Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1790 The Snake Woman Holding the Mirror

The eyes under the bed are actually very soft and charming.

But what is feminine is its appearance, not its inner light.

That's right, how can a snake demon who has slaughtered thousands of her own relatives expect her emotions?

I do not know how long it has been.

There were some ripples in those emotionless eyes, like a sleeping mirror lake, swallowing the wind, and then there was life in the silence. There was a ray of almost naive confusion.

She probably didn't understand why there were monsters breaking into the room that Lu Qilang had searched. And why is it so coincidental that this inn is Yuanmengji's private property.

Of course, the most coincidental thing is that they plotted how to kill her in front of her!

At this time, the uninvited evil guests have all dispersed.

The beautiful snake banshee "swimmed" out from under the bed.

She seemed to be floating in the air, tossing in the clouds, but she still didn't contaminate everything in the room, leaving no trace.

Miaoman's body hovered in the air, and she slowly moved her eyes, carefully observing the room.

Shikachiro has observed, Yuan Mengji has observed, and now it is her.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world quietly holds his sword in his hand and silently holds his breath.

He knew that he had lured Yuan Mengji to look under the bed, but in the end Shegu Yusheng had some doubts—maybe he didn't suspect who was hiding in the room, but at least he would suspect that there was something wrong with this room.

Otherwise, what is Yuan Mengji looking for?

Jiang Wang would not underestimate the power of a famous new king of Tianbang. He has seen Shi Shanwen's strength. It can be said that he is not inferior in all aspects, but he lacks some life-and-death tempering.

And similar tempering, this Snake Guyu, who is known as the Red Moon King, certainly does not lack.

After all, she had been killed so much that blood flowed like rivers. After all, she had already experienced several months of being chased and killed by heaven and earth.

The strength that this kind of strong man who has been slaughtered for a long time can explode at the moment of life and death is absolutely terrifying.

If not necessary, Jiang Wang would never want to face each other, at least he didn't want to deal with it in his current physical state.

But sometimes, there is no choice but to hold the sword.

Good luck tricks people, good luck tricks people!

Although the thousand-year-old dragon and tiger ginseng has not yet arrived, and his physical injuries are still far from healed, but if Shegu Yu really notices something, he may have to fight to the death.

The only good thing is that he didn't want to make a scene, and the murderer, Snake Guyu, didn't want to either.

Then maybe he has the possibility to quietly kill his opponent, then the journey of survival in the demon world can continue.

Time passed slowly.

Snake Guyu's gaze scanned the entire room without missing any corners, and of course also glanced over the red makeup mirror several times.

Every time, a life-and-death crisis is just around the corner.

But in the end it's just passing by.

Suddenly, she moved lightly and floated to the dressing table.

Jiang Wang let go of his heart, and suddenly raised it again, and Dao Yuan quickly mobilized. She was about to jump out of the red makeup mirror, blood splattered five steps, life and death were divided!

Snake Guyu sat down.

She just sat in the air without touching the round stool in front of the dressing table.

Slightly absent-minded, she yawned sleepily, her jade fingers wrapped around her swan-like neck, and gently tugged at the headband—the beautiful and silky purple hair just fell down like a waterfall.

Her beautiful features made her look even softer.

There was a bit of girlish innocence in those emotionless eyes.

Probably because she didn't want to leave traces, so she didn't care about the thin light gray on the mirror surface, just looked at herself in the mirror, and slowly combed her long hair with jade hands as a comb.

Her movements are gentle and graceful.

Jiang Wang in the mirror world is extremely vigilant. He didn't want to misjudge some actions, take unreasonable risks, and start unnecessary fights, but he didn't want to be caught off guard.

Therefore, he observed Snake Guyu very carefully.

He had never observed a banshee so seriously before, an extremely beautiful and coquettish banshee combing her hair in front of a mirror.

Of course he noticed her beauty, her style, and her innocence.

Although there is no gender in his eyes, only opponents. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by a kind of divine and natural beauty for a moment.

Time seemed to be silent.

The afterglow of the afternoon swims through the window gap and lightly sprinkles on the room.

There are no other spectators at this moment. In this very ordinary guest room, Snake Guyu, who has slaughtered thousands of relatives, has experienced several months of life and death, and after hearing and witnessing a plot against her ...sitting here quietly, putting on makeup in front of the mirror.

