Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1668 Disrespectful death

The Chiha tribe can also be regarded as a large tribe. Among other things, being able to be stationed so close to the Supreme King's Court is beyond the reach of ordinary tribes.

But who is Yu Wenduo?

Don't look at him being submissive in front of Helian Yunyun, and laughing and laughing in front of Jiang Wang, he is a true blood child of the famous Yuwen family in the grassland!

He has practiced in the Cangyu Patrolling Yamen, he has honed his life and death in the frontier, and now he is serving in the Cangtu Divine Cavalry.

Looking at the entire Great Shepherd Empire, among all the young nobles, he is definitely considered the best.

Not to mention that he has won the trust of the great shepherd princess Helian, and there is also a very talented Ye Gai who is studying in Erdemi.

For Yu Wenduo, it would definitely not be considered strenuous to seal off a Chiha tribe and encircle and suppress a mere small foreign sect. He didn't even need to do it himself.

Before taking action, Gao Xingwu had already found out the details of the Grassland Branch of Wushengjiao.

A woman who called herself "No Life Mother" led 18 backbone believers to venture to the grassland to develop. Falsely claiming that the Lord Wusheng is the subordinate god of Cangtu God, thus quickly opening up the situation.

It has to be said that this point is consistent with the current open religious policy of the pastoral court, which shows the cleverness of this lifeless old mother. If given the opportunity to grow, maybe it can really develop on the grassland.

They first traveled to the grasslands as five horsemen, rescued the poor and helped the poor, and developed believers in various small tribes. After initially opening up the situation, Wusheng's old mother was not satisfied with the status quo, and quickly got involved with Wu Chiyan, the young son of the Chiha tribe. With the help of the Chiha tribe, the Wusheng religion quietly expanded and entered the new stage of development.

If there is a story with Wushengjiao as the protagonist, this old Wusheng mother should be the great hero of the organization, opening up the situation for the sect in the grassland, teaching and practicing, the future is limitless.

After the succession ceremony of the priest of the divine crown, the national policy of the integration of all religions promulgated by the Great Shepherd Royal Court is even more "the good wind sends me to Qingyun by force."

It's a pity that I waited until Jiang Wangbei came...

The Yuwen family's warriors are well-trained, and they are divided into groups of three, like sharp knives stabbing butter, easily dividing the target area. Then from the tent, from the side of the market, and from the sheepfold, the target people were picked out one by one.

The battle line was advancing very quickly, and the goals of these warriors were also very clear. The Chiha tribe in the target area could only flee in panic, and under the threat of the warriors, they stood still and waited for the screening. And people outside the target area... can only watch.

A young man in brocade robe galloped up on his horse, and started shouting from a long distance: "Stay here, stay here! A hero from the Yuwen family, I am a red-faced man! My Chiha tribe has always been loyal to the emperor and worshiped the gods, and never acted rashly. Why did you incur swords? Is there any misunderstanding in this?"

Gao Xingwu didn't say a word, and the warriors of Yuwen's family had no intention of stopping. They caught what should be caught and killed what should be killed, and they didn't show any mercy.

The brocade-robed youth galloped forward, reined in the reins, and glared at Gao Xingwu who was in the air: "Gao Xingwu is a person who can be counted, and I, the Chiha tribe, are not easy to bully. We have never had any disputes, and I don't know when I offended him." I’m going to teach you to go to war without saying a word!?”

The surrounding Chiha tribe fighters all gathered behind him for a while, looking at this side, they couldn't hold back their coldness, and they seemed to form a charge if there was a disagreement.

Gao Xingwu just glanced at this person indifferently, without saying a word, he spread his wings like an eagle, flew directly in front of a big tent, raised his hand with a whip, and sent shockwaves across the air, he had already pulled the big tent away! Completely uncover the Wusheng Cultists who are resisting in the tent in the eyes of everyone!

It was a white-haired old woman with a stooped figure, moving like a ghost, holding a long sword, the tip of the sword was still dripping blood, and three corpses were already lying under the sword.

Thinking about it, it was the "Mother Wusheng", who indeed had the strongest performance in the audience.

Gao Xingwu directly attracted the stars in the sky, and he swooped down, fighting with them.

