Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1855 Today is the right wind and rain

Chai Ahsi had imagined countless times, imagining that he could be so majestic.

But even the anger of the weak is ridiculous.

The word "roll" is not vicious.

However, with the iron bar that drew Feiling Xihua as an annotation, it embodies majesty.

At this moment, he felt himself, from the perspective of a bystander hiding inside, so strange and strange.

He can still feel his ears, eyes, mouth, nose, limbs, and even Qi and blood, but he can't control everything in this body. Only one right eye is left for him, like the skylight of a prison cell, it is his only freedom left.

Involuntary, such as a puppet show.

Strangely, there was no fear in him.

If he had to say what the God Chi Yunshan who fell into an eternal sleep taught him, he thought it should be three words - "to face".

So he kept this one eye open, carefully watching everything in his field of vision, not missing any details. I also seriously feel the changes that are taking place in this body.

And Ling Xihua's feeling at this moment...

It's just a "foolish" word.

He was completely stunned by this iron bar!

In the duel with Jiang Wang, he still knew where he lost. If you can do it again, you will definitely have a better performance.

But the twitch of "Chai Ah Si" made him lose his mind.

I don't know how Ling Yan was disassembled, how the defense was opened, and why the iron bar was drawn to my face!

The only thing he knows is... a thousand times, even ten thousand times, he won't be able to avoid it.

Holding the half of his face that was almost bruised, Ling Xihua flew out naturally, not daring to show resentment in his eyes, nor did he dare to look at Chai Asi. he sees—

The flower that bloomed on the cliff opened waves like a dream.

The night is fading on it, and the snow is getting darker.

This is the collision of two principles!

At a certain moment, the night roared in, and Ye Bodhisattva recovered the little power left, and fought head-on with Xie Ai, who was flying snow and stepping on the rainbow!

is still the first consideration.

Knowing that the clock is in the hands of Quan Yingyang and Jiang Wang is no different, as long as the power that came to this world is still there, it can be taken back at any time.

At that time, Xiong Sansi was dying, and the chance to transform the spirit race into Marakana was fleeting. At this moment, the Sanshenglan Yinhua is also about to be picked in the blink of an eye.

He has already grasped Marakana, and of course he can also grasp the three-life orchid flower!

The vertical palm is like a knife, straight into Xie Ai's heart.

The Sanshenglan trembled because of the flowers, and the night invaded into the snow.

Snow is also black in the age of the Dharma, and the world is not allowed to see pure white!

But Xie Ai's understanding of Sansheng Lanyinhua far exceeded his imagination. Xie Ai's determination to snatch Sansheng Lan Yinhua far outweighed his impromptu greed.

The moment she saw Xu Xianggan in Tianbei Xueling, she felt the power of orchid fruit from the feedback of Jinxiu supernatural power... At that time, she already knew that the three-life orchid flower was about to bloom.

No matter when, where, or under what circumstances, she would never let go of the opportunity of Sansheng Lan Yinhua.

Even if Jinxiu is weak, even if the sky is far away.

She made a big bet!

As the number one beauty in the Snow Country, Xie Ai is born with a fragile beauty. But at this moment, flying snow all over the sky is dancing for her, and the whole world is beating the drums of war. There is no doubt about her danger!

She came here on the rainbow, with a flick of her hand picking flowers...

Frost electricity through the sky!

It is visible in the field of vision and hidden in the rules.

Ye Bodhisattva, which Ji Xingkong grasped the yin of the gods, freezes inch by inch from the vertical palm like a knife, and spreads all over the body in an instant.

He seemed to have become an ice crystal amber. The ice surface gradually condensed into the shape of a coffin, and there was a flying shadow in the ice layer. Along the special trajectory, the beak could be vaguely seen, which was clearly a bird of death!

A total of nine... Poor life prospects!

Immortal Technique · Qianqiu Coffin!

Among the Nine Great Immortal Palaces that span an era, the Winter Immortal Palace has the deepest research on longevity.

The Winter Immortal is also known as the Longevity Immortal.

They are good at the method of prolonging life, and there is such an immortal technique as Sanjiu Hanchan, which is said to be able to exhaust the principles of life and death, and not shed withered glory. But the so-called medicine and poison do not separate families... Those who know how to live also know how to die!

At this time, when Qianqiu's coffin fell, he was as strong as Ye Bodhisattva, and his principles were frozen, and his lifespan withered.

Over the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, Jiang Wang had already started another round of escape journey with his sword, and fled left and right under the chase of the Dharma Protector.

With his eyes wide open, he naturally saw Xie Ai's snap of his fingers, and was a little moved for a moment.

This is the first time he has seen the full version of the fairy art, and it is such a terrifying cold winter fairy art Qianqiu coffin outside of the rising clouds! The glimpse of the previous life of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces is in this technique!

In the ice coffin, the night receded like the tide, and Ji Xingkong's somewhat stern face clearly appeared in the world of Shenxiao for the first time. And quickly wrinkle and grow lines, dry and aging.

Only a bodhisattva body supported by a believer is really too reluctant in this level of battle. In terms of its strength, it doesn't even appear to be as strong as a real monster, but it's just that by virtue of the realm of using power, it can slightly overwhelm the real monster.

