Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1695

Let's say that Jiang Wang raised his sword to kill this group of villains, and was about to show his edge.

Suddenly the world changed, and the world changed.

A tall crowned figure, towering like a mountain, appeared in front of him out of thin air. He appeared abruptly, but after appearing, this sense of abruptness has been erased, and his existence seems to have become the proper rules of this world.

He stopped back casually: "Young man, this is not your battlefield, back off!"

Jiang Wang didn't feel any power at all, but he had already retreated three hundred feet involuntarily.

If this person wanted to kill him, he would probably be equally ignorant!

How powerful is this?

Jiang Wang hadn't recovered yet.

The person who appeared suddenly pointed forward again and said: "Death crime!"

Jiang Wang still didn't notice any power fluctuations.

However, the large swathes of horror and evil in the field of vision were directly dispelled and turned into green smoke!

Among them, there is no lack of divine presence, and there is also no lack of hole truth.

For a moment, green smoke curled up in the entire water area, like burning sandalwood, lingering in the sky!

Today's calamity is really full of high-level people.

In the past, the top big figures who were rarely seen even after traveling thousands of miles appeared one after another.

Who is this newcomer?

Look at this power, it is not inferior to Chen Pu and Si Yu'an.

Jiang Wangzheng was moved by the terrifying power of Yan Dao powerhouse, guessed the identity of the comer, suddenly felt something, turned around - and saw a young man with an ugly face, looking at him curiously.

The distance between the eyes of this person is extremely short, and the wings of the nose are very wide. His facial features are really sloppy.

You Qi was wearing an off-white double-breasted gown, with a six-foot long sword slung across his back, the scabbard almost dragging on the ground. He became increasingly short in stature and dark-skinned.

But with a very polite look, he first greeted Jiang Wang: "My humble servant, Xu Ximing, is a member of the gate of Jidi Palace. He came with his family teacher to support Huoshui. Is that your Excellency?"

Since this Xu Ximing is a member of Judi Palace, the status of the strong man with a high crown is ready to be revealed - the great master of Legalism, the real king of the world, and the leader of Judi Palace, Wu Bingji!

This is a great man.

The power of a god cannot be underestimated, and the nobles of the hegemony are beyond words, but when put together with these great figures standing on the top of the extraordinary, it is like seeing the sea in a mountain stream.

Jiang Wang returned the salute and said, "Jiang Wang in Qi State, I'm glad to see brother Xu today!"

Although Xu Ximing's appearance was not very optimistic, his aura was deep and his divine light was condensed. Just by looking at the waves of troubled water constantly being purified under his feet, one can get a glimpse of his power level. In the presence of God, he is also an absolute strong man, and he is probably approaching Dongzhen.

"You are Jiang Wang!" Xu Ximing showed surprise, and said with a smile: "You are indeed young! You are truly a peerless genius!"

Jiang Wang hurriedly said modestly: "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it. The Sanxing Palace is the sacred place of the Legalists. Brother Xu came from a high school, and he is... very temperamental!"

"Now is not the time to chat." Xu Ximing looked at the distant water with a serious face.

At this time, Huo Shiji, the lord of the Blood River Sect, Si Yu'an, the lord of the Jiange Pavilion, Chen Pu, the dean of the Mugu Academy, and Wu, the lord of the Jidi Palace, are already ill.

Si Yu'an opened the world with his sword, and Wu Bing had already spoken out his words. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, walked leisurely, and large swaths of evil views fell like sand. The overwhelming tide of evil views is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huo Shiji, the True Lord of Blood River, has been fighting in Huoshui for three days and three nights, but he still hasn't collapsed. At this moment, the three true kings arrived one after another to share the huge pressure of the world of disasters, and he even blew up the three arms of this Taoist-level evil view one after another!

The "rootless world" mentioned in the "Bodhisattva Sutra" is this world of disaster and water. It is called "a bottomless hell where evil thoughts abound."

Different from Wu Bing who started to attack immediately, Chen Pu looked at the sky for a while, and then turned his eyes to the six-armed man-snake.

As soon as his gentle gaze fell, a white fire ignited in the two dark, cave-like eye sockets of this horrible evil!

This flame is majestic and majestic.

The fire light illuminated the abyss-like eye sockets of the six-armed man-snake.

The piles of evil maggots are constantly struggling, with gray streaks appearing on their fat and white surfaces, and they emit confusing smoke, which is a terrible existence called "unlucky".

Some devoured each other, quickly expanded into behemoths, and even devoured the fire.

But their struggles and strength, on the contrary, boosted the burning of the blazing flame, making it more intense and more vigorous. The flame instantly burned all over the black eye sockets, and even spread from the eye sockets to the entire skull. spread.

The space around the six-armed man-snake was also distorted, showing mixed light and shadow.

This is the real fire of Confucianism—the Great Ritual Festival!