Wu Chiyan saw that he was so disrespectful, and immediately became furious, and drew out the scimitar at the side of his waist with a bang. The Chiha tribe soldiers behind him drew their knives in unison.

"Wu Chiyan!"

In this unremarkable carriage on the sidelines, Yu Wenduo stood with one foot on the shaft and the other on the back of the horse, beckoning to him: "Come here."

Wu Chiyan was a little puzzled, not knowing who was speaking now.

Yu Wenduo raised his chin: "I am Yu Wenduo!"

Wu Chiyan got off the horse subconsciously, threw the scimitar on the grass as if throwing a hot potato, and hurried a few steps to the carriage: "Mr. Yuwen, this..."

Gao Xingwu, a deacon of Yuwen's family, has a famous name that overwhelms him.

The reason why he didn't recognize Yu Wenduo immediately was because at his level, he was not qualified to contact a true blood disciple like Yu Wenduo.

Now that Yu Wenduo has revealed his identity, he dare not be angry at all.

He said with trepidation and trepidation: "I have some friendship with Mr. Jin Gejin, please look at his old man's face..."

Yu Wenduo raised his hand and pressed down, without using any supernatural powers, he just said: "Kneel down."


Power is power, and power is supernatural power.

Wu Chiyan knelt down directly, and never dared to mention other people's names: "Wu Chiyan is ignorant. I really don't know what offended Mr. Yuwen. If you are willing to give me advice, I will be grateful. Please give Chiha a lot of money." Not a chance for redemption!"

Jiang Wang, wearing a sheep's head mask, just silently observed Gao Xingwu's battle with Wu Sheng's mother from beginning to end. No matter what happens today, he is just a bystander. He stayed out of the matter and observed every detail of Wushengjiao from a clearer angle.

He suspected that Zhang Linchuan had some kind of emergency communication channel with the important leaders of the Wusheng Sect, which was why he only let the immortal warriors play in Chengguo last time. In order not to expose himself and not alert Zhang Linchuan.

Gao Xingwu, who has the title of Shocking Lightning Whip, is a monk in the Outer Building Realm.

The Wusheng old mother is a monk in the inner palace, possessing a strange supernatural power - there is a wind tunnel in the palm of her left hand, from which ghosts continuously fly out.

Those ghost images are more or less natural. In other words...they were made from the souls of living people. Therefore, they do not have the weakness of ordinary ghosts, they can wreak havoc in broad daylight, and they are not afraid of thunder at all.

The two sides fought back and forth.

The emissary of the secluded earth that I met in Chengguo before is also the inner palace of supernatural powers. However, the emissary of the Underworld had already been killed before he could use his supernatural powers.

When did the Divine Ability Neifu become so worthless?

If it belongs to a certain world sect, a certain big country is fine.

Where does Zhang Linchuan's foundation of creating the No-life Cult come from?

Yu Wenduo obviously had great confidence in Gao Xingwu, he didn't even look at the battle over there, he just looked down at Wu Chiyan, and asked calmly, "What's your relationship with the Wusheng Sect?"

Wu Chiyan looked up in astonishment.

This astonishment was a bit of a pretense, after all, he was not blind to see who those warriors were targeting.

"I have nothing to do with the Wusheng Sect. It is only in response to His Majesty's national policy of converging all religions that they are allowed to preach in the Chiha tribe... Mr. Yuwen, is there a problem with the Wusheng Cult? The Chiha tribe is also a victim. They came here It didn't take long, what they did, the Chiha tribe didn't know at all!"

"You don't know that Wusheng Cult confuses the minds of believers? You don't know that Wusheng Cult absorbs the vitality of believers? You don't know that Wusheng Cult is a cult?"

"There is such a thing? Wu Chiyan really didn't know, so he took them down and asked Mr. Yuwen to punish him!" Wu Chiyan looked back at the Chiha warriors behind him: "Aren't you going to help?!"

Yu Wenduo looked at him with great interest: "However, before the announcement of the national policy of converging all religions, this Wusheng religion was preached by the Chiha tribe. How do you explain it?"

Wu Chiyan was startled in horror, and cold sweat soaked the back of his heart immediately.

