Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1698 Originally Nothing

When passing through the gate of the Blood River Sect earlier, Jiang Wang also met Peng Chongjian's disciple Yu Xiaochen.

Si Yu'an saw Yu Xiaochen's background at a glance, and even mentioned Peng Chongjian.

Jiang Wang knew at that time that Peng Chongjian must be extraordinary. How can someone who can be remembered by Yan Dao Zhenjun be simple?

But fluttering, did not fall into place. In Xu Ximing's description, the powerful image of this person was only deepened.

Xu Ximing said again: "Once something unexpected happens to Huo Shiji, the next head of the Blood River Sect will not think of anyone other than Peng Chongjian."

Jiang Wang almost couldn't hold back and reached out to cover his mouth.

This guy really dares to say it!

But after thinking about it, Wu Bing was already here, so he seemed to have nothing to say.

It's amazing to have a backer!

Can't help but look in the direction of the door of the world of mortals, will Ruan Yi come? If you come, when will it be?

He asked casually: "Isn't the Blood River Sect still has a right protector, and how many elders?"

Xu Ximing waved his hands carelessly: "It's far worse than Peng Chongjian. However, the Three Thousand Red Dust Sword of Kou Xuejiao, the right guardian of the Blood River Sect, is very extraordinary. When I achieve Dongzhen, I must ask her for advice."

When talking about Kou Xuejiao, he showed a bit of youthful spirit again.

Then, he looked at Jiang Wang's Sauvignon Blanc: "This sword of yours is also very good."

Jiang Wang smiled and said: "If brother Xu is willing to teach, I have time anytime."

Xu Ximing laughed: "There is a chance."

"Either you come to Laoshan, where the sword shines in the cold pool, or I go to Tianxingya, where the ceremonial stone listens. It's always an elegant thing." Jiang Wang said: "Actually, I am also very curious about Brother Xu's sword. There are few famous swords in the world. The one that is six feet long... what is the name of this sword?"

"This sword is [Casting Plough], passed down by my family teacher." When talking about the sword he loves, Xu Ximing's unattractive face has something called faith, which makes him upright and majestic: "May the world Innocent, you can cast a magic sword into a plow!"

Jiang Wang couldn't help praising: "This is called a sword, and it's really peerless!"

Xu Ximing held a cast plow in his hand, and looked very proud: "How else would you say the Judigong Sword..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole person staggered, the lingering sound was swallowed up, the sword was completely shaken, and the disaster suddenly created waves!

This is not an ordinary wave, but shakes the rules, making Qiangshenlin unable to stabilize himself for a while.

Xu Ximing made a mistake with both feet, and stood the Zhuli Sword in front of him. His whole body was full of majesty, he stabilized the sword stand, and looked into the distance with a serious face.

What happened again?

Jiang Wang learned his lesson first, and dared not directly observe the battlefield of Yan Dao powerhouse with naked eyes.

Just sinking his mind slightly, he has already grasped the red makeup mirror.

The red makeup mirror played a pivotal role in his growth. Continuously crossing the flying snow, covering the sea, and asking the heart for three calamities, made his soul strength far surpass that of the monks in the same realm.

But after he asked himself about the catastrophe of his heart, he never challenged the catastrophe in the world in the red makeup mirror.

Gein has already won enough cultivation resources by himself, and with his current status and status, he can also obtain enough cultivation opportunities, so that he can improve himself step by step and steadily without risking his soul being scattered. Fight to the death in the red makeup mirror.

The current limit insight range of the red makeup mirror is still fifty miles. But at this time, the battlefield where Yan Dao powerhouses fight is more than fifty miles away.

Jiang Wang has his own way.

At the extreme range of the red makeup mirror, Jiang Wang, who was dressed in green and wielding a sword, walked out gracefully, looking calmly into the distance.

Using the phantom body of the red makeup mirror, combined with the use of the Immortal Eyes, to spy on the battlefield at the level of Yan Dao.

