Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1686

"Master, master, what kind of person do you want me to be?" On the bullock cart going south, Chu Yao leaned on the window and watched for a long time, then suddenly came back and asked.

At this time, it is on the way to Jiange.

A team of Tiriders opened the way in front, and a team of Tiriders guarded the car behind.

The majestic Marquis of Wu'an patrolled the southern border, and nothing unsightly would happen.

Even those who cherish their homeland would not be so stupid as to come and disturb the military meritorious Lord who subdued Guxia's regular army.

Jiang Wang separated his mind from his practice, and smiled: "Why do you ask such a question all of a sudden?"

Chu Yao shook his head and said: "I heard them talking about you, Master, and they all said that you are great. How can I be as great as you?"

Jiang Wang said: "I make a lot of money like me, just pay them."

Chu Yao's eyes widened all of a sudden, feeling enlightened.

"How can I make a lot of money?" he asked excitedly.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and felt that it was better not to mislead his disciples. So I stretched out my index finger and tapped the boy's forehead: "What are you thinking! Master is telling you, don't listen to those flattering voices. The evaluation of me will be true after a hundred years after my death. Now they praise me, is it true?" What I told you, I wanted me to hear in the end.”

Chu Yao rubbed his forehead: "Aren't they bad?"

"Why do you say that?" Jiang Wang asked with great interest.

"Because they are not sincere, they don't say those words sincerely." Chu Yao said, "Didn't you say that people should be treated sincerely?"

"Sincerity should be a requirement for oneself, not an obligation imposed on others." Jiang Wang said with a smile: "They work under the Hou's mansion, want to show up in front of me, and want to get my approval. Common sense. How can it be called a word 'bad'?"

"But it's always wrong to lie, right?" Chu Yao said.

Jiang Wang said slowly: "For example, you have two friends. One says you are clever, cute and talented every day. The other says you are dark and thin like a burnt wood. Who do you like to play with more?"

Chu Yao said seriously: "None of my friends will scold me."

"So who do you like to play with? Isn't that obvious?" Jiang Wang said with a smile: "Everyone likes to hear good things, so there are inevitably lies in this world."

Chu Yao rubbed his chin like a little adult, thoughtfully: "So Master, you also like to listen to good things, that's why they praise you like that, isn't it?"

Jiang Wang laughed hahaha: "This is called 'what's good at the top, what's good at the bottom'. Chu Yao, you have to take it as a warning."

"Master." Chu Yao asked seriously: "What kind of person do you want me to be? You never told me."

Probably out of the mood of repayment, he wanted to work hard to become the person his master made him to be, and he wanted to satisfy the master, but the master never seemed to make any demands on him.

This is the second time he has asked this question.

So Jiang Wang also thought about it seriously, and then said: "Well... Actually, Master doesn't necessarily want you to be what kind of person. There are no goals and responsibilities for you, as long as you don't commit crimes and don't hurt others. Others, you can be any kind of person you want."

"But you are Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi."

"So what?"

"You don't want your apprentice to lose face, do you?"

"How did you throw it in my face?"

"For example, I can't beat others, I'm not as smart as other apprentices, I'm not as talented as other apprentices... You are Marquis of Wu'an, you must feel ashamed?"

"If you think these things are embarrassing, it's just embarrassing you, not Master and me. Because you have your life, I have mine. You can't beat others, it's not as good as others, it's you What's the shame of Master?"

Jiang Wang looked at him and said, "Master, let me tell you, under what circumstances, Master will feel ashamed—if you commit crimes outside under the banner of Master. If you learn from Master, but lose your good moral character." .If you are hurt by others, Master can't protect you... At these times, Master will feel ashamed."

Chu Yao said: "Master, you are different from them."

"What's the difference?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chu Yao said: "My mother told me that I will work hard, I must be very sensible, and I must pay special attention to my words and deeds, so as not to smear your face. Uncle Lian told me that you are an amazing person. Now that I'm your apprentice, I can't be too bad, or I'll lose your face."

Jiang Wangyu said earnestly: "Your mother is a good mother, your uncle Lian is a good friend, and your master may not be a good master. Of course we all wish you well, but you don't have to listen to everything we say. Because we all It's very ordinary people, and we may not all be right."

Chu Yao looked at him half understandingly.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then said: "When that aunt of yours brought someone to scold your mother at your door, how did you feel?"

Chu Yao said, "I'm very angry."

"When you grow up, if you see a lot of people bullying a child there, how would you feel?"

Chu Yao thought for a while and said, "I'm also very angry."

"What about the kid who was bullied?"

"I feel sorry for him."

"What would you do? I mean, if you can't beat those guys."

"I will report to the police secretly."

Jiang Wang smiled: "You are already what Master wants you to be. Keep the courage to be angry, don't forget to be compassionate, and do good things within your ability... This is what Master expects from you."

"You don't want me to be like you in the future, the Yellow River won the first prize and be the number one in the world?"

