Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1802 Like a Dream Bubble

Shu Jialan didn't dare to blink his eyes, he just washed his eyes with Buddha's light, all the dust was gone, and he looked again...

Still has a jade face and black hair, with a coquettish posture.

After that, the yellow leaves shattered and fell, and the shadows of trees whirled in the distance.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Shu Jialan suddenly remembered the scriptures that the abbot once said. It was such a sentence, which flowed in his heart-"All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles."

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lu Qilang suddenly turned his head and asked.

The life is fresh and the breath is solid. It's not like a fake demon, and it's not a bubble.

"Ha, there seems to be something strange in that forest." Shu Jialan subconsciously grabbed a small magic pestle, which was the pendant he had hung around his neck.

Gently turn this small magic subduing pestle between the thumb and forefinger, using frequent small movements to cover up the shock in his heart: "What is it, it passed by in a blink of an eye."

"Really." Lu Qilang turned back, the emotion in his voice was very light: "My spiritual sense tells me that this place is very strange and full of dangers. You shouldn't look at it, don't look blindly."

It is true that he has always only looked at the road ahead, and Shu Jialan himself is always looking around.

"That's it...thanks for the reminder." Shu Jialan tried his best to keep calm.

Just like walking alone in the deep mountains and encountering evil beasts, the more timid you are, the easier it is to become food. He lived alone in the mountains for many years when he was young, and he has a deep understanding of this truth.

The two demon kings continued to move forward, and neither showed much difference

But no one continued the topic just now. They coincidentally remained silent.

The so-called curiosity about fellow travellers, the so-called burden of missions, before their own safety, are not worth mentioning. To be alive is to have infinite possibilities.

The secret treasury left by the legend of the Yu Clan generation has spanned tens of thousands of years. Under normal circumstances, they are far from being qualified to touch demon kings like them. I don't know the reason for the time being, but it's just right for them to meet here. But opposite to the opportunity, there is the same immeasurable danger!

Furthermore, the land of the heavens has been covered in dust for so many years, even if it was not dangerous at the beginning, who knows if something strange happened during the long period of time?

It doesn't matter if there is no danger, but there are evil things, and you must not deal with them lightly.

Shikachiro's expression was calm, and his footsteps never slowed down for a moment.

But the green leaf of a jade carving in his palm was already full of cracks, as long as he relaxed a little, it would completely shatter.



"What do you think of Xiong Sansi?"

On one of the tree-lined paths, there was also a voice asking.

The voice came from the mysterious and unpredictable Taiping Guicha. At this moment, his expression was very cold. Of course, it was covered by a mask, so he couldn't be seen by Snake Guyu... Snake Guyu, who kept a considerable distance, couldn't even look at it.

Snake Guyu didn't even speak. Walking calmly, walking in the faint shadows.

In this heavenly place, she has not yet been able to fully enter the shadows.

Zhu Dali believes that he has the means of the Taoist Master Taiping, and he doesn't care about any competitors. He was only a little afraid of the mysterious Xiong Sansi. Because the Taoist specifically emphasized that he should keep a distance from Lu Qilang and Xiong Sansi.

But Snake Guyu didn't want to talk, so he didn't.

After walking for a while, Zhu Dali asked coolly, "Do you have any ideals?"

Sheguyu is the most beautiful female demon he has ever seen in his life, or at least one of the most beautiful. In his opinion, it is no worse than Zhu Lanruo's appearance.

It's not that he can't walk when he sees the beautiful banshee, it's just that he has a little bit of fate along the way.

Just like the vast majority of male monsters who saw the face of Snake Guyu, they would generally feel...the reason why such a beautiful and pitiful female monster is self-destructing, is there some hidden secret that can be forgiven?

He asked himself about being chivalrous, he somewhat had the idea of ​​hoeing the strong and helping the weak, and he had some feelings of drawing swords and asking evil.

Snake Guyu still didn't speak.

"We walk together all the way, facing dangers and opportunities together. It is always better to help each other than to be wary of each other... just chat a few words."

Zhu Dali seriously recalled the chatting style of those drinkers in the tavern, looked at the yellow leaves, and asked in a deep tone: "Whose poem do you like?"

"Better than me." Snake Guyu said.

Zhu Dali was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"Answer your first question." Snake Gu Yu said calmly.

No matter how much she doesn't like to communicate, she also admits that Zhu Dali is right, helping each other is always better than being wary of each other...although it is inevitable to be wary.

If you have to chat about some nonsense when traveling together, instead of talking about ideals and poems, it is better to talk about combat power. In this world where monsters eat monsters, how many serious monsters can talk about ideals? In this cruel world, how childish is it to retain poetry?

Only then did Zhu Dali realize that what Snake Guyu said was that Xiong Sansi was stronger than her.

He who was listed as a ghost in Taiping laughed softly: "The outcome of life and death is sometimes only a moment, and you have never fought against each other. How can you judge who is better than whom?"