At this moment, countless excuses turned in his mind, but all of them collapsed when he faced Yu Wenduo's slightly playful expression.

He touched the ground with his forehead on the spot, and dared not argue again: "Wu Chiyan was blinded by lard, deceived by demons, greedy for small profits, deceived the court father and brother, deceived the people of Ding households, and caused the poison of the cult, this sincere crime deserves death No matter how Young Master Yuwen punishes him, even if his body is divided into pieces, Wu Chiyan is willing to accept it!"

"Why is this?" Yu Wenduo looked surprised: "How can you have such a big crime?"

In the hopeful eyes of Wu Chiyan, the surprise on Yu Wenduo's face dissipated, replaced by an untouchable indifference: "Your Chiha tribe just knew the national policy in advance... leaked it out in advance That's all."

"No! Absolutely not!" Wu Chiyan's eyes were instantly filled with panic. He took a few steps on his knees, approached the carriage, and kowtowed desperately: "I didn't know the national policy beforehand, and my father and brother didn't even know about this cult. I can swear to God Cangtu, I can swear on my living soul, how did the Chiha tribe have the ability to know the national policy in advance, and how could I have the guts to reveal the national policy? According to the rule of the month, I was deceived by money and things, and I took risks. The whole thing is just like this! Wu Chiyan is an unforgivable crime and deserves to be cut into pieces, but I just ask Lord Yuwen to stop the blame on Wu Chiyan and not tire me Innocent people!"

After a while, his forehead was covered with dirt and grass, and he no longer had the slightest stance of a prairie noble.

Yu Wenduo raised his chin slightly: "You mean, I intend to get involved?"

"I have no such intention, I have no such intention." Wu Chiyan was already in tears, bowing to Yu Wenduo with trembling hands: "Please, please give me a way to survive."

"I don't understand what is a dead end, can you tell me something I understand?" Yu Wenduo Shi Shiran turned his head: "Oh, people have already brought it."

However, the battle over there was over, Gao Xingwu had captured Wusheng's old mother, and the core believers of Wusheng Cult except those who were killed on the spot, there were still forty-three people alive, and they were all bound and escorted by Yuwen's warriors.

Only then did Yu Wenduo say to Wu Chiyan: "Get up. Listen carefully. When I finish talking, I hope you will know what to say to me."

Jiang Wang stood beside the carriage without saying a word, like Yu Wenduo's personal bodyguard. He even used the curse seal to suppress his aura to be more ordinary.

Yuwenduo has Yuwenduo's style of doing things, and the grassland also has the inherent traditions of the grassland. His boldness and straightforwardness may not be false, but at this moment, he who is turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain, easily controlling the fate of Wu Chiyan, is indeed the real him.

The white-haired old woman was smashed by Gao Xingwu's hands, pierced through her internal organs, and tied with an iron rope. She was dragged over bloody and fell in front of the carriage.

This old woman named "Wu Sheng Lao Mu" does not look very different, very ordinary. Now curled up on the ground, looking very pitiful.

And the forty-three core believers of Wusheng Sect knelt neatly behind her. They were of different heights, short, fat, and thin, and apart from their pale complexions, there was nothing else in common.

Everyone had a knife around their necks, making them afraid to move or make a sound.

Those who shouted to die for the God Lord have all been killed.

Some of these core believers are members of the Chiha tribe, but their young masters are kneeling in front of Yu Wenduo now, so how dare others speak up?

Gao Xingwu stepped forward and reported: "Young Master, all the core cult members on the list killed 23 people on the spot, captured 43 people, and none of them escaped."

Yu Wenduo wiped his braided hair, jumped out of the carriage, walked up to Wusheng's old mother, lifted her head up with his boots, and looked down at her: "Do you know that in the past, I secretly came to the grassland Preaching, what will happen if you are arrested?"

"Ho ho ho." The old woman knelt on the ground, her face was upturned, her mouth was covered with blood, but she looked at Yu Wenduo, smiling all the time.

Laugh weirdly, laugh scary, laugh fearlessly.

Yu Wenduo looked at her and didn't speak anymore.


A samurai cut off with a saber, and the head of a Wusheng Cultist rolled off.

