Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1678 Rizhao Tiger Terrace

Outside the city of Guiyi, there is a scenic spot called "Tiger Terrace".

In the past, Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling and Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping fought for the road here, which once attracted thousands of people.

The former Tiger Terrace is here today, and the former princes have become loess.

But Tiger Terrace is actually not open when it is idle.

Because under the Tiger Terrace is the famous "Sixuan Underground Palace".

At the peak of the Great Xia, more than half of the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty had sought Taoism in the Sixuan Underground Palace, which shows its importance.

Putting it outside can be compared to Qizhi Jixia Academy.

The Southern Xinjiang official examination officially held by the Nanxia Governor's Mansion this time, the final official examination will be held in Hutai.

Those who are interested in officialdom throughout Nanxia, ​​as long as they meet the basic requirements, all participated in this large-scale official examination. There are three levels of examinations: city examination, government examination, and official examination.

In the end, there were 300 people who came to Hutai.

Those who can get to this point are already rare talents, no matter how bad they are in the exam this time, they will still have official status.

And among these 300 people, the best will be selected, and the sheriffs of the 20 counties in Nanxia will be determined.

Nanxia originally had twenty-one prefectures.

However, during the Qixia War, the frontier army of Jin'an Mansion was tenacious, and the Qi army was unable to break through repeatedly. After the decisive battle with Yangcheng was over and the city of Guiyi was destroyed, the frontier troops of Jin'an Mansion feared that the Qi people would retaliate, so they raised their mansion and surrendered to Liang State.

Of course, this is just a statement on the surface.

Of course, high-ranking officials of Qi State like Jiang Wang knew that this was the condition for Liang State to contain Xia State's southeast.

Liang Guo is not weak. Kang Shao was able to successfully restore the country at the beginning, and he was able to maintain a tough attitude in front of Xia Guo who was gradually recovering. This in itself is a proof of strength.

One is the support of Jiange.

Second, the clan of Liang Guo and the Blood River Sect have also maintained a close relationship for a long time.

The two contemporary great masters gave Liang Guoren considerable confidence.

Between Liang and Xia, there are lofty mountains and dangerous peaks.

The Wenjian Gorge in the middle is only connected by a plank road.

Jiange controls the dangerous pass here, which can be said to be impossible for anyone to open.

And the importance of Jin'an mansion is that when it returns to summer, it will just block the exit of Wenjian Gorge to the northwest.

When it returns to Liang, it is the bridgehead for Liang Guo to Xia Di!

Once Jin'an is lost, Fengli, Huiming, Shaokang, and Wanxing all become border mansions, and the pressure on border defense has doubled?

From this, it can also be explained that although Qi State's extermination of Xia is a high mountain pressing eggs and a great momentum, the efforts behind it are not at all insignificant.

Of course, Qi is not Xia.

In today's Southern Xia, even if the four prefectures of Fengli, Huiming, Shaokang, and Wanxing did not have a single soldier, the Liang people would not dare to cross the border.

Shi Mingxuan led the Winter Silence Army not to station in these four mansions, but to station in Changluo Mansion, which also reflected Qi's judgment on the degree of threat.

Today, the sun is shining on Hutai, and the literary spirit is surging like clouds and smoke.

Three hundred examinees are taking the exam, one case per person, three steps apart, writing strategies and theories.

There are three topics in policy theory.

Su Guanying personally put up the title, titled "I want to rule the southern border". It is a very clear but also very broad question, openly asking a group of candidates to give advice on the governance of southern Xinjiang.

The title given by Shi Ming is "How can the disaster of water and water never stop, this is Xia Yan".

Jiang Wang was so urged that he couldn't help it, so he also asked a question, which was "Qi Xia's original sect".

It is not difficult to see that Marquis Wu'an gave a sub-question. It is difficult for candidates not to score. Of course, it is even more difficult to get a high score on such a general topic.

The soldiers on the sidelines are all wearing red robes, and there are many soldiers. There are also generals patrolling with swords, supervising everywhere.

Top position.

Su Guanying, the governor of Nanxia and the court councilor, sat in the middle.