"We can't look at it like this anymore!" Xu Ximing said loudly: "I am here to make troubles, not to watch from the wall and appreciate the master's skills, but to contribute my own strength to the human race! If you can make an inch, you can do it for us!" An inch of merit, if you can fight for a foot, you can do a foot of courage! In the face of righteousness, how can a man regret his life? I want to draw my sword to kill the evil view, will Brother Jiang go with me?!"

"Well said! How can Jiang be behind?" Jiang Wang couldn't help but ask, "How many brothers are you going to kill?"

For a while, he was arrogant and wanted to compete with Xu Ximing to see who would cut more evil with his sword.

"One!" Xu Ximing said viciously.

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the six-foot long sword he was carrying, jumped out in one step, and surrounded a god-level evil view on the spot, and fought fiercely!

Jiang Wang: ...

Although he was speechless in his heart, with the light of the sword in his hand, he still trapped an evil view.

With his strength, it is not a problem for him to challenge three or five heads. But disaster is not the place to show off. Xu Ximing, who was born in the Sanxing Palace and has a good understanding of disasters, is so cautious. He should also have some leeway to deal with unknown changes.

The evil view surrounded by sword light in front of him has a blue face with fangs and long hair all over his body. He has the body of an ape and the eyes of a falcon. The speed is extremely fast, and the two swords in hand make it seem like the wind is blowing.

Evil view has no knowledge and no thought, but the sword skills are almost gods!

This incomprehensible phenomenon is a disastrous reality.

In the "Shanhai Strange Beasts" handed down in Chu, the "Story of Strange Beasts" part describes many real or fake strange beasts.

There is also "Story of Strange Beasts" in Qidi, which is one of the regular reading materials of Jixia Academy. There are also many records about all kinds of strange beasts.

In addition, Shura and evil spirits are recorded in books. Human beings are good at recording history and summarizing the past.

Only the image of misfortune and evil has never been specifically written into a book. Because they have no fixed shape, but the appearance of evil tools, which change billions of times. The strange yin demons often have the same kind. Only the evil view, no two ends are exactly the same in the world.

Of course, in this troubled world, in addition to the evil concept of "extremely evil and manifested", there are also some unique beasts.

For example, the beast of calamity, the "Fai" who sees a catastrophe in the world.

The real flying beasts are much stronger than the flying beasts that appear in the mountains and seas.

In the past, the family head of the Ge family went into the "disaster water" in order to seek fame, but it turned out to be a generation of real people, and there has been no news since then. That's why the later Gefei entered the mountains and seas, desperately chasing beasts.

Because of this, Jiang Wang already knew a thing or two about the danger of disaster water.

It's just that no matter how much you hear, it's not as good as seeing it.

When the vast ocean of evil views spreads in front of your eyes, when the innumerable god-level and even cave-true levels of evil views cry out in mourning, when the evil views at the Yandao level shake the world! Only those who have seen it can know that the world is dangerous and difficult to calculate, why is this place called "extreme evil", the Buddha said "rootless", and the Tao said "the sea of ​​evil"! (The theory of Niehai can be found in "Jingxu Xianger Ji")

With all kinds of sword styles in human way, Jiang Wang swung his hand casually, easily suppressing the evil view in front of him, and after three times, he wiped his neck with a sword. The blue-faced villain, who was still astonishingly powerful just now, exploded immediately after the head was separated from the body, turning into water and pouring down. It's just that this ball of water is also very clear, and there is no more complexity in the troubled water.

From this, we can roughly see a way of the formation of evil views-the accumulation of negativity in the world, all of which fall into this rootless world, and finally condense into disasters. When the negativity in the misfortune accumulates to a certain extent, evil views are born.

At this time, Jiang Wang understood the true meaning of the sentence in "Jingxu Xianger Ji", "The world is suffering and joy, and all kinds of evils. Evil is endless, and gods and ghosts are taboo."

In the Jixia Academy, he studied Taoism with Qin Lian, and Qin Lian taught it very well. But reading a book a hundred times is really not as good as seeing it once.

Jiang Wang circled and killed an evil view, while looking in Xu Ximing's direction——

This not tall true biography of the San Xing Gong held a six-foot long sword in both hands, and just cut the evil view in front of him in half. Then he raised his footsteps and stopped the other side of the evil view.

It is still imprisoned, picking up the sword, and dismantling.

His movements are orderly, every step, every sword seems to have strict rules. Although he was so ugly, his beige gown and dark complexion, short stature and six-foot long sword were all so incongruous. But his movements are full of orderly beauty.

Looking at the concept of homicide is like watching a calligrapher write a pen or a painter paint a picture, every step is very methodical.

"Why did the master come here? Wow, these things are so ugly!" In the ruins of the fairy palace, Baiyun Boy woke up at some point, lying on the roof of the Yunxiao Pavilion to observe the outside world. Immediately covered his eyes.