For him, it doesn't really matter who is better than whom. Because in this land of the heavens, no one is stronger than him, and no one is stronger than the Daoist.

"I've seen him make a move." She Guyu's voice was faint: "It's in Mentougou."

Boltougou is not a famous name.

The origin of this name has long been unverifiable.

But as the place where the geniuses of the monster race were tested and where the Tianjiao battles happened frequently, Mentougou was really famous. Zhu Dali often listens to drinkers talk about it in the tavern, and even he himself brags about it.

So he was surprised and said: "Xiong Sansi's Mentougou who killed the bee festival? He was promoted to the eighth battle of fame? Were you there at that time?"

"That happened three years ago..." Snake Guyu didn't want to talk too much, just said: "I watched the whole battle from the sidelines, even if it was just Xiong Sansi at that time, I am still not sure if I can match up now. "

Zhu vigorously guessed that the head of the Snake family might have taken Snake Guyu there at that time.

"I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it..."

"Then don't ask." She Guyu's voice became very cold, cutting off communication.


Jiang Wang in the mirror world didn't know it at this time, even if he cut off from the Faceless Sect from the beginning, he was still caught. Now Moyun City is opening a huge net, waiting for him A faceless god returns... He has no way of judging, the power of the sky demon is beyond his imagination.

At this moment, he sat alone in the mirror, examining every detail in the land of the heavens.

The land of the gods has its own magic, and with the power of the red makeup mirror, it is impossible to leave the tree-lined path and enter the dense forest. So most of the time, he can only entrust the seal of God and borrow Zhu Dali's sight.

Among all the monster races participating in the competition, he fears Lu Qilang and Xiong Sansi the most.

The former has a terrible spiritual sense, and is the easiest to detect his existence, detonating a situation where groups attack. The latter has the most and longest preparations for the land of the heavens. Although it was revealed by Zhiwen Zhong from the beginning, and it seems to be standing in the light, it has not revealed any foundation. It seemed unfathomable to him. Surrounded by many enemies, it is especially not easy to start an unprepared battle. So the more mysterious you are, the more you need to keep your distance.

Snake Guyu moved forward silently, while Zhu Dali strode on dead branches and leaves, quite rampant.

Cuckoo, cluck, cluck.

At a certain moment, there was a strange sound.

The sound seemed to be coming from all directions at the same time, and it was impossible to capture the specific direction at all.

It was like the sound of a bubbling spring, but sharper.

It was like the chirping of some kind of strange bird, but there was no breath of life.

"Did you hear any noise?" Zhu vigorously held the two straight knives in his hands, looking around vigilantly.

But didn't get a response...

"Snake girl?!"

He turned his head in horror, and saw that the body of She Guyu had completely withdrawn from the shadows, and was already frozen there, motionless. There is no more breath, the eyes are also dull, and there is no sign of life!

Is it dead?

This is a strong man at the level of the new king of the Tianbang, how can he die silently?

"Snake girl?"

Zhu Dali maintained the highest vigilance, exerted all his strength, turned the handle of the knife, and tentatively touched forward——

As if a ray of wind blew by, the body of Snake Guyu wrapped in black clothes, together with her black clothes, turned into off-white powder and fluttered with the wind.

This scene is too scary.

A great fear fell in my heart.

"Taoist?!" Zhu Dali exclaimed in his heart.

There was an immediate response from the Taiping God Fengyin: "Relax."

Zhu Dali let go of the control of his body directly, and on the black mask, his eyes were like waves rising from a calm sea, and frost-white wind marks leaped up.

With just a slight twist of the hands holding the knife, the fighting posture of the whole body is completely different.

At this moment, the Taoist Lord of Taiping is using the Wind Seal of the God of Taiping to come to him!

at the same time.

The trajectory of the gray powder in the air formed a monster-shaped outline in a trance. From the outline, a rotten bone skeleton with a knife and a shield jumped out and slashed at it.

This power level?

Daoist Taiping, who controlled Zhu Dali, was slightly surprised, not by the strength of the knife, but by its weakness. This does not fit with the dangerous atmosphere created by the horror vision. It is definitely not the power that can take away Snake Guyu.


Thinking goes on, action goes on.

It's too slow to say it's lightning and flint, it's just a flash of thought.

The moment the straight knives intersected, the other straight knives pierced through the round shield and shattered the skeleton body. The strength of the knife roared like a tornado, twisting the skeleton to pieces.

In the gray and white bone debris all over the sky, the fat body only took a step back and then came to a stop.

And the gray and white bone fragments of the shattered skeleton, like coarse sand, fell quietly and rustled just where the knife was struck in front of him.

This wonderful control of power made Zhu Dali, who let go of the control of his body, intoxicated.

Every time the Taoist master presents himself with one part in a billion of his thoughts, it is the most rewarding moment for him. Every battle that the Taoist master faced was enough for him to ponder over and over again. Every detail of the battle has benefited him a lot.