Shi Mingzhen, the governor of the Southern Xia Army and the commander of the Winter Mute Army, sat on the left.

Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an, sits on the right.

The three are sitting side by side.

Although Jiang Wang did not hold a position in Nanxia, ​​it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the top three figures in Nanxia in terms of status and influence.

Of course, this is only true on the surface, Qi State still has other big figures in Nanxia.

"Doctor Xie's move to destroy Guiyi was very beautiful. He first suppressed Sixuan's underground palace with the momentum of thunder, and surrounded it without fighting. Then he stormed Guiyi, forced Anlebo to surrender, and then turned around to take over Sixuan's underground palace. No damage... Marquis Wu An should know?" asked Su Guanying on the main seat.

"I really don't know." Jiang Wang smiled bitterly: "I was not next to Xie Shuai at the time, and I passed out."

The vicious-looking Shi Mingzhen laughed out loud, his beard and hair trembling wildly, like an angry lion.

Their voices stayed on the high platform, but they didn't expect to fall into the examination room and affect anyone.

On the face of it, the governor of Nanxia and the military governor are still very harmonious, talking and laughing, and no one is left out.

"Jian Ruan has been sitting in the Sixuan Digong for so long, and I don't know how it is sorted out now." Su Guanying said.

Ruan Yu, the inspector of the Qintian Supervisor, is currently in Sixuan's underground palace, Jiang Wang really doesn't know about this. It was also because he didn't care too much about these things and never took the initiative to participate in the political affairs hall meetings.

Shi Ming said in a loud voice: "The most essential collection in the Great Xia Palace was burned by the Empress Dowager Xia. Thanks to Anle Boming's reasoning, some were saved just now. As for the Sixuan Underground Palace, Cao Shuai delayed Hundreds of vehicles have been brought back, and there should be very few left. Supervisor Ruan is sorting out the Sixuan underground palace, isolating the inside and outside, and I think it is more about cleaning up the dead bones, one by one to deal with those old guys who are sitting on the dead end."

"I don't think there are more?" Su Guanying said: "When the emperor came here personally, he broke the Sixuan underground palace once. In the past few decades, it has not been easy for the people of Xia to save up this family business. What else can they accumulate? , the governor is hard to believe."

"That's why it's cleaning up the rotten bones." Shi Ming said.

Ruan Yu secretly sits in the Sixuan Digong, of course, there is also a reason for sitting in the Nanxia Foundation. Qi State is unwilling to put pressure on Chu State on the bright side, but it can't be so relieved about the Xia land that has just been conquered.

"My lords." Jiang Wang didn't understand and asked, "Speaking of which, I have been to the Jixia Academy to cultivate, and I also know the Erdemi of Muguo, so I don't know the difference between them and the Sixuan Underground Palace?"

"If there is a difference, they are all caves. If there is no difference, they are not of the same level at all." Su Guanying said with a smile: "The predecessor of the Sixuan Digong is the Tianzhu Sixuantian, in the thirty-six small caves. , ranked fourteenth. The Xia Kingdom has operated from generation to generation, and it is the Sixuan Underground Palace that is today."

Blessed place... cave heaven!

Jiang Wang's heart suddenly brightened, and he understood a lot of information at once.

Su Guanying continued: "Our Jixia Academy inherits the Sun Palace of the old Yang Empire. It was formerly known as the Jintan Huayang Heaven, which ranked eighth among the top ten caves. The old Yang royal family has operated for thousands of years before it became the Sun Palace. It was later destroyed by the flames of war. It was not until the rise of our Qi State that it was restored under the hands of Emperor Wu, and it was even better than before, because there is today's Jixia Academy."

Shi Mingyu also said: "The predecessor of Erdemi was Youxutian, the left god, who ranked ninth among the top ten caves. It is obviously conceived by heaven and earth, but the place where the truth is sought is called the God of Cangtu. Self-cultivation, what are you talking about the wisdom of God. Haha!"

"Marshal be careful." Su Guanying said softly: "In today's world situation, we are friends with Muguo rather than enemies, and we still have to respect their supreme gods."