Perhaps this place can no longer be called the ruins of the fairy palace. After the day and night labor of the warriors of the fairy palace, the community of fairy palaces living in Jiangwang Wufuhai is already in a state that can barely be seen. Of course, there is still no substantial progress in its functional buildings.

"Is there a world of troubled water in your memory?" Jiang Wang asked.

Boy Baiyun had a confused expression: "I seem to remember...and I don't seem to remember."

Once the Genting Immortal Palace welcomed the boy, it was the cause and effect of the Immortal Palace, reincarnated for many generations, all memories were lost, and there was only one obsession to revive the Immortal Palace. In the end, on Chiyun Mountain, the previous body vanished into thin air, and with only a strand of fate, it was sent to the Immortal Palace to become a fairy.

The current Baiyun Boy is completely different from the former Yingke Boy, and he is not even considered a "person", but there are still some residual memories of the Yingke Boy and the memory of the fairy palace itself. When you touch the relevant clues, you will awaken by chance.

For example, the clues about the related buildings of Genting Asgard, such as the "Xian Fang Jing", such as the production method of Asgard Warriors, are all fragments of his awakened memory. Now in the disaster, it is very possible to get some memories.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and tentatively said, "Bodhi Evil Patriarch?"

Hearing these four words, Baiyun boy was obviously taken aback, and then murmured in confusion: "Hunyuan... Xiexian."

"Hunyuan evil fairy?" Jiang Wang didn't expect to hear a new term: "Who is this?"

Boy Baiyun covered his head: "I can't remember."

The name "Hunyuan Evil Immortal" reminded him subconsciously of the word "Taoist" that he had seen on the stele of Jishen. After communicating with Tu Hu in Minhe Temple, he always thought that "Taoist" was a disparaging term for Yunding Immortal Palace to Taoism, because Tu Hu said that the destruction of Yunding Immortal Palace was related to Taoism. This statement is quite believable.

But now there seems to be another possibility. After all, there are not many people named "immortals". That is still a distinct imprint of the age of Asgard.

"Does it have something to do with the 'Taoist'?" Jiang Wang asked again.

"I don't know." Baiyun boy said with a frowning face, "Master Immortal Master, I don't know. All I know is that I have never seen a 'Taoist'. If I did, I would recognize it."

"You don't remember anything, how do you recognize it?"

"I will be afraid." Baiyun boy said pitifully: "I am afraid of you saying these two words now. If I really encounter them, I will definitely be scared to death."

"..." There is indeed some truth in these words, Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Isn't it Zhao Xuanyang?"

"He's definitely not." The little boy vowed.

Jiang Wang became more and more confused.

Zhao Xuanyang is the most authentic Daoist disciple, if it is said that Immortal Palace regards Daoist as a thief, then Zhao Xuanyang should also be a Daoist. Now that Boy Baiyun says that Zhao Xuanyang is not a Taoist thief, is it true that Tu Hu is lying? But why did he have to tell this lie?

Moreover, the Taoist sect must have exerted influence on the destruction of the Immortal Palace Era, as evidenced by the experience of Xu Qiuci, the Frost Immortal Lord.

What is the unknown problem in this?

In what part of history has sunk into the mist?

"For this troubled world, do you still think of any useful news?"

"Master Immortal Master, I want to sleep."

"... sleep with you."

Jiang Wang was very tired and ended the conversation in Wufuhai.

Piecing together history and finding the truth are definitely things that can make people exhausted. Especially this Baiyun little fairy boy who is so stupid, he only remembers fragments of everything.

It can also be seen from this that what a great work "The Sword of History" is. What a powerful figure Sima Heng is who can catch fragments in the long river of time and restore the long scroll of history!

Jiang Wang doesn't think he has the ability to restore history, but he can't ignore the clues about the age of the fairy palace. After all, Yunding fairy palace is now in his five mansions. He has taken the benefits of the fairy palace, so it is difficult to completely disentangle the cause and effect .

The former Shuang Xianjun, where is he now?

Even if Xie Ai is really a reincarnation achievement, from Xu Qiuci to Xie Ai, how many years have been wasted?

Not to mention looking for it specifically, if you encounter relevant clues by accident, you shouldn't miss it. The so-called lack of foresight is not enough to travel a long way. Jiang Wang has always been a person with a sense of crisis.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang!"

Xu Ximing's voice was heard in his ears, but it came from below.


Jiang Wang suppressed his thoughts on the Immortal Palace, swiped his sword to slay the evil view in front of him, and looked down——

In the complex-colored disaster water, there is a fat little boy in white, who looks exactly like Baiyun Boy, lying on his back in the water, looking at him with ruthless little eyes!

Seeing him looking over, he suddenly grinned, revealing his brilliant white teeth!

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