Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1788 It's too smart to calculate all the organs

The tattooed demon bear Sansi is a very legendary demon king. The experience of his life so far is almost a reenactment of the story in the story, and it is the fate of the protagonist.

He was originally a mediocre little demon in the Ziwu hills. Because he hated a certain elder, his parents were killed, and he was thrown into the abyss...but he accidentally obtained the inheritance of the ancient great demon.

Later, he walked out of the abyss with a blood knife, killing all the enemies.

At this time, he has no relatives, no enemies, and his temperament has changed drastically. Behaving surlyly and fiercely, showing fierceness at every turn.

After offending several big families and doing a lot of big things, he was once on the wanted list all over the demon world. This is another case where after a sudden success, he didn't know how to restrain himself, and caused trouble for himself, and finally fell to the peak.

But for some reason, he fell into the eyes of Hu Taisui, the most powerful person in Ziwu Hills, worshiped under his sect, and got protection.

Since then, as the demon king under the seat of Hu Taisui, he has swept all directions and earned a great reputation.

The pitch-black mask without any decoration is his signature. Hidden in the robe wrapped around him was the bloody knife that terrified the monsters.

Yu Xin and his acquaintance came from a coincidence, a common vindictive drama in a casino, and then he laughed away his grievances... Of course, I also know afterwards that it was Xiong Sansi's deliberate temptation, and it was the tattooed demon who was trying to protect the former virtuous Yuzhen's god. Secret treasures to find the right relationship.

This friendship has been kept secret for many years, and the two sides have maintained a tacit understanding and never revealed it. Everything is in preparation for the opening of the Shenxiao Secret Vault that will only be opened this year.

After many years of waiting, there will be a result, but Moyun City is a gathering of arrogance, and the situation suddenly rises.

In the past few years, with regard to the calmness of Shenxiao's secret treasure, was it also the secret plan of other monsters behind it?

For such a well-known ancient powerhouse like Yuzhen, how could he know that there is only one clue to the secret treasure left by him, and he doesn't make more choices?

"The five new kings of the Tianbang may not be the upper limit of this turmoil. You have to be mentally prepared." Xiong Sansi said in a deep thought: "For example, since Shu Jialan from Heilian Temple is here, there will be a No great monk will come over? And no matter who is a master of this level, as long as they come, they will not miss the opening of the secret treasure of the gods."

The grievances between Heilian Temple and Ancient Nanshan can be said to go back a long time.

Even the Tathagata, the sorcerer worshiped by Heilian Temple, was the head of the top ten dharma kings under the seat of Zen Master Xiong in ancient Nanshan. Displeased with Zen Master Xiong's disappearance, Gu Nan Mountain greeted the Tenth Dharma King as the mountain master. He rebelled against the sect in anger, led a large number of believers to leave, and established the Black Lotus Temple.

Therefore, Heilian Temple is also known as "the first rebellious sect of Buddhism" in the demon world.

Of course, Black Lotus Temple itself does not recognize this title. They think that the Buddhism is authentic, and they have always been fighting against the ancient Nanshan.

Speaking of the confrontation between these two sects, three days and three nights can't finish it.

This time, the devil Arhat who preached in Moyun City from Heilian Temple was punished. If it hadn't been for the words "Taiping ghost messenger" left on the spot, and this Taiping ghost messenger had chased and killed evil gods in Moyun City many times... Heilian Temple directly There is nothing wrong with recording this account on the Ancient Nan Mountain.

"How unlucky!" Yu Xin frowned and said, "I'm already tired of hearing about the crap between the Ancient Nan Mountain and the Black Lotus Temple. There's no result in life or death, so why haven't they been wiped out?"

Xiong Sansi said quietly: "What you said really has the demeanor of Venerable Yu Zhen, so it can be seen that you are indeed a good match."

Yu Xin let out a "hey" and stopped talking.

Whether it's Gunan Mountain or Heilian Temple, both have a longer history than his Mo Yunyu's family. It is indeed a bit too loud for him to talk lightly about the survival and death of a large group of people here.

Xiong Sansi said again: "The matter has come to this point, there is nothing else to say, it's just a trick. You don't have to worry too much, at least we started preparations a long time ago, this is an advantage that no one can compare."

