Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1839 Who is more famous in the world, who is more in my eyes?

When we first met in the Blessed Kingdom, you and I are the only ones who pick up wages in the wind and snow. I have a top-level academy, a great scholar in the world, full of talent, and a handsome face. You only have a broken sword.


Who is more famous in the world, who is more in my eyes?

Sometimes the text is so pale, but it can only be remembered in words.

I wish you were just visiting the demon world.

Instead of me coming to the demon world to express my condolences... old friend!

The inscription left on the wall bricks of Wu'an City is not so much the ending that Xu Xianggan wrote with his fingers in his heart, but rather a vague thought.

He had indeed been waiting for it to come true, but when Jinxiu's supernatural power really reacted, and this extravagant wish really had a chance to come true——

It hurts too much!

His body was covered with bruises and he was dying almost in an instant.

Lying on his back in the white snow, he heard the footsteps of death in his ears.

Jinxiu supernatural power is on him, of course he can stop it at any time.

Wishes that cannot be fulfilled are fine if they are not fulfilled.

But in this snowy ridge of Tianbei, where the magic channel technique can greatly suppress the backlash of magical powers, I, Xu Xianggan, is like this. What kind of situation is that old friend in the demon world going through?

Come on!

My old Xu's poems and essays are passed down to the world, and one word is worth more than a thousand gold. Now that the word has been engraved, there is no need to go back on it.

I use my sincere wish to weave brocade clothes on your body.

Boy surnamed Jiang, realize it well, and don't insult the name of Ma Shan's double pride!

It's a pity, it's a pity...

Looking through the boundless wind and snow, I couldn't find a landing point in the increasingly distant sky. The divine light in the eyes gradually faded away.


The gradually slack divine light condensed in an instant.

Immortal red-gold eyes opened angrily in the turbulent spring of immortality.

Cuckoo, cluck, cluck.

That spring still made such false, lonely sounds.

Under the embroidered dragon and weaving tiger's red and purple brocade clothes, Jiang Wang briefly regained his sobriety.

How can one feel safe in this divine world where life hangs on the edge of a blade after traveling to the country for an unknown number of miles and leaving the world for an unknown number of days?

After a moment of trance, he immediately realized what had happened, grabbed the collar, and tore off the brocade clothes!

Arrogant high stakes! What kind of brocade is weaving in a mere outer building? If I get hit, you will die a few times back and forth!

Inside and outside, the flesh and soul are exposed for a moment!

I would rather die than drag my old friend into the water.

His naked spirit and naked body with a strong sense of line are once again exposed to the fountain of youth.


The severe pain of melting body and soul made him groan even though he gritted his teeth!

The powerful sword energy burst out from this muffled hum soared into the sky, and this sword cut out all kinds of colors.

The sword of the true self, praise me and neither is me!

Lifting the sword up, raised the sword energy, sword light, and even the power of divine decline, raised the mighty and turbulent spring water, almost the entire fountain of youth, and pointed directly at Lu Qilang, who had covered the fountain of youth with his sword——

World-renowned, can it not be moved?

One moment the opponent was struck down with a sword, and the next moment ushered in such a resolute counterattack. Rao is a strong man like Lu Qilang, there is no way to avoid it for a while, and he can only continue to increase the strength of the previous sword that has already weakened. The body hanging upside down in mid-air seemed to be integrated with the blade of the sword.

At this moment, he showed his sharpness, sharp light almost cut his eyes away

For the first time, the true self sword energy and the Dongshi sword light confronted each other head-on.

Dao and Dao had the most direct collision!

At the same time, Jiang Wang's naked soul also let out a painful roar in the Yun Temple. The spiritual domain with a radius of a thousand feet spread out straight away. Showing his Jiang Wang's will, Jiang Wang's pain, Jiang Wang's determination, and it expands almost infinitely!

"Not good! He's going to explode his spiritual consciousness!" Lu Qilang, who was the first to feel the danger, withdrew his sword and retreated, and warned Zhu Lanruo through voice transmission.

