Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1822 If I am an emperor in the future

"Did you forget it?"

"I even said hello to you!"

Chai Ah Si said: "I have an old man and a young man..."

Then shut up.

Because he already felt the constraints of the rules, and understood what kind of pressure Xiong Sansi was under at that time.

The obvious rules of this question and answer game are the most powerful. When the question and answer starts, if you dare to speak falsely, you will be killed directly.

He, Chai Asi, is lonely and alone, with no worries about his family or children.

Of course, the first reaction was to crazily call out to the great ancient god in his heart.

But only then did he realize that his heart could not be heard at all.

In this quiz game, it was impossible to ask for help outside the venue!

Chai Ahsi thought he would be left alone, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, but surprisingly, he was not so nervous at this moment.

Perhaps it was because the precious mirror in his arms was still there, the seal of God in his heart was still powerful, and the great ancient god was still by his side.

Maybe it's because... he, Chai Ahsi, is no longer what he used to be.

Xiong Sansi has already waded the river once, can't he cross it safely?

"Why don't I ask you first?" He changed his tune.

He Huating looked at him quietly, ignored his request, and said to himself: "You are weak in cultivation, mediocre in aptitude, ordinary in appearance, and ordinary in appearance. But it's so... confident."

He began to ask: "Where does your confidence come from?"

Every time a comment popped out of Hehuating's mouth, Chai Ahsi's expression became ugly.

The rules of the quiz game forced him to give an answer as quickly as possible.

He even uttered angrily: "Because I'm not ordinary!"

"You don't see my excellence, you can't understand my genius, because you are old and dim-witted, and your mind is sinister, and you have been abandoned by the times."

"My mind is of the highest quality. There is no need to doubt that I am the demon chosen by heaven. The great ancient god gave me the way! God way! This way! I have an infinite future recognized!"

"I can become the top ten in Moyun after a few months of sword practice, and participate in a game like Shenxiao. After three years or five years of practice, how difficult is it to be ranked in the heavenly list?"

"What about in ten years? What about in a hundred years?"

"One day, I will definitely ascend to the throne of gods and become the monster above the monsters, the king of the nobles! I will be the strong one who will step on the top in the future, the new generation of the king of the monster clan!"

His answer was so arrogant, but it did not arouse the resentment of all the monster race talents present.

After all, it's a bit funny to talk about the Yaozu Great Emperor or something.

But the ripples of the Fountain of Youth always appear in the east.

This sounds very absurd, and the answer that is completely untrue is actually the truth from his heart!

Instead of asking Chai Ahsi what his confidence is.

Rather, why is there no reason for a young demon clan who firmly believes that he is the demon chosen by heaven and will surely become the emperor of the demon clan in the future?

"Who is the great ancient god you are talking about?" He Huating grasped the point keenly.

Chai Asi didn't want to expose the details of the great ancient god, but due to the limited rules, he had to answer: "The great ancient god is the ancient Chiyun mountain god. Because he was killed by evil spirits, his demon body disintegrated. Across the long river of fate, Yuanshen traveled through chaos and came to our era."

The ripples in the eastern half of the Spring of Immortality only appeared slightly, verifying that what he said was true.

In the hearts of all the monsters, what they heard was horrifying waves.

After the demon body disintegrates, can it still cross the river of fate? Can the primordial spirit travel through the chaos and come to this era?

Looking at the past and present, there are only a handful of strong people who can do this!

Compared with this, Hehuating's handwriting of intercepting time fragments is simply not worth mentioning.

At this moment, look at the various suspicious points on Chai Ah Si, including that he was able to accurately find the trace of She Guyu, and that the secret of the land of the gods just happened to fall on him... everything has been explained.

With a powerhouse of this level, what scene can't be arranged?

Perhaps as He Huating noticed, Chai Ah Si's real cultivation is quite weak, but his background is strong enough, stronger than anyone present!

Could it be that this Chai Ah Si is really a demon of destiny, and one day he can really become the emperor of the demon clan?

Even He Huating himself subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the sky, as if he was afraid of some extraterrestrial means.

But just look at it.

The truth may not be true.

This was Xiong Sansi's attitude when he saw the two mantra steles earlier.

How could Hehuating not understand this truth if he could use mantra as a play.

At this time, although Chai Asi confides his heartfelt words, can he really know what is the means to cross the long river of fate?

If the secret of Chai Ahsi is just that he feels he is the demon of destiny, it is just that he knows a certain mysterious strongman... It is really difficult to make other participants hostile.

What Hehuating needs is a fresh "hostility" from one creature to another. In this way, he can connect with the Dao principles under his own control, and then drive the rules of the question and answer game, and then use this to leverage the power of this divine world...

