Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1829 Fine Sand Makes the Sword Cry

The appearance of the giant ape at this time is already too huge.

Five fingers, like five mountain peaks.

The lines in the palm are like ravines.

Flying plush, like mountains and forests shaking.

The majestic and boundless divine power supported the actions of this divine figure.

Such a reckless palm strike seemed to kill all the monsters present!

If this is the case, Lu Qilang is not surprised. Everyone went up shoulder to shoulder to fight for their lives, but he could always endure to the end and seize the fleeting best opportunity.

But the inspiration that leapt in his mind told him very strongly that the target of the giant ape's appearance was actually the little spark in the bronze giant cauldron, deep in the ashes.

Then I can't bear it anymore...

The palm like a mountain has just spread out.

All the demons on the altar of the sky demon have scattered like birds and beasts.

The steps up the mountain, the way down the mountain, the corners of the cloud platform, and even the mid-air, what escapes is called a plum blossom with split petals.

Only Lu Qilang, who looked around with his sword, was still standing alone in front of the bronze tripod.

His handsome face was flushed, and he impassionedly called out: "The Heavenly Demon altar is left by the sages, how can we sit and watch it be easily destroyed by the evil god?!"

The only answer to him was the furry palms of the giant ape's god that was hunting in the strong wind.

It's really a decline in the world, and the demon heart is not old.

Even the Heavenly Demon Altar has no one to guard it!

Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua, Yang Yu and Shu Jialan, those who continued to kill while avoiding danger, could not be counted on at all.

Zhu Lanruo has such terrifying supernatural powers, it is extremely difficult to be used.

Sheguyu has nothing to do with him at all, he seems to be faster than anyone else.

That Chai Ah Si ran up to the next level of the mountain, and was still talking about something, probably trying to persuade him to fight. Say something idiotic about my humerus.

As for the Taiping ghost...

Thinking of the danger he once felt in Taiping Guicha, Lu Qilang directly called out his name: "Brother Guicha, you are a hero in the world, but you and me. At this time of crisis, it is time to join hands and restore the righteousness of the world—"

Taiping Guicha's obese body turned around a few times, and he was already climbing up the stairs, without even turning his head!

Zhu Dali is full of justice, but not without brains. This Heavenly Demon Altar has been destroyed for an unknown number of years, so are you afraid of being destroyed one more time? The one with the surname Lu may not be so concerned!

The huge Shantai square was empty for a while, even gloomy and gloomy.

There are thousands of gods, but they do not shine on the land of no blessing.

The altar of the Heavenly Demon, which is quite old and quite large, is almost like a projectile under the giant fluffy palm. And Lu Qilang is a grain of sand on this projectile.

Then the fine sand makes swords cry!

It was the end of the endless night, the first ray of dawn breaking through the dawn. It was the first sound born in the eternal weathered silence.

It must be sharp!

The past needs to be stabbed with pain, and the future needs to be opened with blood.

Lu Qilang, who has always been the son of Fuguijin, has such a bloody sword intent, which really surprises the ancient god Jiang in the mirror world.

In particular, he could see that the sudden sharp sound of the sword was enough to match the delicacy of the intention.

Compared with the mountain-like giant palm, the sword in Lu Qilang's palm is just a ox hair needle. Lu Qilang's deity surrounded by sword light is nothing but floating dust.

But he rose up against the sky and faced the enemy with his sword.

The giant palm almost meets the mountain platform.

All the monsters are outside the mountain platform.

Only Shikachiro is still going up, up, up...until they collide.

In an instant, the sword light split into tens of thousands, and all the threads pierced through this giant palm, as if piercing the dawn of the long night!

Spider Orchid stood on the descending mountain path, sensing the Fountain of Youth that had already been obtained from afar, and silently saw——

Although the giant palm was penetrated, there was no blood, no wound, and even the ignorant giant ape did not respond to pain, and probably did not know what happened.

But the majestic divine power in that giant palm has been completely disordered. Like rushing torrents, colliding with each other, interfering with each other, completely confused!

As a result, the palm with such majestic divine power, which was enough to destroy all the demon kings present, completely lost control and continued to fall by inertia.

It's like... a famous master of palm technique has had his tendon broken.

But such a huge hairy palm, its tendons are like rivers and mountains, how can it be so easy to cut off?

If you really want to attack the tendons, even if you have the power of the demon king, you can't do it.

Shikachiro relied on his unparalleled inspiration to go boating in the raging sea. Every ray of sword light stabs at the most critical node of divine power. Only then did the mountains cut off the veins and the vast seas intercepted the flow.

at this time.

The gigantic palm of the giant ape-like figure slumped down, relying on its own inertia, it still had a majestic sound.

And the thousands of sword lights that entered the palm finally converged on the back of the giant ape's godlike hand, forming that elegant and handsome man.

The brocade-clothed jade man seemed to be walking on the wind, shuttling through the jungle-like plush, and finally running on the swollen mountains with giant palms.

