Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1857 If you lose everything, you gain everything

The Buddha said the six realms are the realm of heaven, the realm of Asura, the realm of humanity, the realm of animals, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of hell.

Of course, in the Buddhist sect of the demon world, the word "human" is replaced by "demon".

If sentient beings cannot realize enlightenment and become a Buddha, they can only go back and forth in the six realms and suffer the eight sufferings.

The words of this family!

Practitioners who have reached a certain level know that Yuanhai is the destination of all things in the world, and death is the eternal end of life.

The so-called six realms and the so-called reincarnation, just like the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, are illusory concepts close to the divine way.

Not to mention that the Buddha said that there is still a human way in the six realms... The human race is the creation of the monster race. Isn't it nonsense to be born with the six realms?

As a master of Buddhism in the demon world, some strong demons once questioned Zen Master Xiong in this way.

And Zen Master Xiong's answer is that the six realms of the three virtues and the three evils are all ordinary people, but there are differences due to the different realms of good and evil karma. The Six Realms itself is not important, what is important is reincarnation.

Reincarnation is not about entering the sea of ​​origin and then returning to live the same life again.

It is true that there is a Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Devout believers who do good deeds and keep precepts all their lives can enter this world after death and be with the Buddha. But this is also the Shinto world that many sects have, and there is nothing unusual about it.

It is true that in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, there are indeed six reincarnations, there is a cycle of cause and effect, and there are so-called past lives, present lives, and future lives. But that's just the evolution of Shinto, which belongs to enjoying oneself behind closed doors.

Except for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, there are no real people or demons in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Because the other world is not true.

All kinds of things in the past made me today, and all kinds of things now shape my body today.

Past life, present life and future life reflect the past, present and future.

It is the true meaning of reincarnation that the cause bears the result.

Buddhism cultivates the afterlife, cultivates the future, and grasps the present.

Those who are really entrusted to the illusory afterlife are all fallacies, Hinayana! At the end of the practice, at most, you will be in a pure land such as the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, dreaming of life and death.

The Buddha preached the Six Paths, but he just wanted to tell all living beings in the world that good and evil have their share, and good and evil will be rewarded.

And Yu Zhen planted the Forest of Six Paths at the entrance of Shenxiao World, hiding the outline of reincarnation, what is he looking for?

Chai Yin cut off the branches and leaves with one sword, revealing the original appearance of Liudao Forest.

Exactly when the clock strikes.

Knowing that the ringing of the bell did not come from Jiang Wang's initiative.

Under the suppression of the pair of pumpkin sledgehammers held by the Dharma Protector, he was in a very difficult situation.

Even though this Dharma protector general is only a divine body. But at this time, Xuannangong, the preparation work for the god king body has been completed, what he has to do is to maintain the balance of the god body, not to let it collapse, wait for the opportunity, and call for the response from the Immemorial Imperial City Conferred God Stage.

The statues of gods lined up on the demon altar that day could be divided into nine to deal with Xie Ai, which shows that the mental strength has been partially liberated.

At this moment, Chai Yin picked off the Sansheng Lanyin flower, and he also took this part of his energy back to the Dharma Protector. With the vision of a sky demon, he beat Jiang Wang to the point where he couldn't use his skills at all. The divine swordsmanship is like a child playing. Jiang Wang, who had beaten and killed several demon kings in a row, could not shake the clock!

Every time you try to use the Zhiwen Bell, you will be interrupted in advance.

With the continuous liberation of Xuannangong's mental power, the gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider. Even with the support of the immortal Yuzhu, Jiang Wang couldn't survive.

During the battle, Xuannan Gong even saw the causal thread that tied the Zhiwen Bell to Jiang Wang when Zen Master Xingnian set himself on fire!

It was this line of fate that brought Zhiwen Zhong to Jiang Wang's side without anyone noticing.

Jiang Wang couldn't see it himself, and a real monster like Quan Yingyang couldn't detect it either.

At that time, Zen Master Xingnian came to the world of Shenxiao with all his power, unlike Xuan Nangong who only used the statues of the gods to make a move. Although he had already seen this thread, it was not so easy to break it.

But the thoughts are dead, he is still alive. As long as he recovered one-fifth of the mental power of the statue, he could wrap this thread of fate around Jiang Wang's neck.

At this time, his biggest consideration is how not to waste the body of the god king after Yu Zhen's refusal to return... After all, it is the accumulation of many years of Fengshentai!

Designed by Emperor Yuanxi himself, the divine body specially built for the Supreme God can be said to have reached the perfection of Shinto.

