters enter the frontier, they usually only get the head of the Yin Demon.

It is true that the head of the yin demon is the raw material of the living soul stone, but the living soul stone is only useful in the borderland... For those who enter the borderland, it is naturally worthless, and for those who are not in the borderland, it can be said to be worthless. Therefore, its value is actually difficult to realize.

However, both Jingmu and Mu will buy the head of the Yin Demon at a high price, which is equivalent to supplementing the defense of life and death with financial expenditure.

Yu Wenduo didn't even need to open the storage box to know that the heads of Yin Demons contained in it were at least in thousands, and said with a smile: "I will help you change the Dao Yuan Stone later."

"No need." Jiang Wang said casually: "The significance of the living soul stone lies in the frontier barrenness. I have come to the grassland and have nothing to grow. These raw materials are my personal congratulatory gifts to pay tribute to the children of the grassland for fighting against the demons. great sacrifice."

Yu Wenduo clenched the storage box in his hand, and said solemnly: "So, I thank Lord Hou on behalf of the soldiers in the frontier desert."

Regardless of the heads of these Yin demons, with Jiang Wang's strength alone, he went into the frontier and fought for a few days, and he was injured before he came out. For the Muguo army stationed in this area, the defense was greatly reduced. pressure.

Yu Wenduo expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Jiang Wang only looked at the back of his bruised hand and said, "Remember to return my storage box to me."



On the way back to the royal court, the horses galloped side by side, and the wind was filled with the breath of freedom. Yu Wenduo couldn't help asking: "How far did Lord Hou go into the frontier? Why did you get injured?"

"I haven't reached the restricted area of ​​life yet." Jiang Wang felt the vitality of the grassland intoxicatedly, and said casually: "Surrounded by the fighting power of eight gods."

"Eight?!" Yu Wenduo said in surprise, "Are you sure you didn't enter the restricted area of ​​life?"

"It's 2,600 miles to less than 2,700 miles from the line of life and death." Jiang Wang replied, and then asked, "Do you know anything about the golden crown priest who presides over the Minhe Temple?"

"Master Tu Hu Tu?"

"Yes, I saw him this time."

Yu Wenduo fell silent for a moment.

It took a long time before he said, "That's not someone I can talk to."

Jiang Wang was even more surprised. What is the origin of this Tuhu?

Yu Wenduo, a reckless guy who is not afraid of anything, and a true blood child of the dignified Yuwen family, dare not even start a chat?

Just the position of the golden crown priest and the door of the Tu family are not enough to support this kind of deterrence.

But he only smiled on his face: "It seems that this is a very remarkable person, I was a little rude earlier."

Yu Wenduo said seriously: "After this time, Lord Hou had better not have too much contact with him. Otherwise, there will be a lot of unnecessary troubles."

Jiang Wang was surprised that Yu Wenduo would make such an evaluation, so he asked: "Is a person who will have a lot of troubles in his life actually presiding over a diplomatic important place like Minhe Temple?"

If this is the case, then he is really confused about Mu Ting's employment.

Whose official in charge of diplomacy is not the kind of long-sleeved, skillful and slick figure? This kind of important position that can reflect the will of the country to a certain extent should not be held by a mess of people.

But Yu Wenduo stopped talking.



Jiang Wang deliberately waited until the end of the blessed land challenge on June 15th before setting off for Bianhuang.

Needless to say, he defeated his opponent lightly in the blessed land challenge. After falling to the 69th-ranked Yunshan Blessed Land, it is very close to the 72nd-ranked Donghai Mountain Blessed Land.

The reason why we start from the last blessed land is mainly to leave our own challenge track, and secondly, to not miss the special output of any blessed land.

Beyond that...

He is also trying to build another combat system, and plans to use this combat system to hit the ranking of Fudi while concealing the identity of Mirage. It hasn't been perfected yet, but the lowest-ranked monks in Dafudi are no longer a problem.

They set off on June 16, fought in the frontier for five days, and returned to the Supreme Court on June 22. At this time, there are still a few days before the succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Divine Crown begins.

And the envoys of various countries have also arrived one after another.

The majestic and vast Minhe Temple also became noisy after the envoys from various countries had settled in. Outstanding diplomatic talents from various countries are able to dance freely on such a stage. Envoys like Jiang Wang who practiced behind closed doors and went to fight alone in the wilderness are really different.

As soon as Yu Wenduo arrived at the royal court, he withdrew in a hurry, not knowing what was urgent.

Jiang Wang returned to the courtyard where the envoy of Qi State lived alone. At this moment, all the injuries on his body have been taken care of, and there is no hindrance.

Qiao Lin came up to meet him eagerly and led the horse graciously. Later, he also knew that he had ruined Lord Hou's self-promotion that day, and he regretted it very much. All he wanted was to rebuild the trust between himself and Lord Hou, but it was a pity that Lord Hou turned his head and went to the grassland, leaving his carefully prepared flattery with nowhere to pat him, and he was very disappointed.

"Master Hou, many people have been looking for you during your absence!" He said in a mysterious tone.

"Oh?" Jiang Wang smiled knowingly: "There must be someone from Chu State among them."

In fact, after knowing that Chu's envoy to the grassland this time was Dou Zhao, he was already looking forward to this meeting.

When he left Chudu, he had an appointment with Dou Zhao. If there is no meeting in the grassland this time, he himself will take time to go to Chu.

Even this time he went alone to the frontier to hunt monsters, he did not have the intention of sharpening his sword and waiting for the battle.

