Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1713 Untied Boat

At the beginning, Lin Youxie actually left the cultivation method of "Nian Chen" at the end of this thin book recording the technique of autopsy.

It can be seen from this that she did have the will to die at that time.

What was she thinking on the day she handed over the secret method of the Lin family to Jiang Wang?

When she was under the shadow of the black cloud cover, when all evidence was wiped away, when the last of her relatives floated in the sea. At that time... none of the people involved in the case many years ago was reliable and suspicious!

The four great blue card families have continued from the time of Emperor Wu of Qi to the present. Although their voices are getting weaker and their power is gradually declining, how extensive are their connections? But at that time, looking around Qi country, there was no one who could be trusted.

This cannot be said to be a tragedy.

Under the power, people's hearts are treacherous.

Du Fang was half of Lin Kuang's disciple, but he threw Lin Kuang's body in front of the young Lin Youxie with his own hands.

How many years have the four big green brand families been operating in Qi State.

When the smoke disappeared completely, who gave a sigh?

Just like Lin Youxie asked that day——

"How many people in the world are trustworthy? How many people can I trust?"

Only Jiang Wang.

At that time, she gave all this to Jiang Wang, which was to give her last trust. In addition to believing that Jiang Wang can make good use of the clues left on her body after her death, she probably also wants to leave a legacy for her father.

In the end, Jiang Wang knocked her out, stood up and did everything he could, and then went away.

But in the end, Jiang Wang didn't know whether he had failed her trust or lived up to her trust.

He didn't ask, and Lin Youxie didn't say anything.

And after time passed, Lin Youxie never mentioned the unknown book that was sent out at that time.

Unfortunately, Jiang Wang didn't open it until today.

Lin Youxie, Lin Youxie, where have you been?


The lights in the Wu'an Marquis's study stayed on all night.

The housekeeper, Xie Ping, got up early in the morning to arrange the day's affairs in the mansion, and specially ordered the servants passing by near the study room to keep their voices quiet. The group of dancers in the backyard who were said to be from the Chu region were also called off their rehearsals in advance.

Speaking of which, after Lord Hou brought these beauties back from the grassland, he never admired them once, but just raised them.

Could it be that this is not a good way?

Of course, Xie Ping only dared to think about this question in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak it out. There was even a maid who didn't know the door with her mouth, but she really asked such a question, and she was kicked out of the Hou's mansion that day.

When Chu Yao got up to practice boxing in the morning, the master was still in the study, so he quietly did not disturb him, and he was still practicing yesterday's boxing.

He is a country boy who is not afraid of hardships. It is a headache for him to study, but he is not afraid of sweating. He would have worked to earn money a few years ago.

Knowing that Master treats me very well, I dare to be willful and playful occasionally.

Whether the entire Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is quiet or not will not affect Jiang Wang at this time. He is completely immersed in the world of Nianchen Art.

At first, it was just a whim, thinking that if he cultivated into "Nian Chen", would he be able to use this secret technique to find the traces left by Lin Youxie.

He can roughly understand the principle of the technique of thought dust. It starts with people's "thoughts" and uses "partitions" to leave marks on the body of the tracking target, which is invisible, qualitative, and traceless.

And starting from the main idea of ​​the body, it can react with the sub-thought at any time, so as to capture the trace.

This thought dust can not only stay in the mind of the target person, but can also be entrusted to things. When he and Lin Youxie teamed up to arrest Wu Yiyu, he relied on Lin Youxie's thought dust to Cuifangluo.

If he cultivates the technique of Nianchen himself, can there be a connection between Nianchen and Nianchen? Can my own thoughts be able to sense Lin Youxie's thoughts?

At the end of this unnamed book, Jiang Wang faintly felt that the technique of thinking dust might be the key that he had overlooked.

It is only when one really devotes himself to the study of this secret technique that one can feel the preciousness of the technique of thought dust more and more.

Lin Kuang is well-deserved of his reputation, his unique set of secret techniques is truly a genius. In Jiang Wang's perception, it is not inferior to burning the city with fireworks. The significance of the development of "ideas" is immeasurable.