Yu Xin said with a lack of confidence: "If it is as you said, the purpose of Shu Jialan's coming here is not pure...or to put it directly, he also came for the secret treasure of the gods, then could it be that he also came here a long time ago? Are you ready to start?"

Xiong Sansi said: "No matter how early you prepare, it won't be earlier than us. When I got the jade key, Shu Jialan hadn't even made a name for himself."

Yu Xin hesitated again and said: "However, what will happen after the opening of the Shenxiao Secret Vault, no one can say for sure now. I don't know if our preparations will be useful..."

Xiong Sansi glared.

So he said awkwardly: "How much can always be useful. There is no credit but hard work. Can Venerable Yu Zhen make me, Xiao Yu Zhen, suffer?"

"Calm down, don't mess around anymore." Xiong Sansi analyzed seriously: "Now they are in the light, and I am in the dark. They have plans for you, but they can't guard against me. We still have the advantage."

Yu Xin blinked his eyes, always felt that something was wrong, the back was chilly.



Yu Xin, who is always proud of himself, feels that his title of Moyun Three Talents is no longer worthy of his title after meeting the demon king Tianjiao one after another.

Chai Asi, who used to be cowardly, thinks that the title of Gale Wind Killer is already majestic enough.

Walking down from the stage with blood on his face, he looked at Zixiong.

I want to come to the heroes of the world, but I and the ancient gods are the only ones.

The battle he just ended was a final election between fifty and twenty-four. The next round is twenty-four to twelve. The next round will be the last round of Moyun City's 12-to-6 round.

The reason why six places must be collected in the last round is because four of the top ten representing Moyun City in the Tianxi Wasteland Competition have already been reserved.

They are Spider Hide, Yu Xin, Yuan Mengji, and Quan Xihua.

Everyone has to approve it or not.

Among the fifty monsters participating in the competition, twenty-four must be selected to enter the next round, so there are two unlucky monsters who will have to fight one more time.

Unfortunately, Chai Asi is one of those unlucky ones.

But fortunately, he has a treasure mirror with him, the great ancient god.

At this stage of the competition, the Great Old God has seen all his opponents on stage. In every battle, he was given at least three winning options.

It can be said that every move he made after he came to power was stepping on the opponent's fate. Just relying on the not-so-excellent strength on paper, he has made it all the way to the present. Got hurt, cried out in pain, but always won.

Those senior ghosts who presided over the competition all praised him as the number one fighting talent among the contestants this year.

Yuan Xiaoqing came forward to meet him, and gently wiped away the blood for him.

The younger brother of the Huaguohui joined the road to cheer for him.

At this time, Yaosheng has reached its peak, and there will be even higher heights in the future.

Two more rounds...

In two more rounds, he can justifiably say that he is in the top ten of the young demon clan in Moyun City, standing side by side with the three outstanding talents in Moyun.

The situation that only exists in delusions has actually stepped into reality step by step.

He only heard about the greatness of the ancient demon emperor, but he personally experienced the greatness of the ancient god in the mirror. Truly the number one demon in the ages!

Not to mention asking him to read Buddhist scriptures, he can read any scriptures!

Tens of thousands of years have passed since then, the ancient god is the oldest, my second child, and the heavenly third child!

At this time, the little demon under his command came over and interrupted his daydream: "Xiangzhu, just now the meeting lord sent a message and wants to see you right away."

Chai Asi subconsciously wanted to frown.

He had looked up to Yuan Yizhi, the master of the Flower and Fruit Society, at first, but now he has long since lost his affection. That is a wine bag and a rice bag. Only by being obedient and sensible can he be able to sit in that position and become the puppet of the Moyun Yuan family.

When it comes to real skills, not to mention comparing with a demon of destiny like himself, he is far behind his father-in-law Yuan Laoxi.

Moreover, the character is poor, the food is ugly, and the incense master who goes up and down, who doesn't complain in his heart?

He was addicted to wine and sex all day long, and he became fat and strong, like a pig!

How can there be the slightest demeanor of a superior?

He is annoyed by hearing this name now, this insatiable fool doesn't know what benefit he wants.

But as a monster who is about to step into the upper class, he must learn to show his emotions and anger.

