Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1715 People's hearts are a sea

Chapter 1715 People's hearts are a sea

Jiang Wang looked at Lei Zhanqian seriously.

At this moment, he was standing there, with his body bowed and his hair down, with a very bitter expression on his face.

"Do you really know about Lin Youxie?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Several groups of people have come to Lushuang County recently. Those green card arresters have been screened several times inside and out. Of course I don't know everything." Lei Zhanqian explained: "I saw Mrs. Bowanghou today. , I knew that the two Marquis must have come here for Lin's arrest..."

He said helplessly: "But I really don't know what happened to Lin Butou and where it is."

"Brother Lei, you are a smart person." Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "But I really don't understand what I said. You might as well sit down and explain slowly."

Lei Zhanqian sat down again, and said cautiously: "I saw Mrs. Bowanghou on May 1st. Later I heard that Catcher Lin also disappeared on that day, and he was in that forest... plus The Shangducheng Inspection Office has not found any results after so many days of investigation, I think Marquis Wu'an will definitely come to the door."

Chong Xuansheng didn't speak, but told him with his eyes, continue.

Lei Zhanqian said: "The old forest that Mrs. Bowang went to was called Savage Forest. Few people in Lushuang would go there. However, Savage Forest is the main production area of ​​autumn blue mushrooms, so our Lei family will send people there every year. A few times... Oh, the autumn blue mushroom is one of the raw materials for brewing Luming wine."

"Luming wine is very precious, so the autumn blue mushrooms are also very valuable..." Chong Xuansheng asked: "But it shouldn't be your turn to pick them yourself?"

"Of course, I never ask about these things." Lei Zhanqian said: "The main reason is that during that time, there were savages in the savage forest, and several groups of mushroom pickers from our Lei family disappeared in the forest... "

He said bitterly: "To be honest, since the eleventh prince's accident, most of the offerings from the Lei family have gone away. Luming wine is a unique business that our Lei family can still control, and now it is almost the pillar industry of the family... I had to go there myself."

"I was also very surprised to meet Madam Bowanghou in the savage forest that day. But thinking that there would be no intersection, I left without saying anything."

Qi Zhi's "Strange Beasts" has a saying: "There is an evil giant in the Fountain of Youth, named Yan Chi. An eight-armed ape has a face, a black body and long hair, and three toes with webs. When angry, he laughs like a human voice, swallows the sun, and eats bones. And Ming. When people see it, they feel sick and want to die.

The Fountain of Youth is a place of myth, not to mention, this Yan Qi is a very vicious beast that has been clearly recorded.

After hearing this, Chong Xuansheng just said: "Speaking of it, I don't know, why is this place called Savage Forest in Lushuang County? Are there still Savages hiding in it today?"

Lei Zhanqian replied very politely: "A long time ago, this place was a land of miasma and pests were rampant. There were indeed some people who, in order to escape the war, hid in the old forest and reproduced for several generations, almost like savages. The conquest formed today's territory, which also includes this place. At the beginning of today's son's ascension to the throne, in the internal affairs, he had a special item of "curing evil land". There is nothing wrong with bringing this old forest into what it is today, but the name Savage Forest has continued."

The so-called "seven thieves" often refer to Duke Loulan in Qi.

At that time, the emperor of Qi personally attacked Duke Loulan, counted seven crimes, and denounced him as the thief of the seven evils.

Later, when people mentioned Lord Loulan, they seldom said it outright, and they all referred to it.

After hearing this, Chong Xuansheng said again: "A strange beast like Yan Chi is very rare. I have only seen it in books, and I don't expect it to appear in the Savage Forest."

"What Hou Ye said is true, and I am also very puzzled, but thinking about the wild man Lin Kuangkuangshen, no one has really understood it except the Seven Thieves. It is a bit strange, but it is not impossible..." Lei Zhanqian said: "Then I killed the head, because it was so rare, I brought back the body. It is still kept in the basement, Bowanghou, would you like to take a look?"

This is probably just a polite remark.

But Chong Xuansheng got up straight away: "Then there is trouble."