She should have killed him and shed blood like a river, she should have taken Yuan Mengji's head off and stepped on it.

Why are you looking at yourself in the mirror here, confused and absent-minded?

It is clear that a beautiful girl who loves beauty and feels self-pity is not like the famous and vicious Scarlet Moon Demon King?

She probably has a story...

The reason why she slaughtered her own family must have a reason for her last resort...

It was hard for everyone who saw this scene not to excuse her in their hearts.

But Jiang Wang didn't care about that. He only observed Snake Guyu's movements, calmly examined her vitals, and made plans for fighting in various situations in his heart.

Although she hasn't really fought at this moment, she already has no less than ten ways to die in Rumeng Ling. Of course, there is a high probability that it will not be realized.

Zhang Taiyu blooms early, who can see the beauty of the dark room?

Snake Guyu slowly finished modifying his makeup, put his beautiful long purple hair back on, and changed a few angles in front of the mirror. He was probably satisfied, so he got up.

The beautiful curve seems to be drawn by a wonderful brush, round and free, and it is born with twists and turns.

Jiang Wang had new expectations in his heart... Now this banshee should leave?

This room is a place of right and wrong, and it cannot be kept.

There are monsters breaking in at every turn, you are a wanted criminal who is being hunted down, how unsafe is it to hide here?

As for himself, he still planned to stay in this room.

Because he has become more and more aware of the horror of God's will, and realized that sometimes doing more is more wrong than doing more. And if they stay in this room, Lu Qilang has come, She Guyu has come, and Yuan Mengji has brought his men down to plot loudly. Presumably no one will come next.

The so-called darkness under the lamp, it is so dark that there is no shadow, it is so dark!

But unfortunately... Snake Guyu seems to think so too.

Because after carefully observing the room and adorning herself, she didn't go out murderously. Instead, he got back under the bed, closed his eyes again, and fell asleep.

It seemed that he was only half asleep and woke up accidentally. So I got up for a while, and then went back to sleep.

Only the long silence of the ancient god in the mirror remained.

He couldn't understand it at all.

Logically, emotionally, and the rich experience of being hunted down, I can't figure it out.

What is this banshee thinking! Do you need to touch up your makeup before going to sleep?


The door opened.

A shop waiter came in cursing, holding a bucket of water in his left hand with a rag on the side of the bucket, and a dustpan and broom in his right hand.

"You son of a bitch, a dead fat pig, you know how to order me..."

Swearing is natural, and cleaning is also very skillful.

I just hope that when he wipes the mirror... his hands don't shake.

And don't be too responsible and obsessed with what's under the bed.

A dusty vanity mirror divided the world into two layers.

The little demon in the room was busy, while the snake Guyu under the bed was silent.

Jiang Wang sits quietly in the mirror world, thinking about the next choice.

Of course he knew that Yuan Mengji's eyes were not a decoration, and Yuan Yizhi was not blind.

The reason why they went to look under the bed and couldn't see anything was because of Snake Guyu's supernatural powers.

Or blind the senses, deceive the vision, create illusions... In short, there are too many possibilities. Although he, the ancient god in the mirror, watched the whole process, he didn't see the specific tricks.

At this time, it is useless to guide this little demon to clean the bottom of the bed. On the contrary, it will arouse the vigilance of Snake Guyu.

He can only be vigilant secretly, reminding himself that if he fights against him, he must pay special attention to this aspect of strength.

But back to the status quo, the problem still exists——

Snake Gu Yulai stays in the room, hides in the mirror world, he can't get out, what should he do?

Judging from today's situation, the earlier idea of ​​finding a little demon to come in and live there for a few days, to startle the snake, didn't work at all. This snake has a big heart.

Even if she finds a pair of little monsters to come here, she must be as safe as a mountain under the bed.



Yuan Mengji is at least talking at this stage. Not long after Chai Asi returned home, the leader of the Huaguo Club personally delivered the reward to the door.

At this moment, in this dilapidated small courtyard.

The medicinal power of the thousand-year-old dragon and tiger ginseng is continuously pouring into the great ancient god through the red-gold immortal seal.