So he smoothed his brows, forced himself to smile calmly: "Okay, then take me to the ceremony."

Ape Xiaoqing beside him had tender eyes.

Which girl doesn't admire young heroes? In which Huaichun dream, there has never been a place of extreme scenery, walking hand in hand with that hero?

Chai Asi came from a humble background with no resources, and relying entirely on his own efforts, he went from an unknown person to today step by step. Nowadays, it is more and more dazzling, and the majesty is revealed.

Wearing a scent of pink and full of compliments, Chai Asi followed the little demon under his command to meet the leader.

This trip was quite secretive. They went back to the Flower and Fruit Club first, changed their clothes again, put on cloaks, got into the carriage parked at the back door, and drove away quietly.

"It's not just once or twice that the meeting master saw me, why are you still being so mysterious today?" Chai Asi asked the little demon who was leading the way.

He has an iron bar sword in his hand, an ancient magic mirror in his chest, and a great god in his heart, so he is not afraid of any possible traps.

The little demon leading the way said: "Master Chai Xiang, don't blame me, the leader asked me not to tell you in advance. The person who wants to see you this time actually has another demon..."

Chai Asi kept the calmness of a high-ranking person: "Which Gao Xian is it?"

The little demon raised his finger and clicked on the top.

Chai Ah Si was not surprised, he just nodded slightly.

Joining the Huaguo Club, being recognized by the Moyun Yuan family, getting more resources to boost, and walking to the upper level of Moyun City, this is the first planned route. In fact, the Moyun Yuan family only came to him today, which was much later than expected.

The only doubt is, why the Moyun Yuan family came to him in such a secretive way? Who doesn't know whose property the flowers and fruits will belong to?

The carriage went around in a big circle, and finally returned to the vicinity of today's martial arts field, and stopped in front of a very ordinary inn.

Chai Ah Si got out of the carriage wearing a cloak, followed the little demon, went up to three floors, and stopped in front of an ordinary guest room.

tuk tuk ~

The little demon reported across the door: "Master Chai Xiang is here."


But Yuan Yizhi, the leader of the Huaguo Club, opened the door himself, looked left and right furtively, and asked, "Is there no one following?"

The little demon who led the way said: "Don't worry, the little one has taken a lot of detours, even if anyone followed, he would have been thrown away long ago."

Yuan Yizhi turned his fat body sideways and smiled all over his face: "Come here, Ah Si, come in quickly. Let me introduce you..."

Ordinary guest rooms, with ordinary furnishings, are nothing more than soft couches, tea tables, dressing tables, and screens.

Only by the tea table in the middle of the room sat an unusual monster.

This monster is thin and small, but its eyes are extremely bright, and its temples are bulging high, full of the aura of a strong man.

Ape Mengji, who is the successor of Moyun's ape family and one of the three talents of Moyun!

Chai Ah Si felt a little disappointed.

Yuanmengji, who was once out of reach, is no longer in his eyes. It's just some lucky wine bags and rice bags, all relying on the shadow of their ancestors to dawdle. Such a good background, such a good resource, what kind of name did he get out of? Isn't it still going around in Moyun City? I can be tied with you in the top ten after just a few months of sword practice, but after I practice for three to five years, is that okay?

I thought I would meet Yuan Jiazheng, the head of the Yuan Family this time.

There are only a few demon kings now, and it deserves some attention from him, Mr. Chai.

But the disappointment turned into disappointment, and there was still a smile of surprise on his face: "It's Mr. Ape face to face! Today, I, Chai Ah Si, are really lucky to be able to meet the number one pride in the Tianxi Wasteland!"

"What is the number one in Tianxi Wasteland, talking nonsense!" Yuan Meng smiled very reservedly, and waved his hands: "Come, sit down and talk."

The leader of the Huaguo Club, Yuan Yizhi, walked out of the room with a smile and closed the door behind him.

Chai Ahsi took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, flattering his horse for a while.

Greeting monsters with a smiling face, greeting the front and the back, that was his old profession, so he couldn't do anything wrong.

And flattery.

Being photographed by an unknown little demon, and being photographed by Chai Asi, who is about to become the top ten young demon clan in Moyun City, the feeling is completely different.