Jiang Wang shook his head.

"Don't you need me to be a Marquis and a Prime Minister like you?"

Jiang Wang shook his head.

Chu Yao blinked his eyes: "A few days ago I read in a book that 'sacrificing one's life for righteousness' said in the book that it is the work of a sage. Why do you only teach me what I can do?"

Jiang Wang said seriously: "Sacrificing one's life for righteousness is of course great. I admire such a person. But I will not ask you to be that kind of person, and I will not ask anyone to be that kind of person. That kind of great spirit should come from the heart awareness, not the discipline of others.”

Chu Yao said again: "I heard them say that the time you blocked the disaster, you sacrificed your life for righteousness and did a great thing."

"Whether Wei is great or not is a matter of course. I didn't think too much about it at the time, and I might not dare to do it again. Master is alive and has many people's concerns on his shoulders. You can't throw it lightly. What Master wants to tell you is that if You have the highest moral standard in your heart, and that should only be used to demand yourself. A senior once told the master, 'It is already demanding to demand others by your standard, but if you demand the world by your standard, then you are evil and do not know it. You are the devil among the devils." Master often introspects himself, and he also sends this sentence to you."

Jiang Wang didn't have a strong purpose in matters like believers. He just tried his best to take care of Chu Mi's family.

He never felt that he was an infallible person, and he was not even sure that he could be a good master.

He never intends to use himself as a template to carve Chu Yao. Outside of practice, he usually just tells Chu Yao "what not to do", and rarely tells Chu Yao "what you must do".

He no longer thinks that he is a person who understands the world and understands the truth of life, and he is only twenty-one years old. Only the art industry has been verified by countless fights. Self-inquiry can be taught, but not preached. So when discussing life with Chu Yao, he will treat it very cautiously.

But as these conversations with Chu Yao unfolded, he clearly felt that the four star towers he stood in the distant sky became clearer and more vivid.

The Big Dipper Star Field has its own starlight flowing.

He was talking to Chu Yao, and the Starlight Sacred Tower conveyed his way to the universe.

Telling the Tao is also cultivating the Tao.

The process of evangelism is also a sorting out of the past.

He is teaching Chu Yao, so why isn't he examining himself?


The unimpeded southbound road came to an abrupt end at Jin'an Mansion.

For well-known reasons, Jin'an Mansion has now been placed under Liang Guo.

The person guarding this place is Huang Deyi, the first-class duke and veteran of Liang Guo.

When Kang Shao raised the flag to restore the country, he was Kang Shao's most powerful supporter, and he was able to respect the country with his great achievements in restoring the country.

Of course, in a small country like Liang, the importance of dukes is far from being comparable to that of Xia.

Although Huang Deyi was granted the title of Duke, his cultivation was limited to the presence of a god, and he failed to break through to a higher realm.

National power can help practitioners break through the realm, but it does not necessarily mean that practitioners can break through. No matter how good the system is, it needs excellent talents to support it.

Therefore, Qi State has already dominated the Eastern Region, but it still wants to embrace the whole world.

Speaking of which, the only intersection between Jiang Wang and Huang Deyi before was probably Huang Su, Huang Deyi's grandson, who also participated in the Yellow River Meeting in 3919.

"Your Majesty." At this time, the leader of Tiqi, who opened the way, led his horse back and reported in front of the bullock cart: "The people of Liang Guo said that our army is not allowed to pass, you have to go to the Jiange, you have to go by yourself... Look, are we going to punch the card? "

The driver of the car lifted the curtains.

Jiang Wang looked at the cavalry outside who was eager to try, and said a little funny: "Why do you want to punch the card? I brought you to attack the city?"

Jiang Wang's so-called old troops in the army followed him and were the first to fight against Xia. Therefore, in this southern border, Qi's sense of belonging is also the highest.

The cavalry general scratched the back of his neck, and said embarrassedly: "It's mainly Xiaoliang people, they are too ignorant. They even dare to cut off your guard of honor. Is a guard of two hundred people considered an army? As for being so wary?"

"Okay." Jiang Wang waved his hand: "You guys go to Ming Konghan Mountain to camp, and I will go to Jiange by myself."

"Master Hou, how can you do it without a few followers?" The cavalry general said anxiously: "The last general will negotiate with them again. I don't believe they have eaten the guts of a leopard!"

"Do as the Romans do, since this place is already a land of Liang, it doesn't matter if you follow their rules..." Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "Go back."

The so-called master humiliated his officials to death, of course he was angry at Jiang Wang's targeting, but he dared not disobey Jiang Wang's orders even more. I had no choice but to pull the horse's head resentfully, raised my arms to lead the team, and prepared to go to Ming Konghan Mountain.

"You go back too." Jiang Wang patted the driver with a smile.

The coachman was a capable man, and he was surprised when he heard this: "Wouldn't they also stop the driver?"