Zhu Lanruo, who had never been near the Fountain of Youth from the beginning to the end, was far away on the mountain road at this moment, and she was skeptical in her heart. This Jiang Wang, who has survived so many desperate situations without giving up struggling, is really willing to blew his spiritual consciousness now?

Ling Xihua, who didn't get any warning, was not stupid either. When he saw that Lu Qilang had withdrawn his sword, there was wind under his feet, and he rushed to the mountain platform holding the wound on his broken arm.

At this moment, all the springs of sword energy and sword light were lifted up into the sky by a single sword.

Standing at the bottom of the Fountain of Youth, Jiang Wang, naked and scarred, looms in the flames. Every wound is a record of battle. Every muscle line is a ostentatious sword style.

I was born naked, and I will be naked at last.

At this moment, his spiritual knowledge is overwhelming, and his majesty shakes the mountain of God.

Meteors fly across the sky, flames fill the spring, and flame sparrows chirp and sing.

That fire field has expanded to the limit!



When Xu Xiangqian continued to support Jinxiu, he knew exactly what he had to face. The drowning person is the most dangerous, because the instinct of survival will make him entangle anyone who comes close, dragging the other person to die together.

If he gives Jinxiu unlimited support, the drowning person who grabs this life-saving straw will definitely ask for it endlessly. Until he is completely sucked dry, until he exhausts everything and can no longer give out power.

But somewhere in the dark, he seems to have seen the young man who walked tens of thousands of miles alone with a sword, and tore off the brocade clothes he was wearing for him.

"You are too weak."

This made his eyes, which had been slowly closed, open again angrily!

Xu Xiangqian, Lao Tzu's outstanding talent, is recognized as the most talented man in the west of Xueguo, and the most beautiful man in the north of Muguo. It's just a treasure sword hidden in a box, and you, an ignorant generation, underestimated you before you tried it out! ?

Death is hard to rest in peace, death is hard to rest in peace!

Probably because he was too angry, his eyes went black for a while, and everything he saw in the snowy sky became blurred...

The last thing left in the field of vision is a beautiful and fragile face that is like ice and snow.

Alas, beauty is beauty, but unfortunately it is not without face.

On the verge of shattered consciousness, he was thinking in a trance like this, and suddenly there was a shock——

"Jiang Wang is not dead!!!"

He didn't know if he had yelled it out, but he had done everything he could. The eyelids were completely covered, and the consciousness fell into the darkness, so he was unconscious, unconscious, and unconscious.

And the woman who crossed the rules of the Tianbei Xueling and walked in one step in the boundless wind and snow. She stood there, untouched by the wind and snow. Thin and fragile, extremely beautiful and extremely sad, it is like an ice crystal glass in a trance.

It is the second Dao Yan powerhouse in the Snow Country today, who is known as the Frost Immortal Lord Xu Qiu, the reincarnation, and the Winter Emperor who still walks the world in the name of Xie Ai.

She quietly looked at the tall scholar lying on his back on the snow. There was no emotion in her eyes, but she seemed to feel something, raised her eyebrows slightly, thoughtful.



What does it feel like to have an explosion of spiritual consciousness?

Regarding thinking, every thread that can be realized is pierced by thousands of needles at the same time.

Once that pain is felt, no one wants to try it a second time.

Jiang Wang didn't want to either.

But after voluntarily uncovering Jinxiu, his situation has not been resolved, it is only said that because of Xu Xiangqian's Jinxiu, he temporarily stopped on the verge of life and death.

He interpreted this extra chance to make a move.

After confronting Lu Qilang with the True Self Sword, he no longer has any other effective means, but can only rely on his own spiritual control ability to make the final game.

As an important means for monks in God's Landing, Lingyu can greatly increase one's own combat power and suppress the opponent's combat power, but after wearing it from the red makeup mirror, there is no most appropriate time to use it.

