Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1758 A Pond of Spring Water Reflecting Peach Blossoms

It's all starting now... to commemorate?

Is Jiang Wang really dead? No room for redemption?

Are those letters stacked in the storage box really no longer increasing?

The cloud crane that was sent earlier hovered outside the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters... it should have dissipated, right?

Both An An's letter and her letter disappeared into the clouds.

Before Jiang Wang chased and killed Zhang Linchuan for thousands of miles, he secretly sent some gifts to Ling Xiao Pavilion through the trading company, including An An's and hers.

Among the gifts she gave her was a Jiaoweiqin—she didn't know how to play the piano before, but she was only interested in calligraphy among the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. But practicing calligraphy is too boring, so I am not diligent. It was only recently that he supervised Jiang An'an, so he practiced more.

The world's imagination of a lady naturally does not affect her, Ye Qingyu.

What red sleeves add fragrance, playing the piano for the king... who deserves it?

Of course, practice is a must. The senior sister who has been called for so long must bear some responsibility. Living in the secret place of Lingxiao, since childhood, he has been well-clothed and well-fed, and always wants to do something for the people of Yunguo... just like a father, to protect the peace of one side.

But other than that, she would rather sit and watch the sea of ​​clouds.

The things that make her feel happy are the clear sky, the leisurely wandering clouds, the stories in the book, and the wind blowing across the fields.

There are tens of thousands of mundane things in the world, but she doesn't worry about them.

Sometimes the business suffers a little loss, the harvest is less, and who is fighting with who... She also just smiled and walked over, it was nothing.

She should have no sense of guqin or guzheng.

She prefers silence to music.

Compared with silk and bamboo orchestras, she can hear the gurgling water and the wind hitting the bells.

But the timbre of this Jiaoweiqin is really nice.

The first time she plucked the strings, she was fascinated, and inexplicably felt that playing the piano should also be a happy thing.

So she practiced for a long time...

She has practiced the piece for a long time, who will she play it to?

do not Cry……

do not Cry.

she told herself so.

But tears don't listen.

Seeing the baby girl crying, Ye Lingxiao was furious, and looked at Wenren Shen with a fierce look on his face.

I, Ye Lingxiao, came here to help you suppress the situation. If a race war breaks out during this period, the Yaozu must be shown my strength as "the invincible hand of all nations, the most hero in the world of all ages".

Lao Tzu supports you so much.

In the end, you just talked about sad things and made my daughter cry?

Wenren Shen was also stunned!

I haven't had time to tell the tragic story of Marquis Wu'an, which attracted my niece to stop here to remember... Why did I start crying at the beginning?

All along, he only knew that Marquis Wu'an was not close to women, not greedy for pleasure, and devoted himself to cultivation.

I've never heard that Marquis Wu'an has a confidante in Yunguo.

She's still Ye Lingxiao's daughter?

But how quickly he turned his mind to Ye Qingyu when discussing the doctor in a dignified manner, and immediately said to Ye Qingyu: "The sage Chang Shen has a poem saying that there is no tragedy in the world, but heroes always make people sad! I can understand the feelings of my niece. .”

"What kind of a hero do you think Marquis Wu'an is? In the battle of Frostwind Valley, he braved the extremely cold wind and returned after fighting and killing the monster clan Tianhai King. But he died under the collusion of human monsters, which is embarrassing."

"We are already investigating the black hand behind the scenes with all our strength. The monster race is right in front of us, so we must not let it go."

"The God of War personally descended on the Demon Realm the day before yesterday, smashed the Frostwind Valley, and fought against the Heavenly Demon Ape Immortal Court just to avenge Marquis Wu'an."

"Now I am in charge of the battlefield here, setting up chariots, arranging crossbows, flying boats, and the heroic Boss commanding the Yanlei army here. With a heart of hatred, I must take down Nantian City in order to comfort the spirit of Marquis Wu'an Zaitian!"

When he spoke up, he was about to take advantage of the trend and give an inspiring pre-war speech outside the city gate.

Bringing the emotions of a little girl is a belt, and driving the emotions of a soldier in a city is also a belt, so you don't have to worry about it twice.

At this moment, Ye Lingxiao put his hand on his shoulder, and asked seriously: "Are you Qi Ting sure that Jiang Wang is dead? Has the body been found?"

Wenren sighed deeply: "Although the body was not found... But this matter was confirmed by Lord Military God himself."

Ye Qingyu closed his eyes silently.

Ye Lingxiao put all his strength into his hands: "Of course I respect the God of War very much. But if you live, you must see people, and if you die, you must see corpses. Since you haven't seen the corpse yet, does that mean there is still hope?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Wenren Shen came to his senses and said sincerely: "The Marquis of Wu'an is the pride of the country. He has always been able to do things that ordinary people cannot. This old man must search all over the world, looking for traces of Marquis Wu An!"

Bingxue is as smart as Ye Qingyu, of course he can hear the comfort in it.

But she did take comfort from it.