If we say that Zuo Guanglie's [Flame Flower] has innovated the highest standard of the basic Taoism of the fire movement, and uses it as the foundation of his own Taoism system. Lin Kuang's "Nian Chen" is almost like opening up a new way.

In the heart of a person, there are thousands of thoughts in an instant. Throughout the ages, there are not a few practitioners who start from emotions. But Lin Kuang's thought dust was the first to analyze and apply the thought.

If such a character hadn't been involved in the case of Concubine Lei back then, I really don't know what he would be like now!

In the eternal flow of history, many stories that should have been great have died halfway and have not continued. The cruelty of history lies here. This is where the weight of history lies.

Immersed in the world of Taoism, time always passes quickly. The sun shifted, and before you knew it, it was dusk. The fat head and big ears of Da Qi's new appointment, Bo Wanghou, hurried to the mansion, pushed the door open and entered, which immediately made the study room less spacious.

He is still wearing the luxurious dress of a prince, and he is wearing a special princely jade crown on his head - just for the outfit, with the same title, he can earn a few more yuan stones from the court than others.

Following closely behind, walking in small steps, was Yi Shishi, who was dressed in imperial attire.

Wearing heavy armor, she is as cold and solid as a sculpture. With her heavy armor removed, she was thin, delicate and timid. Now Fang's name has been listed in the genealogy of the court councilor's family, and she married into the family of the prince of the country, and she has finally cultivated two points of grace.

Only because of the way he followed Chong Xuanpang's footsteps, he could still see some of the past.

Seeing that the succession ceremony was just over, the couple rushed to the door.

Jiang Wang stood up to greet him, but he hadn't had time to speak. Chong Xuansheng had already waved his hand, and said in a leadership style: "Sit down, sit down and talk."

He seemed to have returned to his own home, greeting his cramped poor relatives who were waiting at home.

Quite naturally, he walked to his special big chair, sat down comfortably, and complained in his mouth: "I really don't want to be this Marquis, what kind of hereditary replacement does not mean that my children and grandchildren are all Do you work for the imperial court? You say that those who are capable work hard, and you say that you are not angry?"

Somewhat impatiently, he tore off the jade crown on his head, and put it on the table next to him: "It's so cumbersome! This crown is too big, and I have received too many presents, so I can't put it down for a while. Let me put it here for a few days."

Jiang Wang sat down silently, his eyelids twitching.

He hadn't noticed it before, but when Chong Xuansheng sat down so boldly today, he realized that the seat where Chong Xuansheng was sitting was actually the main seat in this study.

When Bo Wanghou in brocade clothes sat down there, with stone screens engraved on both sides of dragons fighting and tigers fighting, it was as if he had come alive. Sitting at the desk here, I look like a clerk!

In normal times, how could he be willing to give a good face?

But today they came to help after all.

After thinking and thinking, he finally just sucked his teeth and said, "I will definitely keep it safe."

Chong Xuansheng waved his hand: "Don't pay too much attention to it. This crown is only interesting because of the words hereditary and worthless. Be normal, Xiao Jiang, treat it normally."

If Jiang Wangru hadn't heard of it, he just smiled and said to Fourteen: "Sister, sit down too, sit down and talk."

At the beginning when he asked Yi Xingchen to accept Fourteen as his adopted daughter, one of the weights was that he, Jiang Wang, took Fourteen as his best friend.

However, Yi Huaimin later went around saying that Marquis Wu An was Yi Shishi's adopted brother and his biological brother of Yi Huaimin—I don't know how he converted the relationship.

But Jiang Wang doesn't mind having his brother's addiction in front of Zhong Xuanpang. Especially Shisi and Chongxuanpang are both older than him, and they are especially happy to take advantage of it.

After taking off the armor, Fourteen was not as silent as before, and replied with a smile: "Okay, Brother Jiang."

"Okay, don't chat anymore." Seeing that the scene was wrong, Chong Xuansheng immediately turned to the main topic, looking at Jiang Wang with a stinky face: "Why didn't you tell me about Lin Youxie's disappearance?"