It may be an exaggeration to say that there are thousands of miles in a day... It is no problem to say that World War One has reached a level.

At this time, Zhu Dali "saw" his body move again. With a twist of the sole of his foot, he took a step to the side, and the long knife in his hand turned slightly, and the knife suddenly jumped up. He has a comfortable feeling of flowing clouds and flowing water, as if he is in the most suitable environment, every muscle mass is placed in the right position, and he exerts the right strength...and then move forward!

go on!

In front of it is a white bone skeleton that just jumped out from the trajectory traced by the gray and white bone fragments. Its bones are intact, strong, and extremely textured. A bone gun in his hand is hitting the sky with cold stars.

Only by relying on Zhu Dali himself, he would never be able to withstand such a spear move.

But at this moment, it was just a mistake for the long knife to be in the air. The two zigzag trajectories are agile and flexible, like a flying rainbow comet's tail sweeping across the sky, sweeping away all the cold stars.

Zhu Dali felt that his bloated body was extremely agile at the moment, and following the bone spear that was constantly being cut off, he protruded forward, pierced through the flying spurs, and collided with the white bone skeleton in an instant——


The light of the knife flashed by.

Every bone in this skeleton was clearly separated...a total of two hundred and six bones.

Especially on these bones, there is not a trace of redundant knife marks.

Even cutting tofu is difficult to cut so evenly.

It's amazing!

At this moment, the fear in Zhu Dali's heart about what happened suddenly to Snake Guyu dissipated a lot. The Taoist master is here, and the gods and ghosts retreat!

But for the Daoist Taiping who controls this body... this is just a basic frontal use, not a wonderful sword technique at all.

Compared with Dou Zhao's sword skills, how is this so good?

What Jiang Wang really cared about was the change of the skeleton in front of him—where did it come from, why did it appear, how did it dissipate and then reunite, can it be interrupted? How many times can we reunite? After each reunion, the strength is stronger than before... How much more?

Fighting is sometimes just a process of validating thinking.

Click! Click! Click!

This time Jiang Wang did not completely chop the skeleton into pieces, but the completely separated bones still reunited again in a way that he could not detect yet—one of the joint bones was stepped on by him deliberately. On the soles of the boots, the one covered with Dao Yuan disappeared without any waves, and returned to the reunited skeletons.

This time the skeleton, besides the white bones, was tinged with red blood, and its shape was strange and ferocious. Holding a longbow in his hand, the spine is the body of the bow and the blood vessels are the long strings.

There are also three long arrows, three medium and long arrows, and three short arrows... Nine arrows are raised simultaneously, all on the string.

In the blue and black veins, blood gushes like a tide.


So the bone arrow is off the string!

Jiang Wang controlled Zhu Dali's body, moved his feet lightly, and walked with an arrow in his face,

This is indeed a ferocious archery skill, but compared with Li Fengyao and Li Longchuan, it is far worse.


The pale, bloodshot bone arrow was nailed to the horizontal knife.

Zhu Dali's fat body took a step back, the long knife was still trembling.

It's not that this arrow is so powerful, but that it is indeed close to the limit power of a demon general. It is beyond the reach of Zhu Dali's own strength.

The power of the skeleton is getting stronger and stronger!

Even Zhu Dali has a clear feeling about this.

But he felt himself still going, strolling through the courtyard amidst the piercing screeches. Just shaking his head casually, the arrow grazed the fat on his cheek.

Another leap forward, the frosty wind passing over the blade...

Once the frost and wind pass, everything dies, not even the bone meal.

Can there be a reunion?

still can!

This time there was no trace even, a monster with decayed flesh and old skin appeared out of thin air.

The gender cannot be distinguished, the face is blurred, there is not much good flesh on the body, but there are a pair of hands with clear joints and clear texture.

The evil spirit of blood rose up around his body, soaring to the sky and gathering clouds.

A pair of hands reached the sky, and when it fell, it pulled out a blood-colored and twisted black sword.

The body turns like electricity, and the sword is like a throat!

For a moment, Zhu Dali thought that he was going to die on the spot, which was unreasonable. But after a blink of an eye, what he saw was his own long knife, which had cut off the opponent's head.

The battle has evolved to this moment, which has completely exceeded his comprehension. No matter how much you think about it, you can't capture the subtlety.

And the skeleton came back from death and became stronger again.

This time, not to mention Taiping's ghosts and pigs' strength, even a well-informed Daoist Taiping himself was surprised.

Because what appeared in front of him at this time was a haggard old monster with a decayed shape and a rickety body, and the outline could vaguely make out... the appearance of a pig!

Sick and thin version, aging version of Zhu Dali.

And for the first time he uttered a voice, his old and painful voice singing long, singing——

"What mourning in life, what hatred in death. Immortality and immortality, in the fountain of immortality!"

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