As the "channel" through which the medicinal power flows, Chai Asi feels feverish all over his body, qi and blood are boiling, and the golden light around his body is scattered... The effect of the divine medicinal materials is very obvious!

As for why the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old dragon and tiger ginseng must first flow to the Immortal God Seal, the great ancient god had already warned him that it was purifying the medicinal power through the Immortal God Seal before distributing it to the limbs and bones, making his fragile demon body more resilient. Receive nourishment, so that his body protection magic can get the greatest benefit.

Just relying on him, Chai Asi, is indigestible!

After a long period of extravagant light and shadow, the room returned to calm.

Chai Asi was topless, quietly feeling the changes in the invincible golden body...

"Huh?" He was a little puzzled: "I feel that the progress is not as great as expected. This is a thousand-year-old dragon and tiger ginseng. Could it be that my body protection magic has reached the bottleneck?"

The great ancient god was also a little embarrassed, and explained: "You little monster doesn't know the mystery of the Immortal God Seal. After the conversion of the God Seal, what is increasing now is your potential! It is true that the effect will not be seen in a short period of time. You will know the benefits if you make rapid progress in the future. Just like building a house, at this stage, when you are still laying a solid foundation, you must not aim too high and force speed. Only when you achieve great heights in the future will you know how to thank you today Own."

Of course, Chai Ah Si firmly believed in the words of the great ancient god.

Thinking of the future of standing on the top, I couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the dark night enveloped Moyun City.

After Chai Ah Si practiced the exercises, he rummaged through the room and found a black suit that was suitable for walking at night, and covered his face specially.

Tonight he specifically told Yuan Xiaoqing not to come over, because besides practicing, he had other important things to do.

Without touching the broken door, he turned directly out of the courtyard, and ran out of the North District without a sound, like a wandering soul rushing into the long night, putting away his rusty sword and walking into a dark alley.

Tianjuedi traps secret swordsmanship, and has its own set of matching body skills.

This body technique is incredible, extremely agile, full of ingenuity. Not only does it have an extraordinary effect in battle, but at this time, when walking through the streets and alleys, walking through the long night, it is almost melted into the night wind.

In the endless flow of day and night, each monster has its own life.

Walking in this kind of night, Chai Asi also feels his own demon life with extraordinary destiny.

Suddenly he stopped his movements, stopped in his steps, and pointed at the ground obliquely with a sword he bought on the side of the road.

The corner of the clothes shattered the evening wind, and the sharp murderous intent was not released.

The Gale Wind Killing Sword has a great reputation, and the iron bar sword that many monsters talk about, of course, can't be taken out when the name is hidden.

Just coming from the opposite side was a fat figure also wearing night clothes. This guy also covered his face, but he had two straight knives behind his back——

A name suddenly appeared in Chai Ahsi's mind, the Taiping ghost messenger who killed gods and destroyed religions!

It is heard that this monster is a night walker with two swords, and ghosts and ghosts will not stay wherever it passes.

He was wary, but not frightened.

This fellow has the power to slay gods, which is certainly formidable. But he has the ancient god with him, so why should he be afraid of anyone?

The two who met suddenly on a long night's journey originally did not know each other, but when they met under such circumstances, both of them could not help but be vigilant. No one knows whether the other party is hostile or deliberately blocking the road.

The hand that holds the knife is as stable as the hand that holds the sword.

The air mechanism is entangled, and the battle is imminent.

"Don't make extra trouble, let's go!"

The same order, with different identities, rang in the hearts of the two demons at the same time.

Chai Ah moved his sword to the left, and when he saw the masked fat demon, he also moved to the other side.

The two sides distanced themselves in a tacit understanding, and after passing through this dark alley, they each speeded up to leave.

Didn't the Taiping ghost have not appeared for several days? It is said that being chased by Heilian Temple can reach heaven and earth, and there is nowhere to hide. Come out again tonight, which evil god is it for? Or is it going to fight the Black Lotus Temple desperately?

With these thoughts in mind, Chai Asi didn't have any intention of watching the excitement, and still rushed to his target location.


It was late at night.

A blood moon hangs high.

A figure of a dog came to the outside of an elegant courtyard, looked left and right, turned over and jumped into the courtyard.