Jiang Wang explained: "I think it's just to find someone, it's not a complicated thing..."

He was stared at by Chong Xuansheng's piercing little eyes.

He had no choice but to sigh, and said honestly, "I don't want to trouble you."

Chong Xuansheng squinted at him: "Are you so sure that Lin Youxie's disappearance is related to the current queen?"

Jiang Wang shook his head: "I'm not so sure, but it's at least partly possible."

Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes and said: "When I first came here, I happened to meet Bao Zhongqing, and he greeted me warmly...I drove him away."

Of course Jiang Wang would not blame Chong Xuansheng because of Bao Zhongqing, but just asked, "How did you catch up?"

"Let him go." Chong Xuansheng said: "My grandfather passed away, and he came to perform in the mansion, and I will accompany him as much as possible. If necessary, it is nothing to stage a feud reconciliation with him and give him face. It's a big problem. But he shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, at such a time, still messing with his mind. I don't have time to intrigue with him, so I simply choose the simplest way."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "He came over yesterday, just to tell me that he would use the power of Bao's Chariot and Horse Company to help me find someone. I said that if I found Lin Youxie's trace, I would remember him as a favor."

Chong Xuansheng sighed: "You are actually a smart person, why do you get confused when you involve your friends? I would like to ask you to think about it carefully, what clues can Bao Zhongqing give you, and what clues will he give you?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "I thought it would be convenient for him to use it. I can always tell whether the clue is true or false."

Chong Xuansheng sighed even more this time: "I don't know if you think too highly of your own intelligence, or too little of Bao Zhongqing's city. Even I dare not say that you can tell the truth of the clues from the false in his game." , How dare you say that? Besides, the real clues must be able to point to the real truth?"

Jiang Wang frowned in confusion: "What can he gain from this matter?"

"There are too many things he can get! For a person like him, if you give him the opportunity, he will definitely not waste your price." Chong Xuansheng said: "You are a good chess piece, a very sharp one Jiang Wang, have you ever thought about what if Bao Zhongqing and the Bao family behind him wanted to bring down the queen? What if he wanted to bring down the current prince? Are you ready to get involved in the battle for the crown prince?"

Jiang Wang's eyelids twitched: "How can I do it?"

"Of course you can't do it, but you will become a trumpet, a symbol, and you will die terribly as the banner of Xinqi people!" Chong Xuansheng was a little bit angry: "And your death itself will become A sharper weapon! Your value has increased! Jiang Wang, Lin Youxie's identity is so sensitive, you dare to step on other people's trap easily in this kind of matter, do you think you can bear all the consequences? You are offering your head with both hands!"

Of course Jiang Wang would not doubt Chong Xuansheng's judgment, he was just stunned: "He would do this, how did you know?"

"Some information, someone who has been placed next to him." Chong Xuansheng knocked on his forehead: "There is still use to think here."

Jiang Wang said: "It seems that I really underestimated Bao Zhongqing."

"Aren't you the only one who underestimated Bao Mazi?" Chongxuan Sheng sighed, "I was in the same situation as him, and I was disliked when I was a child, but I always felt that one day I would be in charge of the Chongxuan clan, and he would be my opponent. That's why he bought the people around him very early. Over the years, I thought I knew him very well, but I always felt that he was scheming and lacking in courage. Until the war against Xia...he surprised me."

"Although I have not obtained conclusive evidence for this incident, it is not an exaggeration to speculate with the greatest malice on a person like Bao Zhongqing. You are in a state of desperation now, and I am also burdened with general affairs, so I don't have time to accompany him to slowly unravel Trick, simply tell him to go away. With his city, he will just smile and bear it, and won't pester him any more."

Jiang Wang just said: "Although Bao Zhongqing just wants to use me, if the matter of Lin Youxie is really related to the current queen?"

Chong Xuansheng pressed his forehead, it really hurts.

He knew Jiang Wang too well, this guy was not stupid, and he was not completely unsuspecting towards Bao Zhongqing, but because of some inexplicable persistence, he still stepped into the trap. He believed that this guy had even made some terrible preparations in his heart...