If it wasn't for knowing that there is no possibility of becoming a god, he would want to occupy this body!

The bell rang, really suddenly.

Because none of Jiang Wang's responses exceeded his expectations. He tried his best with fighting talent that was almost as good as the new king's number one Qi Weiyi, but under the watchful eyes of the sky demon, he moved around like an ant and used eighteen martial arts.

It's exciting, and it's not threatening.

Only at this moment is the first accident.

In the entire Shenxiao world, among all the entrants who participated in the Shenxiao secret realm from the beginning and accepted the six tests at the same time.

Who is the first to understand the "six ways are based on one" and know that several teams are actually practicing in the same place?

It's not Lu Qilang, who is born with inspiration, nor is it Zhu Lanruo, who is deeply in the city.

It's Jiang Wang!

In the world in the mirror, he got a "bystander's clearance". He watched the journeys of Chai Asi, Yuan Mengji, Zhu Dali, and Snake Guyu, from which he glimpsed the true meaning of the world of Shenxiao. Feel "reincarnation" and "infinite possibilities".

At the moment when Chai Yin cut open Liudaolin with his sword and revealed the arrangement in it to the world, it was not he, Jiang Wang, who rang the Zhiwen bell, but his "knowledge" in Liudaolin, which was pursued by the Zhiwen bell. !

When he devoured the mirage dragon in the red makeup mirror, at the moment when Chai Asi and Yuan Mengji knew nothing about it, he had already noticed the difference in the six forests, and he also quietly left an explanatory note in the forest. The idea, as a game of chess - he really wants to seize any possible opportunity and make all the efforts he can make.

But this idle game didn't help. A thought that was not strong enough had already been swallowed up by the cycle of reincarnation in this forest.

On the contrary, the thinking at that time echoed at this moment!

At that time, he asked himself two questions in his mind-what is the connection between these six paths? What is the source of life in the land of the heavens?

When he just entered the world of Shenxiao and knew very little, he thought that only by finding the answers to these two questions could he find the possibility of returning to the present world.

Later, when I saw the Fountain of Youth and the Altar of the Heavenly Demon, I had other ideas, tried to practice them one by one, but failed one by one. After hopes were ignited and shattered again and again, and then return to this moment... He has found all the answers to these two questions!

The connection between the six roads in the forest of six paths is the cycle of six paths, good cause and evil result.

And the source of life in the land of the gods is what grows on these tree stumps in the Liudao Forest, each of which is in vain!

Zhu Dali once killed a certain future of himself in one of the bubbles, with the help of the Taoist Lord Taiping.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

Jiang Wang never stopped thinking and searching, and at this moment, he ushered in an explosion of inspiration, which caused the bell of knowledge to ring continuously.

The world of gods!

A world of hope and despair.

Do you know how many wishes come true here.

How many dreams have been shattered here?

Jiang Wang has rang the bell of knowledge and hearing countless times, wanting to call the old way of the World Honored One.

But at the moment when he heard the bell ringing in Liudaolin, he suddenly understood——

How can the World Honored One have the old way?

Where is it not the way of the World Honored One?

The Dharma is endless, and the World Honored One is immortal.

Where the heart goes, where the body goes.

He Jiang Wang... can't reach it.

Although the Buddha taught the Six Ways, this is not his way!

Although the Dharma is boundless, there is no ferry for me in the sea of ​​suffering.


If the true meaning of Shenxiao World is "infinite possibilities".

If we say that in this world, success and failure have their own destiny. So after so many "possibles" are broken, what kind of success will the world of Shenxiao have?

Jiang Wang's mind kept flashing, and he thought of a terrifying possibility. As a human being, he must bring this possibility back to the present world. But this body is in trouble, so I can't Zhang Fei. He can't even touch the door of this world, and he can't see the direction to go home, so how can he pass the news?

How to do?


At this moment in the world of Shenxiao, there is a subtle change taking place. That is the fundamental change in this world that happened again after the reshaping of time and space.

Chai Yin stood calmly, looked at Liudaolin calmly, and listened to the Zhiwen bell. His eyes are so far away, as if watching the asceticism of the World Honored One.

The great existence who was born at the end of the ancient times, became enlightened in the middle ages, and shined brilliantly in the battle of chasing dragons in Lieshan, regardless of monsters, humans, dragons, and demons, taught the Dharma without prejudice. How high is his realm, his holy life?

This is the magnificent scenery on the road of practice, even though it is divided into human beings and monsters, it also makes him yearn for it.

Now, holding in his hand the three-life orchid flower that he has raised for a long time, he has achieved the possibility of penetrating the three lives and grasping the past, present and future. As long as he takes this last step, he can achieve transcendence.