Facing an opponent like Dou Zhao, who would dare to take it lightly?

And with Dou Zhao being belligerent, it is perfectly normal for him to rush to the door first.

"Master Hou is wise!" Qiao Lin gave a thumbs up, admiringly: "Master Hou is really good at predicting things, how did you know that Zhong Liyan would come to you? No, no return."

Zhong Liyan?

What is this fellow looking for?

I'm not familiar with him either.

Isn't the envoy of Chu State Dou Zhao? Temporary replacement?

Jiang Wang was taken aback for a moment, but after all it was inconvenient to express surprise at this time, so he only gave a vague "um".

Then he asked: "You said that many people came to see me. Besides Chu people, who else?"

"The people of Jing Kingdom are also here to visit you!" Qiao Lin boasted, "Your Majesty's prestige spreads all over the world and overwhelms the world. If there is a chance, who would not want to see his true face? If I am not from Qi, I am not lucky to be with you." Under my command, I will definitely try my best to visit you!"

Murong Long and?

Jiang Wang automatically ignored Qiao Lin's low-level flattery, and he couldn't figure out what kind of intersection he had with Murong Long, so he would let him visit.

Let's understand it as Jing Guo's diplomatic behavior.


Before leaving, the emperor didn't give any diplomatic conditions? If you really want to talk about cooperation, alliances, etc., you don't have any upper-level attitude on your side, so how can you talk about it?

I have to think of a way to blur the past...

Just as he was thinking about it, a crisp shout came from outside the courtyard: "Jiang Qingyang!"

But it was a female voice.

"The Jing people are here again!" Qiao Lin reminded in a low voice.

Jiang Wang had already heard who was coming, turned around and saw a bronze-skinned, healthy woman walking generously.

She was wearing armor and a gown, and she walked with great momentum, almost carrying the wind and thunder.

But there was a smile on his face: "Ah, no, it should be called Jiang Wu'an!"

Jiang Wang also smiled: "Whether it's Qingyang or Wu'an, I'm Jiang Wang. Miss Huang can be called whatever you want."

Huang Sheli smiled: "Okay, Fairy Jiang!"

"...Uh." Jiang Wang choked.

Huang Sheli smiled even brighter. Her facial features are profound, and she has a beauty that is rarely seen in the Eastern Region. Her smile has an innate appeal, which makes people unconsciously grin the corners of their mouths and brighten their mood.

It was like sunlight piercing through the clouds, so he walked into the courtyard like this, and held Jiang Wang's hand very naturally: "Long time no see!"

Recalling the meeting of the Yellow River, Jiang Wang could not help but sigh, "Yes, it has been two years in a flash."

Huang Sheli asked himself that he is "not lewd, never greasy, the style of a gentleman", so he just held it for a while and let go, smiling: "Time flies, and Brother Jiang's demeanor is better than before, I want to jump to it soon Ten or twenty years later, look at what Jiang Qingyang looked like back then!"

Jiang Wang invited her into the main room while talking with her: "One day, if Miss Huang can set such a long time, please be merciful. Whether it is ten years or ten days, I want to experience it carefully. Willing to skip."

"It's reasonable." Huang Sheli nodded again and again: "We have to go through it carefully."

Jiang Wang always felt that what the two sides said was not the same thing.

After being seated, he asked again: "I remember that this time your country seemed to use General Murong as its envoy?"

"Yeah, I'm coming with you." Huang Sheli looked at him with smiling eyes: "Surprised, surprised?"

Meiren Zhao is in retreat, while Meiren Chongxuan is not here, only Meiren Jiang is in front, so she should take a second look. Otherwise, wouldn't this trip to the grassland be in vain?

"It's both." Jiang Wang smiled, then pondered again: "I think Miss Huang's energy is perfect, and she is already on the verge of God's arrival?"

What a formidable opponent Huang Sheli would be if he came to God, who possessed supreme supernatural powers. Jiang Wang is very much looking forward to the brilliance of the Blooming Adverse Journey.

"It's still not perfect, not perfect." Huang Sheli muttered, "Otherwise, I'd just kick him down this time, and I'll come here by myself. I don't care about things, I'm annoying myself to death."

Jiang Wang was a little funny: "Why does General Murong care about you?"

"Every time I go out, I talk about this and that!" Huang Sheli seemed dissatisfied for many days: "I came to see my old friend, what's wrong?"

"Master Hou!" Qiao Lin trotted over at this moment: "People from Chu come to write!"

He took a breath, and added: "A letter of war, sent by someone from Dou Zhao!"

Huang Sheli's beautiful eyes were shining.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still a little bit reserved, he would have danced a set of big magic pestle on the spot.

Dou Zhao vs. Jiang Wang! What a beautiful scenery! It's too bad that I didn't listen to that zombie face. If I missed this battle in the future today, wouldn't I regret it for the rest of my life?

Jiang Wang didn't bother to think about how the people of Chu could be with Zhong Liyan and Doushao for a while, and he was very happy when he heard that it was Douzhao's letter of war.

Stretch out your hand: "Send it!"

Qiao Lin handed over the gauntlet respectfully.

Jiang Wang unfolded it and saw that there was only one line in the text——

"The appointment in the capital of Chu, do you remember?"

The font is not very neat, but it is arrogant and unrestrained, and it is about to tear through the paper and cut it in front of the face.

He closed the gauntlet, raised his eyes to look at Qiao Lin, and laughed loudly: "The people from Chu have written a letter, well said!"

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