Otherwise, why did he accept Bao Zhongqing's help on this matter without contacting him, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu and the others?

Before the most terrible result, he was afraid of hurting himself, but he was willing to go all the way to the dark with Bao Zhongqing!

Chong Xuansheng took a deep breath, a little moved, but also a little bit resentful and said: "It's not that who did it, you are prejudiced against her, and you are too stupid to think of the mother of a country!"

The new Marquis Bowang spoke quite firmly: "The emperor's statement at that time, 'National scholars should not be taken lightly', has already made clear his attitude. No matter how much the empress hates Lin Kuang, she will not blatantly disobey the emperor's wishes. Let me ask, What's the need for her to deal with Lin Youxie? Is there any benefit to the crown prince's position in the East Palace? When the reserve position is so critical, she won't cause trouble!"

"It's really hard for me to forget what she did." Jiang Wang paused, then asked again: "But if it wasn't for that... Lin Youxie is very nice, and he doesn't have any other grievances, who would deal with her Woolen cloth?"

"First of all, she just disappeared, not necessarily dead. Secondly, even if she died, it would not be a vendetta.

The grievances of her father's generation have long since vanished together with the four big green card families. After Li Yougui was slashed to death, everyone wanted to break up with the four big green card families. Who would want to cause this trouble except you? Her relationship network is actually very clear and can be seen at a glance. "

Chong Xuansheng said calmly: "Among the forces involved with Lin Youxie...the empress and the crown prince definitely have no problems. This matter should have nothing to do with the Tian family. It is neither motivated by profit nor emotion."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help frowning again: "But there is Tian Anping in the Tian family. It's really impossible to judge what he will do."

Tian Anping is too crazy, he is too egotistical in his behavior and actions, and it is impossible to speculate on him from the logic of interests or emotions.

Jiang Wang recalled the information confirmed by Tian Chang at that time——

Uriel was killed by Tian Anping himself, and then threw his body in the sea, deliberately leaving some clues.

At that time, he also asked Tian Chang, Tian Anping's purpose in doing so.

Tian Chang's answer was - "Do you think Tian Anping's behavior can be deduced logically, would he still be so crazy?"

Whether it is inside the Tian family or outside the Tian family, no one can see into Tian Anping's thoughts.

It is precisely because he is such a crazy person that he is as clever as Xuan Sheng, and he doesn't know if he can be excluded from the matter.

Jiang Wang said: "Actually, I had an unexpected harvest that time in the secret realm of Qixing Tower. In the hidden star world, I smashed Tian Anping's plan and won the flower that replenishes life. Tian Chang's..."

At that moment, he told Chongxuansheng about his contact and utilization with Tian Chang and Tian He in the hidden star world.

Emphasis was placed on the news he later received from Tian Chang, that is, Tian Anping personally killed Uriel.

Chong Xuansheng pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Tian Chang is really a good move. You are lucky enough to get such an opportunity in the Seven Stars Secret Realm. In the future, don't contact him unless it is absolutely necessary. It should only be used when the final decision is made."

"Do you have any thoughts about Tian Anping?" Jiang Wang asked.

The final word made him a little sensitive.

Chong Xuansheng shook his head: "As long as he doesn't go mad at us, why should I have any thoughts about"

He suddenly said decisively: "It can't be Tian Anping."

Jiang Wang asked, "Why do you say that?"

"He threw Uriel's body into the sea, which is proof." Zhongxuansheng murmured: "That in itself is a sign, he is passing Uriel's body, telling those who can see the clues that he is the murderer. He is also responsible for what the Tian family did in the case of Concubine Lei. He is waiting for the vengeful person to come to his door, and he is looking forward to a wonderful revenge!"

Jiang Wang originally wanted to ask if this person was sick, but when he thought that this person was called Tian Anping, he thought it was very reasonable. So he said: "He waited for Lin Youxie to prepare to kill him, so he wouldn't take the initiative to come to Lin Youxie?"

Chong Xuansheng stood up from the unusually wide chair, clapped his palms: "Yes."