Lei Zhan was stunned for a moment, then said: "You guys, please follow me."

The group followed Lei Zhanqian to another scene.

As the leading family in Lushuang County, Lei's ancestral house occupies a very large area, and it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with unique scenery.

The "basement" mentioned by Lei Zhanqian is built under a pond with green lotus leaves, and the entrance is in the rocky rockery next to the pond.

"Because of wine storage, our Lei family built a lot of basements. This basement was handed down from our ancestors, and now it belongs to me alone. Some wines of special vintages are stored in it, and there are also many of my personal collections, including Chi's corpse..." Walking in the tunnel, Lei Zhangan led the way while explaining: "The temperature in the ground is very low, and it is specially controlled by a magic circle..."

There is a bright pearl embedded in the dome of the basement every three feet, and the light is not very bright, making the entire basement constant in a state similar to dusk.

It's about Lei's emphasis on wine storage.

The two sides of the basement are polished very smooth, but on the wall two feet above the ground, there will be rectangular, clean and refreshing stone caves, not too deep, separated by a certain distance, like hanging paintings row out.

And a urn of old wine is placed in it.

At first glance, it looks like a shrine.

The appearance of these wine urns is also very smooth, almost like a bronze mirror, which can reflect people's shadows, obviously they are cleaned by special personnel.

Walking in this kind of basement that has been around for a long time, looking at the urn of wine that is enshrined like a god, is almost watching the history of Lushuanglei's from another angle.

How did a small workshop that was first engaged in wine making grow up step by step and became an imperial family, and finally the daughter of the clan married into the deep palace, the noble concubine gave birth to the prince, and the descendant of the Daqi Emperor, who was flowing with Lei's blood, once sat on the dragon chair...

This family has the hope of growing into the top famous family of the empire and sharing the same prosperity with the country!

Later Concubine Lei Gui died, and later the gate of the Longevity Palace was locked.

Lei's went from prosperity to decline overnight, just like the basement where the old wine is stored, a chill is slowly oozing out.

Guan Lei's family is also Guan Qi.

A family like Lei's is one of the foundations of this powerful empire.

The civilians of the day before yesterday were the famous families of yesterday.

Today's Lei's family, and whose family will be in the future?

Even if Fourteen became Mrs. Bowang Hou and took off her heavy armor, she still didn't speak much in front of outsiders.

After Jiang Wang entered the basement, he seldom spoke and left all the questions to Chong Xuansheng. Because Chong Xuansheng will definitely ask more critical and targeted questions. He just used his eyes and ears to observe carefully.

In a specially hewn stone room.

They saw Yan Chi.

This sickly corpse was unfolded and nailed to a cross stake,

It is more than ten feet tall, with strong muscles and bones. The whole body is black, only the fangs protruding from the mouth are white. The left tusk is half broken, only the right one is still intact.

The long hair on the outside is scorched and curly, messy and ugly.

There are many uncovered wounds, hideous and ugly.

But it is very clean, without any dirt, and its internal organs have been hollowed out. There is not even the slightest peculiar smell all over the body, obviously it has been specially treated and can be preserved for a long time.

"This sickly head doesn't look weak." Chong Xuansheng looked at it.

"According to the records of "Strange Beasts", it should have not yet matured in Yanqi, so it has not reached a very strong state. Now it is only equivalent to the combat power of a monk in the Inner Palace." Lei Zhanqian explained: "I would rather Still able to handle it."

"With this sickly head, will there be another litter?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

"I don't know about that." Lei Zhanqian said, "But the book says that it likes to be alone."

Chong Xuansheng said: "Since it is an immature little beast, there should be a mother beast nearby..."

"There is no record in "Strange Beasts"." Lei Zhanqian was obviously stunned by the question: "How old was Yan Chi who started to walk alone, does Bo Wanghou know?"

Chong Xuansheng only said: "My cognition also comes from "Strange Beasts". This is the first time I have seen this deity."

During the conversation between Chong Xuansheng and Lei Zhanqian, Jiang Wang had already started to observe silently.

The post-mortem skills learned from that obscure book can be applied a little today.