Hu Taisui left a dark hand to manipulate the spider string, and entered the game through the Fengshentai, so the sky demon's vision was not restricted.

As a believer, he is like a small window opened in a small house. Even if the sky demon can see thousands of miles, the range of what he can see is quite limited.

Among the three sky demons who were still able to interfere with the Shenxiao Bureau later.

Xuannangong used the vision of the sky demon to mobilize the bodies of thousands of hair gods. Tiger Tai Sui uses the vision of the sky demon to mobilize the body of the real demon. The two can be said to be evenly matched.

He used the letter worm to make a move, because in the limited number of opportunities to make a move, he possessed the power close to the real demon, surpassed the real demon and did not reach the vision of the sky demon. Therefore, we can only avoid Hu Taisui's edge, and make a move after Hu Taisui is out.

Attributing Mo Luojana consumed part of his strength, and the rescue dog Yingyang Duozhiwenzhong also consumed part of his strength... At this moment, under Xie Ai's unreserved cold winter fairy art, he can hardly move, and he can only look at it. The "death" of this body.

In the process of "death", in Qianqiu's coffin, he glanced at the body of the god king on the altar of the sky demon in the distance, then turned his gaze back, and looked deeply at Xie Ai!

The body of Ye Bodhisattva dissipated, only a small black insect was still sealed in the ice coffin and was dissipating.

On Xie Ai's brow, a black spot was branded, and many black lines exploded, spreading to the whole face, like a black lotus blooming.

The death of the Bodhisattva, the decline of the times, and the end of the Dharma!

Ji Xingkong used the demise of this bodhisattva body and this believer to bring Xie Ai into the Dharma-ending era. It made her unable to show too much combat power in the world of Shenxiao, and further weakened order to create opportunities for Xuannangong.

The look he gave to the body of the god king was to make a deal with Duke Xuannan when the situation had collapsed. Use your last strength to help Xuannangong, so that he can get the Sansheng Lanyinhua, and ask Xuannangong to send back Zhiwenzhong.

At the same time, in the sky above the Heavenly Demon Altar, the Dharma Protector will fly out and attack Jiang Wang who just pushed down Quan Yingyang's body.

In the mixed rain of blood falling from the dog Yingyang in the snow, another nine god statues flew up one after another outside the sky demon altar—these were some of the god statues that could finally be liberated after the body of the god king stabilized again.

These nine statues all went to Xie Ai to kill.

Su Xingkong's request for trading...he did receive it.

But he didn't have time to agree or refuse, Ji Xingkong had already made the deal in advance... This thief is bald!

at such a moment.

The crystal clear Qianqiu coffin suddenly danced with frost and light.

Nine dead birds no longer swim.

Believers in the Dharma-ending era stand still before being broken, and freeze in Qianqiu's coffin.

Xie Aiyu pointed at the center of her eyebrows, pressed the black dot, and fixed all the black lines there. As a result, black streaks formed on her snowy forehead.

The lotus-shaped black stripes do not damage her beauty, but rather resemble the crevasses of a glacier.

She did kill Ye Bodhisattva and the believer, but she also used the power of Qianqiu Coffin to stop it at the moment when it was about to die. The Dharma-ending Era that Ji Xingkong is looking forward to, so it will not come!

Boom boom boom!

Behind her, there is an iceberg rising, protruding out of the sea of ​​clouds, facing the cliff.

All the statues manipulated by Xuannan Gong were blocked behind the iceberg. That mysterious ice is cold for thousands of years, so it cannot be broken easily.

At this moment, there is a narrow road between two mountains.

She and her Qianqiu coffin stopped in the mountain road.

Except for a dog monster who stumbled towards this side, no one could stop her from picking the flowers.

She stared at the dog demon with her clear eyes, stretched out her hand, and the frost blossomed on her fingertips, and the frost fell on the Sansheng Lanyin flower...

Click! Click! Click!

When she touched Sansheng Lan Yinhua's fingers, they all broke off suddenly!

Such slender, smooth and perfect fingers are like a glass ritual vessel, when it breaks suddenly, it is really heartbreaking!

Who is so cruel?

Chai Ah Si held up his rusty iron sword. One eye is ignorant, with emotions such as admiration, pity, and distress, while the other eye is serious, majestic, and condescending.

When a beautiful thing is destroyed, it always makes the viewer feel sad.

The sad spring is the flower remnant, and the sad autumn is the withered leaves.

Even Ling Xihua, who was pushed away by the iceberg but kept looking at the battlefield here, had a trace of pity for the violent waste of things in his eyes.

Only Xie mourns his own eyes, but they are very calm.

She didn't continue to pick the three-life orchid flower, and ignored her severed finger. She just looked at the figure holding a rusty sword in front of her, and said indifferently, "Chai Yin?"

Xuannan Gong, Lu Qilang, Ling Xihua, and the long-suffering, regained freedom because of Hu Taisui's withdrawal...the spider string who was still seriously injured but had just regained a little strength, and flew up the mountain in the blood rain, everyone was shocked !

Chai Yin is just a strong monster from the monster clan who was brought up in a few strokes in "The Sword of History" by the human race.