"Ha! I don't know whether he is dead or alive now." Shi Mingzhen didn't care: "Tianzi Mu is a capable person, and this commander admires her very much."

The top ten caves are naturally far above the thirty-six small caves. No wonder Su Guanying said that Sixuandi Palace and Jixia Academy are not at the same level at all.

However, what are the specific differences between big and small caves, and even blessed places?

Although Jiang Wang has studied in Jixia Academy, he still can't say he understands Jixia Academy.

At this moment, he just frowned: "What about the seventy-two blessed lands in the illusory realm? As the two of you said, the ten caves, the thirty-six small caves, and the seventy-two blessed lands are all heaven and earth. Conceived, where the truth is sought. Is the Taixu faction so powerful that it monopolizes the seventy-two blessed lands? Or when the Taixu illusion was established, all parties contributed their own blessed lands?"

"With the blessed land in hand, who would be willing to let it go lightly." Shi Mingzheng sighed: "If you want to talk about this, I really admire Xu Yuanzhi. The old man is respectable, and he really has the world in his heart. No personal thoughts."

"I don't know anything about the Taixu Patriarch." Jiang Wang said, "I don't know how to say that?"

Shi Ming said: "The value of the cave sky is far above the blessed land, more than a hundred times. In order to promote the Taixu illusion, Xu Yuanzhi contributed the Taixu loft of the Taixu sect and distributed it to the seventy-two blessed places with a fixed share. This is how they got these blessed lands. If they can’t benefit from it, who would let go of the blessed lands in their hands?”

"The predecessor of the Taixu Pavilion was Chaozhen Taixutian, which ranked twenty-third among the thirty-six small caves. Moreover, the Taixu sect managed it very well, and it was not inferior to the top. Contributions can be said to be heart-wrenching and devotion to others, which directly attracted several elders of the Taixu Sect to rebel! Because he wanted to exchange the cave for the blessed land, many forces competed for the blessed land at high prices, so they participated in the distribution of the Taixu loft, which shows its preciousness.

And Xu Yuan's request is only to use the seventy-two blessings to enhance the attraction of the Taixu Illusion to the monks of God's Landing, so that the Taixu Illusion can grow faster. "

"But in fact it doesn't seem to be very ideal?" Jiang Wang asked.

Shi Mingxuan said: "It is impossible to accomplish anything overnight, especially something in the revolutionary era of the Illusionary Realm. The unfortunate thing is... Although Xu Yuanzhi made a huge sacrifice under the pressure of all parties, in exchange for The Seventy-two Blessed Lands joined the Taixu Illusory Realm system, but at that time they failed to pass the resolutions of all parties. The news of the Taixu Illusory Realm was blocked for a long time, and it has only been opened in a small area. Therefore, his courtship is almost white Changed."

"Aren't you letting go now?" Su Guanying said: "Sometimes moving too fast is not necessarily a good thing. I don't think it is too prudent to do things that are about to revolutionize the times and benefit the world. .”

Obviously, as far as the illusory realm is concerned, Shi Mingzhen's attitude is supportive. Su Guanying's attitude is relatively cautious.

Within Qi State alone, there are different attitudes towards the Illusory Realm. Putting it all over the world, there must be more dissent.

Those who really move forward can fully understand how powerful the resistance of reality is.

It's really hard to imagine how Xu Yuanzhi persuaded each of the forces to be recognized by the overlords of the world, and those ancient sects who are high above the world... How to realize the concept step by step, and how to smooth it out Those resistances push the illusory realm into the present world.

It is impossible for a person without great wisdom, courage and perseverance to accomplish such a great cause.

Shi Mingxuan asked at this time: "Marquis Wu'an, you are the emissary of Taixu, and the earliest Taixu turret in China is your property. What kind of attitude do you think we should take towards the Taixu illusion?"

"Your age is not enough to understand the world, so how shallow is enough to talk about the world?" Jiang Wang waved his hand: "What I see and hear is still too narrow. The commander-in-chief is asking me now, and I don't know how to answer. Wait. When will I be able to see the reality of the world, let's discuss such important matters."