He focused on observing the sickly wound, and also analyzed its hair and flesh quality.

Although he didn't learn the professional techniques handed down by Lin's family well, it was the first time he used them, but he also learned some useful information.

For example, the specific time of death of this sickly cat was indeed three months ago, which matched what Lei Zhanqian said.

It did indeed die of Refa.

The strength of Lei Zhanqian reflected in this sickly corpse alone can actually show that Lei Zhanqian has improved a lot during this period of time. Although the spirit was a little depressed, the cultivation base did not drop.

Especially the determination in the heart...

"Brother Lei, it seems that we have fought many times." Jiang Wang said suddenly: "You seem to always fight the enemy empty-handed, but do you have any good weapons?"

"It's not good at it." Lei Zhanqian's eyes darkened, and he replied in a low voice: "Your Highness taught me a set of sword skills before. I don't like it very much, and I haven't studied it very well. I only picked it up after he left. ..."

Jiang Wang sighed lightly and did not speak again.

"I have always only seen it in books, and I can only visualize it in my mind." Chong Xuansheng still looked at the sickly man in front of him, and praised: "Brother Lei has taught me a lot of knowledge today, this trip is worthwhile. "

Lei Zhanqian quickly calmed down his mood, and said flatteringly: "If I can be seen by the two Marquis, then it will not show up in vain, and it will not be in vain for me to go into the savage forest and fight with it."

Chong Xuansheng smiled, looked left and right again, and praised: "This basement is really well built, with ingenuity. The so-called 'a leopard can be seen in a tube', from this point of view, it is no wonder that Lushuang's fine wine can be sold in the world. famous."

"How lucky to be praised by the Marquis?" Lei Zhanqian always maintained a humble attitude: "I will choose two jars of the best wine here, and send them to the residence of the two Marquis in person... Don’t dislike it.”

"You don't need to be so polite!" Chong Xuansheng put on a smile on his face, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately: "It seems that this Marquis is greedy for your wine."

Lei Zhanqian said slowly: "No matter how good the wine is, it needs a person with taste. Otherwise, wouldn't it be heartbreaking for a cow to chew on peonies? My Lei family makes wine for a living. It has been brewed for three years and cellared for ten years. The rich give to those who know the taste."

"What a 'sold to the rich, and given to those who know the taste!' There is no other word like this in the world!" Chong Xuansheng was full of praise: "Brother Lei can say this sentence, the eleventh prince should be free from worries Yea!"

This is nothing more than saying that it is sold at a high price to the rich and given to those in power at no price. It is just a little beautification. It's not unusual to look at it from the inside, and it's not a good word to talk about. But if you don't have a real insight into the world, you can never say such a thing.

At least the former Lei Zhanqian couldn't have such an understanding.

"In the past, outside the secret place of Tianfu, there were talented people gathered. I also knew it. I had discussions with the doormen of the Longevity Palace. At that time, one of them was an immature guest from afar, and the other was a noble son with no power. Only His Majesty said that the fat son of Chongxuan, who usually doesn’t show his landscape, will be elegant when he is on the stage, and he is definitely not a vulgar person when he invites guests from far away..."

Lei Zhanqian said with emotion: "But who knows, today is the prince of a country?"

He added: "I should take the two Marquis as an example."

"It's serious, Brother Lei." Chong Xuansheng patted him, and then said: "Okay, okay. I've seen Cangjiu, and I've seen it, let's go up."

Lei Zhanqian was half a body behind: "I'll ask someone to bring out the secret wine and prepare some game. The Marquis might as well have a dinner here..."

"There's no need for the dinner." Chong Xuansheng waved his hand, and the expression on his face became serious again: "But Brother Lei, we brothers really want to ask for something when we come here this time."

"Just tell me, what can I do?"

"From April to June this year, all the unusual things that happened in the entire Lushuang County, you will help me find out and organize them into a book. I will send someone to the house tomorrow to get them. Time is very tight, there is a problem Is it?" Chong Xuansheng asked as he walked.

Lei Zhanqian replied decisively: "No problem!"