Then he can spy on the realm of the World Honored One. He also had the opportunity to see the scenery that the World Honored One saw.

The layout of more than three thousand years is now the harvest time.

The battle with Ying Yunnian can now end in victory!

But the predicament of the Yaozu today is not only one or two detachment can be solved?

Yu Zhen was once detached, why did he set up the Heavenly Demon Altar?

Yu Zhen obviously has the possibility of returning to detachment, so why did he reject Yuan Xi in the end?

Who can refuse the scenery above the peak?

Don't you see what the tiger Taisui did? He used everything to the extreme, even at the expense of provoking the majesty of the ancient imperial city!

There is no Yu Zhen in the world, so no demon can understand Yu Zhen's decision.

Regardless of Xuannan Gong, Ji Xingkong, or which sky demon in Moyun City at the moment.

Emperor Yuanxi probably understood, but he only left a sigh.

Now it's Chai Yin's turn.

This Buddha taught the Six Paths, the forest of the Six Paths planted by Yu Zhen.

Of course Chai Yin could understand.

After cutting through the forest of six paths with one sword, he understood too much!

He understood Yu Zhen.

The Forest of the Six Paths in the Divine Firmament World may be the place where those young monster races are most likely to reap the rewards. It's a pity that among the twelve young monsters who entered Liudao Forest to undergo the test, there were only a few dead and injured.

He stood on the only mountain road after the two mountains were broken.

Looking around, he could only see Marakana Ling Xihua, who had lost his courage prematurely, and Lu Qilang, who had been cut off from one of the two demon levy. Of course, I also saw Guyu the snake hiding in the corner of the world further away, and Dali the pig chasing after him.

As well as this body... this Chai Asi who has been enlightened, but does not know where he is going or how far he can go.

These are the future of the Yaozu. In other words, it is part of the future of the Yaozu.

No one can believe that they will be able to fight against the human race in the future.

Compared with Jiang Wang who was fighting to the death with Xuannan Gong, they all paled in comparison!

It should be known that Lu Qilang, Ling Xihua, Zhu Lanruo, Yang Yu, and Shu Jialan, these five monster clan geniuses, were all in the process of chasing and killing Jiang Wang when they were in their heyday. Jiang Wang beat the third to death and seriously injured the second!


Although Ling Xihua's courage was broken, she never gave up fighting. Just like the humblest but most tenacious reptile, no matter how despised or hated him, he can always find the soil for his own survival.

Although Lu Qilang was cut off from Yaozheng, he did not lose any confidence. He has always known that it is Shikachiro who is powerful, not his supernatural powers. A thousand times and ten thousand times again, he still dared to face Jiang Wang.

Although Snake Guyu is ruthless and indifferent, he has an extremely strong vitality. For "living", there is an obsession that no one can match. Alive is the most powerful word, and alive is infinite possibility.

Although Zhu Dali is nothing special, his burning ideal makes him have a light that no one can ignore.

Although Chai Ahsi used to be mediocre in talent, now he also has...a brave character.

Is the future worth it?

Maybe an answer isn't needed.

Chai Yin suddenly laughed: "Fei Guang Fei Guang, I advise you to have a glass of wine, and I will give you three thousand years!"

At this moment, his unrestrained expression made Chai Asi's unremarkable face also have a breathtaking brilliance.

He laughed and swung the rusted iron sword like a wolf's hair. He turned his full of pride and soaring sword energy into thick ink, splashed it freely, and wrote four large characters on the back of the stele in front of the Liudao Forest——

"Extremely enjoyable."

There is a stone tablet in front of Liudao Forest.

There are characters on the front and back of the stele.

On the front is "guests come from afar."

On the back it reads "Extremely Happy."

This is a conversation between the two patriarchs of the monster race that spanned time and space.

Perhaps they have never met before, never met in their lives.

When they bloomed, they were not in the same era.

But at this moment, here, or become a bosom friend!

Like-minded people, mountains and rivers always meet!

This sentence was started by Yu Zhen, and followed by Chai Yin, "It's a great pleasure for guests to come from afar."

It is almost the same as a sage's words in the Confucian classics of the human race.

The first sentence of the opening chapter of "The Analects of Confucius" is the so-called "Learning and practicing it from time to time, isn't it just saying? Isn't it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar? Isn't it a gentleman if you don't know but not stunned?"

This sentence was annotated by the great Confucianism as "the door to the Tao, the foundation of virtue."

How similar it is here.

It is said that the Dao is true, and everything returns to one!

