Red Heart Survey

Chapter 181 Deja vu Lu Shuanghe

Almost at the same time that Chongxuan Sheng made his voice, Jiang Wang rushed out of the door.

The right hand is pointed together to form a sword, stirring up the purple air.

The person outside the door seemed caught off guard, and subconsciously formed a heavy water shield to block him.

However, the sword energy surged, and the heavy water droplets splashed like stones.

Jiang Wang reached in with his left hand, and a flame bloomed on his fingertips, and also opened in front of this person.

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it is just a hand in hand.

Fourteen and Chong Xuansheng were only one step late to go out, and Jiang Wang had already subdued their opponents.

"Chongxuanxin?" Chongxuansheng frowned.

It was Zhongxuanxin who was blocked by Jiang Wang with flames against the front door, but did not dare to move.

He has an impressive aquiline nose, but at this moment he doesn't seem to be the least bit unruly.

Seeing Chongxuan Sheng, he fell to his knees with a plop: "Brother Sheng, I'm here to make amends for you!"

Seeing him like this, Jiang Wang turned his hand to hold the flame-extinguishing flower and stood still in silence.

Regardless of Chong Xuansheng's attitude, at least on the bright side, he is now Chong Xuansheng's disciple. Some things should only be decided by Joong Hyun Seung.

Feeling the scorching breath disappear, only then did Chong Xuanxin's forehead drip with cold sweat.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how big the gap between him and Jiang Wang was. Only then did I understand why Chong Xuansheng insisted on choosing Jiang Wang to accompany him into the secret realm of Tianfu.

"What crime are you paying for? I don't quite understand." Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes and said.

Chongxuanxin knelt on the ground, and tears came as soon as he said it: "It's all because my brother is timid and can't stand being frightened. After being threatened by others, he came to fight against Brother Sheng. Brother Sheng knew he was wrong. Brother Sheng, what do you think? If you want to punish me, my brother will admit it!"

"That's what you said. Who is so bold to threaten my Chongxuan family?" Chongxuansheng's voice was suppressed, and his prestige suddenly rose.

"Yes Yes……"

Chong Xuanxin was taken aback, but he still dared not say the name.

"If you don't want to say it, just go back."

"Chongxuanzun! It's Chongxuanzun!" Chongxuanxin gritted his teeth, and said viciously: "This person is narrow-minded and has a vicious temperament. He has no regard for his family, he has a grudge against you, Brother Sheng, and he will do everything possible to target you!"

"Nonsense! How can I, brother Zun, be this kind of person?" Chong Xuansheng said with a straight face, "You mustn't spout blood!"

Chong Xuanxin was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether he should continue to scold.

"Okay." Chong Xuansheng's expression softened at this moment: "Get up quickly. Brothers of the same clan, what misunderstanding can't be solved? Why have I ever blamed you?"

"Thank you, Mr. Sheng, for being so generous." Chong Xuanxin stood up and couldn't help wiping his sweat. Secretly regretting, what kind of stupid did I do to get involved in the competition between these two bastards.

Now that he hasn't done his job well, Chong Xuanzun is full of talented people, and he doesn't look at him at all.

He offended Chong Xuansheng again. Now that Chong Xuansheng has reserved the inner palace of supernatural powers, Xianyu turned around, and the momentum suddenly rose.

After thinking about it, he still took the initiative to come to plead guilty. It also avoids waiting until Chongxuan Shengqiu settles the score.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the yard, he was restrained by Jiang Wang.

Chong Xuansheng tidied up Chong Xuanxin in a few words, and he was not interested in wasting too much thought on him, so he ordered casually: "Then you go back first. I will ask someone to inform you if there is anything to do later. You If you have any difficulties, you can come to me."

"Brother Sheng, I will definitely follow your lead!"

Zhongxuanxin hastily expressed his determination, and left here as if fleeing from danger.

Chong Xuanxin's surrender is just one of the epitome of the competition between Chong Xuan Sheng and Chong Xuan Zun in all aspects, and it is not enough to move him.

