Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1702

When Kou Xuejiao said this, everyone was surprised.

Even Chen Pu didn't expect that the position of suzerain of Blood River Sect would change.

As Yu Xiaochen said, after Huo Shiji's death, the entire Blood River Sect, except Peng Chongjian, who moved the mountain, who else can take on this important task?

Peng Chongjian frowned slightly. He was originally a refined face. He was severely injured at the moment, making him even weaker. He only looked at Kou Xuejiao and said, "If Sect Master Huo has a will, we will obey it. However, Sect Master Huo gave the next order before his death. The suzerain’s candidate has expectations, how could I not know?”

"Sect Master Huo has said this matter many times, how could senior brother not know?" Kou Xuejiao said slowly: "Senior brother may have forgotten."

Peng Chongjian smiled weakly: "Who is it?"

Kou Xuejiao turned around at this time, and said to Ruan Yu: "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with your country."

Facing Si Yu'an's sudden gaze, Ruan Yi spread his hands helplessly: "I don't know what Guardian Kou wants to say."

Not to mention that Si Yu'an was suspicious, even Chen Pu's expression changed slightly.

Qi State defeated Xia State, and now dominates the southern border. It is impossible to say that it has no idea about the surrounding countries. The map of the Nanxia Governor's Mansion should especially focus on Liang Guo.

However, Qi State sent Marquis Jiang Wang of Wu'an to Jiange to overwhelm his peers and forced Jiange to back down. Could it be that there is also an arrangement in the Blood River Sect, and even the ability to intervene in the position of the suzerain of the Blood River Sect?

Is this ability to organize the world too scary?

And he, Chen Pu, felt the death of Huo Shiji, and he had a heart to protect the Blood River Sect. Of course, the stability and independence of Blood River Sect is also very important to Mugu Academy.

In terms of emotion, reason, and benefit, there is no retreat. At this moment, his expression is still gentle, but he is ready to confront Qi Guo head-on.

He even couldn't help thinking, could the death of Huo Shiji, True Lord of Blood River this time, have something to do with Qi State?

That Xu Mingsong is also an elder of the Blood River Sect, who has been fighting in Nie Hai for many years, how could he suddenly do such a stupid thing? Peeping at Yan Dao is of course a valid reason, but are there other possibilities?

The one who is in charge of the current state of Qi is after all Jiang Shu who has achieved the hegemony of the Eastern Region. After all, he is the top emperor who has knocked down a man as powerful as Emperor Xia Xiang!

Chen Pu had to think about it.

I still remember that when Emperor Xia Xiang went to Tianxingya in person, he discussed the law with Han Shentu, the owner of Guitian Palace and the first legalist in the world, and left seven chapters "Debate on Law and Teaching", which is still talked about by people.

What the world doesn't know is that Emperor Xia Xiang also went to Shushan to debate the scriptures, but that debate was not made public, so it is not famous in the world.

People in the Southern Region knew too well how powerful Emperor Xia Xiang was, and thus became even more wary of Emperor Qi who had defeated Emperor Xia Xiang.

Yu Xiaochen couldn't help but said: "Who is that person, Xiaochen has no impression at all. It can't be that Huo Zongzhu only told you before his death?"

Kou Xuejiao didn't care about this nephew's rudeness, but just looked back at Peng Chongjian, and said in a low voice: "A person from Linzi, Qi State, today's champion—Chong Xuanzun!"

Peng Chongjian frowned.

Kou Xuejiao continued: "Sect Master Huo said many times before his death that he wanted to take Xuan Zun as his disciple and pass on the mantle to him, thinking that he is perfect, has the character of 'caring for the common people', and can inherit the glory of the Blood River Sect to the greatest extent... ...Brother, don't you have any impression of this?"

Peng Chongjian's brows slowly relaxed: "Of course I have an impression. The suzerain also said, 'If Chongxuanzun inherits the throne, he will have no regrets even if he dies'. His old man has indeed said such words."

Kou Xuejiao said: "Brother, remember, it couldn't be better."

"But." Peng Chongjian said slowly: "Did Junior Sister Kou forget? Chong Xuanzun has already rejected the suzerain, and now he is not from my Blood River Sect."