Yuan Meng smiled very brightly, only felt that this little demon was really sensible. At first, I thought he was just a good-for-nothing junkie who got lucky, a small family who practiced hard, relying on desperately to move forward, with a limited future in this life. Now I feel that this guy still has some aura in him.

"Ah Si." He asked cordially, "Do you know why I met you in this place? Such an ordinary inn can't enjoy the scenery or the excitement."

Chai Asi laughed along with him: "Master Ape, God Hui Tiancheng, how can I guess your thoughts?"

"You, you, cunning." Yuan Meng looked around and said casually: "This inn is my private property. It has never been exposed. Seeing you here today is also to show your sincerity and take you Look at it as your own family."

Chai Ah Si was naturally very moved, tearful of gratitude, and was about to be completely devastated.

"I'm very optimistic about you." Yuanmeng patted him on the shoulder heavily: "You are a talented person, and there must be a place for you in the Tianxi Wasteland in the future."

Chai Ahsi said eagerly: "If there is a place for me in the Tianxi Wasteland, it must be because it has become one of your territories."

Yuan Mengji laughed even brighter, and finally got to the point: "I came to see you today because I have a big event to entrust to you. After the event is completed, I will guarantee your wealth and glory!"

Fuck your mother's big business!

Chai Asi has no interest at all, he just needs to follow the steps, relying on the favor of the ancient gods, what can't he get? Where can't I go?

But right now, I can only pretend to look forward to it: "I don't know what is the big deal?"

Yuan Meng is extremely mysterious and mysterious: "Do you know about Snake Guyu?"

Chai Ah Si's smile froze immediately, no matter how good the disguise was, he couldn't control himself at this moment: "What do you mean?"

Yuan Mengji clapped his hands: "Let's do the big ticket!"

Chai Asi reluctantly said: "That's the demon king, or the new king of Tianbang..."

Yuanmeng frowned in great displeasure: "She has been seriously injured, and she will die soon. What's so terrible about beating a dog in the water? And we can poison it first, and then attack it!"

Chai Asi said cautiously: "Xiao Yao heard that the King of Inspiration is chasing and killing her, and has been chasing and killing her for several months."

Yuan Mengji snorted: "Moyun City is not a sea of ​​divine fragrance and flowers, where treasures and capable people live, and no one obeys his wishes!"

Chai Ah's face turned numb: "We really want to grab food from the tiger's mouth, and the Shenxianglu family is not easy to mess with..."

"So I invite you to come." Yuan Meng embraced him very affectionately: "You have no relatives and reasons, and you are very good at fighting, right? I will gather experts to cooperate with you and kill that snake Guyu first. Let’s add two to one to five, and use it as a fee to borrow your name. If you drill into the 100,000 mountains, who can find it? Wait ten or eight years before you come out of the mountain, and Lu Qilang will have forgotten you a long time ago. Yes! When you change your name at that time, I don’t know how prosperous it will be. You have done such a big thing for me, and you are afraid that I will not take care of you in the future?”

Yuanmengjizhen, your mother is a demon talent!

You get the benefits of co-authoring, but I bear the consequences. No matter how deep in the mountains and old forests you bury me, no one will be able to find me.

Chai Asi secretly wanted to kill, but after all he couldn't do it directly.

The immediate strategy is to make false promises, pretend to agree, and then slowly figure it out. Anyway, killing She Guyu from Lu Qilang's sword cannot be arranged in three or two days.

With a bitter expression on his face, he said: "The little demon is afraid that he will be weak and mentally weak, so he won't be able to help the young master, but will miss your big business..."

While speaking, his eyes glanced at the room layout, and when he saw the dusty mirror on the dressing table, his heart skipped a beat, and his body broke out in cold sweat.

Subconsciously, he stroked his heart with his hands and felt the hard object on his chest, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

It scared me to death, I thought the ancient magic mirror was lost!

The two mirrors look exactly the same...

Speaking of which, the appearance of the ancient magic mirror is indeed low-key, similar to the vanity mirrors that can be seen everywhere at roadside stalls... Maybe this is the hidden treasure!

Today there was another group gathering, and I didn't go again.

Call me to deposit the manuscript one month in advance.

I didn't save it...

I really want to have a vacation!

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