But there is a terrifying impact, first suppressed by a few Yan Dao powerhouses, and then filtered through the red makeup mirror, I think it will not be too much of a threat.

At this time, in Niehai, there are two Yan Dao-level evil statues, one is a six-armed human snake, and the other is a one-eyed woman with hair and hair. In addition, there are hundreds of evil views at the hole-truth level, and countless evil views at the divine level.

The six-armed man-snake had been beaten by Huo Shiji until it had only a python's tail left, and it was still struggling in the water, stirring up turbulent waves. At this time, he couldn't see what it used to be at all, just like a giant python overturning the sea. The sacrificial fire on Boa's body still hasn't been extinguished.

Half of the black hair of the one-eyed woman with shaved hair had been shaved off, making her look even more terrifying. Heiyan wrapped around his body for a circle, and his body was like a cloak, which was the expression of being extremely suppressed.

At this moment, she was standing on a huge, yellowed book that was spread out, and she was imprisoned tightly, completely isolated from the evil views that she used as fuel. In this rootless world, alone and a prisoner.

A few paragraphs of text can be vaguely read in the book. The text reads as follows—

"In ancient times, it was said that a gentleman is like jade, and I can't be the same. Jade is a rich and noble vessel, and the rich cannot know the suffering of the poor, and the noble cannot be humbled. Is there anyone who can be a gentleman without knowing the sufferings of the people? Jade is also fragile, and it is worrying to hold it. If you let it go, you will be afraid of loss, if you touch it lightly, it will break, and if it is under force, it will break. Is there any gentleman in the world who cannot withstand the wind and rain?"

If there are Confucian disciples here, they should be able to recognize that this chapter should be "On Jade", which comes from Chen Pu's own work, the contemporary Confucian classic "The Gentleman Chapter".

Today's people respect the ancients but not the ancients, and believe that there are many people who believe that the present will overcome the past, and it is not uncommon for contemporary great masters to write famous works that have become classics of the school.

Such as the Legalist Han Shentu's "Shi Lun", and the Confucian Chen Pu's "Gentleman Chapter".

Chen Pu once said - "Ask me about my achievements in this life, and I will learn from the mountains and learn from the sea."

It can be seen that the importance of this work to him can be regarded as the foundation of his life, the foundation of enlightenment, and the foundation of his life's achievements.

Even the gentleman chapter has manifested, and he has shown his true ability to suppress the one-eyed girl with hair.

But Si Yu'an turned the grass into a sword, and Wu Bing had been ordered to forbid it, and he had almost wiped out the Thousand Li Pure Sea, making the water ripple like a mirror.

Peng Chongjian, a mountain-moving real person who had been patrolling nearby for a long time, suddenly came in a boat of blood, and just raised his hand.

He had glimpsed the truth and seized the opportunity.

The remnant python body of the six-armed human-snake was still hundreds of feet long, which stirred up the sea of ​​evil, but it was covered in mud and rocks in an instant. Except for the burning wound where the sacrificial fire was burning, every inch of the python's body was suppressed by the mountain-folding mud and rocks, and the struggling movements suddenly became difficult.

Huo Shiji, who was wearing a blood-colored Taoist robe, stepped on it, and exploded the tens of meters of python body on the spot!


The part that was blown up turned into clear water, like a waterfall, rushing into the evil sea.

Peng Chongjian not only dared to get close to the battlefield at the level of Yan Dao, but also dared to intervene in the struggle at the level of Yan Dao, and successfully intervened. He really deserves to be the strongest real person in the world!

Even if the six-armed human-snake has been completely maimed, it is not something that the real person can interfere with.

Given time, Peng Chongjian may be expected to be the real king.

No wonder even Si Yu'an was impressed by him.

Looking at the entire battlefield, several True Monarchs have already taken the absolute advantage, and it is only a matter of time before the disaster is cleared away.

But at this moment, what caused the huge change affecting the entire Nie Hai?

Jiang Wang used the phantom body of the red makeup mirror to exhaust his vision with the eyesight of an immortal, but he couldn't see where the wind was blowing or why the waves were blowing.