It consumes a lot and is not suitable for such intense mobile combat. Because it is necessary to establish a connection with this strange world of the gods, and at the same time move at a high speed... The spiritual realm with a radius of thousands of feet needs to be continuously disintegrated and reconstructed during this movement of thousands of feet. It's too scary to consume energy and energy.

This time is different.

The not-so-wide fountain of youth has become his cage. And Lu Qilang, Zhu Lanruo, and Ling Xihua are all in the domain!

This extremely inflated spiritual domain almost covered the entire halfway up the mountain.

Lu Qilang withdrew his sword and walked away, Ling Xihua panicked like a bereaved dog.

Only Zhu Lanruo stood quietly on the mountain path, looking over with calm eyes. Those eyes seemed to have seen through Jiang Wang's thoughts, as if they were asking——

Do you fry, or not?


There was such a loud noise that shattered everything in the sea of ​​consciousness. This sound is like a righteous man cracking the mat, and a dead man drawing his sword. There is a kind of determination that will never turn back.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Wang directly detonated his spiritual realm!

The first thing that was severely injured was his own soul, and his body, which was already seriously injured, was fatally injured first.

Then came the spiritual domain that exploded completely, setting off a torrent of spiritual knowledge. Sweeping across the entire mountainside, of course it also instantly covered Zhu Lanruo, tearing her spiritual consciousness and cutting her soul!

In the extreme pain felt by Shenhun, Zhu Lanruo crushed a boulder that looked like gold and jade, and was unpredictable. This stone of fate was acquired by the ancestor Zhu Yi painstakingly. It is extremely precious and will not be used until a critical moment.

Right now! The power of karma that had dried up was quickly replenished.

Her beautiful eyes are full of brilliance, like a horse watching flowers, and there is a lot of traffic.

Wipe away Xu Guo, and start Kai Lan Yin again!

Jiang Wang's spiritual domain, which had been completely exploded and swept into a torrent, returned to the moment when it expanded to its limit again, and it was about to explode but not explode.

What is erased is cause and effect, not time, so both parties know what happened before.

Zhu Lanruo didn't hesitate this time, she pulled out and left the mountain road, following Lu Qilang closely.

Jiang Wang really dared to die!

And she didn't have to.

At the moment Zhu Lanruoyi pulled out and left, the soul had returned to Jiang Wang before the explosion, and sat upright in the Yun Temple.

There are three blue veins in the corners of each of his eyes, extending all the way to his temples!

That's a sign that the spiritual consciousness has been used to its limit and is about to run out of control.

The spiritual domain, which had swelled to its limit, suddenly shrank back, shrinking into a spiritual garment on Jiang Wang's body! It was such a switch, the mountain road was empty, and he got the opportunity to seize the road!

Of course, Jiang Wang also considered whether Zhu Lanruo's Lan Yin Xu Guo could still be activated after using so many magical powers.

But a strong man who is good at grasping cause and effect has long been accustomed to deterministic results, and will never rush to the gambling table before seeing the cards of both sides.

She stands on the mountain road without moving an inch, she must have something to rely on!

It wasn't Jiang who was arrogant, who could make Zhu Lanruo stand fearlessly in front of Jiang Wang, what else could there be except Lan Yinxuguo? Now that the battle has progressed, Jiang Wang's sharpness has been seen by the Yaozu Tianjiao, and he has cut the Yaozu Tianjiao. Everything except Lan Yinxu Guo is not qualified to be Zhu Lanruo's reliance.

So he firmly believed that there must be at least one Lan Yinxu fruit.

Of course, this is also a big gamble. If the bet is wrong, if Zhulan has other reliance, or if he refuses to erase Xu Guo, then he can only accept the final outcome, no matter how the Yaozu deal with him, he will no longer have the power to resist.

Since he has a deep gambling nature, he really has no choice but to take a risk!

But then again, in this divine world, surrounded by monsters, when will it be safe? Where is the danger?