"Sect Master Huo also said that he is willing to give Chongxuan Zun more time to think about it. We have to admit it. This is the only expectation that Sect Master Huo has ever had regarding the selection of the next suzerain master. If the old man didn't say anything about it at the end of Nie Hai , then this is his last wish." Kou Xuejiao said seriously: "I respect his old man's last wish."

"The suzerain is gone, how do you accept disciples?"

"We can accept disciples on behalf of the suzerain, and we can also salute all teachers."

"He is doing a good job as a champion, how could he agree to come to our Blood River Sect?"

"Today is different from the past. Sovereign Huo left his will here and hopes that he will take over the sect. I believe he will think it through."

Peng Chongjian was silent.

Jiang Wang was stunned!

He really didn't expect such a change.

No matter how the Blood River Sect declines, it is still one of the great sects in the world. Even if the suzerain dies in battle and the elders are captured, there are still at least four real people, and they will be resounding forces wherever they are placed.

The accumulation of such a sect that is responsible for suppressing disasters over the long years is as deep as the sea, which should not be underestimated.

Now it means that Chong Xuanzun has the opportunity to take over all this without doing anything?

It is inevitable to give people an almost absurd feeling.

Ruan Yu next to him was not as simple as Jiang Wang thought, but he couldn't hide his surprise. He guessed that maybe this was a disagreement within the Blood River Sect. The faction represented by Kou Xuejiao wanted to find a strong backer after Huo Shiji's death... But it didn't make sense, Chen Pu didn't express his opinion Want to protect the Blood River Sect?

Or is it that the Nanxia Governor's Mansion wants to take back Jin'an County, making Xuehezong, who lost Huo Shiji, aware of the danger, and decides to move closer to Qi State in advance?

This matter was of course unexpected, but when Kou Xuejiao really started to promote this matter, there were too many possibilities behind it. Originally, the misfortune changed this time, and it was shrouded in too much fog, making it difficult to understand.

Huo Shiji's appreciation for Zhong Xuanzun is consistent, and many people know it well. But now that Huo Shiji is dead, Kou Xuejiao wants to welcome Chong Xuanzun into the sect, and welcome him as the suzerain of the Blood River Sect. This is a bit difficult to understand.

With Huo Shiji already passed away, it is almost impossible for the Blood River Sect to maintain independence after ushering in Chongxuan Zun. Doesn't Kou Xuejiao not clear about this?

Is she purely loyal to Huo Shiji, so-called respecting the last wish of the former suzerain, or does she have other plans?

Even if Ruan You is a great master of astrology, it is difficult to calculate the changes in people's hearts, especially when he has not received any information, he is quite confused for a while.

Seeing that his master had stopped talking, Yu Xiaochen was both surprised and angry: "That Chongxuanzun was not even a member of my Blood River Sect before, but now he wants to treat him as the suzerain? How can it be such a trifling matter to be the sect master for ten thousand years?" !"

"What's child's play?" Kou Xuejiao asked him: "Is it child's play for Sect Master Huo's will, or is it child's play for our respect for Sect Master Huo?"

Yu Xiaochen said: "At that time, Sect Master Huo, maybe it was just talking."

"Did the suzerain just talk at that time, you didn't know, and neither did your master?" Kou Xuejiao still turned to ask Peng Chongjian: "Brother, what do you say?"

The two protectors of the Xuehe Sect are facing each other here, and the two elders, Nayou and Zhang, are not in the sect at the moment. All the disciples of the Blood River Sect in the square were all at a loss, not knowing where to go.

As spectators who witnessed this scene, the conspiracy theories that Si Yu'an and Chen Pu were churning at the moment could already be compiled into a book.

Although Si Yu'an made concessions on the issue of Jin'an Mansion, and even though he and Ruan Yu were chatting and laughing happily, it didn't mean that he was happy to see the Blood River Sect being ruled by the Qi people.

Once the Blood River Sect loses its independence, how can the Jiange, which is located next to the Nanxia Governor's Mansion, rely on itself?

He stood with his hands behind his back and didn't speak first. Because he knew that with Chen Pu's way, he was the one who couldn't hold back.