I saw the monstrous and huge waves beating repeatedly, without any place or moment of rest!

Probably not only the current area, but the entire Nie Hai was in great turmoil.

Jiang Wang's phantom body observed Yan Dao battlefield.

The real body also stopped fighting against the evil view, and stood directly on the water, waiting for the evolution of the situation from a distance, with the red flames burning quietly under his feet.

After continuously burning and killing evil views, the "knowledge" of the rootless world has been greatly compensated by the true fire of samadhi. At this moment, it can directly burn the water of disasters and clear the source of evil.

Although I don't know what method the general disciples of the Blood River Sect use to clean up the disaster, but I think it will not be more efficient than the Samadhi True Fire.

After realizing samadhi with the help of Sancha in the mountain and sea environment, Jiang Wang's development of samadhi real fire has entered a smooth road.

At this stage, to deal with the evil view at the level of the gods, the real fire of samadhi is already injurious, and it does not need to be attached for too long.

It was also in such an environment as Niehai, in the process of burning and killing a large number of god-level evil views and fighting against disasters, that he suddenly realized the way to the true fire of samadhi to blossom-wide knowledge is the foundation of samadhi, and poor Only by tracing the source can we know the truth of Samadhi.

To put it simply, use the real fire of samadhi to burn enough and rich enough things, gain enough knowledge, and reach a certain limit, it can naturally blossom and become enlightened.

Disaster water itself is a very special existence, and evil view is even more so.

The process of understanding the samadhi of disaster water is also a further understanding of this world!

At the same time, after gaining a deeper understanding of the evil concept, Jiang Wang's vigilance became more intense.

He always felt that there was something wrong in the dark, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, and the seeds of going astray didn't respond.

where is the problem?

In the increasingly fierce and violent waves, Wu Bing stood up and pointed at the sky with one hand: "The sky has its laws, and the sky is not allowed to have evil!"

The majestic aura that made people subconsciously want to crawl suddenly swelled.

This makes Wu Bingji, who is of medium stature and even a little thin, actually towering like a god-man!

He hangs high in the sky and does not show his will, but the majesty of the law covers everything.

His hand pointed to the sky, and the black clouds in the sky dissipated for tens of thousands of miles.

The sky of Niehai turned out to be blue and boundless for a while, looking pure and beautiful!

Wu Bing's voice was already serious, and he pointed to the ground again: "The land has its own laws, and rivers and rivers are not allowed to cause trouble!"

The turbulent waves churning all around really subsided one by one with the movement of his fingers! The sky is clear and the water is clean, and you can see thousands of miles.

At this time, Si Yu'an stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the middle of the clear water. Unmoved but with the edge of the sky.

Standing high in the sky, Chen Puxu looked into the distance, letting the book imprison the girl with hairy eyes like a cage.

Blood River True Monarch Huo Shiji kicked down, and the last python body of the six-armed snake collapsed instantly. The pure water flows like a lake into the sea.

An evil view at the level of Yan Dao disappeared!

It's a huge cleansing act for the whole mess.

Jiang Wang was keenly aware that his five senses were all much clearer at this moment. You can see farther, hear wider, and feel more details of this world.

Getting rid of a six-armed human snake is like getting rid of a sick body and a serious illness!

However, under such a favorable situation, terrifying powerhouses like Wu Bingji, Si Yu'an, Chen Pu, Huo Shiji, all acted very solemnly, as if...waiting for something.

What are they waiting for?

Niehai has become very calm.

With Si Yu'an and Wu Bing's efforts to clear them away, the sparse remaining evil views all sank silently to the bottom of the water.

Even the one-eyed girl with shaved hair who was trapped in the gentleman's chapter once again bowed her head and arms, as quiet as a sculpture. Only the quiet Heiyan confronting Junzizhang's power can still show that her power is still alive.

Niehai has become so calm.

It seems that the sick body has been recovered after the ailment has been exhausted. The sky is clear and the water is clear, just like the world.