At this moment, the game has been won and lost, and Jiang Wang, who is wearing the clothes of the spirit realm, is about to jump out of the fountain of youth, and at this moment, the sky is high and Ren Zifei, running away in the entire world of Shenxiao.

But Lu Qilang, who was the first to escape from the mountainside, suddenly pointed his left hand together with his sword, and suddenly turned back in the air, pointing at Jiang Wang's eyebrows!

There was a sharp pain that pierced the skull with a long needle, as if it went from the center of the brow to the back of the head.

Jiang Wang was in a trance, the spirit realm that had been forcibly suppressed exploded in an instant!

If Jiang Wang and Zhu Lanruo are the only ones in this match, then he can be said to have won another step.

But there is Shikachiro in the game!

Lu Qilang didn't have such terrifying supernatural powers as Zhu Lanruo, and he didn't see any wonderful layouts during the battle. But every shot is at a critical moment, and it is often a stroke of magic, really the king of inspiration!

Jiang Wang used the exploding spiritual realm to force Zhu Lanruo away, and when he restrained his spiritual realm and wanted to escape, Lu Qilang lit his fireworks!

The figure that had leapt up in the clothes of the spiritual domain fell heavily!

It was as if the chaos had just begun, the universe had just opened, and everything he had was destroyed in an instant.

Then came the fountain of youth lifted up by the sword of true self, and gradually smashed back into the fountain of youth.

His body, like a live fish struggling on the shore, straightened up again and again, and then fell down!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wave after wave seems to be a response to the fireworks of the soul.

Heaven and earth have their own great sound, which is closer to the Tao and more hopeful than the sound.



"Why is this place called Laoshan?"

"I don't know, they're all called that."

"I don't know where the old man is."

"Since the local chronicles, this place has been named. Maybe it was passed down from ancient times?"

In an almost unconscious state, at the moment of death.

The spring of immortality submerged Jiang Wang and buried the poor wanderer.

The power of dementia might have killed him, but when he was about to annihilate his vitality...


The false bubbling sound of the dead spring suddenly had a real sound.

The ancient time has been set aside, and what remains in the ages of ages reveals the oldest legend in the world-immortality!

The clear spring water that entered Jiang Wang's body, the water of extreme death and fading, unexpectedly leaked a little jade liquid.

In the midst of extreme death, extreme life is born!

Lu Qilang held the sword above the high vault, and his expression could not be suppressed for a while.

He felt an extremely strong breath, recovering at a terrifying speed, right in the Fountain of Youth!

What is Laoshan?

There is a fountain of youth in the world, which was taken away by the powerful monster clan when they left this world. So the fountain of youth, which lost its source, finally stopped flowing after struggling for many years in the demon world. Therefore, the mountain of youth lost the fountain of youth, and since then the green mountain is also old, and it is called "old mountain"!

Who is Jiang Wang?

In the world-famous battle against Xia, he made great achievements second only to Duhou Caodu.

Received the title of Marquis of Wu'an from three thousand households in the food town of the Great Qi Empire, sealed in Xiadi, and sealed in Laoshan!

This is the name!

The human race is the ruler of this world, suppressing the heavens.

Qi State is the hegemony of the world and the hero of the Eastern Region.

The law of Qi is the law of heaven, and the laws of Qi are the rules of heaven.

The feudal lords granted by the Qi State are all established in the legal and practical senses!

Therefore, Jiang Wang is the true master of the Fountain of Youth.

Far more recognized by the Fountain of Youth than Zhu Lanruo, who just won the Fountain of Youth, or even the Hanshanhe family, who has owned the Fountain of Youth for a long time.

Heavenly demons like Hehuating and Zhuyi all want to revive the Fountain of Youth, and how can such wonders as the Fountain of Youth not want to save themselves?

At the moment when Jiang Wang really touched life and death, and shook the principles of heaven and earth.

It suddenly "woke up" and dedicated the remaining vitality in the long time to its master, its lord!

Thank you book friend Shen Qi for becoming the leader of this book, for the 390th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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