Sure enough, Chen Pu spoke out again. This great Confucian master said to Peng Chongjian and Kou Xuejiao very seriously: "The Blood River Sect is a ten thousand-year-old sect with its own historical glory. The affairs of the Blood River Sect are our own internal affairs. The old man will not interfere. At the same time, I hope that you will not be disturbed by the outside world, and handle the affairs of the sect from the heart and in line with the actual situation of the sect. On behalf of Mugu Academy, I can fully guarantee your autonomy. I believe that Jiange, San Xinggong will have the same attitude."

This is almost telling them clearly - if you are threatened, just blink your eyes. Don't be afraid of Qi people, we will support you at Mugu Academy.

Ruan Yu looked helpless, and his mood was really complicated.

As for the Blood River Sect, as one of the top decision-makers in the Qi Xia War, he certainly knows more about it. Of course he also knew why Qi State was able to invite Huo Shiji to fight against the Changsheng Lord of Nandou Palace, which caught Xia State by surprise. That involves a huge secret, and it is also related to the follow-up layout of Emperor Qi in southern Xinjiang.

Coming to the Blood River Sect, he came with the determination to at least solve the border issue in southern Xinjiang for 30 years. But I didn't expect frequent accidents.

The turmoil in Niehai is so serious that even Bodhi's evil ancestor has appeared. This is one of them. The dignified Blood River True Monarch died on the spot because of the sudden disaster this time, this is the second. Now Kou Xuejiao wants to respect Huo Shi and his last wish, and invite Chong Xuanzun to be the suzerain of the Blood River Sect, this is the third.

Now Si Yu'an and Chen Pu are staring at him like thieves, but he doesn't know the reason for this change in Blood River Sect.

I really want to make a divination on the spot, and count him as a dark man.

But under such chaos, hexagrams are easily taken advantage of by those with a heart, and the wise don't do it.

He also had to wait and see.

Yu Xiaochen on the side almost had tears in his eyes, Dean Chen is really a good person! The Sanxing Palace is ruthless and cold-blooded, the Jiange looks on coldly, and the people of Qi take advantage of the fire to loot. Only Dean Chen of the Mugu Academy has always protected the Blood River Sect with a clear-cut stand.

"Yes, master!" Yu Xiaochen said: "One moment, another moment. The suzerain didn't go to Chongxuanzun again, which shows that he was not serious about the old man. Let's..."

Peng Chongjian sighed: "The suzerain was serious at that time, he was indeed very optimistic about Chong Xuanzun. He also told me that there might be unpredictable disasters in Nie Hai, and no one can bear the future of the Blood River Sect. Only Only a peerless genius like Chong Xuanzun can bring hope to our Blood River Sect."

I don't know if it's because of his weakness, but the eyes of this real Qianshan real person are a little confused at the moment: "Could it be today?"

Jiang Wang was not familiar with Huo Shi and the True Lord of Blood River.

I just know that he once participated in the joint operation of Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun, and went deep into the sea to attack Wan Tong. Knowing that he was once optimistic about Zhongxuan Zun and wanted to take him as a disciple. Knowing that he had participated in the Qixia War and blocked the Changsheng Lord of Nandou Palace.

Knowing this is all there is to it.

The life of a Yan Dao Zhenjun is of course magnificent, and it is far more than that.

However, as the suzerain of the Blood River Sect, he suppressed disasters all the year round, seldom lived in the world, and died so hastily in Nie Hai. These are the only things left in the impression of Jiang Wang, a passer-by.

Hearing Peng Chongjian's words at this moment, he couldn't help wondering whether Huo Shiji's pessimism about Nie Hai's future was the direct reason for Xu Mingsong to take such a big risk?

Now that Peng Chongjian has acknowledged Huo Shiji's last wish, at least within the Blood River Sect, there is no resistance for Chong Xuanzun to become the master of the Blood River Sect.

Because Peng Chongjian and Kou Xuejiao are the two most important guardians of the Blood River Sect.

From the outside, if the Blood River Sect has both the will of the former suzerain and the approval of the two current guardians, what reason would outsiders stop?

Chen Pu and Si Yu'an were unwilling in every possible way, and it was difficult to say anything at this time.

Kou Xuejiao looked at Ruan Yu with piercing eyes.

Now the only difference is Qi Guo's attitude...