Amidst the indulgent laughter, Chai Yin crushed the Sansheng Lan Yinhua in his hand, without nostalgia, with a chic posture. It's like throwing away a broken leaf.

Flying light scattered the sky and the earth.

His laughter also died down.

Chai Asi woke up suddenly, and had regained control of his body, held the rusted iron sword again, and saw the sea of ​​gods, the platform of conferred gods, the statues of thousands of gods, and Lu Qilang again.

At a loss!

He knew best what was going on and was the least able to speak.

How short it was to get along with Chai Yin, but from fear, resentment, suspicion, to shock, excitement, and now almost full of admiration!

Chai Yin gave up the detachment that was at his fingertips, and gave all the three thousand years of time and three thousand years of planning to the Yaozu. He is confident that despite these three thousand years of struggle, he can still prove his detachment! He is confident that the three thousand years of effort are worth it!

The demon will live ten thousand years, and I will bet half my life!

What a mind, what a boldness!

The changes in the world of Shenxiao have not stopped for a moment.

The golden melon hammer of the guardian god had already blocked Jiang Wang's time and space.

But circle after circle of causal ripples briefly rippled him away.

And the ripples don't stop at Jiang Wangxuan Nangong, or Lu Qilang Ling Xihua?

Everyone in this world can feel the power of cause and effect at this time.

These ripples of cause and effect do not originate from the knowledge clock. Instead, it started from Liudaolin, surged within the rules of the world, and caused waves in the entire Shenxiao world!

After the remains of Feiguang were shattered, the order of time and space was rebuilt in the world of Shenxiao.

After the forest of six paths was cut open, the world of Shenxiao began to establish cause and effect and build reincarnation.

The world is leaping!

Chai Yin's three-life orchid flower disappeared at this time.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

The fate bubbles on the tree stumps of Liudao Forest... were shattered one by one!

Yu Xin was born with a pair of beautiful silver feathers, and wanted to inherit Yu Zhen's hidden treasures and become a veritable "Little Yu Zhen".

Xiong Sansi wants to avenge the Three Evil Lords.

Spider hides many schemes, wants to have both sides, wants to really rise, so that Zhu Lanruo's "brother" has real feelings.

Zhu Lanruo held the Lan Yinxu fruit, and after Zhu Yi retired, she acted like a chess player, trying to win her own game.

Yang Yu enters the game with Zhiwen Zhong, wanting to win everything for Gu Nanshan.

Shu Jialan is wholeheartedly trying to seize the knowledge and hearing the clock.

Lu Qilang wants to jump into the sea of ​​gods, take the baby of the gods, and seek opportunities for himself.

Ling Xihua wants to be the first true spirit race in the world.

Yuanmeng desperately wants to go home safely, to be his heavenly demon aristocrat, and to have inexhaustible resources.

Chai Asi believed in the lies of the great ancient god, thinking that he was the demon of destiny and the future emperor.

Snake Guyu wanted to avoid trouble and escape danger, and he didn't want to come to the world of Shenxiao at all.

Pigs vigorously established the ideal of Taipingdao, but Taipingdao does not exist at all!


Zen master Xingnian has been hiding in the demon world for five hundred years, crossing the river alone in a boat, trying to bring Zhiwenzhong home.

He Huating hides in the fragments of the past, and wants to be resurrected in the future and renew the myth.

Zhu Yi plots to seize the Fountain of Youth, and also wants to keep Hehuating as a collection.

Lu Ximing covets the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Gods, covets the Divine Infant, and thinks that with Quan Yingyang's move, he can win everything.

Quan Yingyang wants to understand the truth of the divine world, invade the world rules of this new world, and want to take a long-term step on his own path. He wanted to avenge the blood-born dog Xizai, and he also wanted to get whatever he wanted from Tianjiao of the human race.

Zhuxian wanted to get back everything planned by the Zhujia, wanted to bring back the traces left by Lan Yinxuguo, and wanted Chai Yin to make amends.

After Hu Taisui had a glimpse of the road to transcendence, he wanted to occupy the Conferred God Stage and accelerate his achievement to the top.

Cicada Fayuan is in the Shenxiao Bureau, first seeks to have everything, and then seeks to regain the Zhiwen Bell.

Ji Xingkong has laid out two independent lines from the very beginning, one line is to snatch Zhiwen Zhong, and the other line is to pick the fruit of Tiger Taisui. Finally, after granting the spell to the magic Rajana, he fell in love with the Sansheng Lanyinhua.

Dong Huang Xie Ai came here specifically for Sansheng Lan Yinhua, and he did not hesitate to spend a huge price to sell it in another life, but she had no chance when the flowers bloomed and withered.