Along the back of the hand, to the arm, to the arm.

The height of hundreds of feet to thousands of feet has been swept by Shikachiro.

The giant ape god didn't seem to realize the disconnection between the palm of his hand and himself until this moment, and felt that the divine power was colliding with each other uncontrollably in that place.

There is great confusion in his mountain-like golden eyes.

The turbulent waves of divine power colliding and gradually expanding finally caused him to feel the pain. The out-of-control palm fell down, making a loud noise that shook the sky.

But it didn't damage the altar of the sky demon, and he couldn't manipulate the power to delicately take out the fire in the cauldron.

Instinctive urgency, incomprehensible thoughts, fresh pain... all kinds of things are mixed together. So much so that he was completely impatient with that little monster rushing up along his arm!


He roared and opened his giant mouth, and the destructive force that was spurred by instinct hovered behind the fishy fangs.

Then a flying rainbow hung in the sky.

At that time, Shu Jialan and Yang Yu were fighting, even though the fight was endless, they both restrained themselves and fought on the cliff. It's not like Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua who fought life and death recklessly, and they were all beaten into the sea of ​​gods.

After casually slapping away the gavel from Yang Yuu, he turned his eyes on the cliff—just saw Lu Qilang thrust his sword into the throat of the giant ape god!

Its sharp and unique sword light also pierced through the divine power of destruction that was still hovering in its throat...!

The original swordsmanship created by Shenxiang Hanakai Shichiro is said to have a sharp edge that penetrates everything. See you now!

However, it is said that Lu Qilang entered the huge mouth of the giant ape god alone, and with great courage, he pierced through the destructive power condensed in the throat of the giant ape god head-on. Of course, he had his wish.

Of course, it can't be because of "protecting the heavenly demon altar left by the sages".

It is not uncommon to make any sacrifices to protect a still burning sky demon altar. But a sky demon altar that has been extinguished for an unknown number of years, almost only retains the meaning of honor, so how can it be worthwhile to add a sky demon seed like him?

There is a saying in the human race that says "the heart is separated from the belly".

If you ask him to tell you, regardless of the human heart and evil heart, there is more than just the belly, there are obviously muscles, bones and blood. No one wants to see through anyone at a glance.

Today's monsters are all cunning and clever, each with his own thoughts.

The era when you can deceive thousands of troops with your feelings and ideals has long passed!

It's rare to have a simple mind like Yuan Mengji!

No matter how much he agitated, how sensational he was, he couldn't fool a single puncher.

But when the demons scattered like birds and beasts, he also saw an opportunity.

No one is willing to make a move, and on the other hand, probably no one recognizes the value of this giant ape's god-who would be willing to sit back and watch him catch the fire in the cauldron after truly understanding the value of this giant ape's god?

His inspiration told him that apart from Ling Xihua who had triggered the power of the Myriad Gods Sea in advance, this Myriad Gods Sea also had potential followers.

But logic told him that that hidden follower, like Ling Xihua, had a different purpose in treating Wanshenhai than Lu Qilang.

Opportunities are born in this deviation.

Although now is not the time node in the plan, and the best heat has not been reached, it is also a kind of opportunity.

The so-called meeting is worse than meeting by chance, the perfect inspiration is born!

A sword pierced through the destructive power that was still hovering, and Shikachiro jumped into the throat of the giant ape god, as if he had jumped into a bottomless and terrifying abyss!

The divine power, which was too majestic, almost showed its essence, and in this terrifying abyss with no end in sight, streaks of light flashed across it.

And that divine splendor is occasionally reflected, and on both sides of the so-called "cliffs" piled up by mountains of meat, there are densely packed shrines lined up one by one!

They seem to be the most important organs of this body, the viscera that fill the limit of capacity, and decorate the body of the giant ape in a mysterious and terrifying way.

In every shrine, of course, there is a god sitting.

Although they all closed their eyes and pursed their lips, their supernatural powers were not revealed. It can have its own divine brilliance to flow, its own light to alternate, and its own majesty of the gods. All kinds of divine power are intertwined and have substantial weight.

Leaping into the belly of the giant ape, you can see the cave of the gods!

Everything I saw and felt in front of my eyes was exactly the same as what my ancestor said.

But it is clear that this god-faced giant ape is a newborn, or even a simple spiritual intelligence that was produced after encroaching on the ape dream pole.

And all of this was seen clearly in advance.

The vision of the sky demon is indeed different from that of ordinary people.

There is a vague connection between Shenhui wandering around in the abyss.

They are governed by a simple intellect and have rather slow reactions. Of course, with the support of the entire Myriad God Sea, no matter how slow the reaction was, it would still cause huge damage. Once the majestic power is agitated, it will be swept away no matter how fast it is, like a landslide or a flood.

The sword in Lu Qilang's hand kept stabbing out, always piercing those connections before they were born. This is of course not a cure-all, nor is it possible.

But in the process, he has infinitely moved closer to the goal.