In the hearts of the Yaozu since the new beginning of the Dao Li, it is an undoubted legend!

He once delayed the soldiers of the founding emperor of Jingguo in front of the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters!

'Chai Ah Si' holding a rusty iron sword, walked down slowly from the narrow path between the two mountains, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "You actually recognize me... who are you?"

When the question was asked, he was still walking forward, when the question fell, he had already raised the sword again, the rusted sword was together, the glaciers were cracked, and the cliff was shattered——

He came down from the mountain to the mountain.

On his right hand side are countless shattered to fine-grained ice crystals. On his left, there was smoky, earthy-colored dust.

The two mountains are no longer seen, only one way to go.

That mountain road seems to have become a step for the gods to descend to earth.

His voice has become the rule of this world itself.

For the control of this world, he seems to have surpassed all the existences in the world of Shenxiao so far!

Even if Yuan Xi is reborn, even if Yu Zhen is reborn!

He just looked at Xie Ai, and the sword was handed over: "No matter who you are, you know it's me, Chai Yin, and you still dare to take my flowers?!"

The human race is full of pride, and the mountains and rivers are changing day by day. He doesn't know who is coming, but he doesn't have to know who is coming.

Nothing more than a sword!

Chai Yin's strength and Chai Yin's domineering attitude can be seen from this statement.

But what shocked Lu Qilang even more was...Chai Yin actually said it was his flower!

At this moment, his mind was like an electric shock, and he suddenly understood everything.

Spider Orchid Ruo... Orchid Causes and Fruits... Three Lives Orchid Flowers!

If the spider orchid is not born with supernatural powers, it is a pot for growing flowers!

The world of Shenxiao is fertile soil, and today is the right wind and rain!

Why did the world of Shenxiao finally settle down in Chai Asi's old house? Because 'Chai Yin' wants to guard his Sansheng Lan Yinhua!

At this moment, it's not just Shikachiro who is shocked and aphasia?

Seeing Chai Ah Si suddenly show Chai Yin's strength, Chai Yin's tone.

Jiang Wang, who had been with Chai Asi for many days, felt his hair stand on end for a while.

He read "Shi Dao Chiuhai" and the first volume of "Jinglue", and he was named Chai Yin.

The bad will of God in the demon world started when he met Chai Ah Si!

How many times have there been mistakes in Moyun City? Is it God's will or Chai Yin's will? Or both?

When he was using Chai Asi to make arrangements, Chai Yin was also watching him indifferently.

Thinking back to his struggle in the demon world, he tried to die countless times, lost and fought, lost and fought again and again, in the eyes of a strong man whose name is recorded in history books, how ridiculous!

Could it be that he fought several demon kings on the Tianbang alone, after several life and death, broke out everything, and finally created a possibility in a desperate situation, and killed Spider Lanruo in front of the battle-it was just a foreshadowing for this flowering?

These so-called arrogance of heaven, they live and die in the stands, are they just a puppet show by big shots?

Especially Jiang Wang knew Chai Asi better than Lu Qilang Ling Xihua and the others.

Knowing that before Chai Asi fell in love with Yuan Xiaoqing, he had always wanted to marry Zhu Lanruo. If he, the so-called ancient god, hadn't appeared, Chai Asi would have met Zhu Lanruo "by chance" in the end.

The appearance of Chi Yunshan God is just an accidental wave in Chai Ah Si's life.

There is no way to stop the boat of fate, heading towards its end.

But... If Chai Asi is Chai Yin.

So what about Chai Asi?

Chai Ah Si's mood, what about Chai Ah Si's fate?

Under the fierce offensive of the Dharma Guardian General, Jiang Wang didn't know why he was in a mood. He was full of blood, turned his eyes suddenly, looked at the 'Chai Ah Si', and shouted: "Chai Ah Si!"

His red-gold eyes just met the tear-smeared right eye.

And the indifferent face of 'Chai Ah Si'.

While fighting with Xie Ai, the left eye of 'Chai Ah Si' was able to look over with ease.

Just at this glance——

A warning sign suddenly appeared in Jiang Wang's heart, his blood was stimulated to the limit, and the blood mist exploded out of his skin, escaping from the gourd of the Dharma Guardian, and it was like blood electricity breaking away.

Where he was originally standing, a beam of light appeared from the sky and the earth.

Piercing through the sea of ​​clouds, the light is still endless, like a peak in the sea of ​​clouds!

Watching Jiang Wang fleeing quickly, and Xuan Nangong's pursuit.

The corners of 'Chai Yin''s mouth turned up slightly, and he said with great interest: "You can do it yourself!"

At this moment, the collision between him and Xie Ai's Taoism is still going on.

But he just turned around Shi Shiran.

Straight forward, with a sword.

A rusty iron sword can stop the wind and rain.

The heavenly wind, the earth's energy converge with the dragon and the tiger, and the upper and lower quarters unite with the sage.

And this sword moves on.

The entire space in front of him, including Xie Ai, instantly shattered.

This sword shatters mountains and coffins.

It also shattered Xie Ai's Jinghong Bridge and turned into a snow body!

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