Chong Xuansheng said again: "In addition, I want all the records of your Lei family about Savage Forest. Of course, this information is not in vain. Pay according to the information specifications such as patrolling Fujia."

"The Savage Forest doesn't have any important precious materials except the autumn blue mushroom. These materials are nothing rare. I'll ask someone to sort them out, and I'll give them to you when the time comes. Lord Hou talked about money, so it's a little strange."

"Hey, there are still many opportunities for cooperation in the future. If you want to have a long-term business, you can't ask one party to pay for nothing." Zhong Xuansheng had a friendly attitude: "You listen to me on this matter."

A look of surprise suddenly appeared in Lei Zhanqian's eyes: "Okay, I'll listen to Lord Hou!"

During the conversation, a group of people have already walked out of the tunnel.

Chong Xuansheng stopped in his tracks: "Let's stop here today, brother Lei doesn't need to send it off. We still have a lot of things to do, we have to go to the Savage Forest, and we have to go to the Sheriff's Mansion again."

Lei Zhanqian also knew that they were in a hurry, so he just stood there and cupped his hands in the bleak autumn wind: "You two marquises care about the hearts of friends, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. It will definitely be able to save the day..."



The chariots of Marquis Bowang and Marquis Wu'an came and went in a hurry.

But the uneasiness brought to Lei Shi suddenly turned into surprise.

Today, what could be more invigorating to the Lei family than the long-term cooperation proposed by Bo Wanghou?

Marquis Wu'an is the upstart of the empire, and the Chongxuan family is a top-notch family. If they can really get in touch with them, the decline of the Lei family can be said to have stopped immediately, and the future may be promising.

Lei Zhanqian put forward Chong Xuansheng's two demands, and the Lei family took action immediately. Lei Zongxian even wished he could hold the whip in person to urge the clansmen to sort out all the information Bo Wanghou wanted.

As for Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng, the carriage had already rumbled away.

It is still the blue brick palm whip.

There were still only three people in the carriage.

Chong Xuansheng leaned on the carriage, and closed his eyes tiredly, as if he was resting his mind.

But he suddenly asked: "Lei Zhanqian's sword skills are very strong?"

Jiang Wang replied: "It's not bad, it can almost catch up with the level of that Winter's Army General Chaoyu when he was in the master ceremony. It shows that he didn't waste this time."

"Probably." Chong Xuansheng said, and then asked: "How do you feel when you meet Lei Zhanqian again today? I mean... how do you evaluate him?"

"The departure of the eleventh prince is a huge setback in his life, but it is also the beginning of his self-cultivation. It's just that the former Lei Zhanqian will never exist again." Jiang Wang sighed: " I remembered the first time I met him, I did feel a strong sense of oppression from him, I almost broke through the inner palace ahead of time because of him..."

"In that case, you won't be able to defeat Wang Yiwu in the Inner Palace." Chong Xuansheng answered calmly, and then sighed: "Lei Zhangan is another character in a storybook who has undergone great changes. There will be great success."

"Do you think there is something wrong with Lei Zhanqian?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng said: "As of now, all the suspicions that he has been seen by others have been cleared."

"Is there any suspicion of being invisible?"

"That's hard to say. Lushuang County is not big, but it is not small. If Lin Youxie has never left Lushuang County, the local people who are qualified to participate and have the ability to do things so cleanly So a few. The Lei family is of course the most influential family in Lushuang County, like the Zhou family and the Yan family, they have all been brilliant in the past. The current Lushuang County Governor Luo Zhengchuan is not a simple person..."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, and asked, "So why are we going to Savage Forest now? You already have a clue?"

Chong Xuansheng only said: "The inspection office has searched the Savage Forest for several rounds, and you went there yourself, and now I'm going again... What do you think?"

Jiang Wang asked: "What do I think?"

"What was your last question?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Jiang Wang probably understood, thought for a while, and said, "So, you want to startle the snake?"