He smiled and said to Jiang Wang: "I just took over the place yesterday, and many servants have been cleared away, so that the defense is not strict, let this kid rush in rashly, and make a false alarm."

Jiang Wang didn't know much about such things as machinations, and he didn't have the opportunity to receive such an education.

So he asked, "Is this person reliable?"

"He must be unreliable."

"Then why do you still use him?"

"Brother Jiang. The gap between me and Chong Xuanzun is in every aspect. This gap will not be erased for a long time in the foreseeable future. He has the right to pick and choose, but I don't."

Chong Xuansheng said very frankly: "And in this world, no matter who or what, even a piece of coke or a piece of waste paper, has its usage. There are reliable usages for reliability, and unreliable usages for unreliable ones. usage."

Jiang Wang nodded thoughtfully.

He has not yet had his own power, and has never been taught in this regard before. Chong Xuansheng's words undoubtedly opened the door to a new world for him.

"Brother Jiang." Chong Xuansheng said with a smile again: "The heroic appearance of you just now when you went out and held the sword reminded me of someone."

Jiang Wang's heart moved: "Who?"

"It's also the same white hair like frost, and the same fierce sword spirit." Chongxuansheng said: "One of the masters of the Nandou Hall, Seven Kills Daoist Lu Shuanghe."

As Chong Xuansheng said, he shook his head: "We are still far from that big man."

"Yes." Jiang Wang said.

Chong Xuansheng didn't notice the astringency in his tone, because it was too light and far away after all.

"From now on, you should concentrate on practicing, open the gate of heaven and earth as soon as possible, and explore the sea of ​​torso. The sooner you realize your potential, the more it will help me."

He encouraged: "Lu Shuanghe also ascended from our realm!"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Okay."

After Chong Xuansheng and Shisi left the yard, Jiang Wang looked at the already bright sky and sighed somewhat wistfully.

Weidong can really be called the real person of the world, the seven-kill real person Lu Shuanghe.

If at the beginning... I hadn't been pushed into the river. Does it have the power of vengeance now?


Walking out of Jiang Wang's yard, Shisi followed silently.

Chong Xuansheng suddenly asked: "Are you wondering why I value Jiang Wang so much?"

Fourteen still didn't make a sound.

But Chong Xuansheng already understood, so he asked, "Am I a genius?"

Fourteen nods. There is no doubt about it.

If Chong Xuansheng is a mediocre person, no one can help him to the opposite side of Chong Xuan Zun.

"He's more genius than me." Chongxuan Sheng said: "When I first met him in the Illusionary Realm, even if I limited my strength, it would be easy to defeat him. But after a while, I had to fight him Fully activated. Later, I only had a slight advantage when fully activated.”

"I really don't remember what happened in Tianfu Secret Realm. But judging from the few times he solved Chongxuanxin just now, he may not be weaker than me."

"I have the resources of the Chongxuan family, and all I come into contact with are top-notch cultivation knowledge. What does he have? If he had the resources and methods, he would not have traveled thousands of miles to accompany me on adventures. Although we communicated very well in the illusory realm Happy, but it's not enough for him to come to Qi."

"His progress rate makes me very confident in his future."

The way Chongxuansheng and Shishi get along seems to be that Chongxuansheng talks to himself all the time, while Shishili listens silently, nodding or shaking his head occasionally.

"Of course, that's not the most important thing."

Chong Xuansheng said: "The most important thing is that this is a very reliable person. Take Lian Que as an example, his choice seems to be very stupid. I did not hesitate to offend Lian Que and told him about the natal card The value of it. But he just chose to return Lian Que's natal card for a reason that sounds absurd."

"You don't see this kind of person in Chongxuan's family."

"If it is said that I won the longevity fruit for him, I invested heavily in his talent. Then I begged him to stay and help me, but it was precisely because of this 'absurdity'."

"This person's promise is much more reliable than the curse of the heart demon."

"The only person in this world I can trust without reservation is you. But if there is another person, I think Jiang Wang is worthy of trust."

"Fourteen, just wait and see, I will win step by step."

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