There is no wind in the abyss, and he brings the wind with him. Falling down here at an extreme speed, passing by countless shrines, and going deeper into the abyss——

Come here to split mountains and cross seas, and pick off the divine baby!



The giant ape god is still half body in the sea of ​​clouds, still absorbing the power of the sea of ​​gods, and still expanding. Although it is not as fast as it was at the beginning, it seems to be endless.

His uncontrollable right palm had already covered the giant bronze tripod, filling up the mountain platform by the way.

It seems to be another mountain platform.

Of course, with the continuous scouring of divine power, the sword light that Lu Qilang pierced through key nodes has long since been washed away.

Now that he can't move, it's purely because the wisdom of the giant ape's appearance has not kept up, and he still doesn't know how to deal with the disordered divine power. But the raging waves of the vast sea will eventually calm down.

The divine power sent to this world from the Conferred God Platform of the Primordial Imperial City is pure power that has been "washed" many times. It is just to summon the gods, and it is inevitable that there are some complex imprints of different degrees, and a little control is needed to guide them to the same direction.

As the divine power continues to expand, all the imprints will fade away, and will eventually return to the power itself.

All the monsters present are not ordinary people, so of course they are not ignorant of the danger of this giant ape. But each has a belly.

In the bitter mountain wind, Snake Guyu's figure loomed. But in the midst of it, there was an indifferent voice: "Are you born with a dislike for gods?"

What she asked was Zhu Dali.

Perhaps it was the reason why they traveled all the way together. Zhu Dali escaped from the Heavenly Demon altar before, so he subconsciously fled to her vicinity.

She Guyu's vicious reputation, let alone known to the whole world, is not frightened in the nearby fields of the sea of ​​fragrant flowers and the wasteland of heaven's breath.

It can be said that no one in the arena would dare to stand next to her defenselessly.

Only this Taiping ghost does not seem to know how to write the word "death". Or is it really strong enough not to be afraid of sneak attacks?

After discovering Ling Xihua's true power, Master Yang Yu, who was ranked fifth in the list of new kings, had obvious fear in his eyes.

Zhu Dali was stunned for a moment, surprised that the taciturn Snake Guyu would take the initiative to ask him questions. But he didn't think too much, and replied seriously: "I don't have a bad feeling for gods, my bad feeling is for 'evil'. I only kill evil gods, evil gods."

She Guyu said: "There are so many evil gods in the demon world, can you kill them all?"

Zhu Dali said, "Do what I can."

His nocturnal clothes and fat body are incompatible with these arrogance.

But his calmness and firmness made him not insignificant.

When running close to Sheguyu, he actually didn't think that much. It's just that compared to Zhu Lanruo, a famous noblewoman with a gentle temperament, he instinctively feels that Snake Guyu is more harmless.

Snake Guyu didn't speak any more.

After about five breaths, Zhu Dali said: "Can I ask you a question? I always wanted to ask but didn't ask. I just saw Yuanmengji disappear so easily, and suddenly wanted to ask again."

This is a mouthful, but the meaning is clear.

She Guyu neither agreed nor disagreed, but just silently looked at the appearance of the giant ape and watched the changes in the Sea of ​​Gods.

Zhu Dali then asked in a low voice: "Why did you slaughter your own relatives?"

Snake Guyu didn't speak.

Only the mountain wind hits the cliff.

Call and call.

I don't know what to shout.


At this time, there were three battlefields on Mount Shen.

Needless to say, Shu Jialan and Yang Yu, Lu Qilang walks alone with a giant ape god in his chest. Xiong Sansi and Ling Xihua had already killed the sea of ​​clouds, and the surrounding gods all avoided them.

Both of them are neither demons nor humans nor demons, they are killed together, and their various methods are treacherous and treacherous.

As a pawn that truly represents the three evil robbers entering the world of the gods, Ling Xihua, who prides himself on being the so-called "first spirit race in the world", indeed has an extraordinary skill. Proficient in monster, human, and demon skills, they are almost integrated, making the most of his physical advantages.

On the contrary, Xiong Sansi hardly used his body, but kept displaying all kinds of extraordinary sword skills.

"In order to achieve greatness, we must go through hardships." At this time, half of Ling Xihua's body is covered with black mist, half of which is bone spurs, surging in the sea of ​​clouds, and his voice is menacing: "You are lucky to be a spirit clan, so you should accept yourself well. Is it true that you are closed?" Close your eyes, you are not like this. When you wake up, can you go back to yesterday?"

Of course Xiong Sansi knew how to hurt Ling Xihua.

For example, I am the first spiritual race in the world recognized by the Three Evil Lords.

For example, the demon pattern on your face was originally intended to be planted on my face, but he gave up in the end.

But Xiong Sansi didn't say anything.

These may be Ling Xihua's pride, but to him it is just a shame.

So he was silent.

Among the silent gods, fight silently.

The beating heart was the only sound in his body.

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