Chong Xuansheng didn't answer this question, and turned to: "Lin Youxie's disappearance, I believe more and more that it was an accident. Because all the established social relations and past clues are not enough to lead to the result of her disappearance. No one If you want to deal with her, no one has to deal with her. Among all the cases, the accident case is the most difficult to find out the truth. Because maybe it was just some strong man passing by who took her away... and so on. How to check?

Of course, in our country of Qi, there are not so many unscrupulous things happening. The strong people in the local area have countless concerns, and the strong people who pass by need to report. Few people have such courage, and few people can deal with the traces so cleanly. I'm more inclined, maybe she broke something..."

"What can she break through?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "Although this country is powerful and prosperous, there are still many undercurrents hidden under the calm water. Any undercurrent is enough to overturn several large ships, and it is also enough to swallow too many people.

For example, Lord Loulan, who was defeated in battle but never found his body, for example, the Pinging Kingdom, which once caused a storm, for example, the Kurongyuan, which was destroyed for many years, for example, the case of Concubine Lei that you already know about..."

Jiang Wang understands very well that with Lin Youxie's serious personality, it is indeed possible to run into troubles that she cannot deal with.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "She disappeared in Lushuang County, what is most likely to be involved?"

"Don't worry." Chongxuan Shengkuan said: "The range of correct answers is getting smaller and smaller. I have a hunch that we may touch a big fish this time..."

Chong Xuansheng said not to worry.

But how could Jiang Wang not be in a hurry?

He doesn't care about big fish or not, what he cares about is the safety of his friends.

Although Chong Xuansheng has repeatedly emphasized that Lin Youxie's disappearance does not mean death.

But it is a tendency for him to compare Bob Zhao's affairs.

What could make a person disappear more cleanly than death?

From May 1st to today, Lin Youxie has been missing for more than three months!

In the vast majority of disappearance cases, this missing time can basically be equated with unfortunate results.

But no matter how anxious he was, he could only force himself to calm down. In the process of looking for Lin Youxie, let yourself provide assistance instead of interruption.

In the darkness, the carriage stopped outside the quiet Savage Forest.

Occasionally there are a few birdsong, making the empty mountain more empty and the fog farther away.

Together with Qingzhuan, Jiang Wang and the others went deep into the wildling forest in this deep night. Stepping on dead branches and fallen leaves, rustling all the way, until he reached the place where he and Shisi parted that day.

Looking around, it's no different than during the day.

"What do we need to do now?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng asked back, "What were you doing the day you parted from Lin Youxie?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said in a complicated tone: "Practice."

Lin Youxie disappeared for more than three months before he was found missing. Because Lin Youxie was in Qi, he was the only friend left.

But on the day Lin Youxie disappeared, they didn't say anything meaningful.

He is just practicing.

Chong Xuansheng looked at him, and said: "Then you continue."

Perhaps in order to cover up some uneasiness, Jiang Wang asked again: "When are we going to the Sheriff's Mansion of Lushuang County?"

"When did I say I was going over there?"

"You said it at Lei's house."

At this time, Shisi took out his heavy sword and chopped down a tree casually. She didn't do anything else, but silently put away her sword, and sat down on the tree trunk in a very ladylike manner.

"That was just a casual remark." Chong Xuansheng sat down next to Fourteen, and said calmly: "Of course I want to investigate the Sheriff's Mansion of Lushuang County, and of course I can't do it myself. Before we went to Lei's house, we The shadow guards have been sent to investigate, and the results will be available soon. We just need to wait here. I am looking for all the information from the Lei family, the Zhou family, the Yan family, the county guard's mansion, and the inspector's mansion. It's just Said that Lei Zhangan was also in Savage Forest that day, and we just went to visit Lei's house. When all these information are gathered together, the answer you want will surface."

Facing Jiang Wang's anxious eyes, Chongxuan Shengkuan said: "Wait for information, wait for accidents, wait for changes, wait for anything. Don't worry, give me three days, and I will definitely show you the truth."

Jiang Wang then stopped talking.

He looked up at the starlight between the leaves, and still flew to sit on the horizontal branch when they parted.

Close your eyes and continue to practice thoughts.