Jiang Wang smiled gently: "They said they won't lead soldiers, so they won't lead soldiers."

The coachman had no choice but to let go of the reins, and jumped behind a horseman, rubbing his horse back.

Jiang Wang then said: "Chu Yao, can you drive a car?"

Chu Yao said loudly: "Of course, Bai Niu is very smart, I don't need to chase him!"

"Very good, the master's appearance depends on you." Jiang Wang touched the back of his head: "Go drive the car, follow the map, you can't go wrong?"

"Don't worry, master!" Chu Yao got out of the bullock cart with great interest, sat down on the driver's seat, pulled up the reins, and shouted cheerfully: "Drive!"

The bullock cart moved forward along the main road.

This lane, which used to connect Shaokang and Jin'an two mansions, has been cut off now. A checkpoint was erected on the border of Jin'an, and heavily armed soldiers guarded it.

Liang Guoren also knew whose car it was, seeing that there was only a nine-year-old boy driving the car, he did not stop him.

The level has been opened.

But the soldiers on both sides of the main road all pointed their long spears obliquely.

So staggered into a Goering path.

The cold light flickered, with a murderous aura on the side.

Chu Yao drove here, the excitement of driving the car had passed, and looked back nervously, and found that Master had even closed his eyes to rest his mind.

"Master's ostentation depends on you."

The thin man thought about this sentence in his heart, and helped the master pull down the car curtain.

"Brother Niu, Brother Niu." He whispered, "Don't be afraid. You're going to embarrass my master!"

This white bull is the most spiritual type on the grassland, it is really crazy, and it is difficult for ordinary monks from the inner palace to control it. Of course, they will not be afraid of these soldiers on guard.

With a proud "moo", he stepped forward with his head held high.

Chu Yao also sat up straight without looking sideways, recalling in his mind the scene of his master inspecting the Laoshan iron cavalry, imagining that he was also in the military parade.

Thinking about it this way, I really don't feel nervous.

He can even look left and right and cast approving or critical glances.

Those soldiers who were indifferent or fierce couldn't help being surprised. He only thought that he was worthy of being a member of the Marquis of Wu'an, even though he was a child, he was also very courageous.

It's good to show martial power, and it's good to show attitude.

The 300-step road to war did not take long under the hooves of the white bull.

Soon the ox cart officially drove into Jin'an Mansion, leaving several checkpoints far behind.

There was no need for the master to say anything, Chu Yao pulled out the map, compared it carefully, and walked forward with Bai Niu.

The scenery along the way at the end of summer and the end of autumn is imprinted in the slender eyes of childish children.

Traveling south like this is quite comfortable.

Not long after, an armored general led a cavalry army of hundreds of people approaching from a distance in a cloud of dust, and galloped straight towards the ox cart.

Chu Yao was a little nervous, but didn't say anything.

The white bull stopped its hooves, lowered its horns, and let out a long, threatening moo.


The lead cavalry general pulled the reins, and the horseman stood up and stopped suddenly on the spot, showing good military qualities. The cavalry behind him did the same.

This posture is indeed bluffing.

At least Chu Yao was a little stunned.

The cavalry general in bright helmet and armor bowed his hands towards the driver, and said in a loud voice, "Daliang Xiuping Mansion Deputy General Kang Wenhao, please see Marquis Wu'an of Qi State!"

Xiuping Mansion is the new name given by Liang Guo to Jin'an Mansion, and they changed the name very quickly.

And the cavalry general who came here at this time can serve as the deputy general of Xiuping Mansion at a young age, and his surname is Kang, and he is probably from the royal family of Liang Kingdom. No wonder the arrogance in his bones is so obvious.

But he worshiped the mountain gate here.

But there was no sound in the bullock cart.

Kang Wenhao also waited there without speaking.

Hundreds of cavalry were silent.

Chu Yao couldn't help but turned around, and said in a low voice, "Master, someone asked to see you. It seems that you are still a high-ranking official!"

The silence lasted for a while, and an answer came from the carriage——

"Chu Yao, did I ask you to do anything else?"

Although the words were somewhat critical, Chu Yao was very powerful when he heard them.

The little hand shook the rein: "Get out of the way, my master doesn't want to see you!"

Bai Niu also took care of pulling the cart forward, as if he couldn't see anyone blocking the way in front of him.

Kang Wenhao's face was not very good-looking. Although the cavalry army he led at this time was only 300 people, it was drawn from the most elite army in Liang Kingdom.

The so-called "with a sharp blade in your body, you will kill yourself." He has a strong army in his hands, and it is difficult to have a good temper. And as the fifth son of Emperor Liang today, how could he be so ignored?

But after a long silence, he just turned the horse's head and got out of the way.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The famous Marquis of Wu'an left all the guard of honor cavalry outside Jin'an Mansion because he was willing to cooperate.

If he is not willing to cooperate.

From here to Biancheng, the capital of Liang, who dares to stop him in such a huge Liang country?

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