Part of the reason why he came to Nanxia as soon as he returned to Linzi was to avoid the small-scale court discussions of the Qi court about Taixu scrolls.

When he was on a mission to the grassland, Akira Xuze of the Taixu sect stopped the car halfway and asked him to support the creation of the Taixu scroll in the Taixu illusion.

He disagreed in his heart, but at the same time he couldn't confirm whether his thoughts on this matter were right or wrong.

On the one hand, the creation of the Taixu scroll has the risk of the Taixu faction imposing and interfering with its will. But on the other hand, the greatness of the Illusory Realm is unquestionable. The creation of the Illusory Scroll can undoubtedly strengthen the construction of the Illusory Realm in a targeted manner and accelerate its evolution.

The stronger you are, the more you know how to fear the world.

Therefore, on such a grand matter, he simply remained silent. If you want to come to those truly great people, there will be their responses that have penetrated through time.

"Marquis Wu'an is too modest." Su Guanying said with a smile: "This time the official examination in southern Xinjiang can be so smooth, all thanks to Marquis Wu'an Lei Ting's tricks. Riders patrolling, ghosts and monsters are all scared. If you are not talented, isn't my Governor's Mansion completely exhausted?" A useless person?"

Jiang Wang bowed: "It's just killing a few people, it's not a skill."

In order to complete the errand of the official examination in southern Xinjiang, to ensure that the official examination is conducted in a fair atmosphere. Jiang Wang personally formed a 2,000-strong Tiqi, and all the knights were old troops who fought with him in the Qixia War.

There are a lot of people who respond to a paper call for transfer order. Choose the best from the best to form this team. This cavalry army only obeys his orders and has no relationship with Nanxia Governor's Mansion.

He, the Marquis of Wu'an in the Great Qi, was also qualified to start a mansion and establish teeth. The formation of a guard with less than 10,000 people is in line with the regulations of the imperial court, and there is no need to apply separately.

Taking advantage of this supervisory officer exam, he also formed his own team in Xiadi by the way.

Of course, raising such a cavalry would cost a huge amount of money, and the current income of the Chitan fiefdom alone was not enough to support it.

Jiang Wang is currently asking Nanxia Governor's Mansion to allocate a lot of resources in the name of supervising the official examination. After the official examination is over, he needs to spend his own money to support him.

But at that time, Dugu Xiao's management of the fief should have been on the right track. It just happened to bring the business of Desheng Commercial Bank into Xiadi... Raising soldiers and raising horses, with a scale of less than 10,000 people, is not a big problem.

It is worth mentioning that after careful consideration, Xue Rushi chose to resign from the post of Fengli magistrate and gave up the official examination. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to Jiang Wang's command and was responsible for commanding the Tiqi.

People at that time called it "Old Mountain Iron Cavalry".

The guards all wear red robes, one out of a hundred guards, one guarding one mansion. Tiqi scattered around and inspected the examination rooms in various cities, but those who cheated and those who were not strict in proctoring were punished criminally.

Jiang Wang himself even carried the sword himself, patrolled the various mansions, and killed many people who relied on their backgrounds—whether they were from the governor's mansion or the military mansion, he could kill them all.

In the first large-scale official examination after Xia Di's surrender, there may be people who Ti Qi can't solve, and there are people who Jiang Wang can't

His tough attitude and vigorous approach made it almost impossible to cheat in this official examination.

The fairness of the southern Xinjiang official examination is of long-term benefit to both Su Guanying and Shi Mingzheng, so they are quite cooperative. Even if someone under his command was dealt with by Jiang Wang like killing chickens and dogs, no matter what he thought in his heart, he only clapped his hands and cheered on his face.

"Killing is not a skill. Knowing when to kill and who to kill is a rare skill."

At this time, Shi Mingxuan looked at the candidates who were writing vigorously in the audience, and his eyes were very deep: "Chen Zhisheng, the only son of Chen Tingqian, the magistrate of Jiangyong, disappeared five days ago, and there is no news so far. Can Marquis Wuan know about this?"

The Taixu Pavilion spoiler has been revealed for so long, and I finally wrote it.

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