On this extraordinarily lonely night.

Qingzhuan would leave from time to time, and when he came back, he would always have a large stack of newly collected information in his hand. Accompanied by Shisi, Chong Xuansheng looked through slowly, looking for clues among the thousands of threads.

And Jiang Wang sat alone on the horizontal branch, with a lonely shadow hanging down. Always practice, always silent.

In a single thought, it turns a thousand times.

In every instant, thousands of thoughts arise and disappear.

The development of ideas is of course novel, but in the final analysis, its application must also be integrated into the soul system.

Back then when Jiang Wang cleaned the imprint of thought dust on his body, he used the tyrannical spirit power to cleanse himself, and wiped away Lin Youxie's fragile thoughts.

His current cultivation level is definitely not worse than that of Lin Kuang back then, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness is even higher. Therefore, it can be said that the progress in the cultivation of the technique of thought dust is extremely fast.

The human heart is like a sea, and thousands of thoughts are like fish swimming in it.

The five sense organs are the windows of the heart, what you see and hear is what you feel.

When you see something, hear it, smell it, the fish in the sea of ​​your mind will compete with each other, and there will be thousands of ripples!

Among them, some of the strongest fish can leap out of the sea of ​​mind, enter the level of main consciousness, and be caught by ordinary people.

From this arise joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, desire... the seven emotions and six desires.

The sea of ​​mind is not calm, even when you are ignorant, unaware, deaf and unfeeling, there are dark currents and galaxies competing with each other. The "fish" in the water are also born and died endlessly, multiplying endlessly.

For the vast majority of practitioners, too many thoughts are often just "disturbances" to the peaceful mind, which are so-called "distracting thoughts". Many schools of practice regard cutting off distracting thoughts as the first skill in practice, and there are endless ways to cut off distracting thoughts.

Just like Cui Yigeng of the Academy of Diligence, he takes the thought of diligence as a big fish, devouring the whole world and swallowing all miscellaneous thoughts. With one heart and one sword, it is unstoppable.

Just like Jiang Wang himself, he honed his mind and determined his will, and was never disturbed by distracting thoughts. Let Er wind from east to west, from north to south, I travel by myself. Later, I took off the Chixin supernatural power, and once it was activated, it suppressed all other thoughts, making the sea of ​​​​hearts calm for thousands of miles.

Forest conditions are different from people.

He starts with these distracting thoughts that are constantly arising and disappearing in the sea of ​​mind, diligently cultivates them, and binds them as heart dust. It was an act of genius.

It is easy to have distracting thoughts in life, but it is very difficult to accurately catch those "thought fish" that have not jumped out of the sea and are good enough to be used in the vast sea of ​​mind.

Moreover, these distracting thoughts are very fragile, and one wave in the sea of ​​mind may destroy tens of millions of "nianyu".

Once the conventional power of the soul falls, it may cause a tsunami in the sea of ​​hearts.

About how to choose a suitable thought, how to capture it, how to help it grow, how to practice...these are all recorded in detail in the art of thought dust.

Lin Kuang has already opened up the way forward.

It is always much easier for future generations to follow the old track.

Jiang Wang took Chixin supernatural powers as the main force, and when he relaxed for a while, thousands of thoughts jumped out.

For a while, I was cranky and emotional.

Worry! anxiety! fear! anger!

Among them, the most intense thoughts collided with each other.

The Dao of Wrath was activated just right, and the idea called anger suddenly swelled, surpassing others in an instant.

The special "heart net" formed with spiritual knowledge quietly falls, and it can be captured accurately!

The method recorded in the art of thought dust is to capture the most powerful thought first, and cultivate it into the main thought. This is a very meticulous job, which requires a choice among many ideas, and the final decision also requires long-term observation.

Jiang Wang skipped those steps and directly catalyzed strong thoughts with anger.

Then use the heart net to hang this thought on the sea of ​​mind. Then according to the secret method researched by Lin Kuang, use the power of spiritual knowledge to construct special links, and carry out meticulous nurturing...

This is a process similar to "incubation".