But for some reason, Jiang Wang felt a kind of sadness in his heart. He felt very sad, but he didn't know where it came from.

Of course, he couldn't detect some kind of change that was far above the level of God's Presence.

"I didn't expect it to evolve so suddenly, we were finally one step behind."

Chen Pu sighed suddenly, turned around and left without even caring about the Yan Dao-level evil view that had been imprisoned by Jun Zizhang.

It should be noted that as long as you pass it on for a while, this evil view may also be strangled cleanly. The death of a Yan Dao-level evil view is better than a thousand disciples from the inner palace of the Blood River Sect, and the merits of washing away the troubles of thousands of years!

And he quit.

And it's not just him.

Si Yu'an also put away his sword, turned around, and walked out: "The calamity has changed, and external factors are hard to find. The Daoist can't come out, so what? Now we can only retreat to the gate of the world of mortals and wait for the next change."

Of course, he didn't forget to circle Jiang Wang with a ray of sword light, and lead him to evacuate beyond Niehai.

At this moment, Jiang Wang didn't know what happened at all, he just kept silent and didn't make trouble for Pavilion Master Si.

From the perspective of the phantom body, Wu Bingji's face can already be seen clearly.

This is a very serious looking man. With horizontal eyebrows, nose and lips drawn together, the whole person is meticulous from appearance to temperament, from bun to boots.

As clear as he is, he still doesn't say a word at this moment, walking straight to the gate of the world of mortals.

"Then what about the Blood River?" Peng Chongjian asked suddenly, with a mournful voice: "My Blood River Sect has developed the Blood River domain up and down for tens of thousands of years, what should we do!?"

No one responded to him.

All present are top-notch figures standing on the top of the extraordinary.

There are ten thousand jun in a suit.

It is not the responsibility of any of them to appease Xuehe Zongzuo's mood.

"Let's go." Blood River True Monarch Huo Shiji sighed.

"Sovereign! There is still a way! Think again, there is still a way, right?" Peng Chongjian asked earnestly.

"Let's go!" Huo Shiji grabbed Peng Chongjian, and together with the blood boat, he immediately jumped into the sky and galloped towards the gate of the world of mortals.

Theoretically speaking, Zhenjun Yandao's grasp of timing should be absolutely precise.

But just like Jiang Wang at the level of Shenlin, it is difficult to understand the power of Dongzhen level.

Even if it is the existence of the Profound Dao, it may not be able to spy on the scenery above the peak.

So at this moment, a chaotic voice resounded in Nie Hai.

It is said to be chaotic, because it seems that tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of existences are vocalizing together, and the vocalizations of each existence are all different. But the reason why it can become a collective and precise expressive voice is because they are unified by a certain force at the level of "expression".

To put it simply, it chirps, and what you hear is also the unified expression of this power. It cries and howls, and what you hear is also the unified expression of this power.

It does not unify the voice, does not unify the individual, but unifies the final expression, what an incredible power!

This is not Taoism.

In other words, this is not the natural Tao of heaven and earth, but the unique "Tao language" of a certain existence, which can also be understood by anyone who hears it!

The voice said—

"Bodhi...there is no bodhi tree!"

"A bright mirror...a bright mirror is not a stand."

"Originally... originally there was nothing."

"Call me to turn into dust!"

Thank you book friend Shengming Shengming for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 352nd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

This is also an old book friend all the time.

He said that he was Tae Yin sometimes, bound by his parents' love. Sometimes Zheng Shangming is doing his own, mortal efforts

He said that he was very envious of Zhong Liyan who could face failure so lightly.

He said that he gained strength from Wang Zi and Dou Zhao...

Congratulations to the book friends who successfully landed in the exam!

I also thought of Zeqing, Ping An, Ji Tianming...I thought of many book friends who had expressed similar expressions to me.

It is also very meaningful to me that the Red Heart Sky Survey can produce such a meaning.

I am more and more aware that this is not just my personal world, it also entrusts too many people's emotions. The magnificent world in the mist, I must present it completely.

I do my best.

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