And this "hostility" cannot be caused by himself against someone, or someone against himself.

The complexity of this process is the key to him being able to control the situation with the fire of a dying candle, scaring all the demon kings like quails.

One ounce of force is more than a hundred percent of force.

If he hadn't reached the peak level and was able to play against other sky monsters, how could he still be able to do such a thing in his current state.


Should we continue to put the question on Chai Ahsi?

How would Chai Ah Si answer the question?

After thinking and thinking, He Huating asked: "If you really become the emperor of the Yaozu one day, how do you want to treat these arrogances who compete with you? Their eyes are higher than the top, and at most they will treat you when they don't know the truth. A bit jealous, but no one really thinks highly of you."

Jiang Wang in the mirror world, of course heard all this.

He also tried to communicate with Chai Ah Si in his heart, but he couldn't do it. Perhaps only by jumping out of the world in the mirror can we give advice to Chai Asi with a real voice.

So he had no choice but to watch.

But at this moment he realized that this is definitely a dangerous problem!

No matter how Hehuating hides his original intention.

His purpose must be reflected in the behavior.

Judging from He Huating's several questions, he asked some secrets that were not easy to reveal.

And if there is some commonality in the answers of Xiong Sansi and Chai Asi's safe passage, there are not many parts that can be summarized. "No evil thoughts" or one of them.

The question He Huating is asking now can easily lead to malice.

Frustration, despondency, rampant success, this is normal.

After all, there are many ordinary people in the world, and there are few people who are flattered or humiliated.

What's more, with all the thoughts, if the extravagance is extremely high, how can Chai Ah Si not have some unbearable delusions?

This question cannot be answered indiscriminately!

Of course you have to tell the truth, but you can't tell the truth.

With Chai Asi's wisdom, can he figure it out?


No matter how far Chai Ahsi was asked, what secrets he answered, or what ending he encountered, it would not affect him, the ancient god in the mirror.

Because he has already changed positions, and is no longer in the mirror in Chai Ah Si's arms. He can also cut off the connection of God Seal at any time.

But can he really watch the fire from the other side and sit back and watch Chai Asi fend for himself?

What Chai Asi said just now was exactly what he had made up when he met Chai Asi for the first time in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. For his nonsense, this little demon has believed so stupid!

If you want to keep Chai Ah Si, what should you do?

How can I remind him?

The ancient god in the mirror had an idea, and immediately descended a ray of power in the Chixin seal, and controlled the Chixin seal to jump three times in a row, implying that Chai Asi should learn from Xiong Sansi and think twice when answering.

The great ancient god told me to say it boldly! He urged me three times in a row, telling me not to waste time!

Chai Asi received a hint from the great ancient god, and immediately blurted out——

"If I ascend the throne one day, of course I will make them high officials!"

He Huating's wrinkled face almost huddled into a ball.

He already had some doubts about the rules of the game that he had designed. Could it be that the part of the rules for distinguishing the true from the fake is invalid?

Could this be your kid's heart?

When you become a demon emperor, what you want is not to make salty fish stand up and domineering, but to make them high officials?

Chai Asi continued: "From what I've seen all the way, Master Yang Yu and Master Shu Jialan are both brave to do things, dare to fight, fight and sacrifice; Lu Qilang is full of talent and extraordinary spiritual sense; "Miss Lan Ruo is thoughtful and decisive; Snake Gu Yu is cautious and low-key; Tai Ping Gui Chai is calm and has a sense of justice; even the others... are all okay!"

This time, there are many talents in the Shenxiao Bureau. His surname Chai made some comments, and finally concluded: "They all have good abilities, and they are the pillars of my monster clan. I am the emperor, and I should use my talents to the fullest!"

As soon as these words came out, the great ancient god in the mirror world almost clapped his hands and praised him. Sure enough, after getting along for so long, they cultivated some tacit understanding. Chai Asi heard the strings and knew the elegant meaning, so he answered very well!

Yuan Mengji felt lucky that he was classified as "Others", and was somewhat resentful that he was underestimated by the stinky brat.

He now knew that Chai Ah Si was backed by a strong person, and the Chi Yun Mountain God he had encountered was not just a little monster who was purely lucky.

But what's so great about taking shelter under the wings of the strong? Do you have the ability to rely on yourself as dignifiedly as I, Yuan Mengji?

As for Hehuating, it was a bit itchy there. Of course he has no teeth.

His cultivation level is no more than that of a demon soldier, and his combat power is barely close to that of a demon general. It's just such a little demon, but he really thinks of himself as the emperor of the demon clan. The pattern is quite big!