Until a certain moment, the thoughts like crystals suddenly "break the shell", and the thoughts fly high like birds, stretching their feathers and wings, soaring over the sea of ​​mind.

Everyone's cultivation of thoughts is different, and their specific manifestations are different. The idea that Jiang Wang cultivated is exactly the image of a heart sparrow.

Take this as the main idea, and then capture other "mind fish" as sub-thoughts.

The fish turns into a bird, so the sea of ​​hearts grows.

With a thought in Jiang Wang's mind, a ray of distraction was tied to Chong Xuansheng.

This feeling is very wonderful.

If he doesn't think about it, nothing exists.

But as long as you think back for a while, you will know where your thoughts are in an instant, and you can take them back at any time, and you can follow them to them at any time.

During the whole process, Chong Xuansheng didn't notice it at all!

The duration of the technique of thought dust depends on how long the thought can survive independently after the thought is separated. The more "strong" the thought is, the longer it can provide feedback.

Jiang Wang has cultivated "Heart Sparrow", and the technique of Nianchen has been considered successful. And this sparrow is lively and full of vitality.

For some unknown reason, a throbbing suddenly appeared at this moment.

He was still sitting cross-legged on the horizontal branch calmly, but he had released the main idea to sense the surroundings seriously.

This is the place where he and Lin Youxie met for the last time.

Intangible and qualityless, the "heart sparrow" that only feels for oneself, flies out of the sea of ​​heart, out of the body, and flies far away in the dark forest in the middle of the night.

Occasionally, moonlight and starlight penetrated through the gaps in the leaves, but it was also very miserable and sparse, and could not be used as companionship.

The heart sparrow is flying fast in this world, but it follows the rules that belong to the world of the heart sea.

Jiang Wang was feeling it.

Feel the woman who waved her hand and walked away alone.

It seems to be back to that day again.

Feel the feeling of the friend wearing the blue square scarf, giving up everything in the past and leaving the motherland and hometown.


Xinque really felt something, and vaguely caught some traces of the same kind!

Lin Youxie left a clue!

Jiang Wang suddenly felt a kind of joy, stabilized his emotions, and let the sparrow continue to fly.

Following the faint induction in the dark, the heart sparrow went straight through the forest, and finally landed in front of an ordinary old tree.

The straight-line distance between here and the forest glade where Jiang Wang was sitting cross-legged was less than three thousand feet.

There is nothing special about this old tree, and no matter what kind of magical powers and pupils it is, there is nothing strange about it.

But in Xinque's perception, there was a little black cat on that old tree.

Small, cold, curled up on a tree branch...

That was Lin Youxie's main idea.

Yes, Lin Youxie really left a clue, but what she left here was her main idea, not a distraction.

That in itself is a cruel answer.

More than three months have passed, and this little black cat is already very weak, and it will perish at any moment.

As the main thought of a monk in the inner palace, it cannot withstand too much wind and rain at all.

But it still sits there alone.

Waiting for someone, I don't know if he will come.

Sitting cross-legged on a horizontal branch less than three thousand feet away, Jiang Wang closed his eyes slightly.

The heart sparrow flapping its wings in front of the old tree approached the black cat hesitantly.

The little thought cat is already illusory, even in the world of thoughts, it is not clear.

Only the eyes of the black cat looked over so clearly, as if they could see the bottom of people's hearts.

Those eyes seemed to be asking—

I don't know when that person will open that nameless book?

Jiang Wang felt a sour feeling in his heart.

Then the little black cat leaped lightly and shattered into Xinque's eyes.

Then he saw—

He saw the last scene left in Lin Youxie's eyes on May 1, 3921 in the Dao calendar.

He saw a hand, a pale and bloodless hand, pressing down from the top of his head with a calm and irresistible gesture, pressing this world... into eternal black!

I worked overtime last night, and I got up at seven o'clock today, and I am writing now.

This chapter has more than 8,000 words, and Qiqi Dameng was carried away at four o'clock.

Because I also submitted the update at noon tomorrow, the update time for tomorrow will be moved to 8:00 pm.

Sorry everyone.

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