Xuannan Gong wanted to complete Yuanxi's last edict, promote the imperial edict of the Supreme God, and glimpse his own path of detachment.

Emperor Yuanxi wants to revive Yuzhen!

At this last moment, Chai Yin crushed the three-life orchid flower he had cultivated, and personally destroyed his low-hanging success... shattering this biggest bubble of destiny.

No matter what the origin, no matter what cultivation level, no matter how much preparation you have made.

All the things I asked for in the past... were all in vain!

On the other side with infinite possibilities and infinite changes.

A figure wearing a white jade crown and white clothes came from the depths of time.

And a domineering and disdainful figure with a crown on his head, went to the depths of time.

The former is naturally Yu Zhen who sat and discussed Taoism with Emperor Yuanxi before.

The latter is Chai Yin who has only manifested in the Chai Ah Si Consciousness Sea.

Yu Zhen lowered his head slightly, and said politely: "Thank you, fellow daoist!"

Chai Yin returned a salute and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist!"

He thanked him for his fulfillment.

He thanked him for his sacrifice for Yaozu.

They had the only encounter in this life on the river of time.

Never had it before and never will again.

Meet, and then wrong body.

Each goes his own way, each going forward.

Yu Zhen walked above the long river of time, opened his big sleeves, and said to everyone alone: ​​"You all use me to achieve Taoism, and I will also achieve Taoism!"

boom! boom! boom!

clang! clang! clang!

The world is changing violently, and the Zhiwen clock is ringing like crazy!

The mountains and rivers are split into valleys, and the plains are covered with rivers.

The rain is like an arrow, and the wind is like crying.

And the sun is shining brightly, and the mud and rocks are like dragons.

All the beings in this world, whether you are a god, a demon king, or a true demon, can only watch this change happen.

All the possibilities in the world of Shenxiao have been played out, and all the foreshadowings have been lifted. At this moment, it is the real "Innocent Beyond the Heaven", and no one can interfere with all this.

Regardless of the human race or the monster race, there is no existence that can stop Yu Zhen.

This is a world with infinite possibilities, but in this game of Shenxiao, all possibilities are untenable, all dreams are shattered, and all layouts fail!

At the moment when cause and effect are established, reincarnation is recast, and the world leaps forward, the rules of this world must restore their "fairness".

Seek for one gain, all gains and one loss!

After the "cause" of failure is superimposed to the extreme, the "fruit" of success must be achieved!

This game has concealed all the existences of the past and present, including countless monster clan arrogances and many monster clan powers who have descended in this world for tens of thousands of years, even Xuan Nangong who is in charge of the Conferred God Stage does not know the inside story!

Of course, it has also been hidden from the human race!

Whether it is the wreckage of Feiguang or the Fountain of Youth, including Mirage Dragon, everything accumulated in this world for tens of thousands of years is the accumulation of this great world that is leaping to its essence.

No matter who it is, participating in the Shenxiao Bureau is to achieve the Shenxiao Bureau.

All those who want to use the world of Shenxiao to achieve Taoism are accomplishing Yuzhen's "Tao".

This "Tao" does not allow him to go further after detachment. This "Tao" is the Divine Firmament World itself!

In this last Shenxiao game, Yu Zhen destroyed the plans of all those who entered the game, even including his own resurrection.

If you lose everything, you gain everything.

Achievement may be the most impossible [possibility] in this era!

Because what he needs to fight in this step is the master of this world, who suppresses the human race of the heavens and the world!

At the beginning, when he failed to compete for the position, he left the Chaos Sea to find a way for the monster race.

But in the chaotic sea, there is no way for the monster race. As early as in ancient times, the "possibility" had been cut off by the human race.

Later, he returned to the world of Shenxiao, prolonging the life of Emperor Yuanxi with a detached body, and then proclaimed himself as the altar of the sky demon... What he wanted was at this moment, today, a bridgehead to communicate with the world, and a bridgehead to open the world of the demon clan. The key to the eternal lock!

The world of Shenxiao is open to all existences in the heavens and myriad worlds, and treats them equally.

And "openness" is the greatest [possibility] that this world seeks!

For tens of thousands of years since then, the world of Shenxiao has been opened to the demon world! Open to the world! Open to the heavens and the world!

From now on, Yaozu... is no longer a prisoner!

Unexpectedly, I finished writing it ahead of time, so I read it again and corrected the typo. It's not yet eight o'clock.

It will be updated at ten o'clock tomorrow.

Start writing from now on, I don't know how many words I can have.

There should be more than today... probably.

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