What daddy said was right, to live you have to see people, and to die you have to see corpses.

It's been like this since ancient times, isn't it?

How can anyone be sure that a person is dead before the body is found?

She suppressed tears, opened her red eyes, and said softly: "I am sad for the situation of the heroes of the human race... I'm sorry, Uncle Wenren."

"It's okay, it's okay." Wen Ren sighed deeply: "The matter of Marquis Wu'an is indeed too sudden. It's not just my niece who is sad? My granddaughter, when she heard the news of Marquis Wu'an's accident, she couldn't eat for a few days. No food. A letter comes to me every day asking me, I don’t want to believe it’s true..."

"What's the matter with your granddaughter?" Ye Lingxiao asked abruptly.

Wen Ren Shen couldn't remember where his focus was, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "My granddaughter is only nine years old, and she has always worshiped Marquis Wu'an."

Ye Qingyu listened to the conversation between his father and the famous Shibo, but his eyes couldn't help but look at the plaque on the city gate.


Wu An.

Those who rely on martial arts to secure their country will not be able to secure themselves in the end?

Many heroes in the history books ended tragically, but when she was studying history, she never thought that this incident would happen again around her.

Back then when we parted in Yuncheng, looking at the back of the white-haired young man who walked down the steps to climb the clouds, she knew that he would definitely come back again. Because it is impossible for a person with such a sense of responsibility to leave his sister alone in the world.

Time flies, and the boy has completed all the things he promised.

The boy's legend since then has surpassed many people's imagination.

There are also more connections between them.

I used to watch lanterns on New Year's Eve, and later I heard that Dong A, the deputy prime minister of Zhuang Guo, died.

Once at the Guanhe Terrace, I witnessed him winning the first prize and being famous among the stars.

I used to ask about information eight times a day, and my father kept hiding from me until he knew that the Qi State was victorious, he made great contributions, and his life was safe...

But all those pictures.

What impressed her the most was always the back view that day——

Shoulder everything, go far alone.

At that time, he was still so naive, but he was already so majestic.

Will he come back like he did before?

Will he hide all his wounds and pains and come back smiling and triumphant like every time before?

At this time, she felt a line of sight falling from above the city gate.

She raised her eyes and saw a gray-clothed nun wearing a bodhi mask. She saw a bodhi branch representing wisdom and awareness on the mask. Of course, she also saw a pair of perplexed, Lost and sad, but with charming eyes.

her and her.

Each wearing a mask and veil.

One stood on the top of the city gate, and the other stood on the bottom of the city gate.

They couldn't see each other's faces clearly.

Only eye to eye.

Each has its own emotional complexity.

It's like a pool of spring water reflecting peach blossoms.

The peach blossoms are also red.

Spring water is also red.


The nun wearing a bodhi mask looked back and walked to the other side of the tower.

It was only at this time that Ye Qingyu realized that beside her, there was a tall and tall nun with a faint brass luster on her face, looking holy and distant.

This nun gave her a salute with her palms up, then turned around calmly and followed the previous nun.

Ye Qingyu bowed his head back, and when he looked up again, he couldn't even see their backs.

"It's the two mistresses of Xiyue Nunnery, Yue Tiannu and Yu Zhen." The hearer Shen observed his words and asked considerately, "Do you know my niece?"

Ye Qingyu shook his head. For some reason, she, who has always been careless about things, couldn't shake her curiosity about those eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Doesn't Xiyue Temple have its own big city in the demon world?"

The man heard Shen said: "This is a newly opened battlefield, and Wu'an City is a newly built city. They also want to do their part for the human race."

Ye Qingyu nodded slightly and stopped talking.

A newly built human city on the front line of the battlefield is incalculable in value. Everyone wants to take a look and look for opportunities... Her father brought her here for this reason.

"Let's go, let's talk first, don't affect the city defense." Ye Lingxiao took the initiative to walk in, saying that he did choose to settle in this city, and he looked at Wenren Shen: "Is there any progress in your investigation of the mastermind behind the scenes? ? Do you need the cooperation of Lingxiao Pavilion? It may not be convenient for you in Zhongyu, but we also have some business in Zhongyu."

Although for that guy Jiang Wang, he doesn't like it horizontally or vertically.

But now that something happened, he couldn't help but sigh.

Besides, how could he not care about his precious daughter's loss of soul? And An An... An An doesn't know anything yet, so she can coax her for a while. When she grows up and wants to find her brother, how will he answer her?

At the very least, the kid who sent the gift also knew that Ye Zhenren would count as one, he wasn't really stupid.

Then Ye Lingxiao helps find a murderer to avenge, which can be regarded as "the hero acts, and I do it myself".



"Unlock the prison, let me be free, and I will go to heaven to save you!"

"It's okay to help you contact Lord Yuheng Xing!"

"Hey brother, don't go! My brother is really familiar with the place of Heavenly Prison. In ancient times, it was a family! My brother will show you the way, will you listen?!"

"Untie the old brother first, it's really uncomfortable to be tied up, some things have come to me, but I can't remember why... Do you think it's strange?"