There was a few moments of silence.


The blade flashed.

Another head.

Someone begged for mercy—"Wait, wait, what do you want to ask, I know what my mother knows, don't kill me, I'll say anything!"

There is a curse—"If you dare to blaspheme the gods and kill the servants of the gods, you will die without a burial place, and you will never be reborn forever!"

But from the beginning to the end, Yu Wenduo just looked at Wu Sheng's old mother.

The warriors of the Yuwen family did not make any other sounds.

Only the saber was cut off again and again, and only the heads of Wusheng Cultists rolled down one by one.

The pressure that spread silently seemed to press people into deep water.

Wu Sheng's old mother finally stopped laughing.

She looked at Yu Wenduo with resentment: "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Then she let out a painful cry, "Ah!"

Her left ear was chopped off!

"I'm not used to people asking me questions." Yu Wenduo said, throwing the saber with a touch of red back into the warrior's hand.

His tone was very casual: "Well, why don't you tell me who you are and what you want to do?"

Obviously, when Cang Yu was patrolling the Yamen, Yu Wenduo must be a very qualified Fei Ya, who was very good at controlling the rhythm of the interrogation.

At this time, the old woman's face was covered with blood, her excessively weak body, and the increasing pressure had almost defeated her defense line.

She trembled, and said slowly: "I am an old mother who has no birth, and I came to the grassland... to spread the glory of God."

"What is the position of the lifeless mother within you?"

"The Wusheng Old Mother is self-proclaimed, so that it is convenient to preach in the grassland... I am in the position of my teaching, and I am the emissary of the earth spirit."

"Seventy-two earth demons." Yu Wenduo was a little surprised: "Your sect is very powerful!"

The old woman said: "I only know that I am an emissary of the earth spirit, and I only know the situation in the grassland. I don't know where the other emissaries are, how many there are, and how powerful the sect is."

"It's reasonable." Yu Wenduo nodded, looked at her again and said, "To be honest, I don't even have the heart to do something serious when you look like this. You must have some reasons for coming out to harm people at such an old age." Yes. Tell me about how you joined Wusheng Cult?"

The blood moved slowly in the deep wrinkles, the old woman's face was blank, and her eyes were hollow: "That was when I was married not long ago. One night, the house was attacked by burglars. There were three of them, and they took two to kill them." A pig knife and a hammer took away all the valuables in the house. They said, if I accompany them well, they will not kill us. I will accompany them. They still wiped my husband's neck and stabbed me twice. I set another fire and burned my home. I jumped into the water tank and survived. At that time, I thought, whoever can help me avenge me, I will do anything. God responded to me.”

"Married soon?" Yu Wenduo looked at her: "Ask Fang's age?"

"Twenty one." said the old woman.

After a moment of silence, Yu Wenduo said, "Tell me about your god, what does he look like, what miracles has he shown, and how strong is he?"

"I've never seen it before. He only appeared in my heart. It was a voice, so kind..." The old woman murmured, her eyes turned white suddenly, and she stared blankly at Yu Wenduo! The voice also became eerie: "What do you think... is God!?"

In the big tent where Wusheng old mother was taken out, her god was enshrined.

The pale shrine, the faceless wooden statue, the white candles...everything is very familiar.

Gao Xingwu captured Wu Sheng's old mother, he didn't pay attention to those arrangements.

Jiang Wang naturally noticed it, but he didn't remind Yu Wenduo, nor did he sweep away the shrine immediately, but just observed everything silently. The last time he walked in a hurry in Chengguo, and his actions were mainly concealed. He asked himself that he was not strong enough to contact Zhang Linchuan at that time.

Today is naturally different. Not to mention that he has achieved God's presence and can deal with most accidents. More importantly, this is Muguo, what kind of evil god can come here and not be suppressed? No matter how terrifying Zhang Linchuan is, how can he change the sky here?

Just when the Wusheng old mother mentioned the gods, the white candle that had been extinguished was lit instantly, and a faint fragrance was emitted, and the strange faceless statue in the shrine suddenly opened a pair of eyes!

At this time, the old woman broke free from all restraints, her voice was hoarse like a crow, she roared and jumped up——

"Death to the disrespectful!"

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