His posture is quite beautiful, and the whole process is silent.

But as soon as he landed in the yard, he raised his hands.

Because a thin sword had already been pointed at his throat.

The monster holding the sword is dressed in a gorgeous costume, handsome and unrestrained, and it is the new king named Shikachiro.

This sword is too fast, too fast to react at all.

As long as the thin sword near his neck is sent forward, his demon life will be ruined.

But Chai Asi, who had masked his face so far, felt as calm as still water in his heart.

With the ancient magic mirror with him, what is he afraid of? No matter what kind of inspiration king you are, if you really want to kill me, can the great ancient god just sit idly by? It's too much to crush you with one finger!

Of course, the eyes still showed a little fear.

Chai Asi raised his hands in surrender, his tone tense and anxious: "My lord, the little demon came to visit late at night, and I really have something important to tell you!"

When he was in the inn during the day, he thought it through.

The reason why they sneaked into the Huaguohui was because they wanted to use the way of the Moyun Yuan family to enter the upper floors of Moyun City.

But Yuanmengji made it very clear to use him, and after using him, he would throw it away.

This road is not only impracticable, but has become a shackle on the body.

Now he wants to leave Moyun Yuanjia and cast another vote. Who can trust him? Who is willing to offend Yuanjia for him? How many choices does the entire Moyun City have?

But the current Moyun City is not limited to those in the past!

Isn't the Kachiro pictured by Yuan Mengji also a choice?

How does Moyun Yuan's family compare with Shenxiang Lu's family?

How can Yuanmengji compare to Shikachiro?

If it is said that Chai Asi, the demon of destiny, must temporarily bow his head to the evil forces, and needs to hug a thigh during the development stage... Isn't it obvious who should hug?

Even if you choose to bear the humiliation, there's no need to put up with that idiot Yuan Mengji, right?

So... King Lu, I, Chai Asi, have surrendered!

Lu Qilang didn't care about the mood of this uninvited guest, he only lightly picked the rapier in his hand, and already cut through the mask, and saw Chai Ah Si's rather ordinary face.

"Who are you?"

"Chai Asi, Chai Asi, the blast to kill the sword. Recently, he participated in the Jinyang Martial Arts Competition." Chai Asi declared his name confidently.

Lu Qilang raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter?"

Chai Asi's face was troubled: "This matter involves Xiao Yao's wealth and life, but after thinking about it, Xiao Yao decided to report it to the king."

Lu Qilang put his sword back into its sheath, and walked into the room dismissively: "If it's something difficult to say, then don't say it."

Chai Ahsi clearly realized that this Inspiration King was far from being comparable to Yuanmengji, and he didn't follow his methods at all.

Immediately put away his looks, and hurriedly chased after him: "Yuan Mengji is playing the idea of ​​King Chiyue, and wants to mobilize experts to snatch food from your mouth. And he has already contacted me, and he will kill you in my name when the time comes." King Chiyue, beware of you arguing with the ape family."

After hearing this sentence, Lu Qilang thought about the cause and effect, and said with a sneer, "Yu Xin's fishhook only hooked him? It seems that the most stupid young master in Moyun City is this Yuanmeng. A guy like him , it’s really rare to have a clever little demon like you under his hands... But the door of Shenxianglu’s house is not so easy to enter.”

This is the default to take refuge, but it still depends on Chai Ahsi's subsequent performance.

"The top ten in the Golden Balcony Martial Arts Competition in Moyun City, I swear that I will win." Chai Asi immediately showed his value: "On the matter of King Chiyue, I can still pretend to be flattering and continue to cooperate with Yuanmengji, Pass on information for you, and even turn back at critical times!"

Lu Qilang smiled, and threw out a jade bottle casually.

Seeing Chai Asi frantically catching it, Shi Shiran walked into the room: "I will reward you with this bottle of elixir that can strengthen your foundation and cultivate your vitality. It can fill your foundation. Go back."

Look, what is open and bright? What is a wealthy family?

Chai Ah Si was overjoyed, and to his back he continued to praise him fiercely.

But Kachiro is really not flattering, after a few steps, his figure has disappeared into the yard.

Thanks to Dameng evanschen for rewarding Xinmeng!

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