"The matter of Lin Youxie... where is it going to happen?" Jiang Wang's voice was finally a little bitter. Chong Xuansheng is of course much smarter than him, and he is also very thorough in his analysis. But now that all the clues have been ruled out, where else can I find Lin Youxie?

Chong Xuansheng said as he walked: "I asked Qing Zhuan to tell you that this matter may not be complicated. In fact, Bao Zhongqing has already given you the answer."

Jiang Wang frowned: "Bao Zhongqing?"

"Remember how I talked to you about how Bob Zhao died?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "That's just your private speculation, and there is no evidence."

"A lot of things don't need evidence." Chong Xuansheng said: "Even if you die among thousands of armies and are trampled into flesh, you can still find a little trace, and it won't be silent. The battle of Sheshan, too Yin moved the Dao, killed so many people, and there are still witnesses. What is Bao Bozhao's death? There are soldiers and horses in Wuyang City, and then there are no people. If he is chased and killed by Tai Yin, where is the head? Where is the body? Where is Xia Guojunxun's record? There is nothing, and he died so cleanly. This is the problem... Of course, as long as Bao Zhongqing bites him to death and does not let go, no one can plead guilty according to him. Back to the matter of Lin Youxie's disappearance, you Don't you think she disappeared too cleanly?"

He emphasized the pronunciation of the word 'clean'.

Jiang Wang seemed to be thinking, with a sad expression.

"So Miss Lin's disappearance was caused by Bao Zhongqing!" Fourteen, who had been listening silently for a long time, suddenly realized.

Chong Xuansheng finally sighed, and said a little tiredly: "The answer should be in Lushuang County."

He walked to the bookshelf, and with a swipe of his fat hand, he pulled out a volume of Daqi territory map, turned around, and spread it out on the desk.

With fat fingers, he drew a large circle along the border of Lushuang County.

"Zheng Shangming should have checked all the places that should be checked in the past few days, and there is no trace of her in any border county, and there is no record of her passage at all..." He glanced at Shisi: "It looks familiar, right? ?”

The fat man tapped the map twice with his fingers, and said to Jiang Wang, "Have you ever thought that Lin Youxie might not have left Lushuang County at all?"

Fourteen ran away from home at that time, Chong Xuansheng was too impatient and ignored the dark situation under the lights, he didn't expect that Fourteen did not leave Qi country at all.

But Shisi is a road idiot, and has never traveled far alone, Lin Youxie is not.

As an excellent blue card player who tracked and caught thieves, no matter which direction she looked at, she had no possibility of getting lost.

Jiang Wang said slowly: "But the inspection office has checked, and I have checked. There are no clues in Lushuang County. It has been more than three months. Even if there were clues, now..."

"Don't worry." Chong Xuansheng looked at him and said, "The day we found Fourteen was the last time you and Lin Youxie met. After that, you didn't have any contact, right?"


"Did she tell you that she is going to the Sanxing Palace?"


"Besides, think about it carefully, is there anything unusual about her?"

"You want to say, is it possible for her to hide and investigate the Tian family secretly?" Jiang Wang shook his head: "She is a very stubborn and principled person, but she is not stupid."

Lu Shuang is adjacent to Daze, so it is indeed difficult to avoid such conjectures.

However, the case back then was over for the Queen. For Tian Anping, he doesn't mind being hated. As far as Lin Youxie was concerned, she had achieved the best result she could, restoring the reputation of her father and Grandpa Wu.

Even if he really investigates the Tian family, it is impossible to get more.

The highest will enveloping Qi has already drawn the red line with his eyes, and Lin Youxie will not understand. Not to mention that he would not be so stupid as to challenge Tian Anping, who has become a real person in the world, after the dust has settled.

"Then the result is already very clear." Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "I am very sure now that Lin Youxie has not left Lushuang County at all!"

Thanks to the book friend "Yanxi" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 361st alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!


One of them is updated, adding (1/5) to Dameng's "I Love Kiki 888".

Sorry for writing too slowly.

There will be more updates on weekends.

Although there is no manuscript, but let’s put the words here first, and force myself...

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