But Ruan Yi just smiled and didn't speak.

Of course he couldn't agree so easily. Even if it all looks so tempting!

Not to mention how Chongxuan complied with his own wishes.

A true king of hexagrams and dao like him, with far-reaching plans, how could he believe that there are blessings that come from flying in this world? What he believes more is that everything in the world has a price.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with this Nie Haisheng incident. After the elder Xu Mingsong was taken to Tianxingya, it was difficult for him to hide the truth from people like Wu Bingji. If it was a major case that affected the entire Blood River Sect, it could be said that Kou Xuejiao and the others wanted to use the position of suzerain to bind themselves with Qi State, so as to obtain Qi State's protection.

In this way, is it worth it for Qi to win the first Blood River Sect and become an enemy of the Three Xing Palaces?

Of course, because the Blood River Sect is such a big piece of fat, he can't just kick it away just because of vigilance. It is also stupid to give up eating because of choking.

It is a kind of responsibility for the Blood River Sect to suppress Niehai. Being here for more than 50,000 years is also a kind of status.

This position is recognized by all forces, and also by heaven and earth.

How important is this status?

The so-called "God's Will" is based on this.

For example, Peng Chongjian, the real person who moved mountains, was originally a strong man who hoped to attack Yan Dao by himself. After being severely injured in Niehai this time, the hope of enlightenment has been reduced a lot. But if he can become the suzerain of the Blood River Sect, the possibility of becoming a true king will be greatly increased!

Of course, even if God's will is so favored, it is impossible to ensure that the Dao will be born, and the heaven and the earth will have the same force, and the hero still needs to ask for it. Otherwise, the Dayan Lian family who also participated in the suppression of disasters would not die.

Seeing that Ruan Yu just smiled and said nothing, Kou Xuejiao said again: "Although the suzerain's will is so, we still have to consider the wishes of Champion Hou himself. Ruan Zhenjun, I wonder if we can convey it on his behalf? Or I can go to Linzi in person and visit him."

Ruan Yu didn't speak for the time being, just waiting for more conditions. Either increase Qi's income, or dispel his doubts.

But Kou Xuejiao's attitude is also very clear, the Blood River Sect can't meet these two points, their conditions are already here, and it's just a matter of success or failure. Push all the chips up directly, and just wait for Ruan Yi to make this decision.

Si Yu'an suddenly said: "Huo Shiji said before his death that no one can bear the future of the Blood River Sect, and only a peerless genius like Chong Xuanzun can bring hope to the Blood River Sect... I cannot agree with this statement , Zhongxuanzun can bring you hope, but can't a peerless genius like Jiang Wang not?"

Kou Xuejiao looked at him inexplicably, not understanding why the Jiange Pavilion Master suddenly said this.

Does it make any difference to Jiange whether Chong Xuanzun or Jiang Wang came to Blood River Sect?

Si Yu'an didn't care about her mood, and said: "Jiang Wang is still alone on the Qixia battlefield, and his meritorious deeds are immeasurable, and he has been praised by people to this day. Compared with your elder Xu Mingsong, he has a lot more responsibility. Discuss merits and virtues , if the Blood River Sect wants to invite an outsider to be the suzerain, isn't Jiang Wang more suitable than Chong Xuanzun?"

Ruan Yu, on the other hand, glanced at Si Yu'an with a playful expression. I was vaguely asking, do you seem to think that if you change to Jiang Wang, you can handle it?

Si Yu'an just sneered. As if returning, you guessed it.

Kou Xuejiao reluctantly said: "The matter of master and apprentice also depends on fate."

"Huo Shi and others are gone, so how do you think about fate?" Si Yu'an turned to Jiang Wang, and said with great regret: "He clearly despises you! Marquis Wu An has a temper that would break Tianmu Peak if he disagreed with him. no?"

Jiang Wang: ...

With a wrong step, he silently retreated behind Ruan Yu.

He didn't know whether Si Yu'an was trying to muddy the water or what. These people were all cunning, and he, an honest man, didn't want to guess what they said. It's hard to guess right or not, and sometimes you'll be hooked as soon as you think about it.

If you pretend to be deaf and dumb today, you can't still be fooled?

Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Chang wants to go to bed early and get up early" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 357th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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