Coming out of the tree hole where he was hiding, Jiang Wang casually put away the red makeup mirror and cut off the old dragon's chatter.

Because of the Chixin supernatural power to guard the soul, the soul was the least injured, and there was no root damage.

He also first explored the way to save himself from this direction—or start from outside the sky.

After painstaking research, it really made him figure out a way.

In the world of spirits and souls, sit in the town with the supernatural powers of the heart, use the Bodhisattva of Six Desires as the body, open the gate of heaven with the sky tower, penetrate the barriers of all worlds, and pursue the connection in the dark... Finally, the mind is transmitted to the Yuheng Star Tower.

The connection between the self-laid monks and the Starlight Sacred Building is based on the mighty power of the stars, soaked in the starlight, and follow the universe. His behavior is like lighting an unknown candle by himself, so that the light of the candle can shine on the stars.

Even if his Starlight Holy Building is extremely stable, with a clear goal and a clear star path. Even though his spiritual consciousness is tyrannical among the cultivators of God's presence, he has spent untold hardships.

It was so cumbersome and took so much effort, but the thoughts that were finally transmitted to Yuheng Xinglou were very weak, and it was not enough to manipulate Yuheng Xinglou to do something.

But this process can bypass the restrictions of the hell world, and will not cause any movement in this hell world, so it has enough value.

All attempts under the current predicament must put safety as the top priority.

Although he could only feel the Yuheng Star Tower itself weakly, he thought that there was still an old dragon sealed in the Yuheng Star Tower. As a dragon clan, Senhai Laolong must have a good understanding of the monster clan, or he can help find some solutions.

So he still worked hard to push forward the last step, and successfully passed the idea to the star building.

But as soon as this guy opened his mouth, he wanted to loosen the ties, be free, and so on. He didn't give any useful information, and he really didn't change his original intention.

A lot of hard work was wasted, and Jiang Wang didn't feel resigned.

How can the world go as expected?

If there is no way, it is nothing more than going to another road.

Looking around vigilantly, Jiang Wang walked through the old forest in silence, starting today's journey of searching for medicine. If all the injuries in this body can be recovered by himself, it will take until the year of the monkey... So he will take a little time every day to find medicinal materials, to replenish blood and qi, to replenish his body, and to help his current body.

The bald forehead is actually a bit conspicuous, so he made a straw hat and put it on. It's ugly, but it's more or less concealed.

During the few days he lived in Shiwan Dashan, he was like this—most of the time, he hid in the red makeup mirror to recuperate his injuries, trying to become a good doctor by healing himself. Then I come out from time to time every day to look for medicine, observe the nearby situation by the way, and supplement the map details.

His exploration range is currently limited to within a thousand miles.

He didn't dare to go to distant places, because he didn't know the corresponding information at all, and if he accidentally approached a battlefield, he couldn't find the grave without crying.

What worries him is that there seem to be more and more monsters entering the mountain in the past two days.

The day before yesterday he encountered a group of little monsters, yesterday he encountered three groups, all of them avoided far away. Today, not long after getting out of the tree hole, I brushed shoulders with two teams of little monsters... Is it rare to find a hundred thousand monsters in the promised one hundred thousand mountains?

Although there was a need to supplement information, he also maintained restraint and did not attack any of the little demons. These monster clans who entered the mountain seemed to be carrying some kind of mission, and many of them died for no apparent reason, which would definitely lead to investigation by the strong.

He is the most unstoppable.

These days, his activity track is not fixed, and his place of residence is very simple.

Or a tree hole, or a crypt, in short, any place where a red makeup mirror can be placed secretly... Like a lonely ghost wandering in the deep mountains and old forests, leaving no trace of him.

There are more and more little demons entering the mountain, and his daily resting place can only be further and further away.

From the moment he got the red makeup mirror, he knew that it was not strong.

Although as his understanding of the red makeup mirror deepens, he believes that after the red makeup mirror is broken, it will definitely be reunited in some way, but the people hiding in the red makeup mirror may not necessarily recover.

In order to prevent the red makeup mirror from being discovered by some reckless monster clan, thus forcing him to kill and expose his whereabouts...he could only retreat carefully.

I also stalked several groups of Yaozu, trying to find out their purpose. But it seems that the purpose of each group of monster clan is different, some go into the mountains to hunt, dragging a vicious beast away from time to time. Some seemed to be looking for something, wishing they could dig several feet into the ground.

Jiang Wang followed quietly, never disturbing the actions of these monster clans. I just silently recorded their conversation with the technique of sound and hearing, and then reproduced it with Rumeng Token, and kept it in my heart.

When I find a place to stop and hide in the red makeup mirror. While recuperating the injury, I learned the demon language by comparing the meanings expressed by these weird pronunciations...

Unexpectedly, I have to study in this world, and I have to study in the demon world.

Feng Houbai will learn, and Desperate Tianya will also learn.

The Confucian sages were right.

There is no limit to learning the sea!

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