"Is it my turn to ask questions now?" Seeing that Hehuating remained silent for a long time, Chai Asi tentatively asked.

As the game time prolongs, it will be inevitable that the rules of the game will be figured out.

He Huating was also young once, and he also used to push the waves ahead, stepping on the bones of his predecessors to become famous, he would not underestimate the wisdom of the young Yaozu.

He realized that he might not have many chances, and he had to capture a target right away!

This Chai Ah Si doesn't seem very smart, but when he is really drawn into the game, he is somewhat at a loss.

Who should I ask next, and what should I ask?

With a little effort, think hard about these. He Huating looked at Chai Ah Si calmly: "What do you want to ask?"

Chai Asi didn't understand the game at all, and he didn't know what questions to ask were the most effective. But he knows how to plagiarize—didn't Xiong Sansi have a question that was stopped by Hehuating earlier?

He just asks this!

"Then what..." He opened his mouth and said, "I want to know about this round—"

A weak and boneless hand suddenly covered his mouth.

Fragrant, soft...ah no, I have Xiaoqing!

Chai Asi took a step back abruptly, and glared at Zhu Lanruo who suddenly molested him: "Girl, please respect yourself! I used to think about you when I was young and ignorant, but that was just once!"

Zhu Lanruo was not angry, and said calmly: "We already understand the rules of this game, you don't need to waste a chance to ask questions. Now we are still in danger. He Huating only needs to win once to capture the source of life. crush us directly."

Chai Ah Si blinked.

We all know the rules of this game?

Who is this "we"?

Why don't I understand?

"Then what should I ask?"

The emperor still has to accept advice with an open mind, and Chai Ahsi also followed suit.

"Did I not remind you of a rule?" He Huating already had a premonition that something was wrong, and said quietly: "You can only ask questions from your own thinking, and you can't ask for it from outside."

Zhu Lanruo turned her radiant and dreamy eyes, and said: "Do you have the final say?"

For many years, she has been in the boudoir, and her hidden strength is by no means inferior to any new king of heaven. If he didn't realize it clearly, he couldn't give Hehuating any chance. Realize that any wave will lead to self-destruction. She won't stand up at this time.

Since she chose to stand up, she was already confident.

With the help of the ancestor Zhuyi, the development of the natural supernatural power [Lan Yin Xu Guo] has been very mature.

Her most common use of this supernatural power is to erase "Xuguo" and restart "Lan Yin".

A wrong result can be changed and a good start can be regained.

This is undoubtedly the ultimate supernatural effect in any kind of game.

But at this moment, she is using another direction of supernatural powers - the fruit of marrying others, and the orchid cause of receiving herself.

To put it simply, it is to let the fellow travellers bear the bad part and grasp the good part by themselves.

The dangerous test that Chai Asi has experienced is "Xu Guo", now I will start "Lan Yin"!

Because the suffering has been endured, now must be the beginning of the good!

It is true that the current Hehuating Pavilion is extremely weak, and it takes nine twists and eighteen turns to complete a small game, and a lot of borrowing.

It is true that Zhu Lanruo's supernatural power is very terrifying, and it can be used by the sky demon spider Yi as a means of setting up a situation.

But the layout of Hehuating was completed with an extraordinary vision after all, if she, Spider Orchid, shouldn't be able to shake it.

Until He Huating saw Zhu Lanruo holding a folding fan at some point.

Her broken string was tied to this folding fan.

This folding fan doesn't look miraculous, it is nothing more than inlaid with jade and gold, which is a bit more expensive.

But He Huating couldn't be more familiar with it.

He remembered every bit of the jade color of this folding fan, and he even remembered every stroke of the ancestor's self-portrait after the folding fan was opened.

It is indeed not a treasure, but it is a keepsake of the Hanshan Crane family that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Chaos opened up 60,000 miles, the first one out of Yunling in the west, Hanshanhe!

Why did such tokens appear in the hands of this little spider clan demon?

There are those who set up the game in the game, hiding in the world of Shenxiao in Yuanxi 3922, waiting for an opportunity for a long time, but it seems to be targeted!

Then I got in touch with Zhu Lanruo who went straight to the Fountain of Youth from the very beginning, and about Zhu Lanruo's understanding of his three characters, Hehuating... He vaguely felt a huge spider web that was catching him.

At this moment, the murderous intent in He Huating's eyes almost solidified.

But cause and effect have already been toggled.

Zhu Lanruo just said softly: "So I will ask the next question."

I still owe six chapters to make up for the last leave.

If nothing else.

Return 4,000 words on Wednesday, 4,000 